Tämä on jo pornoa: Iranilainen Mesbah 1.
Neljä Sergeitä tutkaohjatulla lavetilla
"Mesbah-1 is composed of 4 ZU-23-2 guns (8 individual guns in total) installed on a rotatable mount wheeled carrier. Each autocannon has it's own feed magazine. Normal firing rate for ZU-23-2 is 2,000 rounds per minute, but the Mesbah-1 is reported to have a rate of 4000 rds/m instead of 8000 rds/m."

Mesbah-1 Mesbah 1 23mm towed anti-aircraft eight-cannon technical data sheet specifications pictures | Iran Iranian army light heavy weapons UK | Iran Iranian army military equipment armoured UK
Mesbah-1 Mesbah 1 23mm towed anti-aircraft eight-cannon technical data sheet specifications description information intelligence identification pictures photos video anti-aircraft defence system Iran Iranian army defence industry military technology
Neljä Sergeitä tutkaohjatulla lavetilla
"Mesbah-1 is composed of 4 ZU-23-2 guns (8 individual guns in total) installed on a rotatable mount wheeled carrier. Each autocannon has it's own feed magazine. Normal firing rate for ZU-23-2 is 2,000 rounds per minute, but the Mesbah-1 is reported to have a rate of 4000 rds/m instead of 8000 rds/m."