Ukrainan sodan videot.

Azov scout about Bakhmut, Kraken and the tactics of the Zeke-Wagnerites
"The final VOG flew into their window, where there was a warehouse of ammunition, and they simply tore the walls and people flew out. We ourselves were in shock. You see such an explosion, like in a movie: everything flies apart, they scream, something is happening to them," recalls the commander of the "Hatred" reconnaissance group with the call sign Malysh about the successfully completed combat mission.

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To sabotage and disappear unnoticed - in particular, such tasks are performed by Azov scouts, fighting with the enemy in the hot spots of the front. We publish the memories of Malysh, who previously served in the fraternal Azov sabotage and intelligence unit "KRAKEN". He will tell about the battles in the Kharkiv direction and how the Azov people managed to terrorize the enemy in Bakhmut.

"At first, we didn't have a special specialization, we did everything from catching adjusters to storming settlements and reconnaissance tasks, etc. Then we started doing what we wanted to do - intelligence. We were trained by the GUR employees according to the British SAS system," Malysh explains.

The clearing of Vilkhivka and the capture of DNRivtsi are one of the first military tasks that he remembers, he recalls. And also - the attack of the enemy "box", which the fighters destroyed, eliminating 20 paratroopers and GUR soldiers of the Russian Federation.

In addition, Malysh tells about sabotage sorties in Bakhmut, when it was possible to successfully destroy the enemy force, as well as about the tactics of the Wagnerites, which they use, using prisoners.

"In Bakhmut, they have a huge human resource. They can easily spend 50 zek on one of ours," the Azov scout states. He says that criminals, being sent "to the last resort", are pumped with drugs, thrown like meat, and so-called "barrage squads" are used against them.

"They don't just go forward - you shoot at them and even if you hit them in the leg or arm - they can go further because they are under strong opiates," says the Azov resident. See more of his memories in the new video.

We invite you to support our "Support Azov" fund with donations!
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45 OABR: covered the headquarters and field depot of the Wagnerites in Soledar
The occupiers use residential buildings and yards as headquarters and warehouses, but our gunners see everything. Ukrainian land is burning and will burn under the feet of enemies. Big thanks to Magyar for Eyes!

#I believe_in_ZSU
#Together to victory

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The use of photos and video material of 45 OABR of the ZSU is allowed only with a direct link to the source. It is forbidden to remove the brigade logo or change the music composition, otherwise a complaint will be sent for illegal use of content!

The SBU neutralized the Russian intelligence agency network that adjusted missile strikes on the Dnipro
Counter-intelligence of the Security Service neutralized the active agent network of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces (better known as the game) as a result of a multi-stage special operation in the Dnipro region.

During the operation, 7 Russian agents were detained. This was announced by the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Malyuk.

"The SBU conducted another important special operation to expose and detain enemy agents. This is the result of painstaking work of our counterintelligence officers. We are systematically training everyone who helps point Russian missiles at our cities. Every gunner or adjuster should realize that his actions will not go unpunished. The security service and the entire Ukrainian people will not forgive such crimes. Agents of the Russian Federation will have to fully answer for what they have done," emphasized Vasyl Malyuk.

According to available data, the detainees gave the Russians the coordinates of critical infrastructure facilities, including energy-generating enterprises.

The occupiers used this information to prepare and carry out rocket attacks on the city. And after the attacks, the agents visited the "arrival" sites to determine the effects of the air strikes and re-adjust them.

Information about the possible involvement of the detainees in the Russian missile attack on a residential building in Dnipro on January 14 of this year is currently being checked.

In addition, Russian agents collected intelligence on the basing and movement of units of the Defense Forces in the region, trying to identify the positions of the Ukrainian air defense system.

They passed all the collected information to the representatives of the game through the resident of the group.

He turned out to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, a former resident of Dnipro, who in 2014 created a local pro-Kremlin public organization. Its representatives advocated the creation of the so-called "south-eastern Ukrainian republic" under the control of the aggressor country.

Later, the attacker fled to Russia, where he was recruited by the game's HR staff. According to their task, he created his own agency from his "ideological" like-minded compatriots.

Previously, the group was in "standby mode", and in October 2022 it began active reconnaissance and subversive activities against Ukraine.

For communication, agents used anonymous messengers, and locations were transmitted in the form of electronic coordinates with photo materials.

During searches of the residences of the detainees, law enforcement officers found:
- improvised explosive devices;
- computer equipment and mobile phones with evidence of conspiratorial correspondence with the enemy;
- pro-Kremlin literature.

On the basis of the evidence collected by the investigators of the Security Service, the persons involved were notified of the suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason committed under martial law).

Comprehensive measures are underway to establish all the circumstances of the crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The special operation to expose the perpetrators was carried out by the SBU staff of the Dnipropetrovsk region under the coordination of the Counterintelligence Department of the Security Service and the procedural leadership of the Dnipropetrovsk regional prosecutor's office.
Kryla special unit launches a project to create a flotilla of FPV drones
The Special Unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Kryla" is creating its own flotilla of FPV kamikaze drones and, together with the "Starlife-Charity" charitable foundation, is starting to collect funds for the purchase of 1,000 FPV drones for a new strike group.

Today, this type of drones has become a truly revolutionary means of combat. After all, FPV (First Person View) drones provide an opportunity to collect invaluable intelligence information and are literally used as sniper weapons from a distance of up to 10 kilometers.

Installed cameras and modern means of communication will help save the lives of our Defenders and effectively destroy the equipment and personnel of the enemy.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the "Starlife-Charity" charitable foundation has helped various units of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense and remains our reliable partner.

📌 Details for fundraising:

Головне управління розвідки МО України
Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Artillerymen of the 17th separate tank brigade are clearly working on defined goals.

Сухопутні війська України
Ground forces of Ukraine
The notorious "attritsately" attack of the "third army of the world" on the position of the marines.
A fragment of the victorious shooting battle of marines in Donetsk region. The enemy's assault group tried to seize the positions of the 501st infantry brigade near the outskirts of the settlement of Vodyane. Three brave marines stopped the attack and destroyed the enemy's manpower.

The video shows how the marines eliminated six invaders. In general, the three of our brave comrades sent at least 15 Russian "liberators" to the concert at the Kobzon in one battle.

Glory to the marines of Ukraine! Death to the occupiers!

Bakhmut. First-person combat. Assault operation of the Azov division
We beat the invaders day and night
On the eastern front, border air reconnaissance units monitor the enemy's actions around the clock and direct Ukrainian artillery at the invaders.
So, the other day, an air reconnaissance group made a night trip to the area of task performance. The UAV operator, using a quadcopter with a thermal imaging camera, established the location of the occupying infantry group.
The data for the fire damage of the enemy were provided by the aerial scouts to the border guards-mortars. The combat group of 82-mm mortars, under the correction of the same drone, worked according to the provided coordinates. Target is hit. Enemy losses are being investigated.
Державна прикордонна служба України
State Border Service of Ukraine

Interview of the commander of the TERRA unit
00:00-06:20 Subclass TERRA counteroffensive near Bakhmut
06:21-09:41 The difference between today's war on ATO
09:42-12:52 How the TERRA subdivision was formed
12:53-14:28 Who is the commander of the TERRA unit in civilian life
14:29-16:45 Successful units of air reconnaissance and corrections at the front
16:46-18:33 Address to Ukrainians and the Ukrainian rear
18:34-20:35 Attention, TERRA needs help!
A group of violators accompanied by a woman was detained at the state border
Ten people were detained today at dawn near the border with Romania by border guards of the Mukachevo detachment together with police officers.
Nine men, accompanied by a local woman, intended to illegally cross the border on the outskirts of the village of Yablunivka.
Information about the attempt to illegally cross the border was provided in advance by the officers of the operative and investigative department. The team identified the offenders with the help of a thermal imaging device at a distance of 500 meters from the border.
Six of the detained men are residents of Transcarpathia, the remaining three are residents of Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Chernivtsi regions.
For committing an administrative offense provided for in Art. 204-1 of the Criminal Procedure Code "Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine", reports were drawn up on the detainees.
Measures are currently being taken to identify persons involved in the organization of illegal border crossing by the specified group of persons.

Discovered and destroyed. The 71st Hunter Division eliminates the occupiers near Bakhmut
Discovered and destroyed. Drones of the 71st Yeger brigade noticed a concentration of the enemy near Klishchiivka, south of Bakhmut.

The coordinates were instantly transmitted to the brigade mortar battery and the Crab self-propelled installation. The explosions of 155-millimeter shells drove the invaders into the landing, and there they were already waiting for places shot by our mortars. Later, the landing was cleared by assault units of special forces with boar chevrons.

Public Relations Service of the 71st Separate Hunting Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force #stoprussia #ДШВ #ЗСУ #Завжды_Перши #UkrainianAirAssaultForces#AirAssaultForces #WarInUkraine #RussianAggression#BattleOfUkrainianAirAssaultForces
Командування Десантно-штурмових військ ЗС України
Command of Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian flag forever in BAHMUT!!
The soldiers of the 24th OMBr congratulate you on the Day of the Assembly of Ukraine
Our boys raised the flag over BAHMUT
24 ОМБр імені короля Данила
24 OMBr named after King Danilo

Допомога цивільному населенню від військових \
Aid to the civilian from the military (ENG SUBS
A group of civil-military cooperation with the assistance of volunteer organizations from Rivne distributed food kits and toys to low-income families with many children in one of the communities in the liberated territory of Kharkiv region.

00:05 - Who is here?
00:18 - Hold on, this is a gift for you.
00:26 - At the beginning of the war there were two thousand people,
00:46 - Good afternoon, this is a little help from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
01:11 - When they passed, they saw flags on two houses,
01:32 - Let's put it somewhere for you.
01:51 - We stood with our mouths open and thought where is it whistling?
02:04 - Hold on, this is for you, and this is for you.
02:21 - We had three wounded.
02:35 - Come in, come in!
02:50 - You have a flag on your school.
03:04 - Will you come into the house?
03:31 - Keep you a little something that you can read.
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#109 OGSHB
#mountain stormtroopers

Senseless assaults of Ukrainian positions by Wagner
Wagner's senseless assaults on Ukrainian positions and complete unwillingness to save the lives of his personnel.
This is how you can describe the situation in our area. They climb - we zero them.
Regular attempts to break through only end with dozens of dead enemies.
Ukrainalainen sketsisarja.
Automaattikäännöksen laatu vaihtelee mutta sketsien idea kyllä avautuu.

Kolegi Studio - we create Ukrainian humorous content that makes sense!
We are the creative studio "Kolegi Studio", which has been in existence since 2014 in Lviv. This is a collective of creative people from Bukovyna, Halychyna, Polissia, Podillia, who organize a creative evening in Lviv every month under the name "Humor Cabaret "College Evening". Our idea is to raise painful socio-social topics through the prism of humor, and thus give the viewer the opportunity to look at the situation in the country in a different way. We are convinced that Humor, like Cinema, Poetry, Music - can educate the viewer and give him the opportunity to think

Machine gunner
#КОНТРНАСТУП is an internet sketch-com that tells about the everyday life of the best soldiers on the planet - the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who chase the enemy from our land, while not losing their sense of humor and proving the simple truth that OURS are already WITHOUT RUSH.
Sketches created with the purpose of generating donations on the Banderomobile, which our team manufactures, installs machine gun turrets on them, and sends them to the front line.
Now all Banderomobiles are sent to Bakhmut.

You can support the purchase and production of Banderomobiles here:

Or Monobank: 5375414121629447
Privatbank: 5168752010864869
PayPal: [email protected]

Thank you for providing the military equipment of the Scout Tactical store:
Since our Facebook is in the "bathroom", we invite you to join us in Telegram:

Чмобікі - Chmobiki

Аеророзвідка - Aerial reconnaissance

How to take care of puppies in winter - some tips from our dog trainer
Protect the furry ones from hypothermia: insulate the enclosures and take short walks.
Change the diet in winter, give only warm food and water.
Watch the behavior of the animal: if the tailed is worried, examine it carefully.