Ukrainan sodan videot.

Skyfall kamikaze. In Ukraine, an attack drone with vertical takeoff and landing is being developed
During the media club of the Technological Forces of Ukraine, Military spoke with representatives of the StarkDefence company, which develops the SkyFall kamikaze drone.
This is an unmanned complex that includes a control station and from 3-5 strike drones. The drones have a mission cancellation function and can return, and after recharging, they are ready for battle again.
The target hitting range is 60 km.
The drone uses a Ukrainian warhead weighing 5 kg.

Browning mows down the invaders - GUR machine gunners are working
Soldiers of the "Athena" group of the International Legion of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine work with a Browning M2 machine gun on one of the front lines.

The atmosphere at the position, the coordinated work of the machine gun calculation, the loud and confident song of Browning - see how the scouts destroy the Russian invaders in the video!

Glory to Ukraine!
KARAYA destroys enemy logistics routes in Kurshchyna
Operation planning, weapon programming, combat sortie, high-precision strike, objective control and thanks from the commander.
And so every day! Relentlessly and selflessly.
Ukrainian MiG-29 uses GBU-62 JDAM-ER aerial bombs on bridge crossings in Kurshchyna.
Did you recognize the pilot?

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
He saved NATO soldiers, and now he saves the people of Azov. How the legendary "Humve" takes the infantry out of the hell of battle
He went through the war in Iraq, and now he is in the Serebryansk Forest. The American Humvee rescues the Azov infantry.

When he got to the Azov doctors, there were still traces of sand from the Middle East on him. Now the casevac is a reliable all-terrain vehicle and a vehicle for rescuing soldiers from the front line.

"Humve" is capable of transporting several wounded at the same time, as well as a large amount of vital cargo. Under drones, heavy fire and under any weather conditions.

In the new issue of Azov.Gear, the medics of the 12th "Azov" brigade, "Antibiotic" and "Syaivo" talk about the peculiarities of working on a casevac HMMWV.

00:00-00:34 Intro
00:35-02:43 What is it capable of and what is inside?
02:44-04:53 "There was no place where he did not pass"
04:53-05:48 "The maximum is 90, but I squeezed 120"
Breakthrough of the Front: How the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade Launched the Offensive in the Kharkiv Region
We are publishing the first video of the counteroffensive operation by the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade in the Kharkiv region. The assault at dawn is initiated by soldiers from the 1st Assault and 1st Mechanized Battalions. Their actions are captured by GoPro cameras. They disembark from their vehicles and immediately engage in combat. The enemy positions are well-camouflaged in dense vegetation. The soldiers must break through the thick greenery while firing. They enter enemy bunkers, clear out hideouts, rescue wounded comrades, and push forward towards the enemy's trench line.

Later, they change tactics, executing attacks with fire teams. They operate with determination under constant shelling, explosions, the use of toxic gases, and the presence of enemy drones. The enemy attempts to cut off the assault groups from the main forces. However, the assault troops continue to press forward. An enemy machine gunner tries to halt their advance towards the trench line.

“When I get into the trench, I’ll strangle that machine gunner with my bare hands!” shouts a soldier.

Exclusive footage of the battle, so intense it takes your breath away. The first stage of the 3rd Assault Brigade's counteroffensive as seen through the action cameras of our assault troops – in this video.

00:00 Start
00:50 "Our guys are ahead"
01:35 "Extend the line, cover!"
02:30 "Disembark, faster, faster!"
03:55 "Entering the bunker!"
04:40 "Harry, shift the fire!"
05:20 "Skaz, how are you, alive?"
06:40 "That bastard is alive! How many of you are here?"
07:45 "Entering and clearing the bunker!"
09:19 "There’s an SP above"
10:10 "Bastards want to surround us"
11:30 "Where should we hit them?"
12:40 "Retreat, retreat!"
14:50 "Hello, Brother, so glad to see you!"
16:00 "Pin down that bastard"
16:30 Operation result
16:44 Thanks to our sponsors

US-made Bradley, German Marder, Swedish CV90: TOP 3 Western Infantry Fighting Vehicles in Ukraine
Infantry fighting vehicles are extremely important on the battlefield. They are intended for transporting personnel, increasing their mobility, armament, and security on the battlefield in conditions of enemy weapon use and joint actions with tanks in the battle. Ukraine has received many modern infantry fighting vehicles from Western allies, which has already made a difference. The Ukrainian military note that these are some of the best vehicles they have ever driven, and various videos from the battlefield confirm this.

00:00 Infantry Fighting Vehicles in Ukraine
00:45 Bradley in action
03:35 Bradley crew
09:30 Marder on the frontline
12:30 Swedish CV90

Lännen rynnäkkövaunut ovat rintamalla korvaamattomia​

Marderit, Bradleyt ja CV90:t ovat osoittautuneet arvokkaiksi Ukrainalle.

Länsimaiden Ukrainalle lahjoittamat rynnäkkövaunut ovat osoittautuneet kultaakin kalliimmiksi, kertoo Ukrainan valtiollinen United24 -media.

Maalle on lahjoitettu muun muassa saksalaisia Marder-vaunuja, yhdysvaltalaisia Bradley-vaunuja sekä ruotsalaisia CV90-vaunuja. Viimeksi mainittuja on myös Suomen puolustusvoimien käytössä.

Rynnäkkövaunuja käytetään etenkin jalkaväen kuljetukseen, kevyeen tulitukeen sekä yhteistoimintaan panssarivaunujen kanssa. Ukrainalaislähteet kertovat, että maan saamat rynnäkkövaunut ovat osoittautuneet parhaiksi ajoneuvoiksi, joita he ovat ikinä päässeet ajamaan.

Amerikkalaiset Bradley-vaunut on varustettu 25 millimetrin tykillä, konekiväärillä sekä TOW-panssarintorjuntaohjuksilla. Vaunuja käyttää muun muassa Pokrovskia puolustava 47. mekanisoitu prikaati.

Bradley-joukkuetta komentanut Karatsupa kertoo, että kun neljän Bradleyn joukkue iski ensimmäistä kertaa venäläisasemiin, eivät venäläiset aluksi tajunneet, mikä heitä oli vastassa. He alkoivat ampumaan panssaroitua Bradleyä konekivääreillä.

– Rehellisesti sanottuna, luulimme että alkoi sataa. Tunsimme vain, että sadepisarat iskeytyivät vaunun kattoon, Karatsupa kertoo.

Seuraavaksi venäläiset käyttivät kranaatinheittimiä, mutta nekään eivät Bradleyä pysäyttäneet. Lopulta venäläiset ampuivat Bradleyä kaikella, mitä heillä oli saatavilla: kranaateilla, raketeilla, fosforilla.

– Silloin tajusimme, että venäläiset eivät voi meille mitään. Silloin taisteluhenkemme vahvistui ja olimme täynnä rohkeutta, hän jatkaa.

Kehuja saavat myös Bradleyn tarkka tykki sekä liikkuvuus. Ukrainalaissotilailla ei esimerkiksi ollut lainkaan ongelmia ajaa Bradleytä ylös suuresta pommin aiheuttamasta kuopasta.

– Mutta ilmastointi olisi kyllä hyvä lisävaruste, eräs sotilas naurahtaa.

Myös saksalaiset Marderit ovat olleet ukrainalaisten mieleen. Toistaiseksi Saksa on kuitenkin luovuttanut Ukrainalle näitä vaunuja vain kahdeksisenkymmentä kappaletta. Erityisen tehokkaita Marderit ovat venäläisiä BMP-2 -vaunuja vastaan.

– Siinä ajassa, missä BMP ampuu 15-16 laukausta, Marder ampuu 150-200, toinen sotilas kehuu.

Marderin 20 millimetrin panssaria läpäisevät ammukset kykenevät myös läpäisemään BMP:n panssaroinnin, kun taas BMP:n 30 millimetrin ammukset tyssäävät Marderin panssarointiin.

Ukrainalaiset kehuvat myös Marderin tietokonejärjestelmää, joka ensin tunnistaa vihollisen ja järjestää tykin ampumakuntoon nopeasti.

Amerikkalais- ja saksalaisvaunujen lisäksi myös ruotsalainen CV90 on osoittanut arvonsa ukrainalaisten käytössä.

Student-koodinimeä käyttävä CV90-komentaja kertoo venäläisen Lancet-ohjuksen osuneen vaunuun, mutta se selvisi siitä moitteetta. Sama tilanne toistui, kun CV90 ajoi miinan ylitse.

– Miehistö oli tietty hieman shokissa, mutta elossa. Ja mikä on tärkein asia? Elämä, Student sanoo.

Aiemmin ukrainalaisyksikkö käytti neuvostovalmisteisia BMP-1 -vaunuja, joita sotilaat kutsuvat nyt tinapurkeiksi. Nyt ukrainalaissotilaat ylistävät CV90:n monipuolisuutta ja helppokäyttöisyyttä. Automaattivaihteilla varustetulla vaunulla ajaminen on erään komentajan mukaan erittäin helppoa.

Yönäkölaitteet tuovat CV90:ää käyttäville sotilaille etua öisissä operaatioissa.

Myös venäläiset ovat havainneet CV90:n tehokkuuden. Studentin mukaan kun taistelukentälle ilmestyy ukrainalainen CV90, Leopard-panssarivaunu tai Archer-tykistöjärjestelmä, venäläiset tekevät kaikkensa tuhotakseen sen.

– Venäläiset ottavat käyttöön T-90M (-panssarivaunun), kun he havaitsevat CV90:n taistelutehtävissä, Student kertoo.

Kun rynnäkkövaunukuskilta kysytään miksi hän taistelee, vastaus tulee kuin tykin suusta.

– Kotimaani vapauttamiseksi, hän tiivistää.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Under the cover of "Zelenka", enemy stormtroopers try to enter the positions of the National Guardsmen of the "Rubizh" Brigade, but come across our scouts and, in order to survive, lay down their weapons and surrender. The scouts of the 5th operational battalion are working!

In the course of the conversation, it turns out that they "didn't want to shoot" and in general they were told that "there is no one there."

With what Russia sends its soldiers to storm, how they justify themselves and why they are happy to surrender to the Ukrainians - in our new video.

These shots of a real battle were shot on a GoPro camera by a scout of the 5th battalion of the operational assignment of the "Rubizh" Brigade near the military base. Makiiivka in the Lymano-Kupian direction.

0:00 - the beginning
0:23 - "I see some form"
0:40 - "something is being dropped!"
2:08 - things of the occupiers, and the occupiers
2:33 - "didn't you want to die?"
3:43 - "Did anyone have an AK-12?"
4:28 - "will you all tell that you were sent to storm under machine guns?"
5:15 - "give me a cigarette?"
6:10 - "do not shake, you will live!"

These Guys Are Wild: Russia's Espanola Battalion
Today we look at the Espanola PMC, a group of Russian football fanatics that banded together to form a military organization to fight in Ukraine.

Viimeksi muokattu:
UKRAINIAN ROSHEL APC AT NGU ARMY: combat work, characteristics. Pokrovsky direction now.
The Russians are approaching Pokrovsk and Mirnograd. The latter is located 5 km from the front line (Deepstate data as of September 2, 2024). "Ukrainian Witness" visited Myrnograd, where it spoke with the soldiers of the 14th brigade of the operational assignment of the NSU named after Ivan Bohun. The guys talked about the battles in the Pokrov region, and also showed the work of the Canadian Roshel armored personnel carrier of Ukrainian design, which was assembled by the Poles.

In this video:

🚛What is happening now in the Pokrovsky area and in Myrnograd in particular?
🚛What does Myrnograd look like now? What fate, according to the military, awaits this settlement?
🚛What characteristics does the Roshel armored personnel carrier have?
🚛What does the car look like from the inside? How to manage it?
🚛What are its disadvantages and advantages?

00:00 Myrnograd after Russian shelling
01:23 TTX of the car
04:24 Armor-piercing raids on enemy positions
07:01 Fire!
08:41 "Russians crawl like cockroaches"
09:08 Fire 2.0!
10:10 "When Utyos works, no one gets out, everything just flies apart"
13:38 What the car looks like inside
15:27 Superstitions of drivers

A SWEDISH LEGEND THAT OVERCOMES MOUNTAINS AND DITCHES: the military amphibious all-terrain vehicle Bandvagn with the call sign "Moose"
The Bandvagn 206 was developed for the Swedish Army in the 1970s. The "feature" of this all-terrain vehicle is two separate modules that have their own separate thrusts. If one of the modules is stuck, the other will be able to pull the car out.

Lieutenant Solomiya Reznik got behind the wheel of "Moose" and personally tested its off-road capabilities. The all-terrain vehicle easily overcomes ditches and other obstacles, and can also swim. Read more about the Swedish "Moose" of the 141st separate infantry brigade in the Armiya TV story.
Armored combat boat for WASP Ukrainian Legion - thank-you report for volunteers and donors
The question of having a boat was urgent and important for us. You responded, funds were collected instantly, the process started.

The manufacturer accepted the challenge to make a special boat for our tasks. It was not easy: many questions and searching for the right answers - but the manufacturer did a great job. Excellent driving and operational performance was provided by Aquaspirit, protection of the boat from debris thanks to armoring from Rarog.

By adding the cool operator @soliy.igor to this, we get a video report about our joint project with you. Not just a video - action with elements of creative shooting! The boat is in the main role.
Your donations made this story possible, each of you is a producer of our new hit!
This hero has already become part of the story we are writing with you, friends, thanks to your support.

Thank you for every hryvnia, every like and repost. You are the real partners in this battle, the logistics service and the support service, native and unknown, different and the same. Thank you and let's keep working. The main battle is ahead.

Who is specialist "A"? Interview with the SSO operator
A SSO soldier with the call sign "First" gives answers to questions about the training of "Alpha" specialists at the Special Operations Forces Qualification Course of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
At once, several units of the SSO in Kurshchyna launch complex strikes on Russian logistics
Enemy convoys, in particular with pontoon vehicles, are destroyed with the help of drones and artillery of friendly units of the Defense Forces.

The next video shows an example of how the soldiers of the Special Operations Forces worked clearly during the destruction of enemy targets. Each unit had a separate task: reconnaissance from the sky, correction of FPV drones and guidance of artillery.

The result is 7 destroyed vehicles, including 5 pontoon cars.

Source: Official channel of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine —

At once, several units of the SSO in Kurshchyna launch complex strikes on Russian logistics

Enemy convoys, including those with pontoon vehicles, are destroyed with the help of drones and artillery of friendly units of the Defense Forces.

The next video shows an example of how the soldiers of the Special Operations Forces clearly worked during the destruction of enemy targets. Each unit had a separate task: reconnaissance from the sky, correction of FPV drones and guidance of artillery.

☑️ The result is 7 destroyed vehicles, including 5 pontoon cars.

The armor was stopped with mines and FPV, and the infantry was improved with resets
Defense is effective when each of its components works together. Another brutal attempt by the occupiers to storm with three armored vehicles ended in nothing. Remote mining with the help of drones shook the enemy BMP as many as twice.

The rest of the landing party was defeated by UAV operators with drops and a 120 mm mortar, and FPV drone operators expertly drove the enemy MT-LB.

The video was published in connection with the documentation and coverage of combat operations in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
The third assault in virtual reality: we check weapons simulators
In this video, we test interactive simulators created for training in fire training of the military. With the beginning of a full-scale war, Ukraine received various samples of the latest weapons from the West. Stinger, Javelin, NLAW, the price of one shot of which can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was then that the idea arose to create a multimedia system for training the soldiers of the Armed Forces. It was implemented by the Ukrainian technology company Strata22, creating simulators of "everything that shoots, flies and will swim."

The system reproduces the operation of this or that type of weapon as realistically and accurately as possible. On its simulators, it is possible to master small arms, grenade launchers and Western weapons. And the main thing is to save BC during training. When working, weather conditions and wind error are taken into account. The virtual simulator can be programmed to reproduce the scenarios of real battles and military operations.

In the video, we show how the simulator works, share our impressions and compare it with real weapons at the training ground.

00:00 Start
01:00 What does Strata22 do and why is it profitable?
03:00 We test knowledge in real conditions
05:20 "Our RPG broke and we could be banned"
06:05 We shoot from the mechanics
07:20 We shoot with shrapnel
08:00 Go stew
09:00 "Let's go and see how you bang"
09:55 We went to train on the simulators
14:00 Let's do something more difficult!
16:30 A friend of Disney tries his hand
18:30 About the benefits of Strata
19:10 Thank you for your support to our sponsors!

RG-60TB Thermobaric handgrenade, property of SOBR
POV: Azov reconnaissance fighters are assaulting Russian positions on the Kreminna direction
Elements of raid actions and seizure of a foothold before assault operations. Task was conducted by the recon group of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine.

KRAKEN UNIT Against Russians: Dangerous Assaults and Night operations. Day with ‪@SpecialAssault‬
A group of friends that became an assault company within Kraken, a special unit of the Main Directorate of Intelligence. Meet the Special Assault Company ( ) that carries out the most dangerous assaults and specializes in night operations. Over time, they fought in the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions and now continue to perform the most complex tasks.
Pokrovsk Faces Looming Russian Assault. Civilians Flee the City as 🇷🇺 Close In On Tough Frontline
Russia is steamrolling towards Pokrovsk, a strategic city in Donbas. Some civilians who know too well what the Russians are capable of, have decided to leave their life behind to avoid the slaughter.

00:48 Pokrovsk city
02:17 Zoriane evacuation
04:28 The 14th Brigade "Chervona Kalyna"
07:00 Pokrovsk evacuation

Kursk Battle. War Footage & Updates. Why has Ukraine invaded Russia's region?
IRON Lviv. From components to drones - how the Lviv tech cluster works
Military attended the demo day of companies that are part of the IRON Lviv Tech Cluster. These are not only teams from Lviv, but all are working on creating solutions for the Ukrainian military.

These are FPV drones, scouts, UAV interceptors, ground robotic systems, components.

Who is working on what and what is the role of IRON Lviv Tech Cluster - see in the story!

RULE OVER THE STARS: How GUR unmanned reconnaissance works
From February 2022 to August 2024, the Fund transferred more than 1.4 billion hryvnias of aid to the units of the HUR @DI_Ukraine. In particular, the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned reconnaissance and strike system, PD-2 and SHARK reconnaissance anti-aircraft missiles, special reconnaissance stations, vehicles and other equipment.

How scouts work and why it is important, in our material.

Anatoliy Gaevskyi, Viktoria Makarova/Povernys zhim Foundation

And don't forget to support your army:

00:00:00 Announcement
00:02:00 Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs until 24.02.2024
00:04:18 How Come Back Alive bought Bayraktar TB-2
00:08:38 Bayraktar TB-2 in service with the Defense Forces of Ukraine
00:17:17 Ukrainian PD-2 in service at the GUR of the Ministry of Defense, the role of unmanned aircraft in repelling the Russian invasion
00:34:49 How the Ukrainian UAV "Shark" fights
00:42:33 What scouts dream about, and what is the role in this "Come back alive" and each of you
The inspiring 21-year-old Ukrainian defender, Ruslana Danilkina, who courageously served on the frontline and lost her leg in a combat mission, is visiting Australia for Ukraine's Independence Day 2024.

At just 18, Ruslana volunteered for the Armed Forces of Ukraine following the full-scale Russian invasion, embodying the bravery and determination of young Ukrainians. Today, Ruslana is a veteran, amputee and social media influencer, bringing her expertise to the Superhumans Centre, a modern rehabilitation centre for adults and children in Ukraine.

Superhumans Centre
According to official data, approximately 50,000 Ukrainian patients will require prosthetics by the end of 2024. To give them a chance for a superhuman life, the Superhumans Centre was launched to provide state-of-the-art rehabilitation services. Based in Lviv, Ukraine, the Superhumans Centre specialises in making high-tech prosthetics and providing expert rehabilitation, psychological and physiotherapy services.

Australian tour organisers
Ruslana is in Australia at the invitation of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) and Future Ukraine, an AFUO initiated fund which contributes to bespoke and targeted projects in the fields of rehabilitation, reconstruction, leadership, education and public information, as well as in disaster relief.

Ruslana will be in Australia from Monday 19 August 2024 to Monday 26 August 2024, and will attend Ukrainian community Independence Day events in Melbourne and Sydney.

Video kindly provided by Superhumans Centre

Last rotation we had a lot of work, many wounded were coming at night, because evacuation during the day is almost impossible because of FPVs. There were different wounds and it was hard to do analgesia for one of the soldiers.
"They change into OUR UNIFORM, BLUE tape on the helmet, WHITE tape on the leg"
Drops are one of the most accurate and cheap ways to neutralize enemy infantry. Attaching small ammunition to Mavik-type drones and dropping them on the heads of the occupiers began in the first months of full-scale deployment. In the infantry battalions, entire units are formed that stop the assaults of the Russians, knocking them out of their positions in exactly this way.

This is a story about the operators of the BpLA of the 93rd Kholodny Yar brigade, filmed near the village of Andriivka. Only the name remained of the settlement - all the houses in it were destroyed to the foundations.

Drone operator Ruslan with the call sign "Pug" works here under constant fire. He received his nickname during training: "As a pug loved to eat and sleep." While working as a drone, the man was wounded twice, as was his friend with the call sign "Kabanchik".

Since the front edge is visible 24 by 7 by Ukrainian "drones", enemy attack aircraft are trying to mimic the Ukrainian military.

"They are wrapped with blue tape, like ours. And on the legs - white. They change into our uniform," says "Mops". But the fighters still calculate that these are Russian troops and destroy them with resets.

00:00 Intro
00:19 The Russians change into our uniforms
00:59 Defending the ruins
02:11 What are resets made of
03:46 "Stop, bitch!"
05:53 Kill reward
6:17 Platoon record holders for lost boards
07:05 How I got injured

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Football fans in the ranks of GUR
How did the former "ultras" become part of the elite unit of Ukraine?

This is the story of those who made their way from stadiums to combat missions as part of the already legendary Kraken unit. About football devotion, which turned into a man's fighting courage.

Time codes:
00:00 intro
01:32 who are the Kraken
02:41 start of invasion for Gerasim
03:20 intrusion for football traffic
03:43 "I don't like to say that it's work," - Chicha
04:03 Golden: came to serve
04:21 Teacher: joined the army and received his call sign
04:49 Drago: signed a contract with the ZSU
05:23 routine at SA Company
05:52 training
06:45 SA Company
06:56 what tasks does the SA Company perform
08:05 story of how they got into the environment
10:36 training
11:43 assault in modern warfare
13:52 Gerasim's story about work in Chasovoy Yar
15:35 training, trench assault
16:24 realities of modern war
18:01 how Gerasim convinced his parents to evacuate
20:02 Where does Zoloti's motivation come from?
20:40 Salad
21:44 night training
22:10 SA Company is a family
25:01 dance with the devil. final

Special Assault Company
Caesar and his Legion
War. War never changes. Or does it? Who could answer that question better than Andrew Scott, callsign 'Caesar' — an experienced British campaigner who had deployments in Northern Ireland, Iraq, Africa and now in Ukraine, serving as a mortarman of the mortar platoon in the 2nd battalion of the International Legion. At 57 he is a living example that age is just a number if your heart and mind are in the right place. They say 'larger than life' about people like him. We had an exciting conversation about wars, about experience, about culture and history and, of course, about how the old tricks can still play a role in a modern warfare.

They burned down the Tor air defense system with just one drone. In the direction of Kupyansk, the aerial reconnaissance of the 107th brigade of TRO discovered the anti-aircraft missile complex of the Russians, they immediately passed on the coordinates to the crews of the attack UAVs of the 5th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. The Strix crew of the Slobozhan National Guard hit the target with ammunition and crew using only one kamikaze drone.

In the Donetsk region, fighters of the "Kara-Dag" brigade ambushed Russian attack aircraft. Two of them were eliminated almost immediately, the third had to be chased a little, but he didn't get far either.

In the Pokrovsky direction, a Russian tank and BMP tried to storm the positions of the 110th brigade. The armored car tried to escape, but was quickly overtaken by FPV drones, and the tank continued its attack. Due to the dense fire of our fighters, the tank lost control and drove into a ravine, from which it never got out.

These and other topics are discussed by our presenters - lieutenant colonel Serhiy Misyura and junior lieutenant Serhiy Lipko.

00:00 The anti-aircraft missile complex "Tor" in Kharkiv region was destroyed
04:02 Ambush on Russian attack aircraft in the Pokrovsky direction
04:26 Turn on. Pokrovsky direction
11:02 "Orlan" was shot down at an altitude of 3 km
13:01 Exploding an enemy tank with FPV drones
16:00 Turn on. Lyman direction
24:52 The Merlin-VR UAV was shot down by an anti-aircraft FPV drone
25:38 BMP works on the Russians in the Toretsk direction
30:00 FPV drone struck two occupants at once
32:38 Turn on. Kramatorsk direction
44:05 Another bridge in Kurshchyna was destroyed
47:01 Himars struck a Russian radar from the S-400 air defense system
ENEMY INFANTRY IS ASSAULTING AGAIN. The occupiers cannot keep up their pace.
We always say that we are fighting a serious enemy and emphasize that the enemy is learning. It really is. But why the enemy definitely does not learn is because driving towards the positions of the K-2 Battalion on "motorcycles" can be explosive. One of these MT-LB exploded twice. And even though the enemy was sure that he had mined those roads, there is a counteraction to every action. This is what modern warfare looks like. As a result, the MT-LB with the landing party was destroyed and the Russians were again thrown into the slaughter, because "their own" turned around and immediately went back, although they themselves constantly claim that "they do not abandon their own".
The video was published in connection with the documentation and coverage of combat operations in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Patrol boat "NAVY 18 WP"
Protection of the coast from enemy encroachments in the form of sabotage groups and anti-mine safety are the main tasks for the crew of the boat on the next patrol. How and with what Ukrainian military sailors defend the South of the country - see in the story.
About the storming of the TCC, the dream of burning Solntsepok and how destroying tanks turned into a routine - Leila from K-2
Leyla is the commander of a platoon of UAVs in the legendary K-2 battalion. Before the full-scale war, she worked in IT, but in 2022 she decided she couldn't stay on the sidelines and joined a combat unit, even though she was constantly told off.

In an interview for Armiya TV, Leyla talked about the peculiarities of working on bomber drones, how to join the army when they don't want to take you, her dream of destroying the "Sunflower", whether the Mavic drone will continue to "live", how to become a good drone operator, and what books she reads in in between the destruction of Russian tanks.

00:00 - How Leila spends her vacation
00:40 - Leyla is an operator of attack UAVs in the K2 battalion
03:58 - How Leila got into the army
07:47 - Unit K2
10:21 - About the mobilized
12:59 - How the family reacted to the decision to join the army
15:23 - How she chose a place for service
17:22 - Work with UAVs
21:13 - Leave of absence of the drone operator
27:11 - About those who evade service
32:17 - Is it normal to be afraid of joining the army?
37:35 - Rest of the military
40:41 - What targets did Leyla's team hit?
44:41 - Russian tactics
47:35 - Work schedule
48:40 - How Russian drones and EW are used
50:50 - What do you need to fly a drone?
52:20 - Types of UAVs
57:05 - Farewell

The enemy's attempts to storm the positions of the 92nd OShbr in the Kharkiv Region ended in nothing.
Early in the morning, three units of armored vehicles - two BMP-2 and one T-72 tank - advanced from the territory of the Russian Federation in the direction of Ukraine and, in particular, the positions of the 92nd brigade. Our guys "hotly" met the invaders: artillery, anti-tank guns, BUBpAK "Achilles", units of BpLA assault battalions, fire support company were working. Coherently and effectively, the Cossacks continued their repulse. The result of the work - all the crap is destroyed.
Suomalainen sotilaspoliisi "Peki" Ukrainan armeijan leivissä, osa 1.
Tällä videolla haastattelen reservin luutnanttia (SPOL), joka päätti lähteä taistelemaan Ukrainan itsenäisyyden puolesta. Tässä ensimmäisessä jaksossa puhutaan syistä, jotka saivat "Pekin" jättämään turvallisen kotimaansa ja tulemaan sotimaan henkensä uhalla Ukrainan itsenäisyyden puolesta, tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista, tilanteesta rintamalla, droneista ja lopussa tietysti kysytään "Pekiltä", mitä hän tekisi, jos Putin tulisi ovesta sisään. Pekin vastaus on tähän asti ylivoimaisesti paras, joten video kannattaa katsoa ihan loppuun!

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Evacuation in Donetsk region: the reality of war
Documentary footage of the provision of first aid to the wounded, and how the evacuation of the wounded takes place.
What factors depend on the speed of evacuation and the life of the wounded...
*The video was shot by Zheka "Vorot" in the Black Raven 93 OMBr unit.
We will win!✊🇺🇦