Ukrainan sodan videot.

VIHOLLISEN HYÖKKÄYKSEN TORJUNTA. “Azov” ja liittolaiset tuhoavat venäläistä kalustoa ja jalkaväkeä Toretskissa.
“Uudenvuoden sadun” loppu. Miehittäjien massiivinen hyökkäys Toretskin suunnalla 30. joulukuuta 2024.

Edessäsi on klassinen venäläinen mekanisoitu hyökkäys puolustusvoimien asemia vastaan. Useita BMP-ajoneuvoja, paljon jalkaväkeä ja runsaasti kohteita tuhottavaksi.

Heti kun panssariajoneuvot tuhottiin, miehittäjät hajaantuivat yrittäen löytää suojaa. Videolla nähdään venäläisten hyökkäyksen torjunta ja massiivinen “pakkasukkojen” eliminointi.

Miehittäjien tuhoamiseen osallistuivat 12. erikoisprikaatin “Azov” taistelijat sekä muiden yksiköiden joukot.

00:00-01:24 Hyökkäyksen alku. Kaluston tuhoaminen
01:25-02:48 Viholliskohteiden metsästys
02:49-03:32 Osumatarkastelu

Kuoleman navigointi: Kolmannen rynnäkköprikaatin ässät, jotka muuttavat taisteluiden kulun.
“Revenge Group” – 1. mekanisoidun pataljoonan FPV-drone-iskujoukkue Kolmannesta rynnäkköprikaatista.

Tässä videossa sotilaat kertovat omasta motivaatiostaan ja uusista taistelukentän teknologioista. Vihollisen tuhoaminen FPV-drooneilla on heidän päivittäinen tehtävänsä – helpottaakseen jalkaväen työtä, joka taistelee etulinjassa sateessa, lumessa ja helteessä.

“Yksikön perusidea on kosto kaatuneille tovereillemme. Toimimme pääasiassa jalkaväen hyväksi, kostamme veljillemme, jotka eivät enää ole kanssamme,” sanoo FPV-ryhmän komentaja, koodinimeltään “Scout”.

Drone-iskujen onnistumista katsoessa voisi vaikuttaa siltä, että tehtävät suoritetaan vaivatta. Mutta jokaisen tarkan osuman takana on koko tiimin saumaton ja vaativa yhteistyö.

“Olemme kuin yksi organismi, ja onnistuminen riippuu monista tekijöistä. Osuma kohteeseen on vain yksi pala isommasta palapelistä,” toteaa joukkueen komentaja, koodinimeltään “Steven”.

Katso videosta, miten isku-drone-yksikkö toimii, kuinka se eroaa perinteisestä armeijasta ja miten nopeasti uudet teknologiat kehittyvät taistelukentällä.


00:00 Alku
00:30 Kosto on velvollisuutemme!
01:00 Esimerkkejä kostosta
01:30 “Ihmiset luulevat, että tämä on helppoa”
02:00 “Se on kuin pelikonsoli, mutta vastuuta on paljon enemmän”
02:30 “Tämä on äärirajoilla tehtävää työtä, mutta emme voi väsyä”
02:50 Helpotamme jalkaväkemme taistelua
04:20 “Byrokratian puuttuminen on tärkeä tekijä”
06:10 “Työmme erityispiirteet muovaavat meitä”
07:04 “Lähdin sotaan, koska läheiseni ovat vaarassa”
07:50 Revenge Groupin päätavoite
08:30 Liity 3. Rynnäkköprikaatiin!
Birds of the Magyar: repelling the worm assault. From us ONE crew fpv Klima-Team + carousel crew. Mavic.
The work on the yobliks by the night doctor of 414 OBrUBAS of that time will soon be published in one of the issues of the Educational Project "13 yobliks".


Chasiv Yar. A tank of the 24th brigade destroyed a BMD from 30 meters
The Russians continue to advance on Chasiv Yar, using elite airborne divisions, motorized rifle brigades and other units, as well as completely destroying the remains of the settlement.

Continuous assaults from various directions continue, soldiers of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo are destroying the enemy in extremely difficult conditions.

During one of the enemy attacks, our infantrymen burned an airborne combat vehicle with a grenade launcher.

The second armored vehicle continued its movement and was destroyed by fire from a tank of the Royal Brigade from 30 meters.

Source: Official channel of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo —
Uudelleen julkaisu ja nyt tässä on videoon upotettu englannin kielinen tekstitys. Noin kuuden ja seitsemän minuutin välillä näkyy repussa risti-lippu mutta maastoväreissä.
Azov Reconnaissance Troops Clear Out Occupiers on the Toretsk Frontline
The reconnaissance unit clears urban areas near New York of occupiers. Unique GoPro footage.

"They've got three 200 [eliminated] in the house." In the new video, the reconnaissance team of the 12th Azov Brigade smokes out and eliminates enemy infantry on the outskirts of New York.

The Russians are constantly testing the strength of the defense of Ukrainian positions’ defense in the Toretsk sector. Eliminating small Russian infantry groups is the primary task for the Azov fighters.

Close combat, coordinated operations with strike drones, and eliminated occupiers—watch the GoPro footage of the Special forces reconnaissance unit’s work.

00:00-00:38 Intro
00:39-04:52 Search and Elimination of Targets
04:53-07:15 “There are three here - ‘KIA’”
07:16-08:17 Operation Conclusion

The official English-language channel of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Azov prikaatin X-tili

Seitsemän ja puoli minuuttia tuhoa ja kuolemaa suorittavan seuran omalla videolla.
We are hurting the enemy! Aces from the 68th Airborne Brigade are at work
There are three things you can watch forever: how enemy equipment or a BC warehouse burns after being hit by our FPV drone or shell, how the occupiers try in vain to hide from our airdrops, and how they all epically blow themselves up on our mines.

That is why we have collected for you a selection of vivid footage of the work of pilots, gunners, anti-tankers, and sappers of the 68th OEB.
Kokeneen suomalaisttaistelijan toinen työmatka Ukrainaan.
Tällä videolla haastatellaan viime keväänä ensimmäistä kertaa haastattelemaamme piinkovaa, yli viiskymppistä, kokenutta suomalaissotilasta, joka on palvellut Ukrainan armeijassa yli vuoden, kävi Suomessa lomailemassa ja palasi takaisin takaisin töihin Ukrainaan uuteen sotilasyksikköön. Tällä videolla hän kertoo sodan vaaroista ja vaarallisista taistelutilanteista, siitä, miten henki meinasi lähteä muutaman kerran, elävänä hiekkaan hautautumisesta, venäläisistä ja ukrainalaisista droneista ja dronejen käytöstä, käymme sekä FPV-, tiedustelu- ja pommittajadronet, sekä miten droneilta voi suojautua ja millaista tulevaisuuden sodankäynti Ukrainassa oikein on tavallisen suomalaisen kiväärimiehen silmin.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
18+. «TULE ULOS. EMME TAPA». Azovin joukot rynnäköivät ja ottavat vankeja miehittäjiltä Toretskin suunnalla.
Vihollisen eliminoiminen on helpompaa kuin saada hänet antautumaan. Siksi tiedustelujoukkue työskentelee raunioiden puhdistuksen parissa Toretskin suunnalla, samalla ottaen vastaan miehittäjiä.

Antaudut – ja selviät. Vastustat – ja kuolet. Tämä on universaali kaava jokaiselle venäläiselle, joka on tullut maahamme.

Erikoistiedustelujoukkueen (2. pataljoona, 12. prikaati “Azov”) taistelutyön trilogian päätösjakso on jo YouTube-kanavallamme.

00:00-00:30 Intro
00:31-03:12 V. Viestikartta
03:13-07:51 VI. “Olen yksin”
07:52-11:47 VII. “Upseerin sana”
11:48-12:11 “Heti tajusin, että he ovat Azov-joukkoja”

ENSI-ILTA! WAR-show: sotilaiden tarinoita, jotka muuttavat sodan kulkua!
🔥 Droonit, jotka toimivat silminä ja aseina taistelukentällä. Sotilaat, jotka tuhoavat vihollisen taivaalta. Sankarit, joiden kutsumanimet ovat jo muuttuneet legendoiksi.

💥 Ensimmäistä kertaa ruuduilla – WAR-show 5. erillisen rynnäkköprikaatin (5 OŠBr) tuottamana! 💥

Kurama, Obi-Wan, Morgen – kolme taisteludroonien pilottia 5. OŠBr:stä, jotka käyvät omaa sotaansa etulinjassa. He ohjaavat ilmataistelukoneita, jotka päivittäin tuhoavat miehittäjiä ja pelastavat tovereitaan.

💥 Aitoja taistelutarinoita, etulinjan hurja tunnelma ja tehokkaimmat osumat – kaikki uudessa WAR-show’n jaksossa!

⚡️ “Tervehdys, hyvät ystävät” – ja 19 vihollista poissa yhdellä vuorolla
⚡️ “Anna palaa, pikkukaveri, tämä on sinun tähtiesi hetkesi” – ja vihollisen joukkoja kuljettanut lava-auto pysähtyy lopullisesti
⚡️ Tanssit korsussa tuhotun vihollisjoukkueen jälkeen – koska tämäkin on osa meidän sotaamme

🚀 He ovat sodan tulevaisuus. He ovat taivaalta iskevä tuho.

📡 Eksklusiivisesti WAR-show’ssa – 5. OŠBr:n pilottien tarinat: heidän taistelunsa, tunteensa, adrenaliininsa ja taistelu voiton puolesta.

📌 Tilaa YouTube-kanavamme, ettet missaa yhtäkään jaksoa!
Millä Leopard ampuu? 2A4:n erikoisominaisuus. Jalkaväensuoja ja bunkkerien tuhoaminen
Saksalaiset tankit ovat jo pitkään todistaneet olevansa huippuluokkaa ⚔️

Kahden vuoden ajan 33. OMBr on käyttänyt niitä taisteluissa tehokkaasti tuhansia kertoja – taktinen, ketterä, nopea. Tappavan tarkka. Tässä jaksossa näytämme miehistön työskentelyä uusien ammusten suuntaamisessa ja koeammunnassa, joilla sitten tuhoamme kaiken elävän ja elottoman, mikä liittyy Venäjään taistelukentällä.

Jalkaväki, BMP:t, panssariajoneuvot tai jopa T-90 – mikään ei pysäytä Leopardia. Miehistöjemme torjumat hyökkäykset Kuraĥoven sektorilla todistavat sen.

Rautaprikaatin tankkimiehistö Ukrainan asevoimien mediaprojektissa “Poligon”.
Rautaprikaatin tankkimiehistöstä tuli Ukrainan asevoimien suuren mediaprojektin “Poligon” sankareita. Uusin jakso on nimeltään “Matka alokkaasta soturiksi”.

Kyseessä on useiden videoreportaasien sarja, jonka on tuottanut Ukrainan asevoimien Strategisten viestintöjen hallinnon mediakeskus (StratKom). Sarjassa käsitellään perus sotilaskoulutusta, kouluttajien roolia, sotilasammattia (esimerkkinä 3. panssariprikaati) sekä ulkomailla tapahtuvaa koulutusta.

Esittelemme jakson, joka kertoo tankkimiesveljistä: osa heistä antoi haastatteluja sotilastoimittajille, kun taas toisten työtä nähdään taistelutoiminnan ja sotaharjoitusten kronikoissa.
Englannin kielinen tekstitys
Third contact — successful! Destroying the bastards who tried to advance between the Troika's positions
In the area between the two forward positions, several occupiers have advanced and entrenched themselves in a small trench with a dugout. The stormtroopers’ task is to clear this area.

The battle begins very dynamically: the Troika fighters frantically cover them with lines and single fire, grenades and aerial reconnaissance are also used.

“Man, we are not animals! Surrender, you will live,” — the fighters try to establish contact and convince the enemy to surrender. However, the enemy does not seem to want to live. And even when silence sets in on the enemy side, there is no certainty that the occupiers have been destroyed. The stormtroopers have to act even more risky: approach the enemy’s hole up close to throw a grenade into the shelter.

“This is my third contact in my life,” — one of the fighters shares emotionally.

After clearing part of the area, a new fire contact appears. A sniper shot rings out overhead.

“We’re being fired at from the 12th, 50 meters!” — the stormtroopers ask the aerial reconnaissance to monitor the area from a “bird’s eye” view, from where the voices and fire are heard. The fighters cover each other and slowly continue to advance until the final destruction of the enemy in their sectors.

“We’re not observing anyone anymore,” — the drone operator confirms into the radio. The task is completed, the area is completely cleared. However, there’s no need to relax — the war continues. Watch in detail another episode of the battle, recorded by the Troika fighters.


00:00 Disclaimer
00:20 Task — Knock out the invaders and clear the area
01:20 Third contact
01:40 "Guys, take the sectors!
02:05 "You'll surrender, you'll survive, I promise!"
03:15 "Cover!"
04:00 "He might be expecting us..., it's dangerous"
05:20 "Friend, give me a report"
06:20 We smoke out the next invaders from the dugouts
08:00 "The situation is abnormal, a sniper shot overhead"
09:00 "We hear voices, please look"
10:50 "What did they forget here?"
11:50 "We're not observing anyone there anymore"
12:20 "There's no need to relax — the war is going on. "
12:20 Thank you to our sponsors!

POV | fragment of the Omega special forces operation in the Serebryany Forest
A fragment of a joint operation of the scouts of the 5th special forces detachment "Omega" of the NGU and the 12th brigade "Azov" of the NGU in the Serebryansk forest, in the so-called dense area - "Ukrainian Vietnam".

The task of the large-scale operation for the National Guard was to reach a certain line, repelling the positions of the occupiers.

In the video, a fragment of the assault in the "green zone", impenetrable jungle, swamp and newly created enemy positions camouflaged in the thickets forced our scouts to act as covertly as possible. Thus, the Omega soldiers approached the enemy from the flanks.

The task for the scouts was to reach the crossroads. In order to cut off some enemy forces and provide a bridgehead for the movement of our forces to the north, leveling the front line.

During the assault, the special forces destroyed one occupier, two more were wounded.
Viimeksi muokattu:
SHOOTING CHAMPION. We crush enemy infantry and tanks in another assault.
The enemy does not give up on his intentions to break our defenses in the Siversky direction. In mid-January, the occupiers attacked the K-2 Battalion's lane from three sides at once, but the infantry held out, and the unmanned systems and artillery units completely defeated the enemy. Our FPV pilots hunted both enemy tanks and Russian attack aircraft, which were trying their best to escape from the drones. And in anticipation of the inevitable, they even prayed and threw down their weapons. But we found everyone.

UNPACKING THE SWEDISH BOAT CB90: An armored boat for special operations and patrols
“You feel like you’re on a roller coaster, only without insurance”: this is how the crew describes their service on the CB90 boat. The boat is extremely fast and maneuverable – it can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (74 km/h). In the middle of the landing compartment, the CB90 can carry up to 21 soldiers in full combat gear. Soldiers disembark via a ramp installed in the bow.

The boat has three turrets, which can be equipped with a 12.7 mm Browning heavy machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. While patrolling with the boat crew, Junior Sergeant Vitaly Bakumenko had to test his vestibular apparatus, and you can read more about the capabilities of the CB90 in the Army TV story.
Deadliest F-16 Рilot Dan "Two Dogs" Hampton "Ready to Fly for Ukraine" ‪@United24News‬
Dan Hampton is a retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel, also known as “the deadliest F-16 pilot”. In this interview he shared his readiness to fight for Ukraine as a pilot, commented on the difference between Western and Russian pilots, and whether F-16 can compete with SU-35 ‪@United24News‬

How to discourage the desire to storm? BURN the occupiers and equipment! BMP, MTLB, 2-200 and 2-300 forever in the ground
The enemy tried to break through our front, but encountered the "Force of Freedom"! Our soldiers, defending Ukrainian land, destroyed the enemy's BMP and MT-LB, as well as the personnel of the occupiers

Thanks to the skillful use of modern means of destruction, the fighters of the Rubizh Brigade won another victory. Accurate shots destroyed the enemy's armored vehicles that tried to break through our defense. This demonstrates the high level of training of our soldiers and the effectiveness of the weapons that we receive, including for your donations!

Continue to support the Defense Forces of Ukraine! When we are together, we cannot be defeated!
YARYY. Documentary film
Under continuous enemy fire, our marines fight every day for every meter of land. Evacuation of the wounded, fire suppression of the enemy and support of our assault groups. When the overwhelming circumstances make adjustments to the planning, but they are powerless to stop our will to win.

"Yary" is an honest story about the struggle of the Nikolaev marines on the Kursk direction, which will not leave you indifferent. Premiere on February 6 - to the half-year anniversary of the operation, in which our marines participated from the very beginning.

MACHINE GUN ON WHEELS: How the fighters of the 56th brigade put a Browning on an ATV and are pouring it on the Russians
The commander asked to improve the ATV, and Browning was installed on it. The fighters of the 56th separate motorized infantry brigade of Mariupol converted an evacuation vehicle into a combat unit.

The advantages of such a vehicle are speed and cross-country ability. The fighters can quickly work out the enemy and quickly leave the position. In addition, the ATV can transport provisions, BC and the wounded. For other advantages of the combat ATV, see the story of Junior Lieutenant Volodymyr Kravchuk on Army TV.
FPV work near Pokrovskoye | 425 OSHP "SKALA"

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
One day with the defenders of Ukraine
Documentary footage from a trip to Pokrovsk.
The work of the pilots of the 1st MPB of the 93rd Special Rifle Brigade "Kholodny Yar"!
We show and tell what everyone is silent about...
Together we will win!✊🇺🇦
"K12 on a mission". How the operation of the special artillery reconnaissance unit unfolded in the Luhansk region forests.
Every bush could respond with a burst of gunfire, and the ground was covered with landmines. In such conditions, Azov fighters from the K12 unit carried out combat missions in an extremely challenging sector.

Deployments, advancing to positions, firing with all available munitions. The artillery reconnaissance of the 12th Azov Brigade constantly "haunted the occupiers, found breaches in their defense, and made a significant contribution to the overall success of the operation in the swamps.

Watch archival footage of the battle involving the K12 unit of brigade command and artillery reconnaissance.

00:00-00:57 Intro
00:58-02:53 Start of the operation
02:54-06:23 Fire control
06:24-08:54 Retreat by the Siversky Donets river

Inside the Foreign Legion Fighting in Ukraine
Since the start of the war thousands of Americans, Europeans and people from 50 other countries have traveled to Ukraine to fight against Russian Forces. I met with one of their infantry squads at their safehouse near the frontline while they were getting ready to rotate into the trenches. They are all that stands between Russian troops and a key city.

My goal in this episode is to find out what life is like for the average foreign infantryman in Ukraine, learn the type of tactics that they find are useful and we’ll follow them to see how they infiltrate and exfiltrate from the zero line.
Englanniksi dubattu
Paratrooping to Donbas, Rescue of commanders, fire raids, liberation of Kharkiv region
At the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, the third special forces detachment of the Omega Special Forces of the National Guard of Ukraine was tasked with covering the Odesa coast from the landing of naval troops, as well as fighting enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups and supporters of russian invasion.

Later, the unit was deployed to the eastern front of Ukraine to perform tasks to repel the armed aggression of Russian troops.

In our video, watch the combat journey of the d unit in 2022-2023: the liberation of the Kharkiv region, a military operation to rescue commanders, a fire raid on an enemy command and observation post, combat operations in the forest, and the motivation of the soldiers to fight.

Englannin kielinen tekstitys
When the military began to use FPV drones, evacuations of residents from frontline settlements became much more dangerous. Volunteers use detectors that warn them when danger is approaching. But this does not always help: drones operate on different frequencies.
Fog, gusty wind, snow and rain are the best friends of volunteer evacuators: drones do not fly in bad weather. So, it becomes possible to reach Pokrovsk, half-besieged by the Russians. People still remain in the city. They still badly hesitate to leave their homes. Risking their lives, volunteers try to convince them to leave.
A few days after the film was shot this particular armored vehicle got attacked by a Russian drone. Eddie, a cheerful and sincere Brit from the NGO BaseUA evacuating team, was seriously injured. Eventually his left arm and leg were amputated.
Toretsk. A city that holds on thanks to the titanic efforts of the Ukrainian Defense Forces
Toretsk. A city that holds on thanks to the titanic efforts of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, including the fighters of the Joint Assault Brigade of the National Police "Lyut".

Source: Official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine -

Counter-sabotage operation in Toretsk
Joint work of fighters of the special operations battalion "Aeneas" and the "Khyzhak" brigade.

They broke into the enemy's fortifications, leaving him with minimal time to react. They laid explosive "surprises" in places where the invaders gathered.

Source: Official channel of the consolidated brigade "Khyzhak" under the Patrol Police Department -
Tekstitetty englanniksi
"There is no manual on how to fight": fighters of the 93rd spoke about the development of anti-aircraft FPVs | ENG.SUB
A difficult and unpredictable war with the Russian occupiers requires new approaches. Often the most effective solutions are born right in the trenches!

This is exactly what the use of FPV drones against Russian Orlans, Zals and Superkamas, and sometimes even Lancets, has become. Operators find enemy aircraft and loitering ammunition and ram them with a kamikaze drone right in the air!

Vano is one of the most experienced anti-aircraft gunners in the 93rd Kholodny Yar Brigade. He has shot down a Ka-52 Alligator helicopter and enemy SU aircraft. He has flown through the Kharkiv region and Bakhmut, where he shot down enemy aircraft with the help of the Soviet Igla and the American Stinger. The most difficult thing for him was shooting down a Shahed. Vano hunted for them when he was in a mobile fire group, and he did shoot down one! Now the Holodomor native has led a platoon of “anti-aircraft” FPVs and is hunting for enemy drones in the villages outside Kostyantynivka. Vano took a short tour of one of these villages – Oleksandro-Shultin – taking advantage of the unflyable weather.

“I follow each launch to meet with those people and ask them: what did they shoot down, how did they shoot down, under what conditions. We accumulate experience from different brigades. Only with such horizontal connections does this topic move forward. No one has sent any instructions on how to do it,” says Vano. He is convinced that in the future FPV drones will be modernized so that they can be used to shoot down “Shaheeds.”

00:00 Intro
00:40 First they shot down helicopters, then planes, now they switched to FPV drones
01:02 “Nobody knew how to do it, and those who did, didn’t share their experience”
01:32 FPV with a shotgun
02:58 Pilot coordination in space
04:01 Russians destroy the village of Aleksandro-Shultine and destroy the two-hundred-year-old St. George’s Church
04:28 Russian drone “Molniya”
5:18 20 bombs for FPV drones are made from plastid from one “Molniya”
05:55 Zushki are not very effective
06:16 The next stage will be to shoot down “Shakheds” with FPV drones. It is the most difficult to shoot down
8:35 In four months, 45 air targets were shot down
10:04 “When we destroy a target, these moments help us hold on”
10:26 The future will be in guidance, in machine vision
11:14 “I follow every launch to meet those people and learn from their experience”

FULL LINE OF DShV DRONES: fighters of the 25th Brigade test drones for work on the front
Mining, evacuation, assaults and self-destruct missions. Ground drones of the 25th Separate Airborne Sicheslav Brigade are used to perform almost all the tasks required on the front line. According to the fighters, they try to do everything so that their robots replace living people.

The most popular ground drones of the 25th brigade are the “cockroaches”. These are the smallest and simplest platforms on wheels that are easily repaired and re-equipped for various tasks. Lieutenant Yevhen Nazarenko managed to ride several drones, and also get acquainted with foreigners who came to help our fighters improve ground robotic systems. More details in the story on Army TV.
Englannin kielinen
A night with Ukraine’s Vampire drone team near Kurakhove
In the new age of drones ushered in by Russia’s war against Ukraine, UAVs of all shapes and sizes, from large fixed-wing reconnaissance drones to small kamikaze quadcopters have a specialized role to play.
One design, the Ukrainian Vampire heavy bomber drone, has stood out in its effectiveness and versatility, able to drop not only large bombs and mines on the enemy, but also much-needed supplies for Ukrainian troops.
The Kyiv Independent spent a night shift with a Vampire team fighting between Kurakhove and Pokrovsk in Donetsk Oblast, the hottest part of the front line, on a mine-laying mission.

Two days with the 155th Brigade near Pokrovsk
First heavily publicized as the first French-trained brigade, the 155th ‘Anne of Kyiv’ Brigade made the headlines soon after its deployment due to massive issues between soldiers going AWOL and equipment distributed to other brigades. Our team met with soldiers of the brigade deployed near Pokrovsk to understand, through their own words, what really happened and how the military is learning from its mistakes.
"SKALA" stops the Russian offensive on Pokrovsk

THEY WERE ATTACKED IN THE TRENCH. A heroic battle and revenge for a fallen comrade!
Close combat with the invaders!
Fighters of the Svoboda battalion of the Rubizh Brigade showed footage of the battle with the invaders in the Siversky direction.
In them you can see that the assault group of the invaders approached the dugout of our defenders in close proximity. The distance is so small that our soldiers successfully use grenades.
That is why we say that the infantry is the backbone of the army, its indomitable will and steel spirit!
Englannin kielinen
FULL ROBOTIC OPERATION in KHARKIV region: how TO USE Robots in the modern WARFARE
In early December, the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine “Khartiia” conducted the first fully robotic operation against the enemy in the Kharkiv area. This operation was aimed at establishing the conditions for further advancement of the brigade's units.

For the first time, so many robotic and unmanned systems were present on the battlefield. The operation involved numerous ground-based robotic systems (drones for mining and demining, kamikaze drones, mobile turrets) and UAVs of various types (heavy multi-rotor “bombers”, surveillance drones, various FPVs).

“Our goal is to save the life of a soldier by replacing him on the battlefield, where possible, with a robotic or unmanned system. This requires detailed planning, constant search for new engineering solutions and the cultivation of a culture of innovation in the brigade,” comments Colonel Maksym Holubok, Chief of Staff of the "Khartiia" Brigade.

Meet the U.S. Paratrooper Veteran Who Fights Against Russia in the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine!
Murray is an American serviceman who previously served in the U.S. Airborne Forces. In 2022, he joined Ukraine’s Defense Forces and became a company commander in the International Legion under the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU). In an interview for Army TV, he shares why he made this decision and how the war in Ukraine differs from his experience in Afghanistan.

Murray also explains his unit’s missions, recalls his first battles in Ukraine, and comments on the enemy’s tactics. He talks about his experiences interacting with Ukrainians, both on and off the front lines, shares the story behind an award he received, and reflects on how his family and friends reacted to his decision to join the war.

Murray is featured in the film “One Summer in Ukraine” (link), which tells the stories of foreigners who came to Ukraine and joined the International Legion under the DIU.

00:00 - Things forbidden in the U.S. Army
00:32 - Why joining the Ukrainian Army was an easy decision
05:02 - Following the war in Ukraine since 2014
07:31 - What happens if Ukraine loses
10:47 - Responsibilities of a company commander in the International Legion under the DIU
14:10 - First battles in Ukraine and experiences across different fronts
16:14 - Russians and how to counter their tactics
23:29 - Brief conversations with Russians
25:30 - “The war in Afghanistan was completely different”
30:03 - How many Nazis he’s met in Ukraine and overall impressions of the country
39:23 - Joining the International Legion under the DIU
42:12 - Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
45:28 - Support from family and friends
48:31 - War is terrifying, but it pushes you to become better
53:14 - Compliments to Ukrainian soldiers and units
56:26 - Language barrier and overcoming it
01:01:00 - Margot from Kherson
01:02:13 - How S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shaped his passion
01:04:39 - Plans to stay in Ukraine
Interview with Tango from the Chosen Company
Tango is an American combat veteran who served in Iraq and fought in the hardest battles in Ukraine: first with the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR), then with the Chosen Company. He was heavily wounded during the summer counteroffensive of 2023 near the village of Pervomaiske while saving the lives of his brothers-in-arms. We recorded this interview in 2024, while he was still recovering. We talk about the Bakhmut operation, the realities of the war, the proper mindset of a warrior, and what can carry you through the hardships. Not only is Tango an awesome human being but he also has some great stories to tell.

Will Trump end the war in Ukraine? | Four Corners documentary
With Donald Trump vowing to end the brutal war in Ukraine, Four Corners travels to the front line to investigate: Is peace even possible?

With extraordinary access just a kilometre from Russian positions, reporter Mark Willacy watches from an underground bunker as an elite Ukrainian drone unit hunts and kills enemy soldiers in real-time.

He also speaks with Ukraine’s political leaders about whether Trump can broker a “just peace” with the man who started it all — Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As the war’s third anniversary looms, Four Corners takes viewers to the battlefield, where Russia is throwing everything, it has at Ukraine in relentless, suicidal waves — what Ukrainian soldiers grimly call “meatwaves”.

01:40 – Ukraine
02:24 – Going to the front line
04:46 – Drone warfare
10:50 – Secret bunker
11:42 – Drone factory
13:12 – Territorial control
14:33 – ‘The most difficult stage’
15:35 – Return of Donald Trump and the end of the war
18:55 – Russian control
20:36 – Howitzer and American weapons
25:30 – Kyiv and lost soldiers
26:20 – Andriy Yermak
29:43 – Taira captured by the Russians
34:26 – Recruitment centre
34:55 – Volunteer to fight
36:05 – NATO
37:10 – Mass graves
40:10 – Drone bunker
44:00 – The enemy

Note: In most cases, our captions are auto-generated.
Enemy infantry, under artillery cover, went on the assault. We are met by FPV kamikaze drones.
00:00 Intro
00:18 Support us
01:27 Attacking a group of infantry
02:12 Infantry trying to run across the field
04:19 Working on enemy artillery
07:55 What the battlefield looks like
09:52 Thank you for your support

WE'RE HUNTING IN THE BUSHES AND FIELDS. The stormtroopers won't return home.
Catching and destroying the occupiers is what our UAV operators do the day after the enemy assault. After all, the remnants of the enemy assault groups after the roll-overs still remain in holes, ravines and dugouts in the gray zone and they still pose a threat to our infantry. Therefore, the K-2 pilots conduct a thorough sweep, eliminating those who came for the "long ruble" to fight in Ukraine.