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ScienceDaily kirjoittaa:
Led by mechanical science and engineering professor Nicholas Fang, Illinois researchers have demonstrated an acoustic cloak, a technology that renders underwater objects invisible to sonar and other ultrasound waves.
"We are not talking about science fiction. We are talking about controlling sound waves by bending and twisting them in a designer space,"
The researchers tested their cloak's ability to hide a steel cylinder. They submerged the cylinder in a tank with an ultrasound source on one side and a sensor array on the other, then placed the cylinder inside the cloak and watched it disappear from their sonar.
Voisin kuvitella, että tuollainen materiaali ja kuvio voisi olla sukellusveneisiin ja torpedoihin jne. erittäin tervetullut.
hessukessu kirjoitti:
ScienceDaily kirjoittaa:
Led by mechanical science and engineering professor Nicholas Fang, Illinois researchers have demonstrated an acoustic cloak, a technology that renders underwater objects invisible to sonar and other ultrasound waves.
"We are not talking about science fiction. We are talking about controlling sound waves by bending and twisting them in a designer space,"
The researchers tested their cloak's ability to hide a steel cylinder. They submerged the cylinder in a tank with an ultrasound source on one side and a sensor array on the other, then placed the cylinder inside the cloak and watched it disappear from their sonar.
Voisin kuvitella, että tuollainen materiaali ja kuvio voisi olla sukellusveneisiin ja torpedoihin jne. erittäin tervetullut.

Mahtaako toimia käytännössä? Ettei vain materiaali menisi heti tukkoon levän ja kaiken muun moskan vaikutuksesta.