Uutisia Indonesiasta


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Indonesia ostaa Venäjältä 16 kappaletta Su-35 Flanker E hävittäjiä korvaamaan Northrop F-5E hävittäjät. Indonesialla on jo valmiiksi käytössä Su-27 ja Su-30 hävittäjiä. Varmasti hyvä valinta.


Indonesia plans to buy 16 Russian Su-35 fighter jets — media
September 03, 19:56 UTC+3
A decision was made to decommission US F-5 Tiger fighter jets and purchase Russian aircraft instead of them

SINGAPORE, September 3. /TASS/. Indonesia intends to sign a contract with Russia in September to purchase 16 Sukhoi Su-35 (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) fighter jets, the Indonesian news agency ANTARA reported on Thursday.

"A decision was made to decommission US F-5 Tiger fighter jets and purchase Russian aircraft instead of them," the agency quoted Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu as saying.

"The purchase will be made gradually, depending on the financial possibilities of the country’s government," he said.

Therefore, "the Indonesian Air Force will operate aircraft made by China, Russia and the United States," he added.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä vahvistui:
"Indonesia has ordered Russian-made Su-35 fighter planes to replace Northrop F-5 fighter jets
In the Singapore Airshow 2016 today, Indonesia agreed to buy about one dozen Sukhoi Su-35 fighter planes from Russia, to upgrade its fleet. The transaction will take a month to complete.
The Indonesian Air Force wants to replace 12 of its aging Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) F-5 fighters. The country already has two of Russia’s Su-27SK aircraft, three Su-27SKM, two Su-30MK, and nine Su-30MK2 jet fighters. Besides this, the other planes include 12 Lockheed Martin F-16A/Bs aircraft, and 15 Hawk 209 sub-sonic light combat aircraft. The Hawk is used for training purposes. The force is also likely to receive 24 refurbished F-16s from the US. These planes are part of a 2011 agreement between the government of the two countries.
To honor the contract, Russia is likely to establish its repair and maintenance setup in Indonesia. Domestic firms are also likely to receive contracts for the Su-35. Therefore, this contract will be helpful in generating employment opportunities as well.
Other jet fighter manufacturers namely Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), Eurofighter, Dassault Systemes S.A. (ADR) (OTCMKTS:DASTY) and Saab AB (OTCMKTS:SAABF) are also reported to be on talks with the Indonesian government. However, the government’s preference was confined to Russian-built jets only. The main reason for this is its dismal maintenance experience with the F-16A/Bs and F-5E/F fighters.
The Su-35 is a Russian single-seat, twin-engine, super maneuverable multi-role fighter plane. The country has also received an order for 24 units worth $2 billion from China in November 2015. Indonesia’s order is the second one.
The deal involving air equipment is not new. On February 9, 2016, Indonesian Defence Minister, General Ryamizard Ryacudu said the government is interested in purchasing 10 aircraft from Russia. The latest deal is part of the Indonesia's 2016 strategic plan. Gen. Ryacudu also said Indonesia and Russia will also cooperate in knowledge transfer, whereby Indonesian candidates will visit Russian military schools. This followed a meeting with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council at Indonesia’s Political, Legal, and Security Ministry Office."
Suomettumislasien läpi katsottuna, vaihtoiko Indonesia itäleiriin?
ISIS näyttää värvänneen kaikki innokkaimmat omiin riveihinsä.

Poliisi epäilee, että iskusarjan takana on Isis-terrorijärjestöön kytköksissä oleva Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) -liike, joskin tutkimukset ovat vasta alkuvaiheessa.
Poliisi uskoo myös, että iskuilla on jotain tekemistä muutama päivä sitten Jakartan vankilassa 36 tuntia kestäneen panttivankitilanteen kanssa, jossa osallisina oli islamilaisia militantteja.
Indonesian poliisi on takavuosina onnistunut vangitsemaan useita islamistijohtajia, mutta viime aikoina erityisesti Isis-järjestöön liittyvä islamilainen terrorismi on ollut kasvussa.
Paikallisen Lion Airin kone pudonnut Jaavan edustalla

Matkustajakone syöksyi mereen Indonesiassa – koneessa oli 188 ihmistä
Matkustajakone syöksyi mereen pian nousun jälkeen.
Kadonneet lentokoneet
29.10.2018 klo 04:47päivitetty 29.10.2018 klo 06:07


Indonesiassa Lion Air -lentoyhtiön matkustajakone on syöksynyt mereen. Koneessa oli 188 ihmistä.
Pääkaupunki Jakartasta lähtenyt kone katosi pian nousun jälkeen. Lennonjohto menetti yhteyden koneeseen 13 minuuttia nousun jälkeen. Kone nousi ilmaan paikallista aikaa 6.20.
Koneen etsintä- ja pelastusoperaatio on käynnissä. Kone on tyyppiä Boeing 737 MAX 8. Merestä on löydetty koneen osia ja matkustajien tavaroita.

Sukeltajat pyrkivät paikantamaan koneen hylyn Jaavan saaren edustalla. Meri on alueella noin 30–40 metriä syvä.
Kone oli matkalla Jakartasta Pangkal Pinangin kaupunkiin, Bangkan saarelle. Saari sijaitsee Sumatran saaren itäpuolella.

Lion Airin 737 MAX8-koneen kahden viikon takaisen onnettomuuden syynä näyttäisi olleen koneen automaattinen sakkauksenestojärjestelmä. MAX-mallit ovat uusin 737:n sukupolvi ja automaatinen sakkauksenesto tuli tähän uusimpaan malliin, järjestelmä saattaa erityisolosuhteissa painaa koneen nokan alas siten etteivät lentäjät pysty sitä estämään. Boeing mainosti uutta sukupolvea siten etteivät 737-lentäjät tarvitse lisäkoulutusta uutta mallia lentääkseen, uutta automaattijärjestelmää ei myöskään mainittu koulutusmateriaaleissa tai Boeingin ja lentoyhtiöiden välisissä keskusteluissa.
Boeing Co. withheld information about potential hazards associated with a new flight-control feature suspected of playing a role in last month’s fatal Lion Air jet crash, according to safety experts involved in the investigation, as well as midlevel FAA officials and airline pilots.

The automated stall-prevention system on Boeing 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 models—intended to help cockpit crews avoid mistakenly raising a plane’s nose dangerously high—under unusual conditions can push it down unexpectedly and so strongly that flight crews can’t pull it back up. Such a scenario, Boeing told airlines in a world-wide safety bulletin roughly a week after the accident, can result in a steep dive or crash—even if pilots are manually flying the jetliner and don’t expect flight-control computers to kick in.

That warning came as a surprise to many pilots who fly the latest models for U.S carriers. Safety experts involved in and tracking the investigation said that at U.S. carriers, neither airline managers nor pilots had been told such a system had been added to the latest 737 variant—and therefore aviators typically weren’t prepared to cope with the possible risks.

“It’s pretty asinine for them to put a system on an airplane and not tell the pilots who are operating the airplane, especially when it deals with flight controls,” said Capt. Mike Michaelis, chairman of the safety committee for the Allied Pilots Association, which represents about 15,000 American Airlines pilots. “Why weren’t they trained on it?”

One Federal Aviation Administration manager familiar with the details said the new flight-control systems weren’t highlighted in any training materials or during lengthy discussions between carriers and regulators about phasing in the latest 737 derivatives.

Boeing declined to immediately answer specific questions Monday. “We are taking every measure to fully understand all aspects of this incident, working closely with the investigating team and all regulatory authorities involved,” the company said in a statement. “We are confident in the safety of the 737 MAX.”

On Monday, an FAA statement reiterated that the agency had mandated flight manual changes to emphasize proper pilot responses to the new flight-control systems. “The FAA will take further action if findings from the accident investigation warrant,” the statement noted, but declined to comment further.

Boeing marketed the MAX 8 partly by telling customers it wouldn’t need pilots to undergo additional simulator training beyond that already required for older versions, according to industry and government officials. One high-ranking Boeing official said the company had decided against disclosing more details to cockpit crews due to concerns about inundating average pilots with too much information—and significantly more technical data—than they needed or could digest.

Minutes after takeoff from Jakarta in good weather, Lion Air Flight 610 experienced problems with airspeed indicators and a related system that feeds data to computers about the angle of the nose. The crash killed all 189 people on board.

Investigators haven’t described the precise sequence of events that caused the twin-engine jet to plummet into the Java Sea at a steep angle and high speed. But Indonesian authorities already have called for stepped-up pilot training and suggested they are delving into design issues. In the U.S. at least, substantial training changes will have to wait until new flight simulators are delivered to carriers.

The focus of the probe is shifting away from its early emphasis on individual system malfunctions and suspected pilot mistakes, according to people tracking developments.

Instead, these people said, U.S. and Indonesian crash investigators increasingly are delving into the way the MAX 8’s automated flight-control systems interact with each other, and how rigorously the FAA and Boeing analyzed potential hazards in the event some of them malfunction and feed incorrect or unreliable data to the plane’s computers. Swiftly turning off the automated feature is the solution in such cases.

Earlier 737 versions have different stall-protection systems, that don’t automatically drive down the nose even when other functions of the plane’s autopilot are turned off. Yet operation of those older systems was highlighted in training over the years, and pilots had to memorize steps to counteract potentially dangerous unintended consequences. MAX 8 training materials don’t include a requirement to memorize the steps to turn off the stall-protection system.

Stepped-up scrutiny of the latest 737 MAX features applies to more than 200 of the models that have been delivered to customers around the world, including Southwest Airlines ,American Airlines and United Airlines. Boeing’s 737 factory near Seattle currently churns out 52 planes a month.

“We’re pissed that Boeing didn’t tell the companies and the pilots didn’t get notice obviously, as well,” said Capt. Jon Weaks, president of Southwest Airlines Co.’s pilot union. “But what we need now is...to make sure there is nothing else Boeing has not told the companies or the pilots.”

Like Mr. Weaks, some FAA managers and industry officials aren’t satisfied with what they contend is Boeing’s belated candor.
Boeing is working on a software fix, according to industry and government officials, that would likely mitigate risks. On Saturday, the company went further than before in spelling out dangers pilots can face if they misinterpret or respond too slowly to counter automated commands.

In a message sent to all 737 operators, and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, the Chicago plane maker explained in painstaking detail the engineering principles and operational parameters behind the latest automation.

That message was more detailed than the bulletin Boeing voluntarily issued earlier, alerting pilots about the potential hazard—and touching off debate over the stall-prevention system’s design. Within hours, the FAA followed up with its emergency directive mandating changes in flight manuals.

Such interim efforts “are very appropriate in the near term to increase pilot awareness,” said John Cox, a former 737 pilot and ex-crash investigator for North America’s largest pilots union who now consults on safety for carriers and business aviation.

Boeing’s latest communications with airlines prompted American’s union to alert its members. “This is the first description you, as 737 pilots, have seen,” the union pointedly told pilots in a memo, referring to the 737 MAX stall-prevention system. Noting the system wasn’t mentioned in American Airlines’ or Boeing manuals, the union memo added: “It will be soon.”

The ultimate way to counteract dangerous automated nose-down commands is basically the same for old and new systems, though checklists and procedures for the 737 MAX 8 entail more steps and take more time. Investigators and safety experts are convinced that as the emergency worsened, the Lion Air crew had barely seconds in which they could have diagnosed the problem and taken action to save the aircraft.

Shortly before the plane crashed, according to local Indonesian media reports, one of the pilots told air-traffic controllers about difficulties controlling the plane.
Olipa kiva liike Boeingilta.... Eihän nyt pilottien tarvitse tietää moisesta...eihän?
Joko Widodo lennättää Indonesian pääkaupungin Kalimantaniin?

Indonesia on valinnut sademetsistään tunnetun Borneon saaren uuden pääkaupunkinsa sijainniksi, maan presidentti Joko Widodo kertoo.

Maa on aikeissa siirtää hallintonsa ruuhkien ja saasteen keskeltä megalopoli-Jakartasta Jaavan saarelta. Projektin arvioidaan maksavan lähes 30 miljardia euroa. Uuden pääkaupungin ehdotettu sijainti on lähellä Balikpapanin ja Samarindan kaupunkeja Itä-Kalimantanin provinssissa.

Huolet hollantilaissiirtolaisten
lähes 500 vuotta sitten perustaman Jakartan tulevaisuudesta ovat kasvaneet viime aikoina. 10 miljoonan asukkaan kaupunki on maailman nopeimmin uppoavia. Ympäristöasiantuntijat ovat varoittaneet, että jopa kolmasosa kaupungista voisi olla veden alla vuoteen 2050 mennessä, jos nykytahti jatkuu. Ongelma on pitkälti kytköksissä liialliseen pohjaveden ottoon. Jakartan alue on myös maanjäristys- ja tulva-altis. Esteetön kehitys ja heikko kaupunkisuunnittelu ovat myös omalta osaltaan rasittaneet kaupungin perustuksia. Pääkaupungin ja sen ympäröivien kaupunkien yhteenlaskettu väkiluku on noin 30 miljoonaa.

7.1 magnitudia 45 kilometrin syvyydessä merellä Indonesiassa.


Tsunamivaroitus annettu, mutta hämmästyisin suuresti jos tuon kokoinen järinä noin syvällä saisi aikaan kovin merkittävän tsunamin. Pienempi ei kai ole poissuljettu.

Krakatau (Krakatoa) purkautuu vaihteen vuoksi.
Indonesian fishermen, lured by higher paychecks and steady work, are leaving poorer fishing villages for Malaysia, and are sailing right into the jaws of Abu Sayyaf, a feared terrorist group. The organization earns millions of USD annually from kidnapping ransoms and Indonesian fishermen are the latest target. VICE meets Subandi, a fisherman from South Sulawesi, who spent 20 months in captivity after being taken off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia. What draws these fishermen into such dangerous waters? And will the kidnappings stop? VICE investigates.
Vahvistus ny timesissa.

Ei ollut MAX, vaan vanhempi runko.
27 vuotta vanha 737-500 sanoi iltis. Paska uutinen, johtui nyt sitten mistä vaan. Suoraa syöksyä kovalla nopeudella mereen sanoi traficomin spesialisti radiossa.