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Iltalehti kirjoitti:Israel löysää aselakeja - perusteena ”yksinäisten susien” hyökkäykset
Yli puoli miljoonaa israelilaista saa uusien lakien perusteella oikeuden hakea aselupaa.
Israelin sisäisen turvallisuuden ministeriö ilmoitti myöhään maanantaina, että jopa 600 000 israelilaista saa oikeuden hakea aselupaa.
Ministeriö arvioi AFP:n mukaan, että arviolta vain 35 000 ihmistä olisi kiinnostunut uusien lakien perusteella hakemaan lupia. Aselupa sallittaisiin jatkossa sellaisille henkilöille, jotka ovat saaneet edistyneemmän jalkaväkisotakoulutuksen. Israelissa on pakollinen asevelvollisuus kaikille 18 vuotta täyttäneille, mutta vain harva armeijan käynyt täyttää edellä mainitun kriteerin. Aseluvan voi saada myös, jos kuuluu poliisin vapaaehtoisiin, terveydenhuoltohenkilöstöön tai on entinen upseeri.
Ennen lakimuutosta aselupia annettiin ammatin perusteella. AFP mainitsee esimerkkinä jalokivikauppiaat ja metsästäjät. Tärkeämpi kriteeri oli kuitenkin asuinpaikka: siirtokunnissa kuten Länsirannalla asuville tai työskenteleville annetaan helpohkosti aselupia.
Uusien sääntöjen taustalla ovat turvallisuusministeri Gilad Erdanin mukaan palestiinalaisten "yksinäisten susien" tekemät iskut. Viime vuosina on tapahtunut useita veitsellä, autolla tai ampuma-aseella tehtyjä terrori-iskuja, joiden kohteina ovat sotilaiden ohella olleet usein myös siviilit. Hallitus järkeilee, että aseiden suurempi määrä tuo turvallisuutta.
- Monet siviilit ovat pelastaneet henkiä hyökkäysten aikana ja mitä useammalla koulutetulla siviilillä on "yksinäisten susien terrorismin" aikana ase, sitä suurempi on mahdollisuus torjua iskuja ja minimoida uhrien määrä, Erdan sanoi tiedotteessa.
Tiukat taustatarkastukset
Ministeri huomautti, että muutos ei vaikuta aseenkanto-oikeuden tarkastusprosessiin, joka Erdanin mukaan on "yksi tiukimmista".
- Mitään aietta päätyä Yhdysvaltojen kaltaiseen tilanteeseen ei ole. Ihmisten taustat ja heidän terveyshistoriansa, mukaan lukien mielenterveyshistoria, tutkitaan. Lupa tarvitaan terveysministeriöltä ja poliisilta, Erdan sanoi radiohaastattelussa tiistaina.
Tällä hetkellä vain 140 000 siviilillä on aseluvat maassa, jossa on noin 8,5 miljoonaa ihmistä. Vertailun vuoksi Suomessa on sisäministeriön mukaan yli 600 000 aseluvan haltijaa.
Kriitikoiden mielestä suurempi määrä aseita johtaa väkivallan lisääntymiseen. Vasemmistopoliitikkojen mielestä aseet voivat lisätä kotiväkivaltaa ja tulilinjalla ovat erityisesti naiset ja lapset. Osa oppositiosta väittää myös, että lakimuutos vaikuttaa myös aseiden lisääntymiseen arabikaupungeissa, joissa luvattomat aseet ovat jo nyt vakava ongelma.
JAAKKO ISONIEMI [email protected]
Jonkin verran maanpuolustushenkisempi versio samasta uutisesta, vertauksia Texasiin (concealed carry -lainsäädäntö johti jyrkkään laskuun henkirikosten määrässä):Israel näkee asioita eri tavalla kuin EU:
IDF says 20 targets bombed in Gaza, including tunnels; blames Hamas for rockets
Military doesn’t say which terror group launched rockets that hit Beersheba home, landed off central Israeli coast, but lays responsibility on Strip’s rulers
A Palestinian man walks on debris following a retaliatory Israeli air strike near the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah after a rocket struck a home in the Israeli city of Beersheba on October 17, 2018. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
The Israeli military bombed 20 “military facilities” in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning, the army said, in response to a predawn rocket attack that struck a home in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, causing damage but no injury.
A second rocket fired from Gaza landed off the coast of the greater Tel Aviv area, known in Israel as Gush Dan, which consists of the metropolis itself along with a number of large suburbs.
The Israel Defense Forces said it held the Hamas terror group, which rules the coastal enclave, responsible for the attack, regardless of which group specifically launched the rockets.
The Israeli military bombed 20 “military facilities” in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning, the army said, in response to a predawn rocket attack that struck a home in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, causing damage but no injury.
A second rocket fired from Gaza landed off the coast of the greater Tel Aviv area, known in Israel as Gush Dan, which consists of the metropolis itself along with a number of large suburbs.
The Israel Defense Forces said it held the Hamas terror group, which rules the coastal enclave, responsible for the attack, regardless of which group specifically launched the rockets.
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“There are only two organizations in Gaza that have this caliber of rocket: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” said IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. “It’s not hard to narrow down who’s behind it.”
However, in a joint statement, Hamas and PIJ publicly condemned the rocket attack, saying it was “irresponsible” and threatened to derail an Egypt-led negotiation effort.
In response to the early morning rocket attack, the IDF said it bombed some 20 targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including an attack tunnel being dug toward Israel from outside the city of Khan Younis.
The entrance to a naval tunnel west of Khan Younis, which would be used by Hamas’s naval commando unit, was also destroyed in the retaliatory airstrikes, the army said.
An Israeli sapper checks a house after it was hit by a rocket fired from the Hamas-run Gaza Strip at the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on October 17, 2018. (Jack GUEZ / AFP)
In addition, Israeli air force jets bombed a number of weapons factory, military bases and other facilities connected to Hamas’s tunnel-building efforts, Conricus said.
The retaliatory strikes hit targets throughout the Gaza Strip: in Rafah, Khan Younis, Tel al-Hawa, and in the north of the enclave near Beit Lahiya.
Three people were moderately wounded in the strikes near Rafah, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
An Israeli aircraft also targeted a group of Palestinian terrorists as they attempted to launch a projectile at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip, the spokesman said.
The military later released video footage of the airstrike, showing the men loading a launch tube with a shell and taking a few steps away before the aircraft bombed them.
One Palestinian was killed in the strike, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry. He was later identified as Naji Ahmed al-Za’anin, 25.
After disavowing the rocket attacks, Hamas and PIJ said they “affirm our preparedness to confront the occupation’s assaults. Our guns will continue to be a protective shield for our people and our weapons are drawn at the face of our enemy.”
The rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists at Israel in the predawn hours of Wednesday morning came on the heels of weeks of soaring tensions.
One targeted Beersheba, which is located some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Strip. The explosion ripped off the front of the building and caused significant damage to the internal rooms and the roof. The mother inside had brought her three children into the building’s bomb shelter before the rocket hit.
The second rocket fell out at sea across from Gush Dan. The military confirmed that it struck “off the coast of a large city.”
The rockets used in the attack were not the standard Grad variety, but an improved version with a larger warhead. According to the IDF, it is a mid-range model that is produced within the Gaza Strip.
Iron Dome air defense batteries were not activated during the rocket attack. IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said only that the anti-rocket system did not provide “hermetic” protection.
Rocket attacks on Beersheba — home to more than 200,000 people — are rare and considered a major escalation. It was only the second rocket fired at Beersheba since the 2014 Gaza war. The previous rocket, which struck a field north of Beersheba on August 9, came as Palestinians fired dozens of projectiles at Israeli communities along the Gaza border.
Following the rocket attack, schools were closed in Beersheba and in the communities immediately surrounding the Gaza Strip, the army said. Residents of the Gaza periphery were also barred from gathering in groups larger than 300 people outdoors and 500 people indoors.
The attack came as an Egyptian military intelligence delegation was visiting the enclave. Palestinian media reported that the group was working to soothe tensions following the rocket attack and prevent war.
On Tuesday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman warned that the military was gearing up for a major strike on Gaza to stop ongoing violence.
The results of a rocket strike on a home in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on October 17, 2018. (Magen David Adom)
Liberman ordered that the two crossings between Gaza and Israel — Erez for pedestrians and Kerem Shalom for goods — remain closed Wednesday in light of the attack. In addition, the fishing zone for Gazans was cut in half, to three nautical miles from the shore, his office said.
Since March 30, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have participated in a series of protests and riots dubbed the “Great March of Return,” which have mostly involved the burning of tires and rock-throwing along the security fence, but have also seen shooting attacks and bombings as well as the sending of incendiary balloons and kites into Israel.
Palestinian demonstrators burn tires as they demonstrate during the “Great March of Return” on the Gaza-Israel border in Rafah, Gaza on October 12, 2018. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
There have also been several flareups that took Israel and Hamas to the brink of war, with Palestinians firing rockets into Israel and the IDF responding with airstrikes.
Some 155 Palestinians have been killed and thousands more have been injured in the clashes with IDF troops, according to AP figures; Hamas has acknowledged that dozens of the dead were its members. One Israeli soldier was shot dead by a sniper on the border.
The riots began as weekly events, but in recent weeks — due to both an internal Palestinian conflict and failed indirect negotiations with Israel — the clashes have become a daily event.
YLE A-studio tänään. Haastateltiin israelilaista joka väitti että Suomessa ei ole juutalaisilla täyttä uskonnonvapautta. Hän ei sen enempää avannut väitettään.
Nyt kysyn täällä olevia juutalaisuutta tuntevilta: mitä puuttuu Suomen juutalaisten oikeuksista?
YLE A-studio tänään. Haastateltiin israelilaista joka väitti että Suomessa ei ole juutalaisilla täyttä uskonnonvapautta. Hän ei sen enempää avannut väitettään.
Nyt kysyn täällä olevia juutalaisuutta tuntevilta: mitä puuttuu Suomen juutalaisten oikeuksista?
Hieno ennakkotapaus, eurooppalaiset voivat seurata perässä.
Enpä tiedä, olen ehtinyt kiintymään esinahkaani.Hieno ennakkotapaus, eurooppalaiset voivat seurata perässä.
Mitä tarkoitat? Tietääkseni arabia ei ole virallinen kieli yhdessäkään Euroopan maassa. Virallinen vähemmistökielikin se on ymmärtääkseni vain Kyproksella.
Jo toinen ilmatorjunnan suurtilaus Israeliin viikon sisällä.
IAI gets $550m ‘mega contract’ with Asian country for air defense system
Sky Capture is a command and control platform that IAI says makes existing anti-aircraft systems ‘highly accurate and effective’
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Sky Capture system in action (Courtesy IAI)
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the nation’s largest aerospace and defense company, said Monday it has won a tender for a “mega-contract” worth $550 million with the army of an Asian country to provide its “Sky Capture” Air Defense system.
Sky Capture is a command and control platform, which transforms the customer’s existing air defense systems into “highly accurate and effective”ones, with advanced command and control capabilities as well as information based on multiple sensors, including advanced fire control and detection radars, electro-optical sensors all made by IAI and its subsidiary ELTA Systems.
The command and control system provides accurate target data for the interceptors and manages the threat and firing detection in an optimal manner, based on the target type, IAI said in a statement.
The system developed at IAI provides short-range aerial defense for army forces, headquarters, bases and strategic assets against a broad range of airborne threats through cannon control, the statement said. IAI competed against “several defense leaders” in the tender, the Israeli company said.
Boaz Levi, IAI’s executive vice president and general manager of Systems, Missiles & Space Group, said that “Sky Capture combines several aerial interception methodologies, reflecting the extensive capabilities of IAI’s air defense know how. The system sold under this contract uses air defense cannons and is also designed, if needed, to manage short-range missiles and laser interception systems.”
The deal comes on the heels of another contract, announced last week, worth $777 million with India to supply a maritime version of the Barak-8 missile defense system.