Uutisia Portugalista


Respected Leader
Portugalissa on tehty melkoisen ammattimainen keikka armeijan asevarastoon. Mukaan lähti ennen kaikkea erilaisia käsikranaatteja ja räjähteitä. Tosin voihan olla, että kaikkea ei ole ilmoitettu. Keikka tehtiin sellaisella alueella, jossa mm. valvontakamerajärjestelmä on ollut epäkunnossa jo parin vuoden ajan.

Portuguese president speaks out over stolen weapons arsenal

The burglary apparently took place at night in an area where CCTV had been broken for some time

Days after weapons and explosives were taken from a military warehouse in Portugal, the scale of the theft is becoming clear.

A Spanish website has revealed an extensive list of grenades, ammunition and explosives seized from the Tancos site, north-east of Lisbon.

President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has called for a no-holds-barred investigation into the raid.

Links to arms thefts in other Nato states should be looked at, he added.

There was no mention of which other countries he had in mind.

The theft was discovered on 28 June and details were passed on to Portugal's Nato allies.

The burglary is thought to have taken place at night at a part of the security perimeter where closed-circuit cameras had been broken for over two years.

The Portuguese defence minister initially described the raid as "serious", but the size of the missing arsenal only emerged when El Español (in Spanish) published what it said was a list of the stolen armaments. Among the weapons taken were:

  • 1,450 9mm ammunition cartridges
  • 150 hand grenades
  • 44 anti-tank grenades
  • 18 tear gas grenades
  • 102 explosive charges
  • 264 pieces of plastic explosive
El Español said it had seen the list after it was handed to Spain's anti-terror forces.

President de Sousa said a far-reaching investigation should look into the "facts and responsibilities" and called for measures to be taken to prevent such a theft "of increasing seriousness" from happening again.

Centre-right opposition party leader Assunção Cristas said that after 64 deaths in forest fires last month there was a "crisis of authority and a crisis of leadership" in Portugal. She called for the defence minister and another minister to be fired.

Five military commanders have been suspended while an internal investigation takes place, the BBC's Lisbon correspondent reports.

There was no indication they were directly involved in the raid, chief of staff Gen Frederico Rovisco Duarte said on Sunday. However, their units were thought to be in charge of securing and monitoring the storage area.


Military figures are said to be looking into whether the thieves acted on inside information

Shots were fired close to Tancos military base, which is home to an engineering regiment, late on Sunday night. No-one was hurt. The regiment's commander was one of the five individuals suspended.

Nato said it was aware of the theft but emphasised it had no involvement in the facility. "This is a matter for the Portuguese authorities and we count on them to investigate what happened," an official told the BBC.

Senior military figures in Portugal were reportedly investigating whether the thieves had acted on inside information. The armed forces' top brass were due to meet on Monday to discuss the case.
  • 1,450 9mm ammunition cartridges
  • 150 hand grenades
  • 44 anti-tank grenades
  • 18 tear gas grenades
  • 102 explosive charges
  • 264 pieces of plastic explosive

Tuo määrä 9mm ammuksia ei sinällään ole "paljon", mutta varmaan niillä kävisi kauppaa pimeillä markkinoilla ja hankala olisi jäljittää. Mutta sitten noista muista, niin olisikohan nuo "44 anti-tank grenades" 40 millisen ammuksia, vaiko esim. kessejä? Nuo kyynelkaasukranaatit voisivat viitata 40 millisiin, mutta joissakin maissa poliiseille hankitaan tarkoituksella ei-yhteensopivia armeijan kanssa, niin poliisi ei voi käyttää armeijan sirpaleammuksia. "102 explosive charges" viuhkapanoksia? Nuo olisi vissiinkin se vaarallisin asia pimeillä markkinoilla tuosta koko kaappauksesta. Joskin nuo irto räjähteetkin voi tehdä paljon vahinkoa.
Kazakhstanilaisen Air Astana-lentoyhtiön Embraer 190 oli ollut 6 viikon pituisessa huollossa Lissabonin lähellä ja tänään testilennolla lentäjät menettivät koneen hallinnan n. tunnin ajaksi. Koneeseen tuli hydrauliikka- sekä instrumenttivika 5 minuutin lennon jälkeen, 2 Portugalin ilmavoimien F-16:sta tuli saattamaan konetta joka mm. menetti 2000m korkeutta alle 2 minuutissa ja lennon reitti näyttää 2-vuotiaan piirrokselta. Lentäjät pyysivät lennonjohdosta suuntaa merelle pakkolaskua varten mutta lopulta kone saatiin hallintaan ja lasku onnistui kolmannella yrityksellä.


Miten Portugalissa on varaa tarjota tällainen?

In a move aimed at making public transport more accessible, Portugal has introduced a new €20 monthly rail pass, granting unlimited travel across all national train services.
Miten Portugalissa on varaa tarjota tällainen?

In a move aimed at making public transport more accessible, Portugal has introduced a new €20 monthly rail pass, granting unlimited travel across all national train services.
Portugali sai vuonna 2022 nettona 280 €/asukas EU:lta, kun Suomi nettomaksoi EU:lle 144 €/asukas. Erotus tekee 424€, jolla voi subventoida vaikka raideliikennettä. Suurin nettosaaja asukasta kohden oli Viro 677 eurolla, paljonkohan kuukausilippu maksaa Tallinnan liikenteessä? https://vm.fi/documents/10623/12326...d-9f21-2b52-1b38-dd23370c05fd?t=1694686736144
Portugali sai vuonna 2022 nettona 280 €/asukas EU:lta, kun Suomi nettomaksoi EU:lle 144 €/asukas. Erotus tekee 424€, jolla voi subventoida vaikka raideliikennettä. Suurin nettosaaja asukasta kohden oli Viro 677 eurolla, paljonkohan kuukausilippu maksaa Tallinnan liikenteessä? https://vm.fi/documents/10623/12326...d-9f21-2b52-1b38-dd23370c05fd?t=1694686736144

Minun mielestä hyvä indikaattori sille, että joku maa saa liikaa EU-tukea on tämä että tuettu maa voi tarjota kansalaisille sellaisia etuja joita nettomaksajamailla ei ole.