Uutisia Yhdysvalloista

And this is America:

Venäläisilla lähtö jo 2.9, polttavat jotain ahkerasti lähetystön kaminassa, kaivavat pistorasiat, demontoivat vessapöntöt..
Palokunta valppana:


Ja Maria Zaharova hysteriassa. USA:n viranomaiset haluavat suorittaa etsintä talossa! Ja vieläpä lähetystön henkilökunnan asunnoissa. Hohhojaa..
Tässä kuvassa Mashka ottamassa huikka Trumpin voitolle ja on aidommillaan:

..ja Tampusha, niin "meidän", niin "nash", ja nyt sitten paha ja chmo (чмо) (aikaisemmin чмо oli Obama) otti ja petti :D
Viimeksi muokattu:
Juttelin pari vuotta sitten juuri tuosta asiasta tuttavani kanssa. Hän on nyttemmin jäänyt eläkkeelle "Minnesotan maankäyttöviraston" (tai jotain) johdosta. Silloin Teksasissa räjähti kemikaalitehdas aivan (leikki?)koulun vieressä. Tätä kaava-asiaa ihmettelin hänelle. Hän vastasi, että ovat just tuommoisia Teksasissa. Tekevät ihan kaiken oman mielensä mukaan (eli järjettömästi. "Zoning? We don't need no zoning!"

Toisaalta tuossa on myös omat hyvät puolet, eli osataan yksinkertaisesti sanoa "ei" myös sellaiselle byrokratialle, jolle joku keksii järkevältä kuulostavan selityksen. Silloin pysyy verot alhaalla.
Tuolla Houstonissa niille tulvapadon juoksutus alueille rakentaneet tiesivät minne rakentavat. Moni oli tehnyt nk. korotetun perustuksen pilareille, mutta kun se 50cm ei riittänyt kun vettä tuli ~60 tuumaa... eniten 500-vuoteen koska ympärille oleva sää ei sallinut hurrikaanin liikkumisen ja kaikki satoi pienelle alueelle..

Eikä niitä tulvapatoja huvikseen avattu, vaan kohta olisi tullut vesi yli ja sitten kohta olisi pato hävinnyt.

Silleen vastuullisia ovat että jos verorahoilla tehdään niin silloin riskit kartoitetaan tarkasti. Omilla rahoillasi voit sitten toimia vapaasti, vakuutuskaan ei ole pakollinen. Ja noin puolella alueelle rakentaneilla oli tulvavakuutus. Ehkä tyhmää mutta tiedän jotain sikäläisistä vakuutushinnoista, mutta en osaa sanoa mikä on tulvavakuutuksen hinta tulvavaara alueella jos talo on juoksutusalueella...
Republikaanien olisi parasta muuttaa poliittisia sekä muita kantoja nimittäin heidän äänestäjänsä ovat vähenemään päin.

NEW YORK — The share of Americans who identify as white and Christian has dropped below 50 percent, a transformation fueled by immigration and by growing numbers of people who reject organized religion altogether, according to a new survey released Wednesday.

Christians overall remain a large majority in the U.S., at nearly 70 percent of Americans. However, white Christians, once predominant in the country’s religious life, now comprise only 43 percent of the population, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, a polling organization based in Washington. Four decades ago, about eight in 10 Americans were white Christians.
Siskon talo Delray Beachilla. Ovat jääneet kotiin. Talo hurrikaanin kestävä ja ikkunat kestävät 140 mailin tuulen eli ikkunoita ei hakata peittoon. Lähinnä pelkona nouseeko vesi sisälle intercoastalista.
Siskon talo Delray Beachilla. Ovat jääneet kotiin. Talo hurrikaanin kestävä ja ikkunat kestävät 140 mailin tuulen eli ikkunoita ei hakata peittoon. Lähinnä pelkona nouseeko vesi sisälle intercoastalista.

A) kestääköhän ikkunat myös esim. tuulen ja veden mukana tuoman laiturin, veneen, auton, puun yms.


Otan osaa. Siivous ja kuivatushommaa riittää. Tietysti jos on vakuutus kunnossa niin ei niin paha. Nyt sitä paitsi näyttäisi, ettei Irma osu ihan täysillä Floridaan, mutta mistä sitä tietää.

Toivotaan, evakuointien osoittautuvan turhiksi.
Viimeksi muokattu:
A) kestääköhän ikkunat myös esim. tuulen ja veden mukana tuoman laiturin, veneen, auton, puun yms.

Ihan samaa meinasin kirjoittaa. Ei mulle tullut mieleenkään, että se ikkuna pelkän tuulen takia peitettäisiin. Lisäksi, onko talo varmasti kategorian 5 hurrikaanin kestävä? Irma taitaa tosin olla pudonnut jo kolmoskategoriaan.
Tämäkin osoittaa jotakin Yhdysvalloista:


After watching nonstop coverage of the hurricane and the incredible rescues that were taking place, I got in bed at 10:30 on Tuesday night. I had been glued to the TV for days. Every time I would change the channel in an attempt to get my mind on something else for a few minutes, I was drawn right back in.

I finally turned off the TV and picked up my phone to do a quick check of email and Facebook. I read an article about the Cajun Navy and the thousands of selfless volunteers who have shown up to this city en masse. The article explained they were using a walkie-talkie-type app called Zello to communicate with each other, locate victims, get directions, etc. I downloaded the app, found the Cajun Navy channel and started listening.


Kovaa settiä ja on esimerkki auttamishalusta.

Ensimmäinen USA:n tukikohta Israeliin. Ilmeisesti ilmatorjuntahenkilöstöä?

History: First US Air Force base in Israel

For the first time in history, US airmen will be permanently deployed in Israel. The airmen will work from a special military base that has been set up within an already existing Israeli Air Force base. Sep 18, 2017, 7:00PM Daniel Gilenson

US troops Photo credit: Reuters/ Channel 2 News

Today (Monday), for the first time in history, the US Air Force inaugurated a permanent military base in Israel. The base will be established inside one of the IDF’s already existing Air Force bases used for air defense. Dozens of US airmen will be permanently deployed in Israel.

The troops are part of a US mission in the Middle East and are expected to partake in the operation of air defense systems that will be located throughout Israel during a state of emergency. “The decision expresses the partnership and the strategic commitment between the militaries and the countries,” stated Brigadier General Zvika Haimovich.

Improved Iron Dome defense system Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit/ Channel 2 News

Meanwhile, another Iron Dome battalion has been established that will allow the system to be operated from Israeli Navy ships. In addition, new systems will be deployed while older ones will be improved. In February, the traditional military exercise Juniper Cobra between the US and Israel will take place.

Ei ookkaan! Se onkin vain asuinrakennus Israelin tukikohdassa, ei tukikohta, USA haluaa kutsua.

Contradicting IDF, US says it didn’t establish military base in Israel
On its website, Israeli military scrambles to change all mentions of American 'base' to say 'facility,' but insists it's still a first
By Judah Ari Gross September 19, 2017, 9:34 pm 7

Col. Liran Cohen, head of the IDF's air defense school, left, and Col. David Shank, of the US 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command, cut the ribbon to open the first American military base in Israel, inside the Mashabim Air Base, on September 18, 2017. (Israel Defense Forces)
The American military on Tuesday denied a claim made by the Israel Defense Forces that the United States had established its first base in Israel, saying the new buildings were instead a “living facility.”

On Monday, the Israeli Air Force declared that the US military’s European Command (EUCOM) had opened a “base within a base” at the IDF’s air defense school, west of the towns of Dimona and Yeruham in southern Israel.

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“We established an American base in the State of Israel, in the Israel Defense Forces, for the first time, with an American flag. A permanent base,” Brig. Gen. Tzvika Haimovitch, head of the IAF’s Aerial Defense Command, told reporters.

However, an official from EUCOM contradicted that account.


Brig. Gen. Tzvika Haimovitch, the head of Israel’s Aerial Defense Command, left, plants a tree with Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, commander of the US 3rd Air Force, to mark the establishment of the first American military base in Israel inside the Mashabim Air Base in southern Israel on September 18, 2017. (Israel Defense Forces)
“As part of the United States’ continued commitment to Israel, on September 18, senior leaders from the US military participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony… to commemorate the opening of a new building on an Israeli Air Force base,” said Meghan Henderson, deputy director of EUCOM’s Media Operations Division.

“The new buildings located on the Israeli installation are not a US military base,” she said. “The buildings are facilities on the existing Israeli Air Force Base to support our US service personnel who are working there.”

The message was passed along to the IDF, which quickly changed all mentions on its website of a “US military base” to read “US military facility.”

A cached version of the IDF’s blog maintains the original language, referring to the site as a “base.”

A preview of the story that can be seen in a tweet published by the IDF also refers to the facility as a “base.”

An Israeli army official confirmed that the Americans had contacted the IDF and requested the change in terminology, as a base carries with it a number of legal distinctions and can only be applied to facilities of a certain size.

The Israeli official said the rest of the information about the site and its significance remained the same.


A tweet showing the IDF referring to a new US military facility in Israel as a ‘base,’ despite American claims that it is not, on September 18, 2017. (Screen capture: Twitter)
US military forces are routinely based in Israel, for joint exercises, cooperation with the IDF, and to operate some US facilities in the country.

The new buildings that were opened Monday are located not far from a US military radar installation east of Dimona that tracks ballistic missiles once they are launched and provides details on their flight paths to defense systems.

“The buildings will function as a living facility for US service members, who are currently working at the Israeli base,” the EUCOM official said.

Haimovitch on Monday lauded the opening of the facility for allowing “us to improve our defense, in discovery and in interception and in preparedness.”

The air defense chief said the permanent presence of a US facility on Israeli soil sends a “message to the region and our surroundings that our partnership with our friend the United States is important.”

In his speech, Maj. Gen. John Gronski, deputy commander of US Army National Guard in Europe, said the facility “symbolizes the strong bond that exists between the United States and Israel.”

Gronski also discussed the already close relationship between the two militaries.

“The United States and Israel have long planned together, exercised together and trained together. And now, with the opening of this site, these crucial interactions will happen every day,” he said.

In addition to Gronski, high-ranking military officers and officials from the US and Israel participated in the ceremony, including Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, head of US 3rd Air Force.
