Venäjän sotilasalueiden kuvat

Pihkovassa (Pskov) Viron lähellä on laskuvarjohemmojen pesä. Kaupungissa näkyy olevan useampikin tukikohta ja lentokenttä. Reso on sen verran huono Googlen kuvissa etten minä ainakaan ajoneuvoja tunnista vaikka kuinka zoomailee. Kasarmien edessä olevaa ruudukkoa vissiin käytetään alokkaiden koulutuksessa, josta niitä voi tunnistaa. Laitoin lisäksi koordinaattitäpän näkösälle. Ja kuulemma monessa muussa karttapalvelussa näitä ei ole muutenkaan sensuroitu.
Laitan tämän tänne:

Russian Military Installations v 1.4 - Eastern Military District update: Just completed the final part of my long-term project in Google Earth to map all known Russian military-related sites across Russia and beyond.

The database includes units from Russian Armed Forces, Rosgvardiya, FSB, EMERCOM & more. These are not only placed on map, but also integrated into an actual chain of command to the fullest extent possible. You can find some details and list of sources in "OpenMe.txt" file.

RMI v1.4 changelog: - Eastern Military District added; - Updated names of commanders of several units/formations; - Added 19th, 20th Motor Rifle Divisions (data might be incomplete, as these 2 formations were reestablished very recently); - Dozens of corrections, revisions.

As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or anything else related to the project, feel free to hit me up here or in DMs.

Minulla ei ole ollut aikaa tutkia tarkemmin Venäjän sotilaskohteita mutta tämä yllä mainittu tekee siitä helpompaa - ei tarvitse alkaa itse hakemaan kohteita.

Hyödyllinen selainpohjainen kartta löytyy myös täältä:

Tämä ei ole yhtä kattava eikä ole tietysti pääsyä Googlen satelliittikuviin yms. Tämä on ollut kätevä Ukrainan sodan aikana, kun mainitaan ohimennen joku lentotukikohta tai vastaava: on ollut helppoa ja nopeaa tarkistaa mistä puhutaan. HUOM: tästä kartasta puuttuu sotaa varten rakennetut FOB tyyliset tukikohdat, joita Venäjä on tehnyt paitsi Ukrainan vastaiselle rajalle niin myös Valko-Venäjän ja eteläisen Ukrainan alueelle. Ei siis ole täydellinen mutta kohtuullisen hyvä joka tapauksessa.
Kätevä sivusto jos ryssä jossai vaihees rupeaa tänne tuloa suunittelee ni lähtee ajoissa Venäjälle "reissuun" ja sit ostelee kännisiltä sotilailta jos jonkumoista tuotetta sukkanauhoilla jne ;) Sit ku ryssä astuu rajan yli ni sit ei muuta ku rupeaa räjäyttelee kalustoa heikosti vartioiduissa paikoissa. Tai sit lentää vaa dronella ja tiputtaa sieltä sopivaa pommia. Mut jahka kohta olemme NATO:n jäsen ni sen jälkeen ei ryssä uskollaudu hyökkään tänne.

Openstreetmap on parhaimpia apuvälineitä jos haluaa noita venäläisiä sotilaskohteita katsella. Tuolta kartasta löytää pienetkin sotilaskohteet, toki sit pitää jollain esim google earthillä tarkistella ne ilma/satelliittikuvat. Osassa paikoista muistaakseni lukee jotain yksiköiden/kohteiden nimiä myös.
Yhden puolalaisen mielipide Venäjän OSINT-tilien toiminnasta:

Rus OSINT analyzes the effects of attacks on Ukrainian railroads in an effort to help stop Western deliveries. weapons and ammunition and supplies for the front in Donbas.

Lists of sensitive infrastructure facilities and places where emergency trains are stationed are created. Rus' civilian specialists indicate sensitive places and their exact location. All this is to facilitate the Russian army targeting.

Otin Google Translate -käännöksen hänen twiitin kuvista (pahoittelut, tekstiä on aika reilusti):

!== A new railway route is being punched from Poland to Ukraine: we tell you where to hit, part 2

We write a lot about the importance of disabling the logistical capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the context of the news about the delivery of 200 tanks from Poland to Ukraine, talking about the need to preserve the bridges has somehow gone. Everyone understands everything.

Four traction substations Kovel, Zdolbunov-traction, Krasnoye and Podolskaya-tupikovaya were put out of action, which significantly complicate logistics in the west of Ukraine. But there is still a lot of work to be done: the bridges have been preserved. The locomotives are working. And the equipment continues to arrive while developing new routes.

Today, electric locomotives easily get to Lviv, and the goods are further pulled by diesel locomotives. There aren't many of them, but they do exist. And the repair teams at this time are restoring the damaged traction substations. So where should you hit?

- Substation "Sknilov-transit">> 49.829456, 23.945272
- Electrical substation SS "Kleparov-transit" 23.948731 49.864689,
- Traction substation SS 110/27.5/10 kV "Podbortsy-T" - 49.847452, 24.123376

There is another section to the south-west of N.P. Stryi. In the direction of Mukachevo and the border with Hungary and Slovakia there is a direct current line. And she works too! But it is enough to disable only three substations, and the line will stop: there is a steep rise in that section, and diesel locomotives simply cannot pull trains with heavy military equipment with the same weight as electric locomotives. As a result, it will be necessary to reduce the number of cars in the trains and drag them in parts.

- Substation "Volovets" - 48.712222, 23.193333
- Substation "Skotarskoye" - 48.730556, 23.268333
- Substation "Slavsko" - 48.766667, 23.331944

We are already silent about the bridges on the border. Knock out at least these substations.

Deprivation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of logistical capabilities on the railway network. Goal #5: Recovery Trains

As part of the deterioration of the general situation on the railway network of Ukraine, it is necessary to strike at recovery trains. They are located at key large stations (several units for each direction).
The recovery trains include a track gauge, a defectoscope car with measuring equipment, a tracklayer, a sleeper tamping trolley, a trolley for general work, a heavy-duty overhead crane, a crane, platforms, a diesel locomotive, and recreational cars.

The failure of cranes and equipment will greatly affect the repair and restoration capabilities of damaged tracks and the lifting of derailed trains.

Lviv Railway:

- Zdolbuniv (VP-3501) - 50°31'53"N 26°15'25"E
- Korolevo - 48°09'12.3"N 23°08'32.6"E
- Lviv (VP-3512) - 49 ° 50'08.1 "N 23 ° 58'59.5" E
- Mukachevo - 48.430150, 22.716141
- Stryi (VP-4512) - 49°15'03.3"N (toinen koordinaatti leikkaantuu pois lainatun viestin kuvassa, katso alempi viesti)


Jos haluat vilkaista, mitä näistä on kirjoitettu niin tässä linkki Telegam-kanavaan josta puolalainen on lainannut tuon ylläolevan: LINKKI


Tuo venäläinen kommenttaattori joka maalittaa Ukrainan rataverkkoa ja sen komponentteja on tosiaan takertunut raidelogistiikkaan yli kaiken. Muistaakseni Suomessa arkilogistiikassa 70% tavarasta kulkee kumipyörillä, käytännössä loput raiteita pitkin. Sotilasrahti ehkä osaksi eri asia, ainakin kauas pohjoiseen kalusto menee junalla.

Minulle heräsi ajatus, tuo mies on sotakiimassaan antanut tarkkoja koordinaatteja joissa tunnistettu Ukrainan rautateiltä eri kohteita. Oletan että kylmän sodan ajoilta käytännössä jokainen itä-Euroopan maa on perinyt samanlaisen raide- ja ratapiha-arkkitehtuurin.

Ehkä hänen maalidatan perusteella on mahdollista tutkia Venäjän vastaavia kohteita ja tunnistaa niistä kriittisiä komponentteja?

Ammattimiehet toki tietävät tällaiset asiat jo etukäteen, eikä sähköpääkeskuksia yms. ole yleensä piiloteltu, mutta tulipahan ajatuksena mieleen. Jos siis katsoo hänen antamat koordinaatit, tutkii Google Maps satelliittikuvista minkä näköinen kohde kyseessä ja hakee sitten vastaavia kohteita Venäjän rautateiden ja ratapihojen kuvista. Hän on kuitenkin nähnyt ison vaivan näiden etsimiseen ja tunnistamiseen, tältä kannalta työ on jo tehty. Miksei vaikka katsoisi alkuun esim. Suomen läheisyyteen tulevia rautateitä. Nokkela pokkela kaveri saattaisi löytää niistä vastaavia kohteita ja ottaa koordinaatit talteen ns. pahan päivän varalle. Jokainen on viimeistään tämän sodan myötä nähnyt miten riippuvainen vanja on raidelogistiikasta. Jokainen isku sitä vastaan on hyvin arvokas eikä Suomen läheisyyteen tule montaa raideyhteyttä, Murmanskiinkin menee vain se yksi rata.

Laitan tämän viestin tähän "Venäjän sotilasalueiden kuvat" -ketjuun sillä ajatuksella, että ehkä joku rautatielogistiikasta kiinnostunut päättää tutkia meidän itärajan takaisia yhteyksiä ja niiden eri piirteitä. Ehkä satelliittikuvista on vaikea sanoa, mitä niistä näkee? Ehkä venäläisen tekemä maalitus Ukrainan rautatieverkon eri kohteista voidaan kääntää peilikuvaksi heidän omaa infraa vastaan? Ehkä siis heidän linkittämistä piirteistä on apua, kun katsoo Venäjän rataverkkoa satelliittikuvista? Ehkä ne auttavat löytämään erilaisia "kohteita"?

Tuumailtavaa niille, jotka päättävät lähteä tutkimaan mitä itärajan takaa löytyy.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Edellisen viestin lainaus "maaleista" jää hieman kesken koska lainaamani puolalaisen viesti on ainoastaan murto-osa venäläisen Telegram-kanavan kirjoituksista. Nämä ovat monta kuukauta vanhoja viestejä, mutta otetaan varalta talteen.

Siltoja koskeva osuus ei sellaisenaan kelpaa Venäjää vastaan mutta arvaisin että rautateiden osalta joku innokas voisi tutkia mitä annettujen koordinaattien satelliittikuvista on nähtävissä JA kääntää nämä kuvat Venäjän rautatie- ja sähköverkkoa vastaan. VARSINKIN kun muistetaan miten merkittävästi Venäjä ja heidän armeijan logistiikka nojaa rautateiden käyttöön (kuten myös koko maan siviililogistiikka).

Jos olettaa että itä-Euroopan / Neuvostoliiton aikana rakennettu infra on pääpiirteiltään samanlaista niin tämän "maalilistan" kääntäminen heitä itseään vastaan voi olla kiinnostava ja hyödyllinen "työkalu" jos joskus on aikaa tarkastella rajantakaista infraa.

Lainaan alle tekstin hänen viesteistä, tosin jätän kaksi ensimmäistä rautatiesiltoja koskevaa pois - niistä ei ole apua Venäjän infran maalittamisen osalta. Huomaa myös jokaisen viestin lopussa linkki karttaan johon on merkitty ne kohteet joista viestissä puhutaan:


Once again, we publish a list of important objects of the railway network of Ukraine:
List of allbridgesthrough the Dnieper
▪️ Railway listbridgesin western Ukraine
▪️ Traction substations: part 1 and part 2
▪️ Critical substations on the border with Poland
▪️ Depot: list 1 and list 2
▪️ Recovery trains

Only a systematic approach to the destruction of critical facilities will help avoid unnecessary casualties on the territory of Ukraine, both among the civilian population and among the military personnel of both sides. This is the easiest way to solve the problem of the Donbas crucible.


Destruction of the logistics capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the destruction of substations at key railway junctions, part 1

Rybar team consistently explains what needs to be done to facilitate the actions of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. Closing logistics and supply routes is an extremely important step. We understand that during the first stage of the operation there was an opinion that after the victory the entire infrastructure would not have to be restored.

Now, fortunately, the illusion has been dispelled. Military victory requires making the right decisions and not listening to the opinions of "respectable people" in the commercial environment who believe that this infrastructure is important.

📌We have already explained which road, pedestrian and railway bridges across the Dnieper River should be destroyed in order to significantly complicate the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Eastern Ukraine. This will also prevent the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the combat zone.

📌We have analyzed the main railway bridges , which are used to supply weapons and military equipment to Ukraine from neighboring countries. All of them must be put out of action , depriving the enemy of the opportunity to constantly replenish stocks of materiel and weapons in Ukraine . Yes, the West will retain the ability to deliver by road to conflict zones. But this is a waste of expensive and valuable fuel, as well as the inability to fully use the roadways and swampy terrain in the places where crossings are built for the quick transfer of heavy equipment to the Donbass. Of course, these are solvable issues. But this will take time. And the logistics will be much more complicated.

📌Two more steps need to be taken to paralyze Ukraine's railway network. After the destruction of bridges on the borders, it is necessary to inflict pinpoint damage on traction substations that feed key railway junctions .

Prior to the NWO, the transportation situation was as follows: 75-80% of all transportation was carried out on electric traction (electric locomotives, electric trains) and 20-25% on diesel traction (diesel locomotives, diesel trains). Electricity in Ukraine is cheap and is produced by hydroelectric and nuclear power plants. Diesel fuel is expensive - there is no own oil (and now the refineries have been destroyed).

Destruction of traction substations is a measure that can significantlyhinder the railroads. Especially on AC lines, since long sections are served (on alternating current - about 100 km, on direct current - about 30 km). They cannot be repaired quickly; diesel locomotives will have to be removed from other places, and these are the costs of additional diesel fuel, and trains are used at a lower speed and with a lower number of wagons.

In the ideal situation, the substations should be destroyed if there are trains on the hauls - then they will need to be pulled out of there.

For convenience, we have divided the operation to disable key substations into three stages.

📌Stage 1: decommissioning of substations at key railway junctions

Vinnytsia region:

➖Traction substation TPS 110 / 27.5 / 10 kV "Podolskaya-dead end" - 49.032752, 28.071473
➖Traction substation 110/27.5/10 "Kazatin-2" supporting - 49.762179, 28.778676

▪️Kyiv region:
➖Traction substation TPS 110 / 27.5 kV "Fastov" (ECHE-8), reference - 50.068231, 29.932703

▪️Lviv region:
➖Substation "Sknilov-transit" - 49.829456, 23.945272
➖Electrical substation SS "Kleparov-transit" - 49.864689, 23.948731
➖Traction substation SS 110/27.5/10 kV "Podbortsy-T" - 49.847452, 24.123376
➖Substation "Slavsko" - 48.766667, 23.331944
➖Substation "Volovets" - 48.712222, 23.193333

▪️Odessa region:
➖Traction substation TPS 110/35/27.5 kV "Kulindorovo" (ECHE-13), dead-end - 46.625621, 30.794029
➖Traction substation TPS 110 / 27.5 / 10 kV "Odessa-Zastava-I" (EChE-16), branch - 46.480201, 30.650107
➖Traction substation TPS 110/35/27.5 kV "Akkarzha" (ECHE-14), transit - 46.337470, 30.568039

▪️Khmelnitsky region:
➖"Slavuta" transit 110/27.5/10 kV - 50.321546, 26.875601
➖"Full" transit 110/35/27.5 kV - 50.137603, 27.472265

📌Stages 2 and 3 are available here
High resolution


Destroying the Logistics Capacity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Disabling Substations at Key Rail Junctions, Part 2

In the first part , we described why to disable traction substations in western Ukraine, and also indicated the goals of the first stage.

Below we present the goals of the second and third stages: their defeat is important in order to paralyze the entire system in the western part of the country and isolate the central regions of Ukraine from the west (by destroying bridges on the border and disabling key traction substations) and east (by destroying bridges across the Dnieper) .

📌Stage 2: decommissioning of adjacent substations with key railway junctions

▪️Vinnytsia region:

➖Electrical substation 110/35/27.5 "Rakhny" transit - 48.800194, 28.470862
An important substation near the Zhmerinsky railway junction
Traction substation 110/27.5/10 kV "Tyushki" transit - 49.150651, 28.489945
An important substation near the Zhmerinsky railway junction
Traction substation TPS 110/27.5/10 kV "Sosonka", supporting - 49.422689, 28.531129
An important substation near the Kazatinsky railway junction

▪️Volyn region:
➖Mobile traction substation "Kovel" - 51.201521, 24.731973
There is a mobile substation (it can go to vulnerable areas).

▪️Zhytomyr Oblast:
➖Sectioning post of the contact network with the Kazatip railway junction - 49.953762, 28.492762
➖Transformer substation (railway) near Kazatinsky railway junction - 49.836432, 29.015891
➖Traction substation "Brovki" transit 110/35/27.5 kV - 49.929052, 29.220921
An important substation between Kazantinskiy and Fastovskiy railway junctions

▪️Kyiv region:
➖Substation 35/10 kV "Motovilovka" district (Borovaya) - 50.184665, 30.108251 An important substation
near the Fastovsky railway junction

▪️Lviv region:
➖Traction substation of the railway 110 / 27.5 / 10 kV "Krasnoe T-18" - 49.917678, 24.633369
Important substation near the Lviv railway junction

▪️Odessa region:
➖Traction substation TPS 110 / 27.5 / 10 kV "Separate" (ECHE-23), tapping (Separate) - 46.830430, 30.102830
➖Traction substation TPS 110/27.5/10 kV "Beregovaya", supporting - 46.622591, 31.044716

▪️Rovenskaya region:
➖"Zdolbunov-traction" 110/35/27.5 kV - 50.504385, 26.272911
An important substation on the route from Lviv.

▪️Khmelnitsky region:
➖"Polonnoe" transit 110/35/27.5 kV - 50.137603, 27.472265
An important substation that feeds the Shepetovsky railway junction
"Komarovtsy" transit 110/27.5/10 kV - 49.196389, 27.660581
An important substation near the Zhmerinsky railway junction

📌Stage 3: decommissioning other important substations to shut down operations in key areas

▪️Volyn region:
➖Traction substation of the railway and mobile power station - 50.815576, 25.504045
There is a mobile substation (may go to vulnerable areas).

▪️Zhytomyr Oblast:
➖Traction substation TPS 110 / 27.5 / 10 kV "Zvyagel" (ECHE-37) dead-end (Novograd-Volynsky) - 50.584559, 27.581961 An
important substation located far from other objects.
Traction substation ECHE-39 Zhitichi (Zhytomyr) - 50.295631, 28.669864
An important substation in the city of Zhytomyr.
Traction substation TPS 110/35/27.5 kV "Chudnov-Volynsky" transit (Olshanka) - 50.016825, 28.156993
Substation on a strategically important route .

▪️Odessa region:
➖Traction substation TPS 110/35/27.5 kV "Serbka", transit (Serbka) - 47.017454, 30.746803
An important substation in the south of the Odessa region.

▪️Rovenskaya region:
➖Traction substation (Radivilov) - 50.119228, 25.267086
An important substation due to its size and remoteness from other substations.
"Dubno" traction 110/35/27.5 kV - 50.383950, 25.745470
An important substation on the route from Lviv .

▪️Ternopil region:
"Ternopil-opornaya" 110/25/10 kV - 49.541794, 25.613444
The only substation in the Ternopil region .

▪️Khmelnitsky region:
"Grechany" dead-end 110/27.5/10 kV - 49.446897, 26.920943
Strategically important substation. Far from other stations.

High resolution


A new railway route is being punched from Poland to Ukraine: we tell where to hit, part 1

Rybar’s team lays out new targets to disable logistics capabilities in the north-west of Ukraine

For continuous assistance to the Independent, Western countries began diversifying the volume of supplies. This led to an increase in the load on transport corridors and, as a result, provoked a search for new ways to deliver valuable cargo to Ukraine.

▪️One of the alternative routes is a road checkpoint on the Polish-Ukrainian border near the settlement. Smolnytsia in the Lviv region. Large columns of vehicles pass through this point every day. Everything is served under the guise of "humanitarian aid" for the population of Ukraine. We have pointed out more than once how humanitarian organizations work .

Moreover, at least one US Air Force MQ-1 UAV is on patrol to control the passage of important cargo across the border over the area .

▪️However, road transport takes longer, so the abandoned railway line "Krostsenko (Poland) - Smolnitsa (Ukraine)" is currently being restored . These works are presented as assistance in the evacuation of Ukrainian refugees.

Since March of this year, with the active participation of Polish specialists, the rusted lines have been replaced and new ones have been laid. According to the plan, this route will be used to transport weapons and equipment as an alternative in case the main railway stations are destroyed.

We mapped all the bridges that we wrote about earlier, marked the depot and traction substations in the north-west of Ukraine. So it will be clearer. And so you will see how few objects have been destroyed and how serious the logistical capabilities of Ukraine are.

🔻Continued here🔻
Large resolution map


From Poland to Ukraine they break through a new railway route: we tell you where to hit, part 2

🔺Start here🔺
We write a lot about the importance of disabling the logistical capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the context of the news about the delivery of 200 tanks from Poland to Ukraine, talking about the need to preserve the bridges has somehow gone. Everyone understands everything. Four traction substations Kovel, Zdolbunov-traction, Krasnoye and Podolskaya-tupikovaya

were put out of action , which significantly complicate logistics in the west of Ukraine. But there is still a lot of work to be done: the bridges have been preserved. The locomotives are working. And the equipment continues to arrive while developing new routes. Today, electric locomotives easily get to Lviv , and the goods are further pulled by diesel locomotives. There aren't many of them, but they do exist. Meanwhile, repair teams are restoring damaged traction substations. So where should you hit?

▪️In Lviv itself, three traction substations continue to operate, which feed, among other things, a section of the border with Poland. They haven't been disabled yet. Moreover, these are DC substations that operate despite the output of the Krasnoe T-18 AC substation.

➖Substation "Sknilov-transit" - 49.829456, 23.945272
➖Electrical substation SS "Kleparov-transit" - 49.864689, 23.948731
➖Traction substation SS 110/27.5/10 kV "Podbortsy-T" - 49.847452, 24.123376

▪️There is another section to the south-west of the settlement. Stry . In the direction of Mukachevo and the border with Hungary and Slovakia there is a direct current line. And she works too! But it is enough to disable only three substations, and the line will stop: there is a steep rise in that section, and diesel locomotives simply cannot pull trains with heavy military equipment with the same weight as electric locomotives. As a result, it will be necessary to reduce the number of cars in the trains and drag them in parts.

➖Substation "Volovets" - 48.712222, 23.193333
➖Substation "Skotarskoye" - 48.730556, 23.268333
➖Substation "Slavsko" - 48.766667, 23.331944

We are already silent about the bridges on the border. Knock out at least these substations.

Large resolution map


Railways of Ukraine. Goal #4: Depot, Part 1

The Rybar team continues a detailed and step-by-step analysis of Ukraine's railway infrastructure facilities that need to be put out of action.

In the previous steps, we have shown what needs to be done to:
📌interrupt communication and the transfer of troops across the bridges across the Dnieper;
📌stop the supply of weapons and equipment and by rail from neighboring countries;
📌disable traction substations in order to paralyze traffic on the railway network of western Ukraine - this will complicate logistics as much as possible.

But we have not yet resolved the issue of the systematic use of electric locomotives and the use of diesel locomotives. And this possibility remains. In 2019, electric transportation in Ukraine accounted for 80% of all freight traffic. Therefore, the destruction of the depot with electric locomotives is a critical moment for the destruction of logistical opportunities.

Areal objects - this also needs to be taken into account. Electric locomotives of direct and alternating current are also repaired there and locomotives are based. Attacks on the depot have not an instantaneous, but a delayed, cumulative effect, which will aggravate the situation with transportation over time, and the longer the situation with the lack of repair of locomotives continues, the less there will be on the line. Therefore, it is necessary

to disable the depot : this will make it impossible for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to control the railways around important nodes, promptly replace electric locomotives with diesel locomotives and carry out restoration work. This is a consolidation of the result on the fire damage of bridges and traction substations. We are publishing a list of Ukrainian depots required for defeat.

📌List 1: critical depots

Critical depots are service centers for a large fleet of freight electric locomotives that operate long sections of railway lines that are most adapted to mass freight transportation (by profile, by track condition, by power of traction substations, by length of receiving and departing tracks of stations and etc.).

Disabling them will create great difficulties precisely in the critical areas of cargo transportation and will not allow them to be fully used for hard work in cargo transportation.

▪️Znamenka (PM-7) - 48°42'48"N 32°39'50"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL-60, VL-80k(t,s), ChME3(t)]

▪️Kazatin (PM-3) - 49°42'59"N 28°50'43"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL80k(t), 2m62, ChME3]

▪️Kotovsk (Podolsk) (PM-2) - 47°45'42.8"N 29°31'21.4"E
Assigned fleet: mixed electric locomotives [VL-80s(t), VL60, VL40, 2ES5K, 2EL5]

▪️Lozovaya (PM-9) - 48°53'49"N 36°18'19"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL-11M, ChME3]

▪️Lviv-Western (PM-1) - 49°50'27"N 23°59'24"E
Assigned fleet: DC/AC freight electric locomotives, freight diesel locomotives [VL-80(t), VL-10, VL-11m, M62, 2M62, ChME3(t)]

▪️Mukachevo (PM-9) - 48°25'59"N 22°12'50"E
Assigned park: freight electric locomotives post. current [VL-11m]

▪️Nizhnedneprovsk-Knot (PM-1) - 48°29'0"N 35°8'20"E
Assigned fleet: mixed freight electric locomotives and diesel locomotives [2TE116, VL8m, VL11m, DE1, ChME3(t)]

High resolution


Railways of Ukraine. Goal #4: Depot, Part 2

Why you need to hit the depot - we wrote here . A list of critically important depots has also been published there.

But there are also depots of high, medium and low importance.

Attacks on high-value targets could further exacerbate the situation by disrupting diesel and electric locomotive repair depots on secondary freight routes . This will make it impossible to compensate for the loss of locomotives on the main lines at the expense of secondary ones.

📌List 2: depots of high importance

Comb (PM-11) - 50°6'59"N 32°28'4"E
Assigned fleet: freight locomotives and electric locomotives [2TE116, VL80k(t), ChME3]

▪️Darnitsa (PM-9) - 50°26'26"N 30°40'25"E
Registered fleet: freight diesel locomotives and freight electric locomotives [2M62, M62, VL-80K(T)]

▪️Zhmerynka (TCh-4) - 49°2'12"N 28°6'10"E
Assigned fleet: freight locomotives and passenger electric locomotives [2M62, 2TE116, M62, ChME3, VL40U]

▪️Kovel (PM-7) - 51°12'42"N 24°43'30"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2M62 ChME3(t)]

▪️Kremenchuk (PM-6) - 49°4'0"N 33°25'45"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL-80k(t), ChME3]

▪️Krivoy Rog (PM-2) - 47°54'53"N 33°27'24"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives and diesel locomotives [2TE116, VL8m, VL11m, ChME3(t)]

▪️Poltava-South (PM-5) - 49°35'45"N 34°36'31"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL-80k(t), ChME3]

▪️Odessa-sorting (PM-1) - 46°32'59"N 30°44'47"E
Ascribed park: freight diesel locomotives [2TE10M, 2TE116]

▪️Sinelnikovo-1 (PM-7) - 48°19'2"N 35°31'48"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [VL-8m, ChME3(t)]

▪️Smela (named after Taras Shevchenko) (PM-5) - 49°12'26"N 31°53'27"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives [2TE10M(u), 2TE116]

▪️Kharkiv-Osnova (PM-3) - 49°55'49"N 36°14'51"E
Assigned fleet: freight electric locomotives and diesel locomotives, passenger diesel locomotives [2TE116, TEP-70, VL-82m]

📌List 3: depot of medium importance

Greeks (PM-5) - 49°26'43"N 26°55'14"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2M62, M62, ChME3]

▪️Konotop (PM-11) - 51°13'24"N 33°10'31"E
Assigned fleet: mixed diesel locomotives, freight and passenger electric locomotives [2TE116, ChME3, VL40U]

▪️Korosten-Podolsky (PM-7) - 50°58'55"N 28°36'19"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2M62, 2TE116, M62, ChME3]

▪️Assistance (PM-4) - 48°15'25"N 31°25'14"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2TE10V, ChME3(t)]

▪️Ternopil (PM-5) - 51°12'42"N 24°43'30"E
Assigned fleet: mixed diesel locomotives [M62, 2M62 ChME3(t), DR1A]

▪️Kharkiv-Sorting (PM-10) - 50°1'49"N 36°10'45"E
Assigned fleet: shunting diesel locomotives [ChME3]

▪️Chernivtsi (PM-13) - 48°18'0"N 25°56'58"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2M62, ChME3(t), 2TE10M]

▪️Chop (PM-10) - 48°25'59"N 22°12'50"E
Assigned fleet: mixed diesel locomotives [M62, 2M62, D1, 2TE10M]

▪️Shepetivka (PM-6) - 50°11'39"N 27°4'43"E
Assigned fleet: shunting freight diesel locomotives [ChME3]

📌List 4: depots of low importance

(PM-8) - 48°28'34"N 35°0'33"E
Assigned fleet: passenger electric locomotives [ChS2, ChS7, VL8]

▪️Zdolbunov (PM-14) - 50°31'30"N 26°15'28"E
Assigned fleet: mixed trains, diesel, electric trains, diesel locomotives [D1, ER9, 2M62, ChME3]

▪️Kyiv-Passenger (PM-1) - 50°26'0"N 30°29'50"E
Assigned fleet: passenger electric locomotives [DS3, ChS4, ChS8]

▪️Kolomyia (PM-8) - 48°32'0"N 25°4'3"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2M62 ChME3(t)]

▪️Nikolaev (PM-8) - 46°56'50"N 32°4'32"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2TE10M(U), ChME3(t)]

▪️Romny (PM-7) - 50°45'7"N 33°27'58"E
Assigned fleet: passenger diesel locomotives [TEP70, ChME3]

▪️Smorodino (PM-8) - 50°28'56"N 34°58'7"E
Assigned fleet: passenger diesel locomotives [TEP70, ChME3]

▪️Stryi (PM-3) - 49°15'43.2"N 23°50'36.9"E
Assigned fleet: mixed trains, electric trains [M62, ER2, ChME3]

▪️Kharkiv-Glavny (PM-2) - 50°0'4"N 36°11'52"E
Assigned fleet: passenger electric locomotives [ChS2, ChS7]

▪️Khristinovka (PM-6) - 48°48'52"N 29°58'42"E
Assigned fleet: freight diesel locomotives [2TE10M, ChME3(t)]

High resolution


Deprivation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of logistical capabilities on the railway network. Goal #5: Recovery trains

As part of the deteriorating overall situation on
the Ukrainian railway network, it is necessary to strike at recovery trains. They are located at key large stations (several units for each direction).

The recovery trains include a track gauge, a defectoscope car with measuring equipment, a tracklayer, a sleeper tamping trolley, a trolley for general work, a heavy-duty overhead crane, a crane, platforms, a diesel locomotive, and recreational cars.

The failure of cranes and equipment will greatly affect the repair and restoration capabilities of damaged tracks and the lifting of derailed trains.

▪️Lviv railway:
➖Zdolbunov (VP-3501) - 50°31'53"N 26°15'25"E
➖Korolevo - 48°09'12.3"N 23°08'32.6"E
➖Lviv (VP-3512)
- 49°50'08.1"N 23°58'59.5"E
➖Mukachevo - 48.430150, 22.716141
➖Stryi (VP-4512) - 49°15'03.3"N 23°49'36.3"E
➖Ternopil —49°34'16"N 25°35'7"E
➖Shepetivka - 50°11'45.8"N 27°04'40.4"E

▪️South Western Railway:
📌Darnitsa (VP-3174) - 50°26'22.3"N 30°40'06.9"E critical]
➖Zhmerynka (VP-3482) - 49°1'40"N 28°7'6"E
📌Kazatin (VP-3481) - 49°42'36"N 28°49'41"E [critical]
📌Konotop - 51°13'21.9"N 33°10'20.2"E [Critical]
➖Korosten (VP-3172) - 50°57'35"N 28°37'31"E
➖Fastov (VP-4171) - 50°04'57.5"N 29°56'06.1"E

▪️Odessa railway:
➖Kotovsk (Podolsk) — 47°45'19.5"N 29°31'31.2"E
➖Nikolaev Pass — 46°56'49"N 32°4'30"E
📌Odessa - 46°27'20.5"N 30°43'39.4"E [Critical]
➖Assistance - 48°14'38"N 31°24'37"E
➖Reni - 45°27'35.7"N 28°15'44.8"E
➖Smela (named after Taras Shevchenko) - 49°12'1"N 31°54'14"E
➖Khristinovka - 48.815499, 29.973346

▪️Southern Railway:
➖Comb - 50°07'20.5"N 32°25'41.1"E
➖Kremenchuk - 49°03'56.2"N 33°25'37.6"E
➖Lozovaya — 48°53'12.6"N 36°19'53.6"E
📌Poltava south - 49°35'31.8"N 34°35'58.0"E [critical]
➖Smorodino (Trostyanets) - 50°28'12.2"N 34°58'35.4"E
📌Kharkov Base - 49°55'49.1"N 36°14'50.4"E [Critical]

▪️Pridneprovskaya railway:
📌Dnepropetrovsk-Gl - 48°28'46.1"N 35°01'01.3"E [Critical]
📌Zaporozhye-II - 47°49'34.1"N 35°11'00.9"E [Critical]
📌Krivoy Rog - 47°55'13"N 33°27'43"E [critical]
📌Nizhnedneprovsk-junction - 48°28'57.7"N 35°07'37.9"E [critical]
➖Canopies - 47°28'33.7"N 36°15'16.0"E
➖Pyatikhatki — 48.415015, 33.698504
➖Sinelnikovo-I — 48°19'42.3"N 35°32'01.0"E High

resolution map
Viimeksi muokattu:
Menee kaksi ketjua hieman ristiin, mutta menkööt. Kannattaa vilkaista tämä viesti, siinä on ukrainalaisen kirjoitus mihin on merkitty Venäjän varastotukikohtien koordinaatit sekä hänen arvio kussakin olevien panssarivaunujen määrästä - lisäksi on satelliittikuvat joihin merkitty minkä alueiden vaunut hän on tutkinut eli mihin arvio perustuu:
