ERA kehittyy kovaa vauhtia: Kontakt-1--> Kontakt-5-->Relikt--> Malachit, eli jo neljäs sukupolvi menossa
Kevyille panssareille on kehitetty ERA suojia ainakin Venäjällä, Saksassa (CLARA) ja Puolassa (CERAWA):
"The new ERA kit is very much similar to the earlier ERA kit containing 4S20 elements, but offers a greatly increased level of protection. Visually, the distinguishing element of the new kit is by the bevel on the top edge of the side boxes. The boxes are completely resistant to armour piercing and incendiary bullets of the 7.62mm, 12.7mm and 14.5mm calibers, and are also immune to a napalm attack, like its predecessor. More specifically, the boxes can resist 14.5mm B-32 armour-piercing bullets from a distance of 50m, and resist all armour piercing bullets of calibres smaller than that, from any distance.
The ERA kit is rated to protect the vehicle from RPG attacks with PG-7V, PG-7VL, PG-9V and PG-9S grenades with a probability of 95%. Additionally, the kit is also capable of defeating tandem HEAT warheads. Video evidence has shown that it is capable of defeating the PG-29V warhead from an RPG-29. The backing plate installed over the sides of the hull not only provides a mounting point for the ERA boxes but also serves as an additional layer of protection from machine gun fire and autocannon shells. With the ERA kit installed, the side of the BMP-3 hull is protected from 23mm APDS shells at a side angle of 60 degrees from a distance of 550 meters, and from 30mm AP shells at a side angle of 60 degrees from point-blank range.
The total mass of the package is 4,150 kg."
Kevyille panssareille on kehitetty ERA suojia ainakin Venäjällä, Saksassa (CLARA) ja Puolassa (CERAWA):
"The new ERA kit is very much similar to the earlier ERA kit containing 4S20 elements, but offers a greatly increased level of protection. Visually, the distinguishing element of the new kit is by the bevel on the top edge of the side boxes. The boxes are completely resistant to armour piercing and incendiary bullets of the 7.62mm, 12.7mm and 14.5mm calibers, and are also immune to a napalm attack, like its predecessor. More specifically, the boxes can resist 14.5mm B-32 armour-piercing bullets from a distance of 50m, and resist all armour piercing bullets of calibres smaller than that, from any distance.
The ERA kit is rated to protect the vehicle from RPG attacks with PG-7V, PG-7VL, PG-9V and PG-9S grenades with a probability of 95%. Additionally, the kit is also capable of defeating tandem HEAT warheads. Video evidence has shown that it is capable of defeating the PG-29V warhead from an RPG-29. The backing plate installed over the sides of the hull not only provides a mounting point for the ERA boxes but also serves as an additional layer of protection from machine gun fire and autocannon shells. With the ERA kit installed, the side of the BMP-3 hull is protected from 23mm APDS shells at a side angle of 60 degrees from a distance of 550 meters, and from 30mm AP shells at a side angle of 60 degrees from point-blank range.
The total mass of the package is 4,150 kg."