
Afganistania uhkaa kaaos
Suomen Sotilas | 26.09.2016 | Artikkeli

Taliban eteneee suomalaisten entisillä partiointialueilla Faryabissa Pohjois-Afganistanissa. Länsimaisten joukkojen poistaminen on johtamassa odotettuun romahdukseen, kerrotaan Suomen Sotilas -lehden numeron 4/2016 turvallisuuskatsauksessa.

POHJOIS-AFGANISTANISSA sijaitseva Faryabin lääni oli ISAF-kriisinhallintaoperaation norjalaisjohtoisen jälleenrakennusryhmän (PRT) toiminta-alue, jossa myös Suomen ISAF-joukot toimivat vuosien 2003–2007 aikana. Nyt lääni on muuttunut kapinallistoiminnan takia yhdeksi Pohjois-Afganistanin levottomimmista. Negatiivinen kehitys on kiihtynyt viimeisen kolmen vuoden aikana. Faryabin epävakaus huolestuttaa Afganistanin pohjoisia rajanaapureita. Kuluva vuosi on ensimmäinen, jolloin taisteluja on käyty kaikissa Afganistanin kahdeksassa pohjoisessa läänissä. Nykyistä tilannetta verrataan kaksi vuosikymmentä sitten koettuun väkivallan laajuuteen ja vahvuuteen.

JATKUVAT yhteenotot Faryabissa alkoivat vuoden 2015 lopussa, mutta merkit tilanteen huonontumisesta olivat näkyvissä jo saman vuoden alussa, jolloin kapinallisten uutisoitiin pureutuneen Faryabin syrjäisempiin piirikuntiin. Kapinallistoiminta alkoi nostaa päätään vuonna 2007, mutta käännekohta saavutettiin vasta keväällä 2013, jolloin kapinalliset hyökkäsivät voimalla sen jälkeen, kun viimeiset norjalaiset ISAF-joukot olivat vetäytyneet Faryabista syyskuussa 2012. Norjalaisten lähtöä pohjusti huhtikuussa 2012 tehty itsemurhaisku läänin pääkaupungissa Maimanassa, jossa sai surmansa 10. Myöhemmin kapinalliset tekivät vielä itsemurhaiskun moskeijaan, jossa kuoli 40 ihmistä. Maakuntaan arvioitiin tuolloin siirtyneen jopa 800 talibania. Erityisesti Almarissa, Qaysarissa sekä osissa Pashtun Kotia kapinallisten onnistui vakiinnuttaa läsnäolonsa. Näiltä tukialueiltaan he ovat tehneet sekä pienimuotoisia että laajempia iskuja naapuripiirikuntiin.

AFGANISTANIN asevoimien (ANA) 209. prikaati vastaa Pohjois-Afganistanista. Armeijan viestintävastaava, eversti Reza Rezai kertoi, että 1.6.2016 Turkmenistaniin rajaavassa Gormachin piirikunnassa alkoivat kiivaat taistelut, jossa kapinalliset ja ANA molemmat kärsivät tappioita. Rezain mukaan kapinalliset hyökkäsivät myös Qaysarin, Dowlatabadin ja Khoja Sabz Poshin piirikunnissa ja liikenne Andkhoyn ja Maimanan välisellä moottoritiellä jouduttiin katkaisemaan. Kapinalliset hallitsevat Qaysarissa 18 kylää. Pashtun Kotin piirikunnassa he saavuttivat merkittäviä asemapaikkoja ja Khoja Sabz Poshissa he onnistuivat tuhoamaan turvallisuusjoukkojen tukikohdan.

FARYABIN lääninneuvoston puheenjohtaja Tahir Rahman vahvisti ANAn hälyttävät tiedot kapinallistoiminnan laajuudesta ja vahvuudesta, kun hän varoitti kapinallisten lähestyvän läänin pääkaupunkia Maimanaa. Alueen kuvernöörin edustajan Jawid Bedarin mukaan ilman turvallisuusjoukkojen vahvistuksia kapinalliset saattavat vallata kaupungin. Kapinalliset, jotka ovat turkmeeneja, uzbekkeja ja tadžikkeja Keski-Aasiasta, ovat katkaisseet Maimanasta Sheberghaniin johtavan tien.

TILANNE alueella pahenee, vaikka Afganistanin varapresidentti, sotapäällikkö Abdul Rashid Dostum on tullut toistuvasti itse johtamaan hyökkäyksiä Taliban- kapinallisia vastaan. Ensimmäinen hyökkäys tehtiin elokuussa 2015. Syynä oli kapinallisten tunkeutuminen Almarin, Qaysarin, Pashtun Kotin ja Gormachin piirikuntiin, joissa sadat kylät olivat joutuneet kapinallisten vallan alle. Tämän jälkeen uusia läänin puhdistusyrityksiä on ollut kolme. Dostumille juuri taistelu Faryabin hallinnasta on keskeistä, sillä lääni on perinteisesti ollut uzbekkien hallitsema. Talibanien eteneminen Faryabiin ja naapurilääni Jowzjaniin uhkaa näin Dostumin omaa valta-aluetta. Kuitenkin erityisesti toisen Dostumin johtaman hyökkäyksen jälkeen tilanne on heikentynyt. Väkivalta ajoi yksin Faryabissa yli 30 000 siviiliä maan sisäiseen pakolaisuuteen. Lisäksi kapinalliset ovat ryhtyneet sieppaamaan siviilejä, joita ovat epäilleet yhteistoiminnasta hallituksen kanssa. Helmikuussa 2016 talibanit sieppasivat kaksi bussia Andkhoin piirikunnassa Jangal Baghin alueella. Lyhyen vankeuden jälkeen he vapauttivat vankinsa. Toisessa tapauksessa helmikuun lopussa kapinalliset sieppasivat Khaja Sabz Poshin piirikunnassa sata siviiliä, jotka olivat matkalla Faryabista Kabuliin. Talibanit surmasivat kaksi panttivankia ja päästivät loput vapaaksi.

LISÄÄNTYNYT väkivalta ja epävakaus on johtanut paikallisten etnisten suojeluskuntien perustamiseen. Vuoden 2015 aikana uutisoitiin, että Faryabin turkmeeniyhteisö, joka muodostaa läänin väestöstä 7 %, on muodostanut omia paikallisia suojeluskuntiaan. Turkmeenien voimamieheksi on mainittu sataa taistelijaa komentava emiiri Karyad, joka taisteli kapinalliskomentajana neuvostojoukkoja vastaan Afganistanin vapaussodassa (1979–1989). Syynä suojeluskunnan perustamiselle oli Taliban-liikkeen yritykset radikalisoida Karyadin kotikylän nuorisoa. Kylänvanhimmat olivat pyytäneet emiiriä suojelemaan kylää kapinallisilta. Kabulin hallitus on luvannut tukea Karyadia ja toimittaa aseita, ammuksia ja rahaa. Ongelmatonta etnisten suojeluskuntien syntyminen ei ole. Sen on osoittanut Faryabin naapurilääni Jowzjanin tapahtumat, jossa paikallinen turkmeenikomentaja miehineen ajautui tulitaisteluun poliisin kanssa.

Turvallisuuskatsaus on Suomen Sotilas -lehden vakiopalsta, jonka toimittaa asiantuntijaryhmä. Tämä turvallisuuskatsaus on julkaistu Suomen Sotilas -lehden numerossa 4/2016

Kuva: Nicklas Gustafsson / Sveriges Försvarsmakten
Rapatessa roiskui taas...

UNAMA ‘condemns killing of at least 15 civilians’ in Coalition airstrike

The United Nations Mission in Afghanistan, or UNAMA, issued a strongly-worded statement that “condemns” a US airstrike on Sept. 28 which targeted Islamic State fighters in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. United States Forces – Afghanistan is investigating reports that an airstrike in the Taliban controlled district of Achin in Nangarhar killed 15 civilians.

From the UNAMA statement:

An airstrike targeting Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as Daesh, was conducted yesterday in the eastern district of Achin. In the process civilian casualties were incurred.

UNAMA condemns the killing of at least 15 civilian men and the injuring of at least 13 others, including at least one boy, in the strike.

In the early morning of 28 September, an international military forces unmanned aerial vehicle conducted an airstrike, reportedly targeting members of ISIL/Daesh, that struck a civilian home killing the 15 civilians.

The civilians had gathered in a village to celebrate the return of a tribal elder from the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and were reportedly sleeping in a guesthouse of the elder when the airstrike occurred. Civilian victims of the strike included students and a teacher, as well as members of families considered to be pro-Government. Government sources report that ISIL/Daesh personnel also died in the attack.

Additionally, UNAMA “reiterates the need for all parties to the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law” and “calls on the Government and international military forces to launch a prompt, independent, impartial, transparent, and effective investigation into this incident.”

US Forces – Afghanistan (USFOR-A) issued a statement one day prior on the website of Resolute Support, the NATO mission in Afghanistan, that acknowledged reports of civilian casualties and said it was indeed investigating:

United States Forces – Afghanistan takes all allegations of civilian casualties very seriously.

Nangarhar province has been a focus for Daesh activity since 2015. Daesh seek to use the area to train, equip, disseminate propaganda, and expand their control over innocent Afghans.

Our Afghan partners, especially their special forces, have been working diligently to disrupt and destroy Daesh in Southern Nangarhar, and we continue to work alongside them to support their efforts. The ANDSF have significantly reduced Daesh presence and inflicted hundreds of casualties on them. In addition and as part of US unilateral counter-terrorism operations, US forces also killed their leader in Afghanistan, Hafiz Sayed Khan, in late July.

Daesh is killing innocent Afghan men, women, and children. They continue to put innocent lives at risk by deliberately surrounding themselves with civilians and dressing in female attire. We have repeatedly said that we will target Daesh wherever they are in order to disrupt their operations, degrade their attack networks, and protect innocent lives.

We won’t discuss the details of the specific counter-terrorism operation conducted in Nangarhar on 28 September because we are still reviewing all materials related to the strike. We take every possible measure to avoid civilian casualties in these operations, and will continue to work with Afghan authorities to determine if there is cause for additional investigation as we partner with the Afghan government in the broader fight against terrorism.

We will continue our mission to degrade, disrupt, and destroy Daesh and to help our Afghan partners to do the same.

Given that the strike took place in Achin district in Nangarhar, which remains under Islamic State control despite repeated Afghan military operations designed to eject the jihadist group, it is likely that an accurate accounting of what happened on Sept. 28 will be difficult to obtain.

The Achin strike serves to remind us that even though the US military tries to “take every possible measure to avoid civilian casualties in these operations,” civilian casualties are an inevitable byproduct of war. Human error and faulty intelligence, often coupled with the over-reliance on local forces to identify targets, have led to situations where civilians have been killed, such as at the Doctors Without Borders hospital in the city of Kunduz in the fall of 2015.
Paljon videolta otettuja kuvia

Taliban details deadly ambush of Afghan military convoy
By Bill Roggio | October 17, 2016 | [email protected] | @billroggio

The Taliban has documented the aftermath of last week’s ambush on Afghan security personnel on the outskirts the provincial capital of Helmand which resulted in scores of troops killed and dozens more captured. The Taliban released a video today that details the deadly ambush near Lashkar Gah, which underscores the deteriorating security situation in the province.

The ambush, which took place on Oct. 11 in Basharan near Lashkar Gah, was previously described by both the Taliban and The New York Times. The Taliban reportedly ambushed a large convoy of Afghan troops after negotiating their safe passage from their base. A contingent of more than 300 Afghan troops were besieged by the Taliban. According to the Taliban, 69 Afghan security personnel were killed, 33 more were wounded and subsequently captured, and 125 surrendered. The Times later reported that between 100 and 200 Afghan security personnel were killed. [See Threat Matrix report, Taliban reportedly kills 100 Afghan troops in Helmand capital.]

Afghan officials in the Defense and Interior ministries denied the report that its forces took high casualties near Helmand, and there was no reporting of the ambush in the Afghan press. However, the initial Taliban and The New York Times accounts closely matched.

Today, Taliban backed up its version of events in Basharan when it released a video which includes footage of the ambush and its aftermath. The video was released by Al Emarah Studio, which is “part of [the] multimedia branch [of] the cultural commission of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,” the Taliban said in a statement released on Voice of Jihad.

The video, which is just over 35 minutes long, “presents report of a successful attack on a large military and logistical convoy in Basharan area of Helmand’s capital Lashkargah.”

According to the Taliban, the video shows “Mujahideen attacks on a hireling convoy heading towards capital Lashkargah for breaking the siege of the capital.”

The Taliban video confirmed their own claim that a large number of troops were killed and captured during the ambush. One scene shows a large number of captive Afghan troops sitting in a room. Several captured security personnel are interviewed at the end of the video. Other video clips show dozens of slain Afghan security personnel lying next to burned out or destroyed vehicles.

The Taliban also show a large number of vehicles captured or destroyed during the ambush. Taliban fighters are seen driving several functional US-supplied HUMVEEs and Ford Ranger pickup trucks that are normally used by the Afghan National Police and Afghan Local Police. One of the HUMVEEs captured looks to be so new that it has what appears to be shipping paperwork taped to the window. The Taliban also show a captured M1117 armored vehicle. A number of burned-out pickup trucks, HUMVEEs, and cars are also displayed in the video.

The video appears to support the Taliban’s initial claim from last week that it destroyed “8 APCs [and] 1 Kamaz truck” and seized “1 armored tank [likely the M1117], 22 APCs [likely the HUMVEEs], 20 ranger pickups, 3 other vehicles and different types ammunition.”

The Taliban recorded the video in the daylight, presumably the morning or afternoon following the ambush, which was said to have taken place at 2:30 a.m. local time. Despite several hours passing between the ambush and defeat of the Afghan forces and the recording of the video, there was no apparent response from the Afghan military or from the US Air Force. The Taliban seen in the video are operating in the open during daylight just outside of the provincial capital and do not appear to be concerned about airstrikes.

The video highlights the precarious situation in Lashkar Gah, which has been under Taliban threat for well over year. In Oct. 2015, The Taliban advanced to within miles of Lashkar Gah, which has been besieged ever since. US advisers have been deployed to Lashkar Gah and other districts in Helmand to help Afghan forces battle the Taliban, but have struggled to contain the threat. Of Helmand’s 14 districts, six are known to be controlled by the Taliban and another seven, including the provincial capital, are heavily contested. The Taliban are threatening four other provincial capitals.

Images from the Taliban video of the Basharan ambush:

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of The Long War Journal.
Gunman in Afghan Army uniform kills US soldier, civlian in Kabul
By Bill Roggio | October 19th, 2016 | [email protected] | @billroggio
US Forces-Afghanistan confirmed that one American soldier and a civilian were killed and three more Americans were wounded in an attack today in the Afghan capital of Kabul. From the USFOR-A press release:

One U.S. service member and one U.S. civilian died as a result of wounds sustained in Kabul, Afghanistan today. One U.S. service member and two U.S. civilians also sustained wounds and are currently stable.

The two individuals were killed during an attack near a coalition base by an unknown assailant, who was later killed. They were conducting duties as part of the larger NATO mission to Train, Advise, and Assist the Afghan security services. An investigation is being conducted to determine the exact circumstances of the event.

U.S. Department of Defense Policy is to withhold the identity of those involved pending next-of-kin notification. We will release additional information as appropriate.

According to Reuters, “The shooting took place at about 11 a.m., while the international troops were visiting a base in Kabul.” The gunman is reported to have been wearing an Afghan Army uniform.

Neither the Taliban nor the Islamic State has claimed the attack at this time. In the past, the Taliban has infiltrated Afghan security forces to carry out such attacks or convinced soldiers or policemen to turn their weapons on Coalition personnel. The Islamic State claimed credit for killing a US soldier in an IED attack in its stronghold of Nangarhar two weeks ago.

If the shooting is confirmed to be a green-on-blue or insider attack, where Afghan police or soldiers target Coalition personnel, then it would be the first recorded incident of its kind since April 2015.
Afganistanin tärkein vientituote kasvattaa volyymia :D

YK:n huumeiden ja rikollisuuden torjunnasta vastaavan toimiston (UNODC) mukaan oopiumipeltojen pinta-ala kasvoi tänä vuonna kymmenen prosenttia 201 000 hehtaariin.

Samalla oopiumipeltojen hävittäminen on lopetettu lähes kokonaan. Peltoja tuhottiin tänä vuonna vain 355 hehtaaria eli 91 prosenttia vähemmän kuin viime vuonna. Oopiumia viljeltiin myös uusilla alueilla, uutistoimisto Reuters kertoi.
Afganistanin tärkein vientituote kasvattaa volyymia :D

YK:n huumeiden ja rikollisuuden torjunnasta vastaavan toimiston (UNODC) mukaan oopiumipeltojen pinta-ala kasvoi tänä vuonna kymmenen prosenttia 201 000 hehtaariin.

Samalla oopiumipeltojen hävittäminen on lopetettu lähes kokonaan. Peltoja tuhottiin tänä vuonna vain 355 hehtaaria eli 91 prosenttia vähemmän kuin viime vuonna. Oopiumia viljeltiin myös uusilla alueilla, uutistoimisto Reuters kertoi.
On tuo Afganistanin huumehommakin meleko absurdia. Jenkitkihän perustivat DEA:lle erikoisyksikön, jonka alkuperäinen tehtävä oli puuttua juuri tuohon Afganistanin oopiumiongelmaan. Huippukoulutetut agentit etsimässä, takavarikoimassa ja hävittämässä huumehia... Mitään hyötyä...
Afganistanin hallitus on Talebanin puristuksessa tällä hetkellä niin pahoin, ettei aikaa ja voimavaroja unikkopeltojen tuhoamiseen ole.
Jari Rantapelkonen (toim.)
MAANPUOLUSTUSKORKEAKOULU Taktiikan laitos Julkaisusarja 2 N:o 1/2012

Taistelukentällä. Suomalaisupseerien kokemuksia Afganistanissa on tärkeä ja mielenkiintoinen kirja, joka kertoo suomalaisen upseerin toimintaympäristöstä 2000-luvun kriisinhallintaoperaatioissa. Samalla se on ensimmäinen kirja, jossa suomalaiset upseerit kertovat omin sanoin ja avoimesti kokemuksistaan Afganistanissa. Vaikka Afganistanin toimintaympäristö tuntuu kotimaan puolustuksen ja suomalaisen taktiikan näkökulmasta kovin oudolta ja taistelukenttä kaukaiselta, ei se poista sitä tosiasiaa, että kokemuksella on aina ollut sotatieteissä tärkeä merkitys – ja tulee olemaan. Sota ja taistelut ovat sotatieteellisen tutkimuksen ytimessä, ainakin niiden pitäisi olla. Taktiikan laitoksen tärkein tehtävä on operaatiotaidon ja taktiikan opetus. Se kaipaa tuekseen pätevää tietoa: artikkeleita, ohjeita, oppikirjoja, kokemuksellisia päiväkirjoja ja tekstejä, jotka tukevat suomalaisen upseerin osaamista. Tutkimuksellisille teksteille taistelukentiltä on näin ollen taktiikan tutkimuksessa tilausta ja myös tilaa. Huolimatta siitä, että kotimaan puolustus on tärkein tehtävämme, pääsevät upseerimme eri tehtävissä kokemaan taistelukentän arjen erilaisissa simulaatioissa, kuten sotaharjoituksissa, mutta erityisesti kansainvälisissä tehtävissä. Siksi on tärkeää, että näistä kokemuksista kirjoitetaan useista näkökulmista ja maanläheisesti, kuten tässä kirjassa. Näin Taistelukentällä avaa myös upseerikunnan ulkopuolisille näkökulmaa Afganistaniin ja tehtäviin, joissa upseerimme sotilaallisissa kriisinhallintatehtävissä palvelevat. Kiitän kirjan ideasta ja toimittamisesta everstiluutnantti, sotatieteiden tohtori Jari Rantapelkosta, jonka ajatuksen Afganistanista kertovan kirjan tekemisestä hyväksyin syksyllä 2011. Uskon, että tämä kirja lisää ymmärrystämme Afganistanista ja sotilaallisesta kriisinhallinnasta vaativissa olosuhteissa. Toivon, että kirja kuluu suomalaisten käsissä, myös heidän, jotka ovat jo Hindukusin maisemissa palvelleet, mutta erityisesti heidän, jotka ovat vaativiin kriisinhallintatehtäviin kuten Afganistaniin menossa.

Helsingissä toukokuussa 2012 Eversti Pekka Järvi
Nyt ei mennyt ihan maaliin tämä keikka :(

YK tutkii USA:n pommituksen Afganistanissa - uhrit naisia ja lapsia

YK ilmoitti tutkivansa Yhdysvaltain ilmaiskuja, joissa kuoli ainakin 32 ihmistä Buz Kandaharin kylässä lähellä Kunduzia Pohjois-Afganistanissa viime torstaina. Uhreista valtaosa oli naisia ja lapsia. Kuolonuhrien lisäksi 19 ihmistä haavoittui.

Naton ilmaiskun kohteena olivat epäillyt Taleban-taistelijat.
Taliban attacks German consulate in Afghanistan

At least four people killed and 120 wounded as suicide car bomber rams his vehicle into the consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif.

A suicide car bomber has struck the German consulate in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, killing at least four people and wounding 120 others, according to police sources.

The bombing on Thursday was claimed by the Taliban, which called it a "revenge attack" for a US air strike in the province of Kunduz earlier this month that left up to 32 civilians dead.

US forces admitted last week that its air strikes "very likely" resulted in civilian killings in Kunduz, pledging a full investigation into the incident.

This is Taliban Country

According to Mazar-i-Sharif police: "The suicide attacker rammed his explosives-laden car into the wall of German consulate in the city."

Ihme homma,kun artikkeli on luettavissa hakemalla googlen kautta. Sitten kun kopio linkin sivusta se onkin maksumuuri.

Mystery deepens over Chinese forces in Afghanistan Beijing confirms ‘joint counter-terrorism operations Charles Clover in Beijing A mystery over recent sightings of Chinese military vehicles patrolling inside Afghanistan deepened last week as Beijing denied its troops were in Afghanistan but confirmed it was undertaking “joint counter-terrorism operations” with Kabul.

The disclosure comes as China steps up its involvement with its western neighbour amid a gradual withdrawal by US forces from the war-ravaged country. Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army, was asked about reports of Chinese troops inside Afghanistan at a defence ministry press conference on Thursday. He flatly denied any military involvement but said that “the law enforcement authorities of the two sides have conducted joint law enforcement operations in border areas to fight against terrorism”, according to an official transcript of the remarks made available Friday. “The report that the Chinese military patrolled in Afghanistan is false,” he said. An effort Friday to clarify whether there were any Chinese non-military patrols on the Afghan side of the border was met with the same response. Col Ren was referring to a number of witness reports and photos appearing to show Chinese military vehicles patrolling inside Afghanistan in recent months. Clearly in a place like Afghanistan, law enforcement and military patrols are rather blurred terms Justin Bronk, the Royal United Services Institute The first photos were published on November 3, when Wion, an Indian news website, reported the presence of Chinese military vehicles in the Wakhan corridor, a mountainous strip of land between the Pamir and Karakoram mountain ranges that extends all the way to the border with China. In February, the Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, a think-tank, published a report citing “overwhelming evidence” including statements of diplomats, as well as an unnamed Chinese official, that Chinese troops were patrolling inside Afghanistan, though the article also cited a denial by Sediq Sediqi, a spokesman for Afghanistan’s ministry of internal affairs. Justin Bronk, an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute in London, said a denial by Beijing that the Chinese military was involved might not rule out a military-style operation by police. “Clearly in a place like Afghanistan, law enforcement and military patrols are rather blurred terms” he said. Related article Chinese private security goes global Beijing’s protection industry looks after workers in the most dangerous places He said published photos of the alleged patrols showed two types of Chinese vehicles — the Dongfeng EQ 2050, similar to the US Humvee, and the Norinco VP 11, a mine resistant vehicle. Both are military vehicles, said Mr Bronk, but could be used in a law enforcement capacity. If an agreement on joint patrolling exists, it would not the first such arrangement of extraterritorial law enforcement that China has with a border state. Since December 2011, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have completed dozens of joint police patrols on the Mekong river, aiming to crack down on crime in the region. Those patrols follow the brutal murder of 13 Chinese sailors on a stretch of the Mekong by suspected drug smugglers in Oct 2011. The motivations for China to deepen its involvement in Afghanistan are several. Beijing fears contagion from Islamic extremism, while Chinese companies also hold key mining and hydrocarbons concessions across Afghanistan. It’s impossible to see what China is doing outside the context of the US drawdown, which forced China, reluctantly, to face up to the fact that it will have to take on greater responsibility for security in its western periphery Andrew Small, an expert on China at the German Marshall Fund “China's main focus is counter-terrorism,” said Andrew Small, an expert on China at the German Marshall Fund. He added that the Turkistan Islamic Party, a separatist organisation that China has linked to terror attacks, was believed to have its headquarters in Badakhshan, the Afghan province neighbouring China. Often accused of being a “free rider” that benefits from the security provided by US forces in Afghanistan, China has also been forced to respond to the likelihood of an eventual US withdrawal from the country. “It’s impossible to see what China is doing outside the context of the US drawdown, which forced China, reluctantly, to face up to the fact that it will have to take on greater responsibility for security in its western periphery,” said Mr Small. In 2014 former US President Barack Obama announced that US forces would leave Afghanistan by the end of his term in office, though due to the worsening security environment 8,400 have stayed on since a partial drawdown was completed in December.
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Näitä omituisuuksia muuten on netti pullollaan. Sitä voi vain arvailla että miksi, onko kyseessä puolivillainen toteutus vai joku vinksahtanut bisneslogiikka. Kiitos kun pastesit tekstin tähän.