
Mikä mahtaa olla todellisuus. Jos et ole ulkona hurraamassa päitäkatkoville fanaatikoille, niin on hyvä mahollisuus, että naapurit kertoo että olet länsimielinen ja pääsee kaulakiikkuun...
Varmasti osa porukasta on innoissaan että jenkit lähtee ja Taleban tulee, mutta ne on samanlaisia fanaatikkoja. Tavalliset ihmiset on pelon takia tuolla.

Taliban begin negotiations with Afghan government after entering Kabul: Sources​

15 August ,2021: 11:36 AM GST
A Taliban delegation has begun negotiations with the Afghan government inside the presidential palace in Kabul after entering the city on Sunday, according to Al Arabiya sources.

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Clashes between the Afghan army and the Taliban took place in the southern and northern outskirts of the city, although a Taliban spokesperson says the group was instructed not to storm the city, which is the government’s last stronghold in the country.

The spokesperson added that the group does not intend to take revenge on anyone, and it claims that all those who have served the government and military will be forgiven.

The Afghan presidency has asserted that the situation in Kabul is still under control.

Citizens were seen lining up to withdraw their savings from banks before their doors were closed due to lack of liquidity.

US diplomats were evacuated from the embassy by helicopter, and an official said that fewer than 50 officials will remain in the city.

Several EU staff members have also been moved to an undisclosed safer location in Kabul, according to a NATO official.

The UK Home Office has said that officials are working to protect British nationals and help former staff and eligible people travel to the UK.

Russia, on the other hand, has said it has no intention of evacuating its officials from Kabul.

The situation in Kabul comes soon after several major cities fell to the Taliban during the last week, many of them without a fight.

With agencies

edit: tätä uutista ei vielä kannata ottaa kovinkaan totena.
Kabulin yllä lentelee ilmeisesti jenkkien lennokkeja ihan tunnistin päällä. Katsokaa flightradarista

Taliban claim control of Bagram airbase and prison​

The Taliban say they have taken over Bagram airfield and prison, on the outskirts of Kabul.
The complex was the epicentre of the war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda for some 20 years until last month, when the US military left in the dead of night without notifying the Afghans.
The US-led coalition forces moved in during December 2001, and Bagram was developed into a huge base capable of holding up to 10,000 troops.
George W Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all visited the base during their tenures as president.
Bagram also contains a prison, with a reported 5,000 Taliban inmates left in the facility. Taliban sources have claimed that they have released these prisoners.
Bagram prison famously became known as Afghanistan's Guantanamo - after the infamous US military prison in Cuba.
It was originally built and run by the Americans but was handed over to Afghan control in 2013.