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Aircraft are marvels of engineering, where technology and safety redundancies are perfectly intertwined. So much so that we sometimes forget that the final safety barrier is human.
When all else fails, there is someone trained, capable and willing to fight for the safety of everyone on board.
The crew of this tragic flight demonstrated extraordinary bravery and professionalism. After their aircraft was struck, they fought to pilot and land a doomed aircraft, doing everything possible to save lives.
My humble honour to the memory of Azerbaijan Airlines Captain Igor Kshnyakin, First Officer Aleksandr Kalyaninov, and Purser Hokuma Aliyeva, among the 39 lives lost. Their heroism ensured that 29 passengers survived.
Next time you board an aircraft, keep this in mind. Treat pilots and crew with highest respect. They will give their lives to ensure that they are saving yours.
United by wings![]()
The voice of Hokuma Aliyeva, who professionally served to the very last minute of the tragic aircraft crash, assuring passengers that "everything will be fine," will not be forgotten.Today, nationwide day of mourning in remembrance of the tragedy's victims is observed.Allah rəhmət eləsin!