Briggs-Myers-testin mukainen persoonallisuustyyppisi

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Tämä nyt on vähän "human interest"-osastoa, mutta jos tämä Briggsin-Myersin persoonallisuustyyppijaottelu on jo tuttu juttu, niin millaisia nelikirjaimisia yhdistelmiä arvon foorumilaiset ovat saaneet? Koska näitä on 16 luokittelua niin en tee tästä kyselyä - ei riitä vaihtoehdot. Omasta mielestäni tämä testitapa antaa kohtalaisen (omalta kohdalta jopa pelottavan) tarkkoja arvioita tietyistä asioista. Tosin jokaisen persoonallisuustyypin kuvaukset (etenkin näissä suomenkielisissä) on kirjoitettu hyvin positiiviseen sävyyn, eikä aina mielestäni näissä tuoda esille että monissa asioissa jokin mielenlaatu voi olla iso haitta, tai jopa este.

Kunnon hardcore-psykojen mielestä tämä on varmasti aika pinnallinen testaustapa, ja he ovat varmaan oikeassa. Itse olen myös singahdellut (olen tehnyt tällaisen testin ensimmäistä kertaa varmaan 20 vuotta sitten) eri tyypeissä eri ikäisenä kun persoonallisuus on kehittynyt johonkin suuntaan iän myötä. Ainoa joka kerta samana pysynyt ominaisuus on introverttiys. Muut piirteet eivät ole niin hirveän vahvoja.

Tässä ihan OK suomenkielinen testi (mm. ei joko/tai vaihtoehtoja jne) joskin kieliasu on välillä ihan persiillään ja kuvaus on hyvin lyhyt ja vain positiiviseen painottava.

Täällä englanninkielinen testi ja paremmat ja pidemmät kuvaukset eri tyypeistä, myös mahd. negatiivisista piirteistä:

Itse saan tuloksen ISFJ "Puolustaja" (onpas sopivaa, puolllustaja). Hyvää miehistömatskua. Myös työelämän puolella on tullut mietittyä usein, että suurin osa taidoistani on sellaisia millä autetaan muita ihmisiä tekemään jotain, mutta ilman tätä muiden tekemistä aika hyödyttömiä.

Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them; however, most ISFJs find more than enough with which to occupy themselves within the framework of a normal life. (Since ISFJs, like all SJs, are very much bound by the prevailing social conventions, their form of "service" is likely to exclude any elements of moral or political controversy; they specialize in the local, the personal, and the practical.)

ISFJs are often unappreciated, at work, home, and play. Ironically, because they prove over and over that they can be relied on for their loyalty and unstinting, high-quality work, those around them often take them for granted--even take advantage of them. Admittedly, the problem is sometimes aggravated by the ISFJs themselves; for instance, they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself"). And although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they're getting, it's somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself). (And as low-profile Is, their actions don't call attention to themselves as with charismatic Es.) Because of all of this, ISFJs are often overworked, and as a result may suffer from psychosomatic illnesses.

In the workplace, ISFJs are methodical and accurate workers, often with very good memories and unexpected analytic abilities; they are also good with people in small-group or one-on-one situations because of their patient and genuinely sympathetic approach to dealing with others. ISFJs make pleasant and reliable co-workers and exemplary employees, but tend to be harried and uncomfortable in supervisory roles. They are capable of forming strong loyalties, but these are personal rather than institutional loyalties; if someone they've bonded with in this way leaves the company, the ISFJ will leave with them, if given the option. Traditional careers for an ISFJ include: teaching, social work, most religious work, nursing, medicine (general practice only), clerical and and secretarial work of any kind, and some kinds of administrative careers.

While their work ethic is high on the ISFJ priority list, their families are the centers of their lives. ISFJs are extremely warm and demonstrative within the family circle--and often possessive of their loved ones, as well. When these include Es who want to socialize with the rest of the world, or self-contained ITs, the ISFJ must learn to adjust to these behaviors and not interpret them as rejection. Being SJs, they place a strong emphasis on conventional behavior (although, unlike STJs, they are usually as concerned with being "nice" as with strict propriety); if any of their nearest and dearest depart from the straight-and-narrow, it causes the ISFJ major embarrassment: the closer the relationship and the more public the act, the more intense the embarrassment (a fact which many of their teenage children take gleeful advantage of). Over time, however, ISFJs usually mellow, and learn to regard the culprits as harmless eccentrics :-). Needless to say, ISFJs take infinite trouble over meals, gifts, celebrations, etc., for their loved ones--although strong Js may tend to focus more on what the recipient should want rather than what they do want.

Like most Is, ISFJs have a few, close friends. They are extremely loyal to these, and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment's notice. (However, like most Fs they hate confrontation; if you get into a fight, don't expect them to jump in after you. You can count on them, however, run and get the nearest authority figure.) Unlike with EPs, the older the friendship is, the more an ISFJ will value it. One ISFJ trait that is easily misunderstood by those who haven't known them long is that they are often unable to either hide or articulate any distress they may be feeling. For instance, an ISFJ child may be reproved for "sulking," the actual cause of which is a combination of physical illness plus misguided "good manners." An adult ISFJ may drive a (later ashamed) friend or SO into a fit of temper over the ISFJ's unexplained moodiness, only afterwards to explain about a death in the family they "didn't want to burden anyone with." Those close to ISFJs should learn to watch for the warning signs in these situations and take the initiative themselves to uncover the problem.

(ISFJ stands for Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging and represents individual's preferences in four dimensions characterising personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type.)

Your Type Preferences

Introvert(50%) Sensing(25%) Feeling(12%) Judging(19%)
No heti kolmas kyssäri oli mahdoton vastata.

Yrität vastata sähköposteihin mahdollisimman pian, etkä voi sietää sotkuista postilaatikkoa.

No en yritä, enkä voi sietää. Pitäisi siis saada rasti kumpaankin ääripäähän.

Jätin sit tekemättä. Mihin boksiin tämä minut sijoittaa?

According to Myers-Briggs the INTJ represents "The Mastermind". INTJs are one of the rarest of the 16 psychological types and account for approximately 2%[2] of the population.[3]Women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population.
Viihdettähän nämä ovat, tosin jotain kait kertoo että suomalaiselle upseerikunnalle yleisimmät persoonallisuustyypit Aallon (2014) pahamaineisen väikkärin mukaan ovat ESTJ (39 %), ESFJ (20 %) ja ISTJ (19 %). Itse olen kuulemma ENFJ-A eli protagonisti.
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Sain saman Cambridgen professorin tekemän ohjelman kautta, joka analysoi henkilön profiilia Facebookin tykkäysten perusteella. Oli ihan mielenkiintoinen. Laitan tähän oman tuloksen:

Your Likes are the epitome of masculinity, your Facebook identity is that of a manly man!

Openness to experience describes a dimension of personality that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down-to-earth, conventional people.

People with your Likes are intellectually curious and appreciative of what they consider beautiful, no matter what others think. You might say that your imagination is vivid and makes you more creative than many others.

Conscientiousness concerns the way in which we control, regulate, and direct our impulses.

People with your Likes are random and fun to be around but can also plan and persist when life requires it. It appears that depending on the situation, you can make quick decisions or deliberate for longer if necessary.

Extraversion is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world, versus being comfortable with your own company.

People with your Likes are quiet and somewhat withdrawn. Your Likes describe you as someone who doesn't need lots of other people around to have fun, and can sometimes find that people are tiring.

Agreeableness reflects individual differences in concern with cooperation and social harmony.

People with your Likes are willing to make difficult decisions when necessary, and will point out when something is wrong no matter what other people might feel. You might say that you can be tough and uncompromising.

Neuroticism refers to the tendency to experience negative emotions.

People with your Likes are extremely difficult to upset or stress out, since you rarely, if ever, react with negative emotions, and even when you are anxious about something the feeling quickly passes. Based on your Likes, you come across as very calm and resilient.

You are more intelligent than 99% of the population

People with your Likes tend to be highly intelligent. Some examples of Likes correlated with high intelligence include ‘Johann Sebastian Bach’, ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Thunderstorms’. But remember, Liking these things hasn’t been proven to make you smarter!

You are more satisfied with life than 22% of the population

People with your Likes are substantially dissatisfied with life. You may be experiencing several problems in different areas of your life or large problems such as bereavement, divorce or work issues. Talking to a friend or counsellor may help you overcome these problems.

Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging

INTJs are very analytical individuals. They are more comfortable working alone than with other people, and are not usually as sociable as others, although they are prepared to take the lead if nobody else is up to the task, or they see a major weakness in the current leadership. They tend to be very pragmatic and logical individuals, often with an individualistic bent and a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism. They are also commonly not susceptible to catchphrases and commonly do not recognize authority based on tradition, rank or title. Hallmark features of the INTJ personality type include independence of thought, strong individualism and creativity. Persons with this personality type work best given large amounts of autonomy and creative freedom. They harbour an innate desire to express themselves; that is to be creative by conceptualizing their own intellectual designs. Analyzing and formulating complex theories are among their greatest strengths.

0 out of 100 men with your Likes are Gay

(7 out of 100 men in the general population are Gay)
People with your Likes are very unlikely to be gay.

Your Likes suggest that you have Libertarian political views, these are based on the principle of individual freedom and autonomy. Contemporary Libertarians tend to support free-market capitalism with low regulation, low taxes, and a smaller state in general which provides less in the way of social welfare programs.

Your Likes suggest that you do not hold any of the religious views for which specific predictions are made. You fall into the “Other” category, which includes Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Muslims, Jedis and Pastafarians.

People with your Likes have a strong interest in History. When was the last time you went to a pub quiz? You are likely to follow related links from news articles to understand the wider historical context and you like to get to the bottom of things rather than accepting information at face value.
Joka uskaltaa ja jolla on FB-tili, niin kokeilkoon. Toimii myös Twitterille.

This tool predicts your psycho-demographic profile from digital footprints of your behaviour. It reveals how you might be perceived by others online and provides detailed insights on your personality, intelligence, life satisfaction and more.

Predictions are based on opt-in psychological ground truth from over 6 million volunteers, and our data has been used in over 45 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Connect your Facebook and Twitter profiles using the log in buttons below to discover what your data says about you. Your use of this demo is anonymous, we will never post on your wall and the results of your prediction will not be stored. We hope you enjoy it!

Mitä enemmän tavaraa tileillä, sitä tarkempi tulos. Itse ainakin sanoisin, että oli 80-90% tarkka. Tosin "älykkäämpi kuin 99%"ä FB:n käyttäjistä.. :D
Joka uskaltaa ja jolla on FB-tili, niin kokeilkoon. Toimii myös Twitterille.

Itse tein juuri tuon testin aikoinaan ja yllättävän tarkka tulos tuli. Tuon testin löysin artikkelin kautta, joka käsitteli Trumpin voittoa vaaleissa ja että vaikutettiinko siihen netin kautta ihmisistä kerättyjen tietojen avulla.

Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method to analyze people in minute detail based on their Facebook activity. Did a similar tool help propel Donald Trump to victory? Two reporters from Zurich-based Das Magazin went data-gathering.
Introvert(84%) Sensing(44%) Thinking(38%) Judging(12%)
  • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (84%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (44%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (12%)
Aika hyvin sopii kuvaus. :)
Saman tökkäsi. Hi bro!:D
100 % Introvertti, logistikko.
Tunnettuja mm. A. Merkel, Barak Obama, Sting.

Edit: kiteytän. @Kalastaja voi kommentoida, miten natsaa.

Viihdyn mieluummin yksin kuin huonossa seurassa.

Minulla on muutama hyvä kaveri ja ne riittää minulle, en tarvitse sataa. Ja niitä huonoja en yhtäkään.

Puhun vähän, mutta yleensä asiaa. Toisaalta jos aihe on minua kiinnostava, voin puhua vaikka 10 h yhteen menoon. Smalltalk ei kuulu

Kummeksun ihmisiä, jotka on tunninkin puhelimessa, ilman asiaa.
Minä en. Esittely, asia ja se on moro.

En tunne termiä vasemmalla kädellä tehty. En pidä vatuloinnista ja turhasta jankkamisesta. Palaverit ja kokoukset ovat minulle tuskaa, ellen ole itse nuijan varressa pöydän päässä. Ne kokoukset sujuvat aikataulussa ja itse asiassa, harhapoluille ei ne kokoukset karkaile.

Olisin hyvä diktaattori, mutta huono poliitikko.:p My way or highway..

Pidän sen, minkä olen luvannut. Jos olen luvannut olla klo 8 paikassa x, siellä olen ja sillä kellonlyömällä.

Shoppailu ei ole leipälajini. Toki käyn kaupassa, jos jotain tarvitaan, mutta rättien vääntelyyn minua ei saa edes voimatoimilla uhkaamalla.

Asiat ratkaisee. Ylenmääräinen empatia ei kuulu vahvuuksiini.:)

Tiesin kyllä, että olen per..-introvertti, mutta tuo logistikko oli minulle uutta.
Viimeksi muokattu:
En ole pahemmin harrastunut noita persoonallisuustestejä, paitsi mitä töissä ovat testailleet.
Mulle täysin riittää kun oma persoona on riittävän etäällä tuosta ulkomaisesta lajitoverista..... pilaa meidän kaikkien maineen ilman paskomistakin.


Joka uskaltaa ja jolla on FB-tili, niin kokeilkoon. Toimii myös Twitterille.

This tool predicts your psycho-demographic profile from digital footprints of your behaviour. It reveals how you might be perceived by others online and provides detailed insights on your personality, intelligence, life satisfaction and more.

Predictions are based on opt-in psychological ground truth from over 6 million volunteers, and our data has been used in over 45 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Connect your Facebook and Twitter profiles using the log in buttons below to discover what your data says about you. Your use of this demo is anonymous, we will never post on your wall and the results of your prediction will not be stored. We hope you enjoy it!

Mitä enemmän tavaraa tileillä, sitä tarkempi tulos. Itse ainakin sanoisin, että oli 80-90% tarkka. Tosin "älykkäämpi kuin 99%"ä FB:n käyttäjistä.. :D

Olen tuon mukaan normia älykkäämpi INTP ja yhtä todennäköisesti homppeli kuin hetsku :D

En ole asiasta ihan samaa mieltä, voi olla että käytän facea turhan rajoittuneesti. En ole kehdannut tykkäillä mistään misukuvaryhmistä. Tai sitten tämä on vain defenssimekanismi, kun en halua tulla kaapista :)
No johan on... näin nelikypäsenä sitä itsestään jotain jo tietää. Haistakaa paska koko valtiovalta!
Ette tiedä edes missä maassa olen vitun parasiittiset kusipäät!

Introvert(66%) iNtuitive(44%) Thinking(81%) Judging(6%)

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