Briggs-Myers-testin mukainen persoonallisuustyyppisi

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Honcho
  • Aloitus PVM Aloitus PVM
En testannut, mutta aiemmin tehdyistä testeistä sanoisin vanhasta muistista että ESTJ. "Ammattina" niinkin eksoottinen kuin projektipäällikkö.
Tuossa vielä jotain "yleistyksiä" tuosta omasta ESTJ-tyypistä. Aika hyvin osuu moni. Selittää myös osaltaan sitä Lammio-tulosta toisesta testistä ;)

About the ESTJ
Expert Quotes & Links
"ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs. They live in the present, with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs."
- Portrait of an ESTJ (The Personality Page)

"...go by experience and that is what counts, not speculation and experimentation, and certainly not fantasy. They keep their feet firmly on the ground and make sure that those under their supervision do the same..."
- The Portrait of the Supervisor (eStJ) (Keirsey)

"responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident"
- Jung Type Descriptions (ESTJ) (
"ESTJs thrive on order and continuity. Being extraverted, their focus involves organization of people, which translates into supervision. While ENTJs enjoy organizing and mobilizing people according to their own theories and tactically based agendas, ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher authority."
- ESTJ Profile (TypeLogic)

"ESTJs prefer occupations that require an organized, logical, and practical bent that incorporates an effective use of time and resources. They pay attention to the organization's hierarchy and use policies and procedures to help them to move the tasks along. They like making decisions and dealing with concrete, specific facts."
- ESTJ - The Enforcer (Lifexplore)
Fakebookin perusteella tehty perustui niin vähään aineistoon, että meni täysin skutsiin.

Aiemmin olen noita tehnyt ja tulos on INTJ/INFJ. Tuo kolmas kirjain menee useimmiten hyvin splittiin.

Muokkasin, piti tarkistaa.
Tuossa vielä jotain "yleistyksiä" tuosta omasta ESTJ-tyypistä. Aika hyvin osuu moni. Selittää myös osaltaan sitä Lammio-tulosta toisesta testistä ;)

About the ESTJ
Expert Quotes & Links
"ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs. They live in the present, with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs."
- Portrait of an ESTJ (The Personality Page)

"...go by experience and that is what counts, not speculation and experimentation, and certainly not fantasy. They keep their feet firmly on the ground and make sure that those under their supervision do the same..."
- The Portrait of the Supervisor (eStJ) (Keirsey)

"responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident"
- Jung Type Descriptions (ESTJ) (
"ESTJs thrive on order and continuity. Being extraverted, their focus involves organization of people, which translates into supervision. While ENTJs enjoy organizing and mobilizing people according to their own theories and tactically based agendas, ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher authority."
- ESTJ Profile (TypeLogic)

"ESTJs prefer occupations that require an organized, logical, and practical bent that incorporates an effective use of time and resources. They pay attention to the organization's hierarchy and use policies and procedures to help them to move the tasks along. They like making decisions and dealing with concrete, specific facts."
- ESTJ - The Enforcer (Lifexplore)

Samat jutut ne itselläkin korostuu. Tuo Similarmindsin analyysi osuu hyvin itseen.
Teinpäs pitkästä aika tuon testin. Ei ole tulos muuttunut :)

Facebookilla ei ole riittävästi aineistoa, olen ollut vissiin varovainen tykkäilemään.
Opi eilisestä, elä tätä päivää, toivo huomiselle. Tärkeää on koskaan lakata kyseenalaistamasta.

Albert Einstein
Viimeksi muokattu:
Aina kun teen BM-testin, niin saan INTJ-tuloksen.
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