Energia-aseet: laser ym.

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Kiinalaisen laaserin maalina ollutta tavaraa esiteltiin Zuhai 2014 messuilla. Isompi palanen näyttäisi olevan lennokin nokasta, mutta mikäs tuo pienempi pönttö on?

(Reuters) - China has successfully tested a self-developed laser defense system against small-scale low-altitude drones, state media said on Sunday.

The laser defense system is capable of shooting down small aircraft within a two-km (1.2-mile) radius and can do so within five seconds of locating its target, the official Xinhua news agency said, quoting a statement by the China Academy of Engineering Physics.
The Afloat Forward Staging Base (Interim) USS Ponce (ASB(I) 15) conducts an operational demonstration of the Office of Naval Research (ONR)-sponsored Laser Weapon System (LaWS) while deployed to the Arabian Gulf.

Register now for the February 4-5, 2015, Naval Future Force Science and Technology EXPO at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
A team of engineers has developed a new acousto-optic device that can shape and steer beams of light at speeds never before achieved. The new technology will enable better optical devices to be made, such as holographs that can move rapidly in real time.

The research led by Bruce Drinkwater, Professor of Ultrasonics at the University of Bristol and Dr Mike MacDonald at the University of Dundee is published in the journal, Optics Express.

The array consists of 64 tiny piezo-electric elements which act as high frequency loudspeakers. The complex sound field generated deflects and sculpts any light passing through the new device. As the sound field changes, so does the shape of the light beam.
Collaborators working at labs in Russia, Austria, and the United States have succeeded in pumping more than 200 gigawatts of power into a 0.1-millimeter-wide filament formed in the ambient air by a laser. In a paper published in the 17 February issue of Scientific Reports, they describe how they created laser pulses in the mid-infrared part of the spectrum. By making them 100 femtoseconds (10-13 s) long, they could pack sufficient energy in these pulses to carve out a filament in the air several meters long. The researchers claim to have achieved a world record; but, at the same time, they say that they have hit up against a limit in the amount of power that can be transmitted via the filament because of the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The thing in this picture isn’t a photon torpedo. But, it’s close. It’s a photon cannon, currently under development by General Atomics. Small, versatile, and completely self-contained, it turns anything onto which you stick it into a powerful laser weapon. And at just two cubic meters in volume, you should have no trouble mounting it on the roof rack of your Volvo.

General Atomics’ Tactical Laser Weapon Module is one of those pieces of futuristic technology that can show up out of nowhere at a military expo (in this case, the Navy’s Sea-Air-Space Exposition) and just sit there, attracting plenty of attention while also being almost entirely classified.

What we were able to find out about this thing is that it’s a laser weapon with output energies (that's output, not total power in the system) ranging from 75 kilowatts all the way up to 300 kilowatts.

Building on a 125-year heritage, Rheinmetall has once again made good its claim to be the global leader in High-Energy Laser (HEL) technology. At IDEX 2015, defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi (UAE), the German Company Rheinmetall has presented its GTK Boxer 8x8 tactical armoured vehicle fitted a HEL effector module.


A major advantage of HEL effectors is their outstanding flexibility with regard to escalation and de-escalation. Laser beams are eminently scaleable. When fired at optics, radio antennas, radars, ammunition or energy sources, for example, HEL effectors are able to neutralize entire weapons systems without destroying them.

The Mobile HEL Effector Container L in the 50 kW laser class clearly demonstrated this. At ranges of up to 2,000 metres, the optics of unmanned aerial vehicles and remotely operated cameras were detected, tracked and subsequently neutralized or destroyed. The crew was also able to use its HEL effector to quickly cut the power supply cable of a radar mast and then the mast itself. Laser engagement of an ammo box followed by swift deflagration of its explosive content formed the finale of this phase of the demonstration.

The 20 kW-class Mobile HEL Effector Wheel XX mounted on the GTK Boxer features a special HEL effector module that takes full advantage of the vehicle’s unique modularity and Rheinmetall’s proprietary HEL effector know-how, which is based on beam superimposing technology. Moreover, this technology makes it possible to combine several GTK Boxer HEL vehicles, creating a system of systems with an effective power level of over 100 kW.

The laser system has the mission of deterring and preventing the threat to fulfil its task in long range, and destroy the threat in closer ranges with functioning at the speed of light with low costs. Increasing the power level of laser system and consequently its range and affectivity is among the most important activities of ASELSAN’s roadmap.

As an effective, realiable, affordable Air Defence Solution from ASELSAN, Missile-Igla Launching System highly improves the capabilities of Man Portable Air Defence Systems by providing quick and correct aiming of the missile, improving reaction time, increasing fire power and hit probability.

Flexible architecture provides autonomous as well as coordinated operation with Air Defence Battle Management Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence and interoperability with allied countries air defence systems. Salvo firing capability enables the system to perform simultaneous firing of two missiles to one target, dramatically increasing the fire power of the system.

The gyro-stabilized turret of the system and integrated optical sensors enable on-the-move target surveillance, detection, tracking and target type recognition.
Miten mahtaa tuollainen laser torjunta järjestelmä toimia sumussa/kosteassa ilmassa tai muutoin sellaisessa olosuhteessa että ilmassa on valoa taittavia vesipisaroita? Lumisade, jne... Lähinnä mietin että onko tuollainen ja tuleeko se olemaan hyvän sään järjestelmä jossain aavikon kuivuudessa...
Jos jenkit sitä käyttävät merellä, ja saksalaiset on testanneet sumussa niin en usko että kovin paljon häiritsee.
Milleköhän korkeudelle nuo laserit mahtaisivat pystyä tuhoamaan UAV:t tai ainakin niiden havaintosensorit? UAV:eissa ei ole varmaan kovin hyviä mahdollisuuksia suojata sensoreita voimakkaalta laserilta, toisin kuin vaikka tankissa.
Ei täydellistä asejärjestelmää kuitenkaan ole keksitty. Plussia ja miinuksia löytyy jokaisesta asejärjestelmästä, puhumme sitten muinaisista keihäistä ja miekoista, tai sitten kivääreistä ja tykeistä. Ei sellaista sotaa ole ollut, jolloin sää olisi ollut jokapäivä katastrofaalisen huonot. Paitsi ehkä talvisota, hahhah. Kyllähän talvisodassa oli päiviä, jolloin oli hyvä lentosää.

Israelin kuivassa aavikkoilmassa tuollainen laser on toiminut erittäin hyvin torjuessa hezbollahin raketti-iskuja.

Täydessä sumussa, ja lumimyrskyssä ei toimi hyvin. (pitkälle kantamalle). Jenkit kuitenkin ovat kehitelleet viime vuosina "adaptive optics" teknologiaa, jolla kompensoidaan ilmakehän ja kosteuden vaikutuksia laser säteen vaikutukseen.

Matalalla korkeudella elikkä meri-ilmassa myös tulee rajoituksia kantaman ja tehon suhtene johtuen kosteusprosentista.

korkeilla lentokorkeuksilla laser toimii erittäin ihan hyvin. (jopa Carlo Kopp myöntää tämän!). Sellaisessa tapauksessa voidaan lentää esim myrskypilven yläpuolella yms. Näin jenkit ainakin kokeilivat sitä Airborne Laser Boeing järjestelmää.

Suurin etu näissä laser-aseissa on se, ettei enää ammuta ennakolla käytännöllisesti katsoen. Vihollisen on aika vaikea tehdä väistöliikkeitä. Tietnkin laseria täytyy pystyä ohjaamaan tietokoneen ja gyrojen avustuksella, elikkä pitää pystyä nopeisiin aseen uudelleenkohdistuksiin. Elikkä täytyy edelleen ottaa maali jyvälle.

Tykin kranaatilla esimerkiksi voi hyvinkin olla pieni RCS- elikkä ne ovat melko "stealth" ammuksia tutkan paikannuksen suhteen. Joten tuo muodostaa ongelman laserille, koska ei voida varmuudella torjua ammuksia jo pitkiltä matkoilta koska havainnointi ja maalinosoitus on edelleen vaikeaa.
Milleköhän korkeudelle nuo laserit mahtaisivat pystyä tuhoamaan UAV:t tai ainakin niiden havaintosensorit? UAV:eissa ei ole varmaan kovin hyviä mahdollisuuksia suojata sensoreita voimakkaalta laserilta, toisin kuin vaikka tankissa.
At ranges of up to 2,000 metres, the optics of unmanned aerial vehicles and remotely operated cameras were detected, tracked and subsequently neutralized or destroyed.
Lainaus tuosta rheinmetallin boxerista.
Lainaus tuosta rheinmetallin boxerista.

No, Laserhan se on sitten paras peli pikku UAV:n käristelyyn taivaalta. Imatran voimaa vain kolmivaihesyötöllä kiinni.
Erittäin hyvä artikkeli tiedemiehen näkökulmasta tämän päivän teknologiaan ja sen lyhyeen historiaan.

In December 2014, the US Navy made a great show of their test of a laser weapon in what it called the “realistic threat environment” of the Persian Gulf. Video from the test, made available to the press, showed the USS Ponce firing the Laser Weapon System to burn some holes through the sides of some speedboats, causing the boats’ contents to explode. Other tests apparently shot some drone replicas out of the sky.

To an old hand in the laser research industry such as myself (as a graduate student I worked at the Avco Everett Research Laboratory in Everett, Massachusetts, a pioneer in gas dynamic lasers, and later as a member of its senior staff), the tests were underwhelming. They reminded me of an old cartoon in which someone shot an arrow at the side of a barn, then painted a bulls-eye around the spot where the arrow landed. Similarly, after years of false promises, boondoggles, and an enormous waste of taxpayer money going back to the early years of the Reagan era, the military laser lobby came up with these tests. When they couldn’t get a laser lightweight enough to fit on a ship while still being powerful enough to burn through the metal skin of an incoming nuclear missile, they simply changed their goal to something akin to puncturing the side of an Iranian rubber dinghy.

In the USS Ponce tests, the distance of engagement appeared to be short—less than a mile. The sides of their speedboat target were thin, and the target drone aircraft appeared to be small. So, it was possible to accomplish a so-called “successful” test with a relatively low power, in the 10 to 20 kilowatt range. In addition, the short distances meant that a low-quality beam could be used, which tipped the scales because high-quality has long been the Achilles heel of high-power lasers.
If you were beginning to lose hope that futuristic laser weapons would ever become a reality - it's 2015, people! - then you may be in luck. The US Air Force is working on it, and could be attaching laser artillery to fighter jets as early as 2022.

Last September, the US Navy spent $40 million installing a 30-kilowatt Laser Weapons System (LaWS) onboard the USS Ponce. The first of its kind, the laser has yet to be used in a true combat situation, but it has been test-fired on practice drones.

"Frying sensors, burning out motors, and ultimately detonating anything explosive that the target might be carrying. By focusing on vital points, Ponce sailors have reduced the time to shoot down a drone to "less than two," Chief of Naval Research, Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder, told Breaking Defense.

So the technology exists, but it still has some major limitations. For one thing, it takes a lot of energy to create a laser beam capable of producing damage. Installing machines capable of producing that energy - not to mention focusing the beam - is easier to install on a large ship.

Then there's the maneuverability of fighter jets. The same type of G-forces that can be so hard on human beings can also cause damage to complex machines.

"Air applications actually can be the most challenging," David Hardy of the Air Force Research Lab told Breaking Defense. "On a ship, I'm probably going to have more SWAP [Size Weight and Power] than I'm going to have on an aircraft." Plus, "aircraft tend to shake more than a ship does: a ship rolls but it doesn't vibrate as much."

But these are problems the Air Force hopes to overcome within the coming years. By 2022, the Pentagon plans to install 100-plus-kilowatt laser weapons into external pods onboard fighter jets.

"A laser is basically a heating device," Hardy said. "It heats up something. It melts holes in it. That's what we do."