Exoskeletonit ja robottipuvut

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Pitäisiköhän näille sitten luoda oma aihe, kun tuntuu juttua olevan siellä sun täällä.

Yksi jenkkien näkemys olisi TALOS eli erikoisjoukkojen rynnäkköpuku, jonka spekseiksi on asetettu että painaa n. 200 kiloa ja toiminta-aika on 12 tuntia. Ei mitään hajua että paljonko tuosta painosta on hyötykuormaa, mutta olisiko ehkä rangan ja akkujen jälkeen kolmasosa eli 60-70 kiloa käytettävissä suojapanssareihin ja varustukseen?

Joku pari vuotta vanha näkemys mille puku voisi näyttää, oletettavasti tämän jälkeen on kehitys kehittynyt:


Uusin prototyyppi taitaa olla Revision-firman Kinetic Operations Suit, sama periaate että exoskeletonin avulla pystyy kantamaan useamman kymmenen kiloa ballistisia paneeleita. Vaiheessa olevalta näyttää kyllä tämäkin:

Alkaa aikamoiset Robocop systeemit olemaan kyseessä. Olisi mukava löytää jtn testejä jossa näkyisi kuinka liikkuvia nuo värkit oikein ovat jakuinka paljon suojaa ne todellisuudessa antavat. Voisi olettaa että vaikka suojaisi, niin myös aiheuttaisi enemmän vahinkoa panoksen mentäessä läpi, saattaisi pirstaloitua metallin/ballastisia palasia esim isoihin lihaksiin..?
Tietääkö kukaan sivua, missä joku Pelle Peloton väsää näitä tai on keskustelua enemmälti?
Tyyliin Warhammer 40k, Fallout yms power armorit. Siis oikeaita, ei mitään puu/paperimassa larppaus asuja.
Researchers have developed an exoskeleton system that provides personalized support for its user. In healthy volunteers, the optimized exoskeleton reduced energy expenditure during walking by 24%, on average, compared to when the system was not providing personalized support.

Exoskeletons can help enhance human abilities, for example by allowing people to lift greater weight or expend less energy during rehabilitation.

Yet, because each person exhibits unique natural movements, a one-size-fits-all exoskeleton approach will not work, research shows. For example, one person may rotate their ankle more than another, as they walk.

To create a more personalized exoskeleton, Juanjuan Zhang et al. developed a system that measures an individual's energy expenditure as the exoskeleton, which supports the user's ankle during walking, subtly changes its pattern of assistance.

In this case, the system alters its support of ankle movements in four areas: peak torque (rotation), timing of peak torque, and rise and fall times. Over the course of about one hour of walking, the system identifies which patterns of support help the person expend the least amount of energy.

With the exoskeleton optimized for torque support on just one ankle, 11 volunteers experienced a 24% reduction in energy expenditure, on average, while walking. One volunteer who wore the optimized exoskeleton on both ankles experienced a 33% reduction in energy expenditure.

Intriguingly, participants who engaged in additional rounds of walking with the optimized exoskeleton experienced further reductions in energy expenditure, suggesting that users who stick with the device may undergo their own subtle adaptations, resulting in further optimization. This advance is highlighted in a Perspective by Philippe Malcolm et al.


The ARKE is a prototype exoskeleton from Bionik Labs intended for paraplegic people and others with mobility problems. The robotic exoskeleton enables users to stand up from their wheelchairs and walk on their own legs. Bionik Labs integrated the hardware with the Amazon Echo system, allowing uses to issue commands and check parameters by addressing Amazon Alexa, the virtual assistant used for home automation.

Over the past few years, we've heard some vague suggestions that powered exoskeletons will, “at some point soon,” be available for applications besides meeting the needs of people doing physical rehabilitation, industrial workers, and the elderly. The rest of us could get plenty of use out of exoskeletons too, for any situation in which our bodies need to support more weight for longer than would otherwise be comfortable. It's understandable that most exoskeleton companies aren't going for the consumer market right away, because exoskeletons are expensive, and folks like you and me simply wouldn't be able to justify the cost.

Yesterday, Roam Robotics (which was birthed from company-known-for-doing-weird-things, Otherlab) announced that it's planning on selling a new kind of exoskeleton designed to offer leg support to skiers and snowboarders. The cost? Just $2500. The gadget, powered by soft pneumatic actuators, will be rentable at ski resorts for way, way less than it’s full purchase price. Roam says that without any training at all, it'll enable you to ski better for longer without getting nearly as tired.
Lainaus Wikipediasta koskien Talonia, aka Iron Man exoa.

United States Special Operations Command expected "1st gen capability" inside a year.[5]Though it has taken longer than that.[6] Three unpowered prototype suits were to be assembled and delivered in June 2014. Development of the suit is a collaborative effort between 56 corporations, 16 government agencies, 13 universities, and 10 national laboratories. They are working together to incorporate features including a powered exoskeleton, full-body armor, and situational-awareness displays. SOCOM plans to hold a "monster garage" event to encourage mechanics and craftsmen to create components for the suit. They may seek permission from The Pentagon to distribute prize money to generate interest. Admiral McRaven expects a system to be fielded by August 2018.[7]

For years, U.S. Special Operations Command has been working on a suit for special operators that would essentially provide power and resiliency beyond normal human capability and it appears the project is one year away from a major milestone.

“We knew going into this that it was going to be a real challenge,” Jim Smith, USSOCOM’s acquisition chief told an audience at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) May 22. “You put a world-class athlete into a powered exoskeleton, that is going to be a difficult challenge and we are realizing a lot of those challenges.”

But USSOCOM is making progress and Smith added, “right around this time next year, we will put an operator into a powered exoskeleton and lead the Department of Defense on learning what that really means for operations and what is in the art of the possible.”

The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, as USSOCOM formally calls it, is a complex system comprised of an intricate arrangement of state-of-the-art technologies that doesn’t look much different from the Iron Man suit found in comic books and movies.

USA:n "kolmas käsi" tutkimusohjelma, jossa raskaiden aseiden käsittelyä helpotetaan selkään kiinnittyvällä koukkunostimella.

Japanilaiset testaavat exoskeletoneja Naritan ja Hanedan lentokentillä. Kevyesti näyttää laukut liikkuvan. Mahtaisiko sama toimia tykkiryhmässä taikka logistiikkakeskuksessa?
Ylläolevassa videossa; exot tukevat vain selkää. Nostaminen muuten sujuu henkilön omilla käsivoimilla.
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