EX on alustavassa operatiivisessa kelpoisuudessa eli IOCissa.
Sekä Saudien että Qatarin variantista on otettu osia.
Sekä Saudien että Qatarin variantista on otettu osia.
F-15EX Clears IOC Hurdle For U.S. Air Force | Aviation Week Network
The milestone came technically a year late due to production problems.

The Air Force’s criteria for the IOC rating consisted of eight delivered F-15EX fighters.
The milestone came technically a year late due to production problems, but the event still fell within a yearlong window set by the Air Force for achieving IOC, which ends this month.
The Air Force plans to buy at least 90 F-15EX fighters, a derivative of the Qatari-funded F-15QA. The Air Force added a new electronic warfare suite—the BAE Systems Eagle Passive Attack Warning Survivability System.
The aircraft also boasts several upgrades funded a decade ago by the Royal Saudi Air Force, including a fly-by-wire control system.
The F-15EX lacks a stealthy profile to radar, but Air Force officials prize the twin jet’s ability to more easily integrate a wider variety of munitions.