
CNN:n raporttia Mosulista.

Kertoo mm. kahdesta tapauksesta, jossa paikalliset ovat tappaneet ISIS-heeboja. Tuo mieliala kun rupeaa leviämään, niin taistelu on nopeasti ohitse. Enkä usko, että Mosulin asukkaat hirveästi murehtivat Geneven sopimusta terroristeja kohdatessaan.

En usko, että geneven soppari edes käsittelee noita tapauksia. Daeshinit on rikollisia, eivät sotilaita, eikä siviilit ole nekään sotilaita, joille geneven soppari olisi koulutettu muutenkaan. Eli menee ihan tavan lain mukaan. Joten daeshinin saa arvatenkin ampua tavattaessa, ja sen jälkeen asia riippuu täysin siitä mitä oikeuksia rikollisilla siinä maassa on.
Kurdit käyvät todellista "Talvisotaa" ISIS:ä vastaan.

Op-Ed: The war between light and darkness

Kurdish legal consultant, writer and journalist Chiman Salih, who is writing from Erbil, says that there are no grey areas regarding the war against ISIS, it’s a war between light and darkness and there can be no misconceptions about which side is which.

When I learned that Dr. Suleman Sahed Chirukaya, the Peshmerga leading bomb disposal expert and the man accredited with saving hundreds of Peshmerga and civilian lives, succumbed on Saturday in a hospital in Koblenz, Germany to the wounds he sustained while defusing an ISIS bomb last week, I realized that this war against ISIS has no other description than a war between light and darkness. The light sacrifices everything valuable to save human beings from a filthy darkness, which carries out anything dirty in order to harm human beings.

ISIS came to the cities, towns and villages in order to turn women and girls into sabaya (sex slaves), loot and demolish every aspect of life and impose their dark brutal rules everywhere.

Peshmerga commander Rawan Barzani adequately described ISIS when he said that these terrorists are nothing more than loonies, rats and attack dogs. I also believe that they have betrayed the human blood and spirit and are hoodlums and gangsters. These are the members of the dark side of this war. They need to look in the mirror and see the ugliness of their own faces through the atrocities they’ve committed.

The other side is made up of the protectors of the path of peace and humanity, just like Dr. Suleman Sahed Chirukaya. He was from Northern Kurdistan (Turkey) and had been living in Germany since 2000. Before moving to Germany, he was one of the most prominent PKK commanders.

After the ISIS onslaught began two years ago, he came to the Kurdistan region in Iraq and was working for the Peshmerga forces on a voluntary basis. He helped the Peshmerga forces in many battlefronts by defusing bombs planted by ISIS in order to murder the largest number of people possible.

His brother Salih Chirukaya, who lives in Germany but recently came to Kurdistan, said in a televised interview that his brother had completed his university degree in Germany and was receiving a high salary from his job in the country before he moved to Kurdistan. However, Salih said, when the war against ISIS began, he could not just observe these events from afar. Thus, he came to Kurdistan and joined the Peshmerga forces, becoming the protector of thousands of Peshmerga and civilian lives.

Salih added that his brother called him a few days before he was injured by the ISIS bomb. In the conversation, his brother urged him “to join the struggle.”

“After I discussed this with my family members, I couldn't refuse his request and that's why I am here now,” explained Salih.

The light side of the war will continue its fight against the darkness. The world can only prove its commitment to humanitarian values by supporting the good side, ensuring that the victory will be sooner rather than later.
Turkey Moving Armored Vehicles to Kilis on Syrian Border

Sputnik News

In-Depth Coverage

18:36 02.11.2016

Turkish armored personnel carriers and other military vehicles were transfered to the border town of Kilis, near Syria, according to local media.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Turkey is moving armored personnel carriers and other military vehicles to the border town of Kilis, near Syria, local media reported Wednesday.

The Anadolu news agency reported citing the Turkish Chief of Staff that the move was motivated by the necessity to increase the size of the army group at the Turkish-Syrian border.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed his commitment to Syria's territorial integrity, stressing the military operation in its north only aimed to bring peace to the region.

© Sputnik
We don't want war with Turkey but are ready for it: Iraq

In-Depth Coverage

Iran Press TV

Tue Nov 1, 2016 11:59PM

Baghdad says it will dismantle Turkey if it invades Iraq after Ankara deploys tanks and heavy artillery on its border.

On Tuesday, Turkish military sources announced that a convoy of around 30 tanks and artillery has been deployed to the country's southeastern town of Silopi, located on the border with Iraq.

Turkey's Defense Minister Fikri Isik said the measures were part of Ankara's preparation for "important developments in the region."

"Turkey is preparing in advance for whatever happens (and) this is one element of that," he noted.

Photos provided by the sources showed a long column of vehicles, including tanks, tank rescue vehicles, and construction vehicles in single file on a dual carriageway.

Following the remarks, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warned Ankara over provoking confrontation with Baghdad.

"The invasion of Iraq will lead to Turkey being dismantled," said Abadi. "We do not want war with Turkey, and we do not want a confrontation with Turkey... But if a confrontation happens, we are ready for it. We will consider (Turkey) an enemy and we will deal with it as an enemy."

The latest developments are part of a dispute between Iraq and Turkey in which Ankara insists on taking part in the battle to liberate Mosul from Daesh, while Baghdad rejects the need for its help.

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Latest on the battle for Mosul

Meanwhile, members of the Iraqi army's elite forces, the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), have recaptured a village and a television station in Mosul's eastern district, in their latest push to liberate the northern city from the grip of Daesh terrorists.

Earlier, Iraqi special forces advanced towards the more urban center of Mosul after entering the outskirts of the city in a bid to retake it from the Takfiri terrorists.

More than two weeks ago, the Iraqi army, volunteer Shia and Sunni fighters as well as Kurdish Peshmerga forces launched a long-awaited operation to wrest control of Mosul, the last stronghold of Daesh in the Arab country. Since then, the Iraqi forces have been advancing on the city on multiple fronts.

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Viimeksi muokattu:
Onkos meidän kouluttaja/neuvonantaja-hepuista siellä kurdien parissa mitään uutisia? Kuukkelilla en löytänyt. Varmaan olleet hekin kiireisiä tämän Mosul-operaation kanssa. Tulee kyllä PV:lle mielenkiintoista täydentävää oppia ja reeniä tuolta "alhaalta"...
Onkos meidän kouluttaja/neuvonantaja-hepuista siellä kurdien parissa mitään uutisia? Kuukkelilla en löytänyt. Varmaan olleet hekin kiireisiä tämän Mosul-operaation kanssa. Tulee kyllä PV:lle mielenkiintoista täydentävää oppia ja reeniä tuolta "alhaalta"...

Kiirusta kuulemma pitää. Tiedotuslinja pidetään "jostain syystä aika niukkana", mutta kuulemma kaikki on menny aika hyvin.

Ovat muutenkin sellaista sakkia, jotka eivät tekemisistään suuremmin huutele.
Mosulissa ristinpystyttäjäiset. No. Nuoret irakin sankarit jotka tämän taistelun hoitavat muodostavat myös tulevan Irakin selkärangan. Eivät toivottavasti tällaisista hötkyile. Jos monet kantavat nyt jo arpia edellisen kaupunkien vapautuksista, ovat varmasti saaneet uskonsodista tarpeeksi.

Kuuma paikka. Mutta mielestäni paha taktinen virhe mennä jonossa varmistamattomalle alueelle. Kuka sitten päätöksen oli tehnytkään.

Jep, menivät kuin ryssä 1. Kerran Groznyihin. Ihan uskomatonta. Totesivat itsekin virheen, jälkikäteen.

5:56 p.m.
"We should have split up and taken three or four roads, not all come down one. We should have secured the homes," says Lt. Ahmed kirkuk-57323
Sotilas pelasti tällä BMW:llaan 70 haavoittunutta - ISIS:n luodit sinkoilivat Mad Max -autosta
Peshmerga-taistelija ei epäröinyt pelastaa siviilejä tarkka-ampujilta.

Luettuani tuon otsikon ja nähtyäni kuvan autosta ajattelin heti, että olisi siistiä jos BMW vaihtaisi tuon Rahmanin auton uuteen ja laittaisi sen johonkin BMW-museoon näytille, ja mitäpä lukeekaan lopussa:
Rahmanin 9 000 dollarilla ostamassa autossa oli pelastusoperaation jälkeen 50-60 luodinjälkeä puskurissa ja tuulilasissa. BMW on tarjonnut hänelle uutta autoa ja haluaisi Rahmanin silpoutuneen auton museoonsa.
Iso-Britannian erikoisjoukoille on (reportedly) annettu lista parista sadasta brittijihadistista, jotka pyritään päästämään päiviltä Irakissa ja Syyriassa, ennen kuin ne karkaavat takaisin Britanniaan tekemään tihutöitä. Listalta löytyy väitetysti mm. 12 elektroniikan opiskelijaa, jotka ovat sittemmin ryhtyneet terroristien pommintekijöiksi ja Kentiläinen kahden lapsen äiti, nykyinen Isisin värvääjä, Mrs. Sally Jones.

Happy hunting

SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis to take out
"The hunt is on" says senior defence source as security services fear Isis fighters turning focus to UK attacks

British special forces in Iraq have reportedly been handed a list of 200 British jihadis to kill before they attempt to return to Britain.

SAS soldiers have been told to “use whatever means possible” to kill or capture the militants, according to the Sunday Times.

The newspaper quoted a senior defence source as saying: “A kill list has been drawn up containing the names of hundreds of very bad people. A lot of them are from the UK. The hunt is now on for British Islamists who have effectively gone off-grid."

“This is a multinational special forces operation. The SAS have their own part of the plan and they will be going after British nationals. This is a kill or capture mission and it has already begun."

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Iso-Britannian erikoisjoukoille on (reportedly) annettu lista parista sadasta brittijihadistista, jotka pyritään päästämään päiviltä Irakissa ja Syyriassa, ennen kuin ne karkaavat takaisin Britanniaan tekemään tihutöitä. Listalta löytyy väitetysti mm. 12 elektroniikan opiskelijaa, jotka ovat sittemmin ryhtyneet terroristien pommintekijöiksi ja Kentiläinen kahden lapsen äiti, nykyinen Isisin värvääjä, Mrs. Sally Jones.

Happy hunting

SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis to take out

Voisivat samalla julkaista lupauksen noille samoille tyypeille, että jos nämä haluavat pitää hengitysoikeutensa, niin he voivat ilmoitautua briteille tiedonantajaksi ja tehdä yhteistyötä. Laitetaan lisäksi kunnollinen rahapalkkio tästä, jotta kaikille (etenkin näiden taistelutovereille) menee varmasti jakeluun, että nämä halutaan nimenomaan kielimään toisista. Daeshinit ovat viimeaikoina ampuneet rintamakarkurit ja tyypit, jotka ajattelvat taistella vain jonkin aikaa ja palata kotiin, joten miksi ei anneta ymmärtää että nuo 200 tyyppiä saattaisivat olla karkaamisuhan alla. Ei se anna jos ei otakaan.
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Tämä on WMD toimintaa. Bush oli hieman yli vuosikymmenen aikaisessa toiminnassa.

At least two people have been killed and hundreds more exposed to choking fumes after ISIS torched up to 19 oil wells and a sulphur plant near Mosul in Iraq.

The militants began lighting the infernos in August, possibly to mask their movements as US-backed Iraqi forces launched an offensive to regain control of the city.

NASA images taken on 22 October show two enormous plumes rising from the area, dark brown smoke from the Qayyarah oil field and clouds of white sulphur dioxide from the Al-Mishraq sulphur plant.

The sulphur blaze was extinguished on 23 October, but the toxic fumes killed two people and 1000 others have reportedly sought treatment for breathing problems.

Meanwhile, the ferocity of the oil fires has hampered the efforts of local fire crews to extinguish them amid fears that explosive devices may have been planted around the wells.

Local people say the smoke is burning their throats and lungs, blocking out the sun and coating their skin in black, oily soot. Civilians are also suffering from headaches, skin rashes and chest pains, according to Oxfam.

When crude oil is burned, a large number of toxic chemicals are released, including carbon monoxide, lead, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds, says Bin Jalaludin at the University of New South Wales in Australia. These can harm the passages of the nose, airways and lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

There is now the danger that ISIS will set alight the other six oil fields that it controls near Mosul, says Oxfam.
Vituttaa että menin katsomaan, saatanan elukat

Näin tuon ennen kuin se linkitettiin tänne. Muutamat asiat tuossa sanovat minulle, että se on propagandaa. Ei niin, etteikö se olisi tapahtunut, mutta toiseen aikaan ja toisessa yhteydessä. Pitävää näyttöä mulla ei ole.