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Ei kyllä näyttänyt ihan perinteisiltä körttiseuroilta![]() unlikely coalition of Kurdish peshmerga fighters, Shi'ite militias and the U.S. air force won a major victory when it broke a siege of the Shi’ite Turkman town of Amerli last week and drove Islamic State from 25 nearby Sunni towns and villages.But the aftermath is far from what the Americans envisioned. Smoke now rises from those Sunni villages, where some houses have been torched by Shi'ite militia. Others are abandoned, the walls daubed with sectarian slogans.
“There is no way back for them: we will raze their homes to the ground,” said Abu Abdullah, a commander of the Shi’ite Kataib Hizbollah militia in Amerli.
The area is now held by Kurdish peshmerga and Shi’ite militia, who have become the most powerful forces on the ground, rather than the Iraqi army, whose northern divisions collapsed this summer when Islamic State attacked. By the time IS was expelled from around Amerli, many Sunni civilians had fled, fearing for their lives. They have few places to go and are too frightened to return.
"If a regular army were holding the area we could return, but as long as the militias are there we cannot,” said a 30-year-old displaced Sunni resident of one village near Amerli, who asked to remain unnamed. "They would slaughter us on the spot." He admitted some villagers had supported IS, but said it was only one or two for every 70 to 80 households, and that the rest were innocent civilians who were too scared to stand against the militants or had nowhere else to go.
Sunni Turkman al-Muradli and his family left Suleiman Beg the day after it fell to Islamic State in June and moved to a Kurdish-controlled town nearby. A month later, their 21-year-old son was abducted. The next time they saw him was in a video on the internet captioned "arrest of an Islamic State member", which appears to show their son being beheaded by Shi'ite militia fighters.
Tällä kertaa kurdit ja shiiat suorittavat puhdistuksia. al-Sham, a Syrian rebel group, has announced its new leadership after it lost its top brass during a bomb attack on a high-level meeting in Idlib province.
Hassan Abboud, the head of Ahrar al-Sham, was among up to 45 people killed in an underground bunker near an ammunition dump outside Ram Hamdan on Tuesday.
The new head is Hashim al-Sheikh, also known as Abu Jaber, while his deputy is Abu Saleh Tahan, the group announced on Wednesday.
It pledged to keep fighting against Syrian government forces and the Islamic State armed group, Reuters news agency said.
Along with Abboud, about 50 of the group's leaders had been gathered at a house when the blast went off, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a group that monitors the conflict.
Jenkit vois esimerkiksi sanoa Saudeille ja kumppaneille, että nyt loppuu se Isiksen ja muiden tukeminen. Ei olisi tällaista paskaa, jos rahat loppuisivat. Mistä lähtien muuten joku Obama yksin on päättänyt asioista?
Eräs Irakista kotoisin oleva, Suomessa nykyisin asuva ja yliopistossa opiskeleva ja kohta valmistuva ystäväni sanoi, että Saudit ovat syypäitä lähi-idän nykyisiin ongelmiin (ja uskonnot ovat kärjistetysti maailman syöpä). Tämä siis oma raskaasti kärjistetty ja tiivistetty tulkintani hänen mielipiteestä. has warned that US air strikes against militants in Syria would be a "gross violation" of international law.
A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said any such action, without the backing of the UN, would be "an act of aggression".
It comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry meets Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia to try to build a coalition against Islamic State (IS) militants. President Obama has threatened action against IS in Syria as well as Iraq. IS controls large parts of Syria and Iraq after a rapid military advance.
FSA, YPG, ja Islamilainen Rintama yhdistivät voimansa Aleppossa jotta pystyvät taistelemaan tehokkaammin Islamilaista Valtiota vastaan.
![]() Kerry has said it was "not appropriate" for Iran to join talks on confronting the Islamic State group in Syria due to its support for the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Olenko ainoa jolle tästä Hesarin jutussa julkaistusta kuvasta tulee mieleen Aziz The Combat Fighter?
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Saudien ja Qatarin rooli on hämmentävä. Olen yrittänyt kymmenen vuotta ymmärtää sitä, mutta mitään varmaa ei lohkoissa synny. Aivot ovat kuin marmelaatia, kun yrittää päästä jyvälle Veljesten tempuista. On minulla laajassa mielessä arveluni, mutta ovat sen verran foorumin hengen vastaisia ja poikkitieteellisiä, että pidän ne visusti ominani.
Välillä näinkin päin: ISIS soturi joutui kurdien käsiin. Parku pääsi. Kovia jätkiä silloin kun ovat niskan päällä, mutta näemmä pikkulapsia kun homma ei menekkään Allahin plänin mukaan.
Yhteenveto (20 min) siitä, kuinka ja mistä ISIS tuli ja mikä se on.
Lopuksi, lievästi harhainen näkemys ISIS:sestä, mutta laitetaanpa se jatkoksi tuolla amerikkalaisvideolle.
Kommunisti Riitta Söyringin mielestä ISIS on pelkästään USA:n vika (ei varmaan ollut yllätys?). Saatoin hieman tiivistää Riitan sanomaa kun yhdellä 4 sanan virkahduksella kerroin kaiken olennaisen Riitan ajatusmaailmasta - mutta eiköhän se jotenkin noin Riitan yksiulotteisessa ajatusmaailmassa nämä asiat mene. Voihan sen tietysti noinkin nähdä ja onhan siihen tietysti hieman perusteitakin olemassa, joita luovasti tulkiten saa asiat näyttämään tuolta miten Riitta ne maalailee.