Irakin ja Levantin islamilainen valtio tai Irakin ja Suur-Syyrian islamilainen valtio (ISIS)

Exclusive: Syria reveals more chemical weapons facilities to watchdog - sources
(Reuters) - Syria has revealed a previously undeclared research and development facility and a laboratory to produce the poison ricin to the global chemical weapons watchdog, diplomatic sources told Reuters.

Syria has detailed three new facilities to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as part of an ongoing review of the state's toxic arsenal, three sources said.

The disclosures appeared to support assertions from Western governments in recent months that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad had not been fully transparent to the world body in detailing its chemical weapons program.

Damascus agreed last year to eliminate its entire chemical weapons program after a sarin attack on Aug. 21 killed hundreds of people in Ghouta, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Damascus.

UN Panel Emphasizes Assad Role in Syria War Crimes

As nations mount an offensive against the Islamic State militants that have gained a stronghold in Iraq and Syria, a U.N. human rights commission emphasized Tuesday that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government has committed the bulk of atrocities in the civil war.

The head of the commission, Brazilian diplomat and scholar Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, told the U.N.'s top human rights body that the government's killing of civilians — often through the use of ubiquitous checkpoints — exceeds the crimes against civilians perpetrated by the militants and other anti-government armed groups.

The Islamic State extremists and anti-government armed groups are not "the sole agents of death and destruction inside Syria," Pinheiro told the 47-nation Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The Council authorized the commission to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law since March 2011 in Syria and to identify whenever possible those responsible, so that they can be prosecuted.

"The Syrian government remains responsible for the majority of the civilian casualties, killing and maiming scores of civilians daily — both from a distance using shelling and aerial bombardment and up close, at its checkpoints and in its interrogation rooms," Pinheiro said. "Checkpoints are often the starting point of a horrific journey of disappearance, torture, sexual abuse and, for many, death."

Almost 50 people have been killed by Syrian government air strikes in an opposition-held town, activists say.
House approves plan to assist Syrian rebels
Washington (CNN) -- The House on Wednesday approved President Obama's request to arm and train Syrian rebels in the fight against the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

With significant opposition to the proposal in both parties, the vote was 273 -156.

Many Republicans argue the strategy isn't tough enough to defeat ISIS; many Democrats worry the plan could drag the United States into another long military engagement.

The proposal would authorize the Pentagon to provide assistance to "appropriately vetted" members of the Syrian opposition and require the administration to give Congress a detailed plan for helping the rebels before that assistance could begin.
Islamilainen Valtio on taas liikkeellä muutaman viikon levon jälkeen. Kaikki odottivat heikäläisten valtaavan muutaman piiritetyn lentokentän, mutta hyökkäsivätkin voimalla Syyrian kurdien kimppuun.

BEIRUT - Islamic State fighters have seized 16 Kurdish villages in northern Syria in a major advance towards the city of Ayn al-Arab at the border with Turkey, a Kurdish military official and a group that tracks the civil war said on Thursday.

Ocalan Iso, a commander in Kurdish armed group YPG, told Reuters that Islamic State fighters were using heavy weapons including tanks in their attack near the city, known as Kobani in Kurdish.

Rami Abdulrahman, founder of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the villages had been seized in an Islamic State advance that started on Wednesday. "They have a large number of fighters," he told Reuters by phone.
Taas hyökkäsivätkin toisin kuin odotettiin.Ketkut. Kukaan pysty ennakoimaan. Ranska ilmoitti lähtevänsä ilmasotaan mukaan. Vain Irakin alueella. Ranskaa puhuvat lennokit jo lennellyt muutaman päivän.
Kaukana on ne ajat kun mehmedit oli helppoo riistaa. Nyt koulutusmateriaali on suoraan viholliselta. Oheinen kuva on Isisksen sotasaalis läppäristä.
Muutama kohtaus tuosta dokumentistä.

Syria +18 - extract of "Flames of War" show ISIS killing Syrian Soldiers at close range in Ar-Raqqah Airbase
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+18 - ISIS video show Syrians soldiers forced to dig their own graves, and get killed.
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IS jihadists capture 60 Kurdish villages in Syria: NGO
Islamic State jihadists have seized 60 Kurdish villages near the Turkish border in a lightning two-day campaign, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Friday.

"In the past 48 hours, they have taken 60 villages, 40 on Friday alone," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman, referring to the operation around Ain al-Arab, known to the Kurds as Kobane.

"The Kurdish fighters are beating a retreat because they are outnumbered.";_ylt=AwrBT8iRbBxUenkASH9XNyoA
yria's foreign ministry said its UN envoy was informed about the strikes against IS, which controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq.

Activists say at least 70 IS militants were killed in the strikes.

The US has already launched about 190 air strikes in Iraq since August. However, Monday's action expands the campaign against the militant group across the border into Syria.

Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby confirmed the operation, saying "US military and partner nation forces" had undertaken military action in Syria.
BBC Live
BBC Monitoring (Urgent): Bahrain says its air force took part in US-led air strikes in Syria. The official Bahrain News Agency said: "A group of fighter jets from the Royal Bahrain Air Force carried out earlier this morning... air strikes against a number of selected targets of terrorist groups and organisations, and destroyed them". It quoted an "authorised source" at the Bahrain defence force headquarters.

Ms Psaki adds: "We did not co-ordinate our actions with the Syrian government. We did not provide advance notification to the Syrians at a military level, or give any indication of our timing on specific targets. Secretary Kerry did not send a letter to the Syrian regime."
Nämähän olisi jo Suomenkin hävittäjien iskuetäisyydellä.

Islamists driving through Oslo waiving ISIS flag

Three cars drove around in my city today, waiving their flags while playing their well known beheading party track, the same day Ubaydullah Hussain met in court, convicted for incitement to terror. Good job, Norway

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"Hollanti ja Belgia aikovat lähettää ilmavoimiensa koneita Lähi-itään, jossa ne ottaisivat osaa ilmaiskuihin ääri-islamilaista Isis-järjestöä vastaan.
Molemmat maat lähettävät kuusi F-16-hävittäjäpommittajaa. Lisäksi molemmat maat lähettävät alueelle muutamia satoja lentäjiä ja huoltomiehiä.
Hollantilaiset koneet toimisivat Jordaniassa sijaitsevista lentotukikohdista käsin. Belgialaisten koneiden sijoituspaikkaa ei ole vielä kerrottu.
Molemmat maat ilmoittavat, että koneiden maaleina olisi Isis-järjestön toiminta Irakissa. Hollannin hallitus ei kuitenkaan sulje pois, että myös Syyriassa olevat Isis-järjestön tukikohdat voidaan myöhemmässä vaiheessa liittää mukaan.
Hollanti on myös aikeissa lähettää Irakiin 250 sotilasta ja 130 kouluttajaa Irakin asevoimille."

Mitähän tuo viimeinen rivi tarkoittaa käytännössä? Aikovatko osallistua maataisteluihin?
Jos uutinen pitää paikkansa niin surkeita sotilaita ovat...
The Islamic State overran an Iraqi military base in Saqlawiya in Anbar province. The extent of Iraqi casualties is unclear; upwards of 800 soldiers are said to have been killed or captured during the opening suicide attack, the storming of the base, and while retreating. An estimated 200 soldiers are said to have escaped. Two army officers were relieved of command after the attack.
Islamic fighters advance in Syria despite U.S. strikes
Reuters) - U.S. planes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria for a second day on Wednesday, but the strikes did not halt the fighters' advance in a Kurdish area where fleeing refugees told of villages burnt and captives beheaded.

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking at the United Nations, asked the world to join together to fight the militants and vowed to keep up military pressure against them.