Irakin ja Levantin islamilainen valtio tai Irakin ja Suur-Syyrian islamilainen valtio (ISIS)

On ne kovia kavereita. Ei heti olisi uskonut että kävelevät Isiksen pääkaupungin kaduilla. Vangiksi jääminen ei varmaankaan ole vaihtoehtona ollenkaan.

Nyt myös jenkit on lisännyt erikoisjoukkojen määrää. Edellinen Usan tekemä panttivankien vapautus taisi olla koeponnistus miten kotimaassa reagoidaan ja hyvin selvisi valkoisen talon tiedottaja vaikka yksi kaatunut tuli. Ei tyrmätty medioissa. Veikkaan että nälkä kasvaa jos armeija on löytänyt tavan päästä nokikkain Isiksen kanssa.
Syyriassa ISIS:n haltuun päätyi huomattava määrä raskasta aseistusta ja ammuksia kun he saivat hallintaansa ammus- ja asevarikkoja Deir Ez-zorin alueella:

Joukossa myös yksittäinen (yksittäisiä) 2K12 Kub (eli SA-6) ilmatorjuntaohjusjärjestelmiä ja joitain ohjuksia. Eri asia on sitten se, että kuinka toimintakuntoisia yksiköt ovat ja onko ISIS:n riveissä osaavia käyttäjiä.

Muun raskaan kaluston joukossa miehitstönkuljetusajoneuvoja sekä IFV:tä (lähinnä BMP-1) ja mahdollisesti panssarivaunuja.

Taisteleeko kiihko tero puolella palkkaa taikka ilman yhtään mitään?

The so-called Islamic State is feeling the economic toll of waging wars on a number of fronts as more countries join the fight against it. ISIL, the world’s wealthiest terrorist group, is halving the wages for its fighters, according to a leaked document by ISIL’s treasury obtained by Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, a research fellow at the Middle East Forum. The document states:

Because of the exceptional circumstances that the Islamic State is passing through, a decision was taken to cut the salaries of the mujahedeen in half. No one will be exempt from this decision, no matter his position, but the distribution of food assistance will continue twice a month as usual.

VIHREÄKSI mieheksi
– hänen käsivarteensa tatuoidun kuvion värin mukaan – kutsuttu Anu Muzak al-Zarqawi, mies Zarqavista, johti Al Qaidan operaatioita Irakissa teloittamiseensa saakka. Häntä pidetään IS:n idean isäpuolena, IS on jo kauan haaveillut Jordanian liittämiseksi osaksi Islamilaista Tasavaltaa, jota Ali Bakr al-Bagdadi johtaa muslimien kalifin ominaisuudessa, jota kaikkien muslimien maailmassa tulisi seurata. Islamistien ainoa merkittävä saavutus Jordaniassa on hotellin pommi-isku Ammanissa, jossa kuoli 60 ihmistä.

Jordanian hashemiittien monarkkia on taiteillut veitsenterällä useiden vuosien aikana, mutta islamistit lienevät odotelleet sopivaa ajankohtaa kuningas Abdullah II:n vallan kaatamiseksi.

Dov Lieberin artikkelin mukaan kohtalon kellot ovat alkaneet hälyttävästi kumahdella ilmoittaen tilanteen muutoksesta. Mielipidetiedustelun mukaan 94 % kansasta vastustaa IS:n seireeninkutsuja, mutta siitä huolimatta kansan syvissä kerroksissa muhii toisenlaisia haaveita. Jordaniasta on liittynyt IS:n riveihin 2 500 taistelijaa, kolmanneksi eniten kuin mistään muusta maasta Saudi-Arabian ja Tunisian jälkeen.

Useimmat IS:n riveihin siirtyneet taistelijat tulevat maan köyhiltä paikkakunnilta, Salt, Maan ja Zarqa. Nopeasti huononeva taloustilanne maassa on kuitenkin levittänyt tyytymättömyyttä valtion muihin osiin, mukaan lukien Amman. Nuorten työttömyys on 30 -50 %:n luokkaa. Arabikevään alkamisesta lähtien 2011 Jordania on saanut 11 miljardia USD lainatakuina, avustuksina ja sotilasavustuksina USA:sta, Euroopasta ja Gulfmaista.

TRI Yoav Alon Tel Avivin yliopistosta sanoo, että taloustilanne on kestämätön Jordaniassa. Jordanian olisi pystyttävä kehittelemään uusi perinpohjainen suunnitelma talouden nostamiseksi. Hän viittaa Jordania hyvin koulutettuun mutta työttömään nuorisoon, jonka kykyyn vastustaa IS:n houkutuksia hallituksen tulee pystyä vastaamaan esittämällä uusia ja toteuttamiskelpoisia ratkaisuja.

ARTIKKELISSA esitellään esimerkkejä, miten hallintojärjestelmä suosii valtaväestöä ja syrjii vähemmistöjä, mikä ilmenee opinto-stipendien jaossa, mitä ilman useilla ei ole mahdollisuuksia edetä.
Myös kansainvälisten talousjärjestöjen kuten IMF asettamat ohjeet ovat pakottaneet alentamaan viranomaisten palkkoja mikä lisää tyytymättömyyttä hallitusta kohtaan.

ISRAEL JA JORDANIA solmivat rauhansopimuksen 1994, joka on pitänyt maiden välisen rajan rauhallisena, joskin yksittäisiä ryhmiä tunkeutuu silloin tällöin Negaviin varastellen kotieläimiä ja työvälineitä ja koneita ja myös autoja.

Kuten artikkelissa todetaan, rauhansopimus on osoittanut IS:n uhan alla todellisen merkityksensä. Vaikka Israelin suosio Jordanian kansan parissa ei ole kehuttava, se saa kiittää rohkeita
päättäjiä, jotka uskaltautuivat solmimaan rauhan arabimaitten vastustuksesta huolimatta. Se on taannut Jordanian sisäisen tasapainon. Israel solmi Jordanian kanssa sopimukset veden ja kaasun toimituksista arvoltaan 500 miljoonaa ja 15 miljardia USD. Jordania tuottaa 94 % energiantarpeestaan ulkomailta. Jordanian kaasuputki Egyptistä on joutunut toistuvien hyökkäysten kohteeksi, mikä on pahoin häirinnyt jakelua.

IDF:n parissa seurataan huolestuneena IS:n vaikutuksen kasvua Jordaniassa ja etenkin Jordanian valtavassa pakolaisleirissä, jossa asuu 1.4 miljoonaa ihmistä surkeissa olosuhteissa. Tämä on suuruudeltaan lähes 20 % maan väestöstä.

Toinen huolestuttava kehitys on Yarmouk Marttyyrien prikaatin pureutuminen Daraan alueelle Israelin pohjoisrajan ja Jordanian rajan läheisyydessä, jonne myös Hizbullah haluaa soluttautua. Venäjän sotilaalliset toimet Syyriassa ovat pakottaneet uusia pakolaisvirtoja etsimään alueita poissa sodan jaloista, ja tässä Jordania joutuu entistä ahtaammalle. Israel antoi Jordanian armeijalle miehittämättömiä koneita Syyrian rajan valvontaan. Israel aloitti turvallisuusaidan rakentamisen Jordanian rajalle Eilatísta Suolameren eteläkärkeen. Raja on ollut lähes avoin.
Tämän muutaman päivää vanhan videon perusteella Isis ei ole juurikaan menettänyt asemiaan. Melkoinen ameeba.

Parents are forced to watch ISIS executioner behead their 14-year-old son after he missed Friday prayers
  • Boy executed in front of a crowd, including his parents, in Jarbulus, Syria
  • Was killed for missing prayers at central mosque where militants preach
  • The city, which lies on Turkish-Syria border, is seen as strategic location
  • Kurdish forces claim ISIS fanatics use city to smuggle in foreign jihadis
  • See full news coverage on ISIS at

ISIS thugs forced two parents to watch as they beheaded their 14-year-old son for missing Friday prayers, local media has reported.

The terror group, who accused the boy of apostasy, or abandoning Islam, executed him in the northern Syrian city of Jarablus on Saturday.

He is said to have been arrested by ISIS fighters after missing prayers at the central mosque, where fanatical preachers usually deliver propaganda filled speeches.


ISIS thugs forced two parents to watch as they beheaded their 14-year-old son for missing Friday prayers, local media has reported (file photo of ISIS fighters)

Local activist Nasser Taljbini told ARA News how the extremists beheaded the boy in front of a large crowd which included his mother and father.

He added: 'Dozens of people attended the brutal execution, including the victim's parents who were forced to witness the beheading of their own son.

'ISIS is trying to prove that it is still powerful despite all the military defeats. The group is trying to terrorize people through conducting such public punishments.'

Kurdish forces bombarded the city, which lies near the Turkish-Syrian border, with artillery shells and mortar fire last month, killing several ISIS fighters.

It is seen as a strategic stronghold for ISIS, who use it to smuggle foreign jihadis into Syria from Turkey.


The terror group, who accused the boy of apostasy, or abandoning Islam, executed him in the northern Syrian city of Jarablus on Saturday (file photo of ISIS execution)

YPG [People's Protection Units - a Kurdish militia group] spokesman Nuraddin Gaban said their offensive destroyed an ISIS security centre, a Sharia Court and several military vehicles in Jarablus.

He added: 'At least 21 terrorists were killed on Monday... We have intensified our military campaign against the terror group in the northern countryside of Aleppo in coordination with the U.S.-led coalition.

'Jarablus is one of our main targets at the moment... If we retake it, we would be blocking one of the main routes in the face of foreign terrorists who continue to cross from Turkey into Syria in order to join their alleged Caliphate.'

Parents are forced to watch ISIS executioner behead their 14-year-old son after he missed Friday prayers
  • Boy executed in front of a crowd, including his parents, in Jarbulus, Syria
  • Was killed for missing prayers at central mosque where militants preach
  • The city, which lies on Turkish-Syria border, is seen as strategic location
  • Kurdish forces claim ISIS fanatics use city to smuggle in foreign jihadis
  • See full news coverage on ISIS at

ISIS thugs forced two parents to watch as they beheaded their 14-year-old son for missing Friday prayers, local media has reported.

The terror group, who accused the boy of apostasy, or abandoning Islam, executed him in the northern Syrian city of Jarablus on Saturday.

He is said to have been arrested by ISIS fighters after missing prayers at the central mosque, where fanatical preachers usually deliver propaganda filled speeches.


ISIS thugs forced two parents to watch as they beheaded their 14-year-old son for missing Friday prayers, local media has reported (file photo of ISIS fighters)

Local activist Nasser Taljbini told ARA News how the extremists beheaded the boy in front of a large crowd which included his mother and father.

He added: 'Dozens of people attended the brutal execution, including the victim's parents who were forced to witness the beheading of their own son.

'ISIS is trying to prove that it is still powerful despite all the military defeats. The group is trying to terrorize people through conducting such public punishments.'

Kurdish forces bombarded the city, which lies near the Turkish-Syrian border, with artillery shells and mortar fire last month, killing several ISIS fighters.

It is seen as a strategic stronghold for ISIS, who use it to smuggle foreign jihadis into Syria from Turkey.


The terror group, who accused the boy of apostasy, or abandoning Islam, executed him in the northern Syrian city of Jarablus on Saturday (file photo of ISIS execution)

YPG [People's Protection Units - a Kurdish militia group] spokesman Nuraddin Gaban said their offensive destroyed an ISIS security centre, a Sharia Court and several military vehicles in Jarablus.

He added: 'At least 21 terrorists were killed on Monday... We have intensified our military campaign against the terror group in the northern countryside of Aleppo in coordination with the U.S.-led coalition.

'Jarablus is one of our main targets at the moment... If we retake it, we would be blocking one of the main routes in the face of foreign terrorists who continue to cross from Turkey into Syria in order to join their alleged Caliphate.'

Ei vit*u...:mad:
Islamic State is no longer so formidable on the battlefield
Hugh Naylor February 6 at 3:24 PM

BEIRUT — The Islamic State’s recent defeats on the battlefield signal that its once-vaunted militia army has been hobbled by worsening money problems, desertions and a dwindling pool of fighters, analysts and monitoring groups say.

U.S.-backed Kurdish and Arab forces have seized significant amounts of territory from the extremist group in the parts of Iraq and Syria where it declared a caliphate in 2014. Those losses are linked to the group’s struggles to pay fighters and recruit new ones to replace those who have deserted, defected to other militant groups or died on the battlefield, the analysts say.

“These issues suggest that as an entity that is determined to hold onto territory, the Islamic State is not sustainable,” said Jacob Shapiro, an expert on the Islamic State who teaches politics at Princeton University.

[Islamic State strikes back in Syria after losing ground]

Only a year ago, the Islamic State was seen as a juggernaut — rich, organized and fielding thousands of motivated fighters — that overran rival forces in Iraq and Syria with astonishing speed and brutality.

But in recent months, its momentum has been reversed.

U.S. military officials estimate that the group has lost as much as 40 percent of the territory it held in Iraq and as much as 20 percent in Syria. Kurdish and Arab forces, including Iraq’s increasingly competent military, have advanced against the group with the help of airstrikes from a U.S.-led coalition.

The air raids have damaged the Islamic State’s oil infrastructure, a key revenue source, and the territorial setbacks have stripped the group of populations to tax and assets to seize, analysts say. All of this, they say, appears to have forced the group to reduce salaries and benefits for fighters.

Few expect a sudden defeat of the conservative Sunni group, known for its resilience and ability to surprise its opponents. It also will probably continue exploiting sectarian grievances that have helped it gain loyalty, albeit sometimes tenuous, from the largely Sunni populations under its control, an issue that has made it difficult to defeat the group.

Moreover, the suspension on Wednesday of U.N.-backed peace talks in Geneva to end the Syrian war may complicate international efforts to fight the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL. The United States and Russia back opposing sides in the conflict but have nevertheless supported the talks because of concern that the fighting, which has killed more than 250,000 people and displaced millions, is empowering the Islamic State.

Yet there appears to be a rise in the number of Islamic State fighters who have deserted or, in the case of the Syrian conflict, defected to other militant groups, said Vera Mironova, an expert on armed groups in Syria and Iraq at Harvard University’s Belfer Center. The salary and benefit cuts have caused “for-profit militants” in Syria to increasingly “look for better deals” with other armed factions, she said.

The group, she added, also is struggling to replenish ranks of its foreign fighters, who tend to be more ideologically driven but also die in relatively large numbers on the battlefield. Tighter border restrictions imposed by Turkey have slowed the flow of fighters into neighboring Syria, said Mironova, whose research has involved hundreds of interviews with militants who are fighting in Syria and Iraq.

“They’re in big trouble,” Mironova said, referring to the Islamic State’s ability to fight.

[Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State]

Members of the Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently group, which monitors the Islamic State, say a rising number of foreign members of the militant group have requested help to flee Syria. The requests have been made secretly because the Islamic State regularly executes foreigners who attempt to escape, said a co-founder of the Syrian monitoring group, Mohammed Saleh, who like other members uses a nom de guerre because of threats from the militants.

“There are lots of these people who are desperately trying to flee, and not just from Raqqa,” he said, referring to the city in eastern Syria that is the Islamic State’s self-declared capital.

“Part of this is that these people are moving from vibrant cities like London or Paris. After a year of living in a place like Raqqa, they get tired of living without electricity and getting bombed all the time. They get bored, or they realize that the so-called caliphate is not what they were told it was.”

Analysts speculate that the problems have compelled the group to adopt new tactics, such as carrying out attacks abroad. That includes the Paris assaults in November that killed 130 people.

Attacks abroad may be an attempt to sustain the group’s narrative as always on the offense — which has been key for attracting potential militants. Even so, the Islamic State’s media narrative has shifted from a triumphant one to having to explain why it is losing so much, said Nelly Lahoud, an expert on political Islam at the International Institute for Strategic Studies who studies the group’s media.

“They overplayed their card at the beginning by describing their victories as a sign from God, a reward for their faith,” she said.

In October, the Islamic State announced a month-long amnesty for deserters, according to documents obtained and translated by Aymenn al-Tamimi, an expert on the Islamic State. He called the amnesty the “clearest sign” of the Islamic State’s troubles waging war.

According to activists with Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, the Islamic State is also forcibly recruiting more teenage boys in Syria to fight for the group.

Analysts and monitoring groups say they have observed more reports of the Islamic State executing fighters who deserted during recent battles against Kurdish peshmerga fighters in Iraq’s north and Iraqi forces in the city of Ramadi.

Reliance on such extreme measures “is a sure sign of low cohesion and a burned-out military force,” said Shapiro of Princeton.

Iranian commander mocks Saudi offer to intervene in Syria
By Jason Hanna, CNN
Updated 1810 GMT (0210 HKT) February 6, 2016

(CNN)Saudi Arabia's fresh public willingness to send ground troops into Syria is drawing ridicule from the kingdom's chief regional rival.

The commander of Iran's revolutionary guard on Saturday mocked Saudi Arabia's declaration that it is prepared to commit ground troops to fight ISIS in war-torn Syria.

"They claim they will send troops (to Syria), but I don't think they will dare do so," Maj. Gen. Ali Jafari told reporters in Tehran, according to Iran's semiofficial Fars news agency. "They have a classic army and history tells us such armies stand no chance in fighting irregular resistance forces."

"This will be like a coup de grace for them. Apparently, they see no other way but this, and if this is the case, then their fate is sealed," Jafari added, according to Fars.

Iran and Saudi Arabia, led by regimes representing opposing Islamic sects, already are bitter rivals. A years-long civil war in Syria has stoked tensions -- Iran is one of the Syrian regime's few allies, while Saudi Arabia has given financial aid and weapons to rebels.

On Thursday, Saudi Brig. Gen. Ahmad Asiri, a military adviser to the kingdom's defense minster, said that the Saudis are willing to send -- as part of an international coalition -- ground troops into Syria to fight ISIS, the terror group that has captured swaths of territory in Syria during the war there.

And on Friday, two Saudi officials told CNN that the kingdom plans to run in March a multinational military training exercise -- involving as many as 150,000 troops -- to prepare for future anti-ISIS operations.

Most of the personnel will be Saudis; troops from Egypt, Sudan and Jordan have already arrived in the kingdom for the exercise, and troops from other countries -- Morocco, Turkey, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar -- are expected, the officials said.

40,000 fleeing Aleppo as battle for Syrian city intensifies, U.N. group says

Saudi Arabia also participates in a U.S.-led coalition conducting airstrikes against ISIS in Syria.

The predominantly Shiite republic of Iran is no friend to the Sunni terror group ISIS, but it also couldn't be a fan of a Saudi military presence in a country whose regime Iran supports.

Turkey isn't preparing to invade Syria, source says

Jafari's comment came three days after peace talks for the Syrian conflict were put on hold amid anger among Syrian opposition groups over a Russian air campaign over the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. Russia openly joined the civil war in September, backing the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with airstrikes.

You thought Syria couldn't get much worse. Think again

CNN's Nic Robertson, Greg Botelho contributed to this report.

Nelivuotias brittipoika räjäyttää pommin jolla teloitetaan kolme vankia.

Isis propaganda video shows British four-year-old Isa Dare 'blowing up car' with prisoners inside in Syria
The boy, thought to be the four-year-old son of Grace Dare, is shown with his hand on the detonator before shouting 'Allahu Akbar' next to a burnt wreckage

Isis has used the four-year-old son of a “jihadi bride” from London in a propaganda video showing three men being strapped into a car and blown up.

Isa Dare, who was taken to Syria by his mother Grace “Khadija” Dare, is seen wearing combat fatigues and black headband in the disturbing footage.

He was accompanied by a young man believed to be a previously unknown British teenager, who addressed the UK with a scarf covering his face.

“You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls,” he said.

Isa Dare and an unidentified Isis militant believed to be a British teenager in a propaganda video released in February 2016
“Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West.

”So today, we're going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.

“So prepare your army and gather your nations for we too are preparing our army.”

Viimeksi muokattu:
Nelivuotias brittpoika räjäyttää pommin jolla teloitetaan kolme vankia.

Isis propaganda video shows British four-year-old Isa Dare 'blowing up car' with prisoners inside in Syria
The boy, thought to be the four-year-old son of Grace Dare, is shown with his hand on the detonator before shouting 'Allahu Akbar' next to a burnt wreckage

Isis has used the four-year-old son of a “jihadi bride” from London in a propaganda video showing three men being strapped into a car and blown up.

Isa Dare, who was taken to Syria by his mother Grace “Khadija” Dare, is seen wearing combat fatigues and black headband in the disturbing footage.

He was accompanied by a young man believed to be a previously unknown British teenager, who addressed the UK with a scarf covering his face.

“You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls,” he said.

Isa Dare and an unidentified Isis militant believed to be a British teenager in a propaganda video released in February 2016
“Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West.

”So today, we're going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.

“So prepare your army and gather your nations for we too are preparing our army.”

Katso liite: 7898

VMP :mad:
Kyllä nää "erikoismiehet" saavat varmasti ISIS murhaajissa aikaan pakokauhua kun eivät koskaan tiedä missä ja milloin tulee aika lähteä "Allahia moikkaamaan" :D

Mielestäni tuossa sössittiin sikäli, että tuo "luokka" olisi ollut ihan täysin perusteltavissa oleva maali lentopommille. Ei tuosta poruksta tarvitse yhdenkään selvitä hengissä kertomaan muille.