
The Israeli government is trying to stop commercial satellite photography companies from disseminating high-resolution images of the country over fears Hezbollah or Hamas could use them to more accurately plot attacks.

Israeli officials are fuming over an apparent change to a US policy that prohibits sharper images of Israel from being posted on the internet.

Amnon Harari, head of the Israeli Defense Ministry's Space and Satellite Administration, said on Israeli public radio station Kan on Monday that the sharper the photograph, the more dangerous it is to Israeli security.

"We would always prefer to be photographed at the lowest resolution possible. It's always preferable to be seen blurred, rather than precisely," Harari said, according to Reuters.

At issue is the 1997 Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, a US law that prohibits satellite photos with a resolution of less than 2 meters. However, on June 25, the Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs (CRSRA) Office said it would begin allowing enhanced-resolution images of Israel down to 0.4 meters. Part of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the CRSRA handles licensing for commercial imaging satellites.

"We are in a process of studying what exactly is written there, what exactly the intentions are, what we can respond to, ultimately," Harari told Kan.

The commercial satellite imaging industry has proven a valuable tool for US intelligence. Last month, one firm, Maxar Technologies, announced it was taking over 3D analytics firm Vricon, which it started up five years ago in conjunction with Saab. Vricon's largest customer is the US Army and Maxar has partnered with NASA on such projects as the space agency's new lunar program.

Maxar CEO Dan Jablonsky told CNBC that Maxar's imagery satellite technology would "supercharge" Vricon's modeling, making it "able to create photo-realistic, 3D accurate data models overnight essentially, by harnessing the two capabilities together."

Also last month, the US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) announced it would be extending several large contracts to commercial satellite imaging firms "to support defense, security and many other US government missions" by the end of the year.

"We've been conducting market research and engaging with the commercial imagery providers to determine the extent to which the US commercial remote sensing industry can satisfy our requirements now, through 2025 and beyond," Pete Muend, director of the NRO's Commercial Systems Program Office, told SpaceNews. "We're looking to buy where we can from commercial providers and, only where sources aren't available, build systems to meet our unique tailored needs."
Jospa se on taktiikkana valeuutisten ja info-operaatioiden maailmassa. Realistinen ja rehellinen. Tottahan Iipot puhuvat. Varoittivat myös kostamasta joten totuuden lisäksi tuli reilu varoitus.

"Israel claimed Wednesday that it had thwarted a cyberattack by a North Korea-linked hacking group on its classified defense industry.

The Defense Ministry said the attack was deflected “in real time” and that there was no “harm or disruption” to its computer systems.

However, security researchers at ClearSky, the international cybersecurity firm that first exposed the attack, said the North Korean hackers penetrated the computer systems and were likely to have stolen a large amount of classified data. Israeli officials fear the data could be shared with North Korea’s ally, Iran."

"Israel claimed Wednesday that it had thwarted a cyberattack by a North Korea-linked hacking group on its classified defense industry.

The Defense Ministry said the attack was deflected “in real time” and that there was no “harm or disruption” to its computer systems.

However, security researchers at ClearSky, the international cybersecurity firm that first exposed the attack, said the North Korean hackers penetrated the computer systems and were likely to have stolen a large amount of classified data. Israeli officials fear the data could be shared with North Korea’s ally, Iran."
Se mikä tässä on kiinnostavaa, mikä on Israelin vastaus. Rupeeko PööKoreassa olemaan ongelmia vähäisen sähkönjakelun, netin yms kanssa :D
Viimeksi muokattu:
Bahrain ja Oman ovat mahdollisesti seuraavat maat, jotka normalisoivat suhteensa Israelin kanssa. Amerikkalaisilla on tavoitteena saada myös Saudi-Arabia normalisoimaan suhteensa Israelin kanssa, mutta siihen voi mennä aikaa, jos edes koskaan toteutuu. MBS saattaa suhtautua asiaan varovaisen avoimesti, mutta isänsä suhtautunee kielteisemmin. Lähteenä FT, en jaksa nyt kännykällä kaivaa linkkiä.
Bahrain ja Oman ovat mahdollisesti seuraavat maat, jotka normalisoivat suhteensa Israelin kanssa. Amerikkalaisilla on tavoitteena saada myös Saudi-Arabia normalisoimaan suhteensa Israelin kanssa, mutta siihen voi mennä aikaa, jos edes koskaan toteutuu. MBS saattaa suhtautua asiaan varovaisen avoimesti, mutta isänsä suhtautunee kielteisemmin. Lähteenä FT, en jaksa nyt kännykällä kaivaa linkkiä.
Saudit ja Israel tekevät jo kuliseissa yhteistyötä periaatteella viholliseni vihollinen on ystäväni. Jos Iran joskus nuijitaan takaisin kiviajalle (ei paljon puutu nytkään monessa suhteessa) niin silloin Saudit ja Israel voi alkaa taas nahistelemaan keskenään uskonnoista. Mutta tällä hetkellä heillä on yhteinen päämäärä, estää Iranin aikeet tuhota kumpainenkin.
Saudit ja Israel tekevät jo kuliseissa yhteistyötä periaatteella viholliseni vihollinen on ystäväni. Jos Iran joskus nuijitaan takaisin kiviajalle (ei paljon puutu nytkään monessa suhteessa) niin silloin Saudit ja Israel voi alkaa taas nahistelemaan keskenään uskonnoista. Mutta tällä hetkellä heillä on yhteinen päämäärä, estää Iranin aikeet tuhota kumpainenkin.
Näin on. Iranin takia myös UAE ja Israel ovat lisänneet yhteistyötä kansallisen turvallisuuden saralla.

"The newspaper also reported that the groups have now started to coordinate efforts to increase the amount and frequency of incendiary balloons launched toward Israel."

Isomman yhteenoton ainekset alkavat olla kasassa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kooste Israelin viimeaikaisiéta toiminnasta Syyriaa ja Iran proxyjä kohtaan.


Israel stepping up airstrikes against Syrian troops in recent weeks

By Joe Truzman | January 11, 2021 | [email protected] | @Jtruzmah

As Israel attempts to prevent Hezbollah from establishing itself near the Golan, Syrian soldiers have increasingly become the target of its military operations.
Syrian Air Defense Corps soldiers Ali Ma’an Houla, Husein Abdullah and Abdul Shehebeir killed in Israeli airstrikes.
In recent weeks the Israeli military has targeted the Syrian Armed Forces in its “war between the wars” campaign of attempting to thwart the establishment of Hezbollah and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in southern Syria.
On Dec. 30, the IDF began targeting Syrian troops with airstrikes in the city of al-Zabadani, located near the Lebanon-Syria border.

The Syrian state-controlled news organization SANA reported the airstrikes caused “material losses” and a “martyred soldier.” The report of a “martyred soldier” was later proven true when pro-Syrian groups published martyr posters of Sharaf Ali Ma’an Houla, a Lieutenant in the Air Defense Corps.

Eight days later on Jan. 6, the IDF renewed operations against Syrian forces in the village of al-Dur, located south of Damascus. Citing a military source, SANA reported Israel’s attack came from the “direction of the occupied Syrian Golan” against “some targets in the south.”
However, the SANA report failed to mention that a Syrian air defense unit located south of Damascus was attacked which resulted in the deaths of
two Syrian soldiers, Abdul Shehebeir and Husein Abdullah.
The recent targeting of Syrian positions has not come without overt warnings from Israel.

Over the last several weeks, the Israeli military has expanded a campaign of dropping leaflets in southern Syria near the Golan Heights. The leaflets warned villagers not to aid Hezbollah or risk becoming a target of the IDF.
“Hezbollah is like cancer, they snatch you in secret and in public, they deceive you with money and fake slogans said by Soleimani, Nasrallah, and Khamanei until you have sanctified them. Hezbollah is preparing Hadar village [Syrian village near the Golan] to be their place like the Shiite villages in south Lebanon. Anybody who deals with Hezbollah is a target,” one leaflet warned.

Other leaflets warned Syrian soldiers that money provided to them by Hezbollah is not worth risking their lives.
“To the elements of the Syrian Army: Hezbollah wants to make Syria a battlefield for it against Israel at your expense. Hezbollah destroyed Lebanon and southern Lebanon, and is now destroying Syria and southern Syria. Hezbollah and especially the southern leadership (Haji Hashem) are doing the impossible to entice you to work with them. The value of the money that you get from them is not equal to the value of your life for you and your families, we will not allow your cooperation with them to continue,” an IDF leaflet dropped on Jan. 7 stated.
It is reasonable to conclude that the increased warnings by Israel and the targeting of Syrian soldiers are connected. Israel is demonstrating that Syrian soldiers will not be spared as it attempts to thwart the establishment of Iranian-led groups near the Golan and the transfer of precision guided munitions to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
With its stepped up airstrikes and leaflet campaign near the Golan Heights, it is highly probable that Israel will be launching more military operations in the coming days or weeks in Syria.

Israel sanoo hyökkäävänsä Iranin ydinlaitoksiin jos Biden aikoo löysätä sanktioita.

Tuossa voi olla hiukan ristiriitaa USAn ja Israelin välillä!! Biden tulee lähestymään Irania eri tavoin kuin Trump ja Israel ei siitä tule pitämään. Israel riippuvainen USAn sotilaallisesta tuesta, ja sitä Israel ei haluta menettää. Israel edustaa voimaa Biden neuvotteluita, joten todennäköisesti pelataan kaksilla korteilla. Biden luettelee Iranille ehdot ja Israel rankaisee, jollei niitä toteuteta, USA pesee tällä menetelmällä kätensä.