Konflikti Kiinan merellä

Ääniase esitelty. Seuraavaksi sokaisevat laserit ja "tahmea liikkumisen estävä kaasu" (se ei ikinä selvinnyt minulle mitä tämä ihmeaine on. Aerosolikaasua jossa lamauttavaa hermostovaikutusta?).

People's armed policen kalustoa eksynyt hongkongin poliisin käyttöön?

edit: ja SCMP on nykyisin mannerkiinalaisessa omistuksessa, joten "Aasian Times" on nykyisin lähinnä Xinhuan haarakonttori.

edit2: Laite taitaa olla amerikkalainen LRAD 500 tai laitteen kiinalainen kopio.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Laitetaan tänne, vaikka meneekin eri jorpakon puolelle.

Fears of a potential crackdown or bloody clashes have risen in Hong Kong as the standoff between riot police and protesters at a university in the city enters its third day with up to 200 still trapped.

Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam said about 600 protesters surrendered to authorities overnight, after police allowed two representatives to mediate between the two sides. On Tuesday, around 20 activists were evacuated to seek medical help.

Lam, in her first public remarks since the crisis began more than 36 hours ago, said that 200 of those who surrendered were children and were not arrested. She said however that authorities reserved the right to make further investigations in the future. Lam said the other 400 who left the campus have been arrested.
Mä vähän veikkaan että mellakka-alueilla olevat kännykät rekisteröidään jotenkin automaattisesti, samoin niiden kanssa yhteydessä olevat kännykät, samoin näiden kaikkien some- ja nettiliikenne.

Sitten jollain viiveellä alkaa tapahtua jotain hiljaista ja rauhallista joka rajoittaa tämän ihmisjoukon toimintaa.

Veikkaan että Kiina käyttää niin paljon niin hienostuneita keinoja kuin mahdolilista. Se harjoittelee.

Aika on Kiinan puolella.
Eilen oli radiossa haastattelu jostain suomalaisesta joka oli Hong Kongissa. Sanoi että asenteissa on ruvennut tapahtumaan pientä muutosta. Ihmiset on ruvennut huutelemaan mielenosoittajille kun ennen ne eivät välittäneet. Mielenosoitukset häiritsevät ihmisten arkea.
Hong Kongin protestoijia laitettu junilla Gulagiin.


Video sparks fears Hong Kong protesters being loaded on train to China
Video of Hong Kong protesters being loaded onto train spurs concerns they are being sent to China

By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2019/11/18 18:25
(Screenshot of Twitter video)

(Screenshot of Twitter video)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A video that surfaced on Monday (Nov. 18) appearing to show Hong Kong protesters being loaded onto a train near the border with China has sparked fears online that they are being sent to a detention center in the communist country.
As clashes continued on a university campus between riot police and pro-democracy protesters, a video was posted on Twitter spurring concerns that arrested demonstrators were being illegally extradited to China. At 2:33 p.m. on Monday, Twitter user @Woppa1Woppa posted a video showing handcuffed protesters being forced onto a train and wrote that it was unknown where they were being sent.
Below the Tweet, several netizens identified the train as belonging to the East Rail Line of the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system. Although the detainees' destination is unknown, netizens pointed out that the last two stations are Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau, which are both border checkpoints into China.
Twitter users suggested that the students were from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which was the scene of fierce clashes between riot police and pro-democracy protesters on Monday. One Twitter user, who goes by the handle @lilisuricate, ominously said that there are no Hong Kong police stations near any of the stops along the train's route to the China border.
The youth activist group Demosisto wrote on Twitter that people in North District "threw objects on the railway track" to prevent the protesters from being transported to China. Hong Kong police have yet to issue an official statement on the destination of the arrested demonstrators.

At 12:34 p.m. on Monday, the Facebook group "Clear Voices from the Island" (港島你明) uploaded a post which included several photos of apparent protesters allegedly being loaded onto the train. The author of the post then writes that there is a high-resolution photo of a train originating from Hung Hom Station taken at 12:01 p.m. and showing people in handcuffs being led onboard.
The post first gives the time 12:23 p.m. and says "Mong Kok East Station." It then states at 12:28 that two vans in the "upper left [of photo]" have the license plate numbers VF7046 and AM2837.
The author then requests anyone who recognizes the detainees in the photo to contact the page's administrator.
Facebook post by Clear Voices from the Island showing photos of the incident:

HONGKONG Viime aikoina Kittyn kotona on ollut kireä tunnelma. Hän ei ole voinut kuukausiin kertoa vanhemmilleen, missä viettää aikaansa.

– He suuttuisivat, jos saisivat tietää, että olen ollut mielenosoituksissa. Tosin uskon, että he ovat arvanneet, Kitty sanoo.

Perheriitojen ja virkavallan välttämiseksi 21-vuotias Kitty ei halua kertoa oikeaa nimeään.

Vaikka hän ei kertomansa mukaan ole tehnyt mitään laitonta, useimmat hongkongilaiset kokevat, että mielenosoituksista puhuttaessa on parempi pysyä tunnistamattomissa.
Kitty ei ole ainoa, jonka perhesopu rakoilee. Hongkongissa kuukausia jatkuneet mielenosoitukset ovat mykistäneet kotien päivällispöytiä sekä ajaneet äitejä ja poikia välirikkooon.

Kitty mahtuu yhä vanhempiensa katon alle, kunhan pysyy hiljaa tekemisistään.

– Olemme ajautuneet etäämmälle toisistamme ja riitelemme paljon, hän sanoo.

The ongoing political crisis in Hong Kong is probably the biggest challenge of my life. I don’t remember having lost sleep and appetite and not being able to think about anything else for months on end ever before.

Like many other Hongkongers, I have been overwhelmed by an acute sense of helplessness and anxiety during the past five months as I have watched our home descend in to a war zone every few days.

Every time I go out to report my children’s voices sound a note of caution: “Take care, mummy!”. It feels like I am going to a battlefield whenever I pack a helmet and a gas mask into my bag.

I have been riding an emotional roller coaster since June as peaceful protests to fight an extradition bill that would have allowed people to be sent for trial in China morphed into a broader and increasingly radical anti-government movement.

Police in Hong Kong have accused protesters of bringing the city to the “brink of total collapse” and urged residents not to support them as demonstrations paralysed the city for a second day in a row.

Riot police fired teargas on anti-government demonstrators gathered in Hong Kong’s central business district and several universities on Tuesday. Protesters built street barricades, set fires and threw petrol bombs, chairs and other objects at police during another day of strikes demanding greater democracy in the Chinese territory.

Clashes continued into the late evening, intensifying at universities, which emerged as new battlegrounds. Chinese University of Hong Kong, the site of hours of pitched battles between riot police and protesters, was engulfed in teargas as police fired volleys of rubber bullets, teargas and a water cannon on demonstrators.

Pro-vice chancellor of the university, Dennis Ng pleaded with police to stop firing: “It is out of control,” he yelled over a loudspeaker. The police later said they would retreat in an effort to “diffuse the situation”.

Tuesday’s protests came after violence reached a new peak on Monday in clashes in which at least 128 people were injured. The condition of a 21-year-old male student shot at close range by police in the torso was said to be improving but a 57-year-old man, seen arguing with protesters, who was doused in flammable liquid and set on fire, remained in a critical condition. Police made at least 280 arrests, most of them of students.

Residents described a city stunned by the previous day’s violence. “You had the feeling going out into the city this morning that the system is at the breaking point. The government and police can’t manage it,” said Kong Tsung-gan, a writer and activist.
Vanhana salaliittoteoreerikkona ei voi olla ajattelematta vaihtoehtoa, että koko hässäkkä on vain Kiinan alullepanemaa, ja sitäkautta maa luo itselleen hyväksytymmän keinon kiristää otettas ylimielisistä kantonilaisista.
Omat salaliittoteoriat niputtaa kaikki maailmalla nyt menevät levottomuudet yhteen, missä suurvallat tukee levottomuuksia kilpailijan hallussa olevalla alueella.
Ranskassa Venäjän vaikutuksia, kun taas Iranissa, etelä-ameriikassa ja Hong Kongissa USAn... Halvempi tapa aiheuttaa vakavia ongelmia talouteen kun ihmiset saadaan mellakoimaan ja tappelemaan keskenään, kuin sotatoimet.
Odotan vain milloin vakavat levottomuudet leviää Kiinaan ja Pohjoiskoreaan, sekä USAhan ja muihin Euroopan maihin.
Jatkuva kansalaisten vastakkainasettelu on selvää, mutta hämärää on että poliittiset päättäjät tukee niitä...
Viimeksi muokattu:
A former employee of the UK's Hong Kong consulate has told the BBC that he was tortured in China and accused of inciting political unrest in the city.

Simon Cheng, a Hong Kong citizen who worked for the UK government for almost two years, was detained for 15 days on a trip to mainland China in August.

"I was shackled, blindfolded and hooded," the 29-year-old tells me.

The US Senate has passed legislation aimed at protecting human rights in Hong Kong amid a crackdown on the pro-democracy movement, as dozens of protester spent a fourth day stranded in a university campus.

The “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” will go to the House of Representatives, which approved its own version last month. The two chambers will have to work out their differences before any legislation can be sent to President Donald Trump for his consideration.

“The people of Hong Kong see what’s coming – they see the steady effort to erode the autonomy and their freedoms,” Republican Senator Marco Rubio said at the start of the brief Senate debate, accusing Beijing of being behind the “violence and repression” in the Asian financial hub.

The Senate passed a second bill, also unanimously, that would ban the export of certain crowd-control munitions to Hong Kong police forces. It bans the export of items such as tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and stun guns.

Under the first Senate bill, US secretary of state Mike Pompeo would have to certify at least once a year that Hong Kong retains enough autonomy to qualify for special US trading consideration that bolsters its status as a world financial centre. It also would provide for sanctions against officials responsible for human rights violations in Hong Kong.
Viimeksi muokattu:
The uniformed police whispered that I was handed over from “State Security Bureau” and a senior leader instructed that I will be charged as a “criminal suspect of armed rebellion and rioting”.

Eli valtion puolelta tämä näyttää ja sitä hoidetaan aseellisena kapinana. En usko että kestää hirveän kauan ennenkuin PLA vyöryttää kaupungin.
Kiina kansainväliseen kauppasaartoon? Voisi ehkä rauhoittaa kommunistien otteita...
(Aina saa toivoa.)
Eli valtion puolelta tämä näyttää ja sitä hoidetaan aseellisena kapinana. En usko että kestää hirveän kauan ennenkuin PLA vyöryttää kaupungin.

Luulisin että Kiina hoitaa tuon siistimmin.

Veikkaan että johtajat ja aktiivit ovat jo Kiinan tiedossa. Siinä kohtaa kun niitä aletaan poimia talteen, alkavat myös tukiverkostot tulla selvemmin esiin.

En hämmästyisi jos kuulusteluissa...
