Korean Sota Osa II ?


Disarmament talks between the US and North Korea ended in Pyongyang on Saturday with the North Korean regime accusing Washington of a “gangster-like mindset” and warning of “yet another tragedy” if negotiations collapse.

The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, responded that if the US was a gangster, so was the whole world, as it had the same demand that North Korea dismantle its nuclear weapons programme.

He insisted sanctions would remain in place until Pyongyang completed disarmament.

Ei muuta kuin tempo päälle takaisin. Sota on korteilla.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has appealed for North Korea’s leadership to follow Vietnam’s path in overcoming past hostilities with the United States following Pyongyang’s blistering rebuke of his efforts to forge a denuclearization deal.

Pompeo called on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to replicate Vietnam’s “miracle” of economic growth by improving ties with the US, vowing that America keeps its promises with former foes.

His comments follow a statement issued by Pyongyang on Saturday, which made clear it had no intention of carrying out the comprehensive unilateral disarmament Donald Trump has claimed was the outcome of his 12 June summit in Singapore with Kim, and accusing the US of “gangster-like behavior” in its demands for denuclearization.

The long, detailed statement from the North Korean foreign ministry gave an assessment of Friday and Saturday’s talks between US and North Korean delegations in Pyongyang, describing them as “regrettable”. The statement flatly contradicted the upbeat assessment from Pompeo, who headed the US delegation.

The North Korean foreign ministry statement, by contrast, adopted a wounded tone, saying hopes of progress raised by the Singapore summit between Kim and Trump, had been dashed by the one-sided approach taken by Pompeo’s delegation.

In particular, the statement to took the Americans to task for insisting on complete, verifiable, irreversible disarmament (CVID).

“The US side came up only with its unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearisation just calling for CVID, declaration and verification, all of which run counter to the spirit of the Singapore summit meeting and talks,” the statement said.

While rebuffing the US approach to talks however, the regime also laid out its most detailed negotiating position to date, suggesting confidence-building measures each side could take, including a proposal to freeze production of intercontinental ballistic missiles and a call for a formal declaration ending the Korean war of 65 years ago.

It said Pyongyang would dismantle a “high thrust engine” testing site as a concrete measure towards “the suspension of ICBM production as part of denuclearisation steps” while making a start of “working level talks” on repatriation of remains.

In return the US would make “public a declaration on the end of war” on the 65th anniversary of the Korean war armistice, which falls on 27 July.

If the talks on such confidence building measures failed, the North Korean statement warned “this will finally make each side seek for another choice and there is no guarantee that this will not result into yet another tragedy”.

Pompeo sought to dispel suggestions that the Trump administration has backed down from demanding the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of the North’s nuclear weapons. He said North Korea understood that denuclearization must be “fully verified” and “final.”.

The talks, however, appeared to have exposed a wide gap between the way the Trump administration and Pyongyang interpreted the outcome of the Singapore summit. In a joint statement with Trump, Kim committed his regime to move towards “complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula”.

Trump took it to mean total and unilateral nuclear disarmament. He returned to the US claiming North Korea was “no longer a nuclear threat”. Last week in Montana, he told a crowd: “But we signed a wonderful paper saying they’re going to denuclearise their whole thing. It’s going to all happen.”

However, since 1992, the regime has used the phrase, “complete denuclearisation” to mean a drawn out, phased process of mutual demilitarisation of the peninsula.
Aika mielenkiintoista diplomatiaa. Pompeo vei Kim Jong-unille Trumpin allekirjoituksella varustetun "Rocket Man"-CD-levyn :p

Pöö-Korea on autoritäärinen maa, jossa voimakkaampi osoittaa asemaansa provosoimalla, alistamalla tai häpäisemällä alempaa niin että alempi ei voi vastata samalla mitalla.

Kun Pimpelipompeli on nyt jäänyt kiinni siitä, että koittaa pelata kaksilla korteilla, niin tuo on yksi tapa kertoa Pallopöllölle että "sä oot kuule pikkupoika, joka voidaan jyrätä milloin vaan etkä sä mahda sille mitään".

Trump antaa aina erittäin voimakkaan signaalin sen mukaan, että mitä Laardipallo tekee. Tällä tavoin hän avaa tai sulkee Talikuulan edessä olevia vaihtoehtoisia reittejä.

Tämmöinen viestintä omaa neljä kohdetta:

1. Pimpelipompeli.
2. Pöö-Koean ylin johto joka tajuaan että mitä sota USA:n kanssa ja sitä väistämättä seuraava vallanvaihto tarkoittaisi sille.
3. Talipallon ja muun johdon välinen suhde.
4. Kiina. (Sille kerrotaan, että suurvaltasota sen rajoilla muuttui juuri 20 askelta todennäköisemmäksi.

Taas jälleen kerran: substanssiin keskittyminen ja etenkin analyyttinen eli kokonaiskuvasta detaljisuuntaan etenevä substanssikeskeisyys johtaa harhaan samaan aikaan kun se tuottaa harhaanjohtavan illuusion fiksusta oivaltamisesta. Pitää katsoa asiaa ensin sekä dynaamisten että rakenteellisten asioiden tasoilla. Substanssin merkitys näkyy paremmin vasta sitten kun se saadaan oikeaan kontekstiin.

Trump käyttää jatkuvasti ja erittäin tehokkaasti sellaista harhaanjohtamisen ja asioiden peittämisen tapaa, että hän käyttää ilmaisuja/viestiksi tarkoitettuja toimia, jotka suorastaan tyrkyttävät vastaanottajille tiettyjä esiymmärrykseen ja/tai emotionalismiin liittyviä provosoituvia tulkintoja. Tällä tavoin hän ohjaa sekä toista osapuolta että ulkopuolisia tahoja sellaiseen reaktiivisuuteen, joka säilyttää kontrollin tilanteeseen hänellä.

Nämä tarjotut ymmärrys- ja reagointitavat sisältävät oikeastaan aina myös "älykkään" ja "viisaalla tavalla aikuismaisen" vastapelin mahdollisuuden toiselle osapuolelle. Sopivasti provosoitunut ja sekä älyllistä että moraalista ylemmyydentuntoa omaava toinen osapuoli ei tämmöisessä tilanteessa useinkaan huomaa menevänsä reaktiivisesti juuri siihen rööriin, jonka toinen osapuoli on hänelle rakentanut ja tarjoillut. Tilanteen kontrolli on Trumpilla. Toisella osapuolella on ylemmyydentuntoinen harhakuva tilanteen hallitsemisesta.

Älkää hetkeäkään kuvitelko että Trump on tyhmä, manipuloimiskyvytön tai pelkästään "maailman suurin viisivuotias". Hänellä on nippu jatkuvasti käytössä olevia manipuloinnin ja julkisuudenhallinnan tekniikoita. Hänen henkilöhistoriansa osoittaa sen, kuinka menestyksellisesti hän on niitä käyttänyt. Hän käyttää niitä yhä.

USA:n pressanvaaleissa olivat todellisuudessa vastakkain Trump ja Cialdini. Trump voitti - joskin täpärästi. Cialdinin voittaminen vaikuttamispeleissä on aivan käsittämätön saavutus.
Viimeksi muokattu:
About a fifth of all North Korean children are affected by malnutrition, the most senior United Nations humanitarian aid official has said during a tour of the country, the first such visit since 2011.

Mark Lowcock, the under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs, made the comments at the end of the first day of his tour of North Korea, which he has said is aimed at raising awareness of the dire conditions faced by ordinary people.

“One of the things we’ve seen is very clear evidence of humanitarian need here,” he said in a video posted to the UN website and his official Twitter account. “More than half the children in rural areas, including the places we’ve been, have no clean water, contaminated water sources.”

Lowcock also visited a hospital which does not receive support from the UN where there were 140 patients afflicted with tuberculosis but only enough medicine for 40 people. Hospitals across the country lack medical supplies and equipment, meaning most cannot provide care “in a way that would pass basic humanitarian thresholds”.

He said access for aid workers in the country was improving, but did not provide specifics. His trip is partially focused on spurring donations, with the UN saying it needs to raise $111m (£84m) to provide aid for six million people in the areas of health, water, sanitation and food security. The UN has had to suspend some programs, such as nutrition support for kindergartens, because of a lack of funds.

Despite North Korea’s inability to provide basic necessities for its people, the government has rebuffed offers to relinquish its nuclear weapons program for aid and investment aimed at sparking economic growth. North Korean officials have been far more focused on security guarantees.

While US and South Korean officials have made some concessions, like suspending military exercises, and are reportedly exploring investment projects in the event of sanctions relief, permanent military reductions have so far been refused.

South Korean president Moon Jae-in reiterated in an interview with Singapore’s Straits Times that US troops would remain in the country despite a deal with the North.

“South Korea and the US maintain a firm stance about the role and importance of US Forces Korea for peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia,” Moon said. “It is a matter of the South Korea-US alliance, not something that can be discussed in denuclearisation talks between North Korea and the US.”

leader Kim Jong Un may have been too busy visiting a potato farm to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Pyongyang's state media implied Tuesday. The North's state media normally lead their television bulletins and front pages with Kim's doings, but a seven-day absence from the headlines, including during Pompeo's recent visit, had prompted speculation on his whereabouts among Korea-watchers.

The mystery was perhaps resolved Tuesday when the official news agency KCNA put out no fewer than four reports on Kim's trip to far-flung Samjiyon county, on the border with China, most of them far more detailed than its usual accounts of his "field guidance" visits.

At the Junghung potato farm, it said, he instructed staff not only to plant high-yield varieties but also to "introduce various species good to taste and ensure the quality of processed potato foods in production and thus raise the quality of potato production."

He praised officials of the county, which is close to Mount Paektu, the spiritual home of the Korean people and claimed by Pyongyang's propaganda to be the actual birthplace of his father and predecessor, Kim Jong Il.

Suurelle johtajalle perunat oli Pompeon tapaamista tärkeämpi. Ei ihme että Pompeolla oli naama kurtussa kun tuli kotiin.

The site’s proximity to Pyongyang is notable; the enrichment site was built a little more than five kilometers away from the city’s Mangyongdae neighborhood, North Korean founder Kim Il Sung’s birthplace, per North Korean propaganda. Thus, for more than a decade, North Korea has been enriching uranium in what is effectively a Pyongyang suburb, on the doorstep of Kim Il Sung’s mythologized birthplace.

The site’s relatively good connectivity may serve an important role in enabling its smooth operation. Large gas centrifuge facilities like Kangson require regular resupply and depleted uranium tail disposal. Satellite imagery from recent years seen by The Diplomat shows evidence of regular visits by a number of large vehicles and trucks. The western side of the main hall appears to have a large opening to allow trucks to enter the building as well. These vehicles could transport important materials for the uranium enrichment process in and out of the facility, including uranium hexafluoride and depleted ‘tails’. They could additionally transport highly enriched uranium to where its needed, including North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Institute. (The Kangson site is also not far from the Chamjin Missile Factory.)

To the west, the main building is flanked by what appears to be a cluster of residential multi-story buildings. These buildings, which appear to have as many as seven stories, stand out from the nearby residential buildings outside of the Kangson enrichment site walled complex, where there are mostly simple homes. These buildings could serve as housing for the scientists, engineers, and support staff involved with ongoing work at the Kangson site, Lewis told The Diplomat. Their statue implies an unusual role for the site compared to nearby facilities in Chollima.

While analyzing the purpose of the Kangson facility, Lewis and his team reviewed North Korean propaganda footage of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un visiting and inspecting a range of significant facilities in and around the industrially significant Chollima area. The building now being scrutinized as the Kangson enrichment site was the sole large facility that was not accounted for in the area among these visits by both leaders; North Korean propaganda had carefully excluded visits to this site, if they had occurred, highlighting its potential sensitivity and national defense use.

But at least one leadership visit likely did occur—probably by the late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il at least as early as 2009. Perpendicular to the center of the main hall at Kangson, North Korea has erected what appeared to be a monument or a mural. Another such monument—likely an obelisk—had been erected along the road providing an entrance to the main facility area. Both monuments were erected during Kim Jong Il’s leadership tenure.

These kinds of murals and monuments have been seen at other North Korean sites with significant national defense roles, such as the Chemical Materials Institute, which Kim Jong Un visited last August, or the Chamjin Missile Factory. These murals, in many cases, commemorate or honor a visit by the country’s supreme leadership and stand at these sites for their propaganda value. The existence of the monument and mural, if not definitive evidence of a visit by Kim Jong Il, further underline Kangson’s importance.

Another signature that Lewis and his team noticed in assessing the Kangson site as a candidate enrichment site was continuous year-round heat generation at the main hall. Across eight wintertime images between 2017 and 2018, even as the surrounding area was covered in snow, including the rooftops of nearby buildings, the large main hall at Kangson was not, suggesting internal heat generation. That alone cannot substantiate if multiple gas centrifuge cascades lie within, but combined with the other signatures, suggest at least significant military-industrial role for the facility.


As US President Donald Trump sits down for talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, he doesn't seem to have much to show for a month and a half of international high-level meetings and diplomatic effort.

Basking in his self-proclaimed "art of the deal" acumen, the US president has upended the international system by alienating allies and reaching out directly to foes.

In the span of just a few weeks, Trump managed to anger US allies in Europe and North America, calling Canadian PM Justin Trudeau "weak", identifying the EU as a "foe" and putting a US-UK trade deal in doubt.

Meanwhile, he has heaped praise on autocratic leaders the world over, boasting about his "very good relationship" with Russia's Vladimir Putin and describing North Korea's Kim Jung-un as "very honourable".

Yet, there is little evidence to suggest his "fire and fury" diplomacy is working. Trump's self-proclaimed success in engaging North Korea is on the verge of becoming a failure, exposing the paucity of his strongman diplomacy.

Much against the advice of some allies and leading experts, Trump pushed through with an unprecedented summit with the North Korean leader without any preconditions.

The outcome of the historic meeting in Singapore was a generic statement, which reaffirmed both sides' commitment to ending the decades-long conflict in the Korean Peninsula.

Pyongyang made no specific commitment to denuclearisation, but managed to dampen its isolation and enhance its international standing by holding direct talks with the US leadership.

To the surprise of almost everyone, including North Korea, Trump provided an additional concession, which rattled allies such as South Korea and delighted rivals such as China. He offered to cancel upcoming joint military exercises with Seoul in order to build confidence with Pyongyang.
The Communist Leadership in Pyongyang would grant amnesty to those convicted of crimes against the state in light of North Korea’s 70th anniversary, the state-run KCNA reported on Monday.

Similar to other instances in which amnesty has been granted, it remained unclear exactly which groups the announcement applied to and how many prisoners would be affected.

The government of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un last granted amnesty in 2015.

According to the decree from the presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly, the amnesty will take effect starting August 1.

The report added that “practical measures’’ would be taken to help those released re-integrate into everyday life.

North Korea celebrates its founding on September 9.

The internationally isolated country has been accused by human rights activists of serious violations.

The UN special envoy for human rights in North Korea, Tomas Ojea Quintana, had during a visit to South Korea in weeks past called for human rights to be included in any discussions about denuclearisation.

The U.S. government estimates that the North Korean government has about 80,000 to 120,000 political prisoners in detention.
Pohjois-Korean johtaja Kim Jong-un on kritisoinut omaa hallintoaan. Pohjois-Korean valtion virallinen äänitorvi, uutistoimisto (siirryt toiseen palveluun)KCNA kertoo Kimin kiivastuneen rakennustyömaakäynnillään, kun hän tutustui rakenteilla olevaan Orangchon-voimalaitokseen.

Nykyisen johtajan edeltäjä Kim Il-sung antoi käskyn voimalaitoksen rakentamisesta yli 30 vuotta sitten, mutta se ei ole vieläkään valmis. Kimin kerrotaan tulleen henkilökohtaisesti tutustumaan tilanteeseen ja ryhtymään toimenpiteisiin hankkeen edistämiseksi.

Kim arvosteli hallintonsa toimia siitä, että hanke on jätetty paikallishallinnon vastuulle. Hän muistutti, että valmis voimalaitos edistäisi merkittävästi taloutta ja ihmisten toimeentuloa Pohjois-Hamgyongin maakunnassa.

Kimin mukaan hanke on elintärkeä ja kiireellinen maakunnan työllisyyden kannalta. Kim ilmaisi tavoitteeksi, että laitoksen tulee olla valmis ensi vuoden lokakuussa.

Pohjois-Koreassa on muitakin keskeneräisiä hankkeita, muun muassa Phalhyang-padon työmaa. Rakennuskohteesta on vasta 70 prosenttia valmiina, vaikka urakka on ollut käynnissä jo 17 vuotta.

Poikkeuksellista on se, että Pohjois-Korean tiukassa kontrollissa oleva media kertoo hallintoon kohdistuvaa arvostelua.

Verkkouutisten mukaan (siirryt toiseen palveluun)Kim teki aiemmin tässä kuussa vierailut kahteen tekstiilitehtaaseen. Myös niiden aikana viranomaiset joutuivat arvostelun kohteeksi. Kim kritisoi muun muassa tuotantolaitteiden kuntoa ja asiantuntemuksen puutetta.
has eased pressure on North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons quickly, conceding there is no deadline for a breakthrough.

Amid increasing doubts over the prospects for denuclearisation, North Korea moved a step closer to fulfilling one of the more specific commitments from the Singapore summit: the repatriation of the remains of US military personnel killed in the Korean War.

North Korea is expected to hand over as many as 55 sets of remains by next week.

Trump said the US was continuing its discussions with North Korea over the future of the regime’s nuclear weapons arsenal “and they’re going very, very well”.
“Very disappointing.” “A joke.” “Pretty much meaningless.”

Among experts on North Korea, there was near universal agreement that Donald Trump’s much ballyhooed summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was a colossal failure and an utter waste of time.

The joint statement signed by both leaders contained exactly zero new commitments, and in fact undercut previous negotiations by failing to provide any timeline for North Korea’s promised denuclearization efforts.

Suzanne DiMaggio, a senior fellow at New America, offered this sobering assessment: “The summit statement is big on hyperbole and short on substance – it reads like it was written by the North Korean negotiating team.”

Naturally, Donald Trump and his administration were quick to celebrate the Singapore summit as a resounding success, and dismissed the combined decades of experience telling him otherwise by pointing out he shook on it.
Hauskoja lähteitä täällä, thinkprogress, aljazeera, Guardian jne.