Korean Sota Osa II ?

Kertovat, että EK ja jenkit ampuivat omia torjuntaohjuksiaan meren suuntaan näyttääkseen, että on meilläkin pippeli. EK.n ohjuksista yksi ei totellut ja kilahti tukikohdan alueelle. Virallisesti ei henkilövahinkoja.
(Paremmassa Koreassa hymyillään leveästi.)
South Korea’s military has apologised after a missile it launched during a drill on Tuesday malfunctioned and crashed to the ground, causing alarm among nearby residents who thought they were under attack from North Korea, which had test launched a missile earlier in the day.

The live-fire drill, involving South Korea and the US, was supposed to be a show of strength by the allies, hours after the North sent an intermediate-range missile over northern Japan.

Instead, it ended in embarrassment when a short-range Hyumoo-2 ballistic missile crashed to the ground inside an air force base near the South Korean coastal city of Gangneung.
Kertovat, että EK ja jenkit ampuivat omia torjuntaohjuksiaan meren suuntaan näyttääkseen, että on meilläkin pippeli. EK.n ohjuksista yksi ei totellut ja kilahti tukikohdan alueelle. Virallisesti ei henkilövahinkoja.
(Paremmassa Koreassa hymyillään leveästi.)
Bavovnyatko kyllästynyt tuhertelemaan Ukrainassa ja siirtynyt Koreaan... :alien:
Virallisen ilmoituksen mukaan kyseessä oli ballististen ohjusten laukaisuharjoitus jossa ammuttiin mereen ATACMSeja ja korealaisten omia Hyunmoo-2 -ohjuksia. Yksi viimeksimainituista lähti ilmeisesti laukaisusta kierukkana taivaalle ja putosi lähelle laukaisupaikkaansa.
Ihmettelen hiukan ohjusten ampumista noin läheltä asutusta, mutta eihän se mulle kuulu...
The office of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed that a Hyunmoo-2 short-range ballistic missile launch failed at a base in the east coast city of Gangneung late on Oct. 4, according to a report from NK News. The South Korean military said there were no casualties from the incident, which caused a large fire.

"The failed launch came during combined US-ROK surface-to-surface missile drills conducted in response to North Korea's intermediate-range ballistic missile test over Japan earlier Tuesday," a statement from what is officially called the Republic of Korea's (ROK) Joint Chiefs of Staff said, according to NK News. "The US and ROK each successfully fired 2 ATACMS [Army Tactical Missile System short-range ballistic missiles] at targets in the sea."
@ctg väärä ketju ylläoleville.
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Anyhoo, sen hetekan tarkoitus on nykyään estää 'halvat' tapot droneilla, joista pudotellaan pst-kranaatteja tai krh-ammuksia vaunun kattoon. (en kyllä tiedä auttaako se aina niihinkään, eikö RKG-3 läpäise jonkun 200mm?).
North Korea’s recent flurry of missile tests demonstrated its ability to carry out strikes with tactical nuclear weapons, its leader, Kim Jong-un, has said, adding that his forces were “completely ready to hit and destroy targets at any time from any location”.

Kim, who last month said the North’s transformation into a nuclear power was “irreversible,” said the drills were “an obvious warning and clear demonstration” to the country’s enemies.

The regime’s short-range tactical nuclear missiles would be unable to reach its nemesis – the US – but could theoretically be used against the South and Japan.
In response, North Korea “decided to organise military drills under the simulation of an actual war,” KCNA reported.

Army units involved in “the operation of tactical nukes, staged military drills from 25 September to 9 October in order to check and assess the war deterrent and nuclear counterattack capability of the country,” the report said, confirming that Kim had personally directed the exercises.

Official photographs showed Kim at all of the missile launches and exercises, giving orders and posing with smiling soldiers.

“They’re pursuing a tactical nuclear weapon for sure,” said US-based security analyst Ankit Panda. “I suspect they’ll gradually nuclearise many of their new short-range missiles, including the manoeuvring missiles.”