RE: Kuvia tulenjohto- ja tähystyspaikoilta
Bodens Fästning...lähellä Luulaja pohjois-ruotsissa. Se lakkautetiin vuonna 2000. Kotisivu + kuvia
Bodens fästning
Bodenfortress was not protecting the Luleå harbour as many say, the guns have to short range becuse the berrels was cut so they didnt give away to the enemy wich direction the guns was pointing.
Rödberget is approximately 15% of Bodenfästning.
Boden fästning is:
5 fortress: Degerbergsfortet, Mjösjöfortet, Gammelängsfortet, Södra Åbergsfortet and Rödbergsfortet
3 intermediate fortifications: Leåkersfästet, Svedjebergsfästet and Norra Åbergsfästet
And individual artillery battery

aglaberget, Gammelbyn, Mjösjöbatteriet, Mjösjöberget, Norra Slumpberget and Södra Slumpberget.
Buildingstart 1901
The circumference of Bodensfästning is approximately 25km and constitute about 1200 objects.
The task as a barrier, -operation and storagefortress.
Under WWII the crew was 15000 soldiers, the 5 big fortess had 500 men/fortress
After the WWII ther where plans to dont use the fotress any more but becuse its good protection to nuclear weapon it remained operated to 1998 when the last fortress Rödberget was shutdown and know works as museum.
Fort I. Rödberget
Was built south of the city on west side of Luleriver 1903-1908, was originally armed with 4x 15 cm haubits, 4x 8 cm Guns, 8x 6 cm Guns.
In the 1970 the 15cm guns was repaced with modern 12cm Guns.
To the Fortress external defens was 2 observationpost, 4 Infantery kapsels and 2 searchlight.
Fort 2. Södra Åberget
Was built south of the city on the east side of Luleriver 1902-1908, was armed with 4x 12 cm Guns, 4x 8cm Guns, 4x 6cm Guns. To the Fortress external defens was 2 observationpost, 4 Infantery kapsels and 2 searchlight.
Fort 3. Gammelängsberget
Was built east of the city 1900-1908, was armed with 4x 12 cm Guns, 4x 8cm Guns, 4x 6cm Guns. To the fortress external defens was a infanteryredoubt.'
Fort 4. Mjösjöberget
Was built north of Gammelangsberget east of the city 1900-1908, was armed similarity as Rödberget with 4x 15 cm haubits, 4x 8 cm Guns, 8x 6 cm Guns. Was shutdown 1979.
Fort 5. Degerberget
Was built north of the city and west of Buddbyträsket 1900-1908, armed with 4x 12cm Guns, 4x 8 cm Guns, 8x 6cm Guns. To the Fortress external defens was 2 observationpost, 4 Infantery kapsels and 2 searchlight.
Here was large amount of swedens goldreserv stored 1941 -1982.