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Kiitoksia etenkin @Woodsman luottamuksesta kierouteeni, se lämmittää aina savolaisen sydäntä
Mutta voiton peri @Vonka , joka heitti oikean nimen peliin, eli Napoleon oli tosiaan kyseessä.
Eli kirjan 50 laivaa, jotka muuttivat historiaa mukaan Napoleon haki nuorukaisena tutkimusretkikuntaan, jonka kaksi alusta katosivat myrskyssä 1788. Kirja perustaa tietonsa epäilemättä samaan, erääseen toiseen kirjaan, johon on viitattu tuon wiki-artikkelin lähteenä.
Veli @Old Boy on perehtynyt Napoleoniin, ja hän ei ole aiemmin tällaisesta kuullutkaan. Omassa kirjahyllyssäni oleva kirja ei myöskään kerro tällaisesta hakemuksesta. Että mistä yksittäinen kirjailija on tiedon kaivanut?
Robert W. Kirk, "Paradise Past: The Transformation of the South Pacific, 1520–1929", McFarland & Company, Inc., 2012, p.206.
Mutta ajatuksena erittäin mielenkiintoinen. Jos Napoleon olisi hukkunut tuolloin, miltä Eurooppa näyttäisi tänä päivänä? Siksi oli pakko kysyä tämä aihe
Veli Vonka, estradi on sinun.
Lapérouse was well liked by his men. Among his 114-man crew there were ten scientists: Joseph Lepaute Dagelet (1751–1788), an astronomer and mathematician;[11] Robert de Lamanon, a geologist; La Martinière, a botanist; a physicist; three naturalists; and three illustrators, Gaspard Duché de Vancy and an uncle and nephew named Prévost.[12] Another of the scientists was Jean-André Mongez. Even both chaplains were scientifically schooled.
One of the men who applied for the voyage was a 16-year-old Corsican named Napoléon Bonaparte. Bonaparte, a second lieutenant from Paris's military academy at the time, made the preliminary list but he was ultimately not chosen for the voyage list and remained behind in France. At the time, Bonaparte was interested in serving in the navy rather than army because of his proficiency in mathematics and artillery, both valued skills on warships.
The expedition's aims were to complete the Pacific discoveries of James Cook (whom Lapérouse greatly admired), correct and complete maps of the area, establish trade contacts, open new maritime routes and enrich French science and scientific collections. His ships were L'Astrolabe (under Fleuriot de Langle) and La Boussole,[8] both 500 tons. They were storeships reclassified as frigates for the occasion. Their objectives were geographic, scientific, ethnological, economic (looking for opportunities for whaling or fur trading), and political (the eventual establishment of French bases or colonial cooperation with their Spanish allies in the Philippines). They were to explore both the north and south Pacific, including the coasts of the Far East and of Australia, and send back reports through existing European outposts in the Pacific.
Ja miten tämä liittyy Australiaan?
The expedition continued to Australia, arriving off Botany Bay on 24 January 1788,[33] just as Captain Arthur Phillip was attempting to move the colony from there to Sydney Cove in Port Jackson.[34] The First Fleet was unable to leave until 26 January because of a tremendous gale, which also prevented Lapérouse's ships from entering Botany Bay.
Tässä toinen aluksista.
Kiitoksia etenkin @Woodsman luottamuksesta kierouteeni, se lämmittää aina savolaisen sydäntä

Mutta voiton peri @Vonka , joka heitti oikean nimen peliin, eli Napoleon oli tosiaan kyseessä.
Eli kirjan 50 laivaa, jotka muuttivat historiaa mukaan Napoleon haki nuorukaisena tutkimusretkikuntaan, jonka kaksi alusta katosivat myrskyssä 1788. Kirja perustaa tietonsa epäilemättä samaan, erääseen toiseen kirjaan, johon on viitattu tuon wiki-artikkelin lähteenä.
Veli @Old Boy on perehtynyt Napoleoniin, ja hän ei ole aiemmin tällaisesta kuullutkaan. Omassa kirjahyllyssäni oleva kirja ei myöskään kerro tällaisesta hakemuksesta. Että mistä yksittäinen kirjailija on tiedon kaivanut?
Robert W. Kirk, "Paradise Past: The Transformation of the South Pacific, 1520–1929", McFarland & Company, Inc., 2012, p.206.
Mutta ajatuksena erittäin mielenkiintoinen. Jos Napoleon olisi hukkunut tuolloin, miltä Eurooppa näyttäisi tänä päivänä? Siksi oli pakko kysyä tämä aihe

Veli Vonka, estradi on sinun.
Lapérouse was well liked by his men. Among his 114-man crew there were ten scientists: Joseph Lepaute Dagelet (1751–1788), an astronomer and mathematician;[11] Robert de Lamanon, a geologist; La Martinière, a botanist; a physicist; three naturalists; and three illustrators, Gaspard Duché de Vancy and an uncle and nephew named Prévost.[12] Another of the scientists was Jean-André Mongez. Even both chaplains were scientifically schooled.
One of the men who applied for the voyage was a 16-year-old Corsican named Napoléon Bonaparte. Bonaparte, a second lieutenant from Paris's military academy at the time, made the preliminary list but he was ultimately not chosen for the voyage list and remained behind in France. At the time, Bonaparte was interested in serving in the navy rather than army because of his proficiency in mathematics and artillery, both valued skills on warships.
The expedition's aims were to complete the Pacific discoveries of James Cook (whom Lapérouse greatly admired), correct and complete maps of the area, establish trade contacts, open new maritime routes and enrich French science and scientific collections. His ships were L'Astrolabe (under Fleuriot de Langle) and La Boussole,[8] both 500 tons. They were storeships reclassified as frigates for the occasion. Their objectives were geographic, scientific, ethnological, economic (looking for opportunities for whaling or fur trading), and political (the eventual establishment of French bases or colonial cooperation with their Spanish allies in the Philippines). They were to explore both the north and south Pacific, including the coasts of the Far East and of Australia, and send back reports through existing European outposts in the Pacific.
Ja miten tämä liittyy Australiaan?
The expedition continued to Australia, arriving off Botany Bay on 24 January 1788,[33] just as Captain Arthur Phillip was attempting to move the colony from there to Sydney Cove in Port Jackson.[34] The First Fleet was unable to leave until 26 January because of a tremendous gale, which also prevented Lapérouse's ships from entering Botany Bay.
Tässä toinen aluksista.