
Hollantilaisia Starfightereita paraatiylilennolla 1983.

Ööh... joo, justiinsa... ja ei kun nyrkkipyykille jos olisi vastaavassa tilanteessa.

Taitaahan siellä jotain hijo de puta tai vastaavaa kuulua paikan päältä.

Pinnattu kommentti käännetty:

"Hi, nice people.
To disrupt the lies and sayings that have been commented on about this video, I regret to inform some that this was nothing more than "a moment of stupidity" that we all have in life.
There were no problems with the landing gear. They didn't send me to the "conchinchina" in the middle of nowhere. I did not suffer a penalty of any kind (because the video came out a couple of years later)
The true height, taken at the belly of the fuselage, was about 85 centimeters from the ground. We have already studied it with design programs which are taken out by scales.
I would do it again? NOT
Was it the lowest mark in history? NOT
The decision was made in pairs, the co-pilot (who was in the front of the aircraft) also agreed to do so. The identity of the same is under lock and key, since even He continues to function within the forces.
Thank you and greetings!"
Videon kommenteissa luki korkeus maasta 85cm!!!
Vauhtia vajaa 500 km/h, (jos mittayksikkö hudissa maili), pelkkä voimakas laskeva ilmavirtaus olisi riittänyt syömään tuon vajaan metrin marginaalin. Tuurillahan ne laivatkin seilaa.

Yleensä mitä nuorempi ja kokemattomampi pilotti, sitä luodinkestävämpiä tai kuolemattomampia he omasta mielestään ovat.

Itseluottamusta pitääkin noissa hommissa olla, mutta nyt oli liikaakin. Marginaaleja ei ollut minkäänlaiseen epäonneen.