Mossad, Epstein, Maxwell

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Mainitaanko sitä kenelle se materiaali päätyi loppupelissä?

EDIT: (korjaan vielä tuota lainattua, omaa kirjoitusta: kirjassa suoraan ei sanota, että otettiin kuvia vieraista, mutta sellaiseen viitataan hyvin vahvasti, ja että Ghislainella oli mahdollisuus sellaiseen)

Kirjan perusteella kyseessä oli VIP pedokerho, jossa vaikutusvallan avulla päästiin puuhaamaan vapaasti, vailla isoa pelkoa rangaistuksista. Kirjassa mm. kerrotaan, kuinka Epsteinin asianajajat uhkasivat syyttäjiä paljastuskirjoilla, joilla tuhotaan syyttäjien maine.

Kirjassa ei sanota sitä, että kuvien ottaminen olisi ollut tiedustelun/kiristyksen takia. Kuvat tuntuvat olleen enemmän 'hauskanpitoa'. Epsteinin uhri mm. kertoo, että Epsteinin vip-kaveri tuli puhumaan Epsteinille päivän normijutuista, kesken sänkypuuhien. Eli seksi alaikäisten kanssa ei ollut mitenkään peiteltyä, kaverien kesken.


Kirjassa kerrotaan, että Ghislainen yhtenä tehtävänä oli ottaa kuvia (myös salaa) alastomista lapsista. Nämä kuvat levitettiin sitten pedo-kaveripiirin nähtäville, josta vieraat saattoivat valita haluamansa.

"Maxwell took pictures of many of the underaged girls. These pictures were sexually explicit. Maxwell kept the pictures on the computers in the various houses. She also made hard copies of these images and displayed them in the various houses. Maxwell had large amounts of child pornography that she personally made."

Kirja kertoo, että Ghislaine oli itsekin pedofiili, joka jopa osallistui Epsteinin sänkypuuhiin, kun näitä alaikäisiä raiskattiin**. (**Kirjassa ei käytetä usein sanaa rape, mutta käytän nyt tässä)

"She had sex with underaged girls virtually every day ..."

Takaisin kuviin:

"A former editor of the National Enquirer told us that his reporters had learned that Maxwell has retained a photo of former president Bill Clinton in a compromising position with a seventeen-year-old."

"Epstein had cameras in his homes and on his airplanes; they were even in his bathrooms."

Voinee päätellä, että jos presidentistä on räpsäisty kuva, niin eiköhän niitä kuvia ole räpsitty alempi arvoisistakin.

Ylläolevat lainatut tekstinpätkät liittyen Ghislaineen ovat Epsteinin uhrin (Roberts) oikeudelle kerrottua todistusta, ja muut
kohdat Stonen kertomaa.
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Uus ihminen joka saa laittaa Clintoniin Bodycount listalle ?

Ytterligare en person att lägga till på Clintons "death tally", nämligen ABC-journalisten Christopher Sign som påstårs ha begptt "självmord" (mmm joo, det gjorde ju Jeffrey Epstein med!
). Sign var den reporter om avslöjade det komprometterande mötet mellan Clinton och Loretta Lynch år 2016:

BREAKING: Reporter Who Broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story Found DEAD in His Apartment

The ABC journalist who broke the infamous story about the 2016 tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch has been found dead in his apartment.​

Pistetään tänne. Bill Gatesilta kyseltiin Epsteiniin liittyvistä asioista. Vastauksena kysymykseen, että oppiko hän mitään, vastasi Bill että - "No Epstein on kuollut.. että noin yleensä kannattaa olla varovainen". Vapaasti suomentaen.

Plus vähän kaikenlaista muutakin nippelitietoa.
hislaine Maxwell is to emerge from her New York prison cell on Monday after a 15-month wait for the start of a trial for sex trafficking children, perjury and the enticement of minors while she was a close associate of the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The 59-year-old, the youngest child of the British newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell, has been held on remand in a Brooklyn detention centre since shortly after her arrest in July 2020.

During lengthy jury selection procedures, international interest will focus on two key issues: first, the likelihood that Maxwell and her lawyers will offer up details of prominent names implicated in the case, including Prince Andrew’s, and second, the alleged poor state of the defendant’s health.

Maxwell’s elder brother, Ian, a British businessman and thinktank founder, alleges his sister’s incarceration, under 24-hour surveillance in a cell measuring just 9ft by 6ft, amounts to excessive cruelty. She has slept on a concrete bed beside a toilet and has had no access to natural light.

Maxwell also claims her eyesight is failing and her hair falling out, while her guards repeatedly wake her by shining a torch in her face. Prison officials say the scrutiny is designed to prevent Maxwell harming herself in the light of Epstein’s cell suicide two and a half years ago, but her lawyers argue this is merely the cover story for a persecution campaign.

Four applications for bail by Maxwell have been turned down, despite an offer of a $28.5m (£21m) from her lawyers. Judge Alison Nathan, a former associate White House counsel for President Barack Obama, has ruled that the accused woman remains a flight risk and has not been honest about her financial means. Maxwell went to ground after the arrest of Epstein in 2019.
The British former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking in her Manhattan federal court trial on Wednesday afternoon.

Maxwell, 60, was arrested in July 2020, charged with involvement in ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse of teenage girls, some as young as 14.

Maxwell was convicted on five of the six charges she faced. In addition to sex-trafficking, Maxwell was found guilty of conspiracy to entice individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity, conspiracy to transport individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity; transportation of an individual under the age of 17 with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity; and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of individuals under the age of 18.
Maxwell was found not guilty of one count: enticement of an individual under the age of 17 to travel with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity. Jurors reached their verdict after 40 hours of deliberations over the course of six days.