Taalla on FrP-puolue, joka on kirjaimellisesti "tulevaisuuspuolue". Mutta kun ei ole EU:ta, niin ei ole sita hillotolppaa, ei EU-valeja, ei mitaan tota roskaa. Norja nyt on nettomaksaja joo, jostain vapaakaupasopparista, mutta siita on aika helvetin pitka matka takaamaan muiden lainoja, omissakin Harmalla jo ihan tarpeellinen rospuutto.
Taalla on nyt humesota kaynnissa, siis Oslossa. Siita paikaliset lehdet kirjoittavat kovin kankeasti, mutta se joku vitun Kurdimyyra tjms. ja somalit on laittanut rajan yli jollain paikallisilla proxyilla itensa tanne sotekemaan asioita.
Det er neppe tilfeldig at Ap lar Sp ha hjemme alene-fest når lensmannskontorer skal gjenåpnes, men er hjertelig tilstede hos Oslo-politiet. Økt vold og utrygghet kan gi «svenske tilstander» i politikken.
(noh, kææntyy ainakin englanniksi. Noh, jotenkin. Sp on siis demarit, ja Ap eli arbeiderpartiet on myos demarit, joten go fucking figure...
jotka sis molemmat ovat kusseet kaiken taallakin, paitsi rahan, koska sita on niillakin paskiaisilla)
Clans, cocaine and crime. In small, safe Norway?
It is hardly a coincidence that Ap allows Sp to have a party at home alone when sheriff's offices are to reopen, but is cordially present with the Oslo police. Increased violence and insecurity can produce "Swedish conditions" in politics.

If Labor was conspicuous by its absence when SP held a press conference on the reopening of the sheriff's office in Sørumsand last year, Labor deputy leader Tonje Brenna was cordially present when Justice Minister Emilie Mehl (SP) met the press together with the Oslo police this week.

Send e-mail to Political commentatorTone Sofie AglenPolitical commentator
Published 30 Apr. at 18:55
It is no longer just something people feel. It's going the wrong way. The trend of a decrease in crime has been broken. In particular, there has been more serious violence among children and young people.
A new report
discussed by VG shows how criminals create fear, threaten shop employees and commit crime almost undisturbed in some areas of the capital.
At the same time, there are constant reports that the feared Swedish gangs are crossing the Norwegian border.
Now the Oslo police are taking up the fight with the criminals.
And the politicians take up the fight with each other over who will give people security back.
Out of hibernation
The frequent shooting incidents in Oslo this spring have caused the politicians to wake up.
The right-wing in the capital is begging the government for more money for the Oslo police. Ap wants to break the backs of the gangs. Sp speaks warmly of neighborhood police in Oslo. FRP fears Swedish conditions.
But it is not just in Oslo where the experience is that crime is increasing. Local media regularly report on increasing problems.
11-year-olds who buy ecstasy during school hours in Trondheim.
We have never seen such a demanding situation in the school, principals in Trondheim tell
Adresseavisen . They describe the increase in violence, drugs and threats as paralyzing action.
At the same time, the police report a marked increase in youth crime.
Friends robbing friends in Skien .
The police in Greenland
are warning parents about robberies, drugs and violence among young people in Skien. Young people are being robbed for airpods and expensive clothes to pay off drug debts, the police learn.
Wave of deaths among young men in the drug environment in Bodø.
After several deaths, the police in Nordland warn of
a harsher drug environment with more serious crime and more younger users. The police admit that they have too little insight into the drug environment.
Two 17-year-olds who abused and threatened to saw off the head of a 16-year-old in an abandoned industrial premises in Stavanger.
Stavanger Aftenblad has long written about increasing youth crime and more serious violence.
The impression is left, regardless of whether you live in Greenland or in Greenland, that the violence is increasing, it is becoming more brutal and it involves increasingly young people.
A common denominator is often alcohol and drugs.
Swedish conditions in the election
If this impression sticks, it is likely that law and order will become a more important issue in the run-up to the next election.
In stark contrast to our neighboring country Sweden, Norwegian voters have shown little interest in these issues.
Before the election in 2022,
42 percent of Swedes said that law and order was the most important issue.
The backdrop for this was a great many explosions and shooting incidents in Swedish cities and suburbs.
You don't need a fortune teller to assume that we will take after the Swedes, here too.
From district to safety
Much has changed since Jonas Gahr Støre appointed his government. If he had known that so much would be about security, both out in the world and here at home, he would perhaps have thought a little differently about the election of ministers.
With war in Europe and record investment in defence, the Minister of Defense is more important.
With increasing crime and greater insecurity, the Minister of Justice is absolutely central.
Now the Center Party is in both positions. There are many in Ap who believe they should have had these ministers, at least one of them.
SP marked itself out as a clear defender of local police when district politics were in the wind and the Conservative Party's police reform received a lot of criticism.
But with today's crime scene, reopening sheriff's offices appears neither viable nor the right answer.
Tougher and clearer
Now the Labor Party is trying to "rebrand" itself as tougher in the pinch in everything from working life, in the classroom, in integration and not least against criminals.
If Ap shone with their absence when Sp had a press conference about the reopening of the sheriff's office in Sørumsand last year, they were cordially present when Minister of Justice Emilie Mehl (Sp) met the press together with the Oslo police this week.
If Labor deputy leader and labor minister Tonje Brenna's aim was to overshadow the justice minister, she succeeded quite well in that. While Mehl kept repeating how happy she was for local police in Greenland, Brenna talked about "throttling recruitment" and that "idleness is the root of all evil".
Traditionally, the right has had greater credibility in such matters. In particular, the FRP has tried to distinguish itself as a law and order party.
The FRP also has strong case ownership of immigration, which is often linked to part of the crime scene.
The government must get up early in the morning to take away from the right the lead they have if law and order becomes more important to the voters.
A more important "side effect" is that you may then succeed in reversing a very unfortunate development.
Published 30 Apr. at 18:55
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