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Finland was an observer of the Viking project, as an eventual future buyer of additional Viking submarines.
Koko hankehan kuivui nopeasti kasaan. Ehkä hyvä niin, ei tullut uutta NH:taLisätietoa tästä? Kaatui toki skandien säästöjen takia, mutta muistatteko aikalaiskokemuksia?
Viking-class submarine - Wikipedia
— Onderzeedienst Koninklijke Marine (@ozd_czsk) June 16, 2022
Hyvää pohdintaa. SSN-laivueen ylläpito vaatii paikallista teollisuutta ja jatkuvuutta. Briteiltä saa tähän hyvän mallin USA:ta pienemmässä mittakaavassa toimittaessa.![]()
Australia’s transition to nuclear-powered submarines could run into the 2060s | The Strategist
In our most recent article, we argued that the Australian government should widen the aperture of the lens through which it is scrutinising industrial strategies for acquiring and sustaining Australia’s nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) capability.
Submarines are valued primarily for their ability to hide. The assurance that submarines would likely survive the first missile strike in a nuclear war and thus be able to respond by launching missiles in a second strike is key to the strategy of deterrence known as mutually assured destruction. Any new technology that might render the oceans effectively transparent, making it trivial to spot lurking submarines, could thus undermine the peace of the world. For nearly a century, naval engineers have striven to develop ever-faster, ever-quieter submarines. But they have worked just as hard at advancing a wide array of radar, sonar, and other technologies designed to detect, target, and eliminate enemy submarines.
The balance seemed to turn with the emergence of nuclear-powered submarines in the early 1960s. In a 2015 study for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, Bryan Clark, a naval specialist now at the Hudson Institute, noted that the ability of these boats to remain submerged for long periods of time made them “nearly impossible to find with radar and active sonar.” But even these stealthy submarines produce subtle, very-low-frequency noises that can be picked up from far away by networks of acoustic hydrophone arrays mounted to the seafloor.
And now the game of submarine hide-and-seek may be approaching the point at which submarines can no longer elude detection and simply disappear. It may come as early as 2050, according to a recent study by the National Security College of the Australian National University, in Canberra. This timing is particularly significant because the enormous costs required to design and build a submarine are meant to be spread out over at least 60 years. A submarine that goes into service today should still be in service in 2082. Nuclear-powered submarines, such as the Virginia-class fast-attack submarine, each cost roughly US $2.8 billion, according to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office. And that’s just the purchase price; the total life cycle cost for the new Columbia-class ballistic-missile submarine is estimated to exceed $395 billion.
The twin problems of detecting submarines of rival countries and protecting one’s own submarines from detection are enormous, and the technical details are closely guarded secrets. Many naval experts are speculating about sensing technologies that could be used in concert with modern AI methodologies to neutralize a submarine’s stealth. Rose Gottemoeller, former deputy secretary general of NATO, warns that “the stealth of submarines will be difficult to sustain, as sensing of all kinds, in multiple spectra, in and out of the water becomes more ubiquitous.” And the ongoing contest between stealth and detection is becoming increasingly volatile as these new technologies threaten to overturn the balance.
"Recent reports about the withdrawal of Dmitry Donskoy from the Russian Navy do not correspond to reality," one of TASS' sources said, as translated by Newsweek. "The ship is currently performing combat training tasks at sea, participating in combat training activities. It will remain in combat formation at least until the end of the year."
At the time of writing, there do not appear to be any official statements on this matter one way or the other from any arm of the Russian government.
If Dmitry Donskoy is really out of service for good and set to face the scrapper's torch, this would absolutely mark an end of an era for the Russian Navy. The Soviet Union built six of these submarines, officially known as the Project 941 Akula class – not to be confused with the Project 971 Shchuka-B class, which the U.S. military and NATO refer to as the Akula class – between 1976 and 1989.
Arms control agreements with the United States, coupled with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in 1991, and the economic devastation that subsequently befell Russia, led to the steady retirement of the other five Typhoons between 1996 and 2013. The Soviets had also laid down a seventh boat in 1986, which was left unfinished and ultimately scrapped. TK-12 Simbirsk, TK-13, and TK-202 have all now also been disposed of, but TK-17 Arkhangelsk and TK-20 Severstal are still languishing pier side at the Russian Navy's base at Severodvinsk.
More recently, independent naval analyst H.I. Sutton, who focuses primarily on all things military that ride beneath the waves, posted satellite imagery on social media of what he said appeared to be the Dmitry Donskoy sailing together with Belgorod in the White Sea. It wouldn't be surprising that these two massive submarines might have been conducting test or training activities together, which would also be in line with TASS's sources saying that TK-208 is still very much in use. The Russian Navy only announced that it had formally commissioned Belgorod into service at the beginning of July.
It is certainly possible that the RIA Novosti and TASS stories about Dmitry Donskoy are both technically correct. The Russian government could now be largely settled on a plan to decommission the submarine, which is certainly very costly to maintain and operate, but could still be ironing out the particulars. The Russian Navy hopes to commission a new Project 955A Borei-A class ballistic missile submarine with the name Dmitry Donskoy in 2029, which could point to that being a hard deadline for the retirement of the last Typhoon. Of course, TK-208 could always just be renamed. Still, that is seven years out for a boat that is already the only of its kind in operation and four decades old.
It is worth noting that another anonymous source told TASS last year that Dmitry Donskoy was unlikely to be decommissioned for at least another five years. However, this was before Russia found itself under a mountain of crippling economic sanctions as a result of its all-out invasion of Ukraine in February. It can only be costly and complex to maintain this sole remaining Typhoon, which has been modified in various unique ways over the years now. The three scrapped examples, along with TK-17 and TK-20, have likely provided more readily available sources of spare parts, but as time goes on even conducting routine maintenance will no doubt become more complicated and costly.
— lqy🇨🇳 (@lqy99021608) August 1, 2022
Meinaatko ettei olla tankattu pelkästään biohajoavia voitelu ja polttoöljyjä ennen upotusta?Liikkuvan maalin torpedointi. Ympäristöystävällisyys lienee huonommalla tolalla kuin SINKEX harjoituksissa joissa maalialuksesta on poistettu menovesi yms.
For sure! In the 60’s it was nose cones. by the 80’s they were pulling of entire debris trails of bits of circuits and gyros.
— (@d_a_swafford) August 2, 2022
Excited to learn more about these programs as time passes. Many of the most interesting thinkers of their eras worked on undersea espionage.
Ruotsalainen sukellusvene. Kuvituskuva. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS![]()
Ruotsi saa uuden sukellusveneen – näin se vaikuttaa Itämerellä
Länsinaapuri on tauon jälkeen jatkanut vedenalaisten kehittämistä.
- JULKAISTU 05.08.2022 | 07:20
- PÄIVITETTY 05.08.2022 | 08:51
Ruotsi on saamassa ensimmäisen uuden sukellusvenemallinsa 30 vuoteen, kertoo New Atlas.
Kyseessä on Saabin valmistama Blekinge-luokan (A26) sukellusvene, joka laskettiin liikkeelle kesäkuun lopulla samalla kun Ruotsi odottaa liittymistä Natoon.
Ruotsin uusi sukellusvenemallisto muuttaa turvallisuustilannetta Itämerellä ja on New Atlaksen mielestä uudessa Nato-kontekstissa ”todellinen game changer”. Vaikka Ruotsi on välttynyt sotilaallisilta konflikteilta satojen vuosien ajan, maa on osannut varautua sotilaallisiin uhkiin ja on kehittänyt sukellusveneitä jo toisesta maailmansodasta lähtien.
Ruotsi suunnitteli jo 1960-luvulla pieniä lyhyen kantaman ydinsukellusveneitä käytettäväksi Itämerellä. Hanke ei koskaan toteutunut käytännössä, mutta monet sen ominaisuudet päätyivät perinteisiin sukellusveneisiin.
Kylmän sodan aikana Ruotsi jatkoi sukellusvenemalliensa kehittämistä edelleen, mutta kehitystyö pysähtyi kylmän sodan päätyttyä 1990-luvulla. Nyt Ukrainan sodan myötä muuttunut turvallisuustilanne Euroopassa on saanut Ruotsin jatkamaan vedenalaisten kehitystyötä.