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Martyrs Brigades targeting SAA armoured car with a HJ-8 Red Arrow ATGM
Homs road 01/05 WARNING - VERY GRAPHIC
In the name of God,Free Syrian Army
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Southern Front
Northwest Operations Room
Battle of Allah Akbar
We announce the following formations for the battle of Allah Akba. The battle to raise the word of God and crush those who oppress our land and our people. The area of operations will be Greater Tal Matooq [a hill], Lesser Tal- Matooq, Khirbit Fada, in an effort to reach the Damascus-Dara'a highway.
The participating formations:
Hamza's Division - Northwest Dara'a Operations Room
Syrian Revolutionary Front
Al-Muthana Islamic Movement
With coordination with:
69th Special Forces Division - Northwest Dara'a Operations Room
First Artillery Regiment
The Yarmouk Regiment
The Ghuraba' of Horan Brigade - Northwest Dara'a Operations Room
Second Brigade of the Freeing the Levant Regiment
Muhajireen W Al-Answer Brigade
The Martyr Ghassan Tuweirish Brigade - Northwest Dara'a Operations Room
Ahrar Al-Sham Islamic Movement
Ansar Al-Sham Front
Colonel Sabir Safr Chief of Staff United States said on Monday it would recognize the main opposition Syrian National Coalition offices as a diplomatic foreign mission and announced plans for a $27 million increase in non-lethal assistance to rebels fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
The announcement came at the start of a visit to Washington by a Syrian opposition delegation led by Ahmad Jarba, president of the coalition, also known as the Syrian Opposition Coalition. He is set to meet U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday.
Syrian government forces have made gains on the battlefield and Damascus has announced a presidential election for June 3, expected to be won by Assad. Washington has said the elections are not credible and U.S. officials have denounced them as "phony."
Vaikuttaa näppärältä ja kohtuuhintaiselta koneelta. Joskus muistaisin lukeneeni että häirintälaitteet ohjuksille löytyy.. Jos nyt en aivan väärin muista. Taitaa saada konetta aika eri hintasena ja eri varustuksella. Mutta niinku sanoin; vaikuttaa näppärältä siihen käyttötarkoitukseen mihin suunniteltu ja tehty. Tosin tiedä sitten mihin hinta heilahtaa kaikilla tarpeellisilla herkuilla.Report: Russia to send first batch of Yak-130 jets to Syria
A YAK-130 military plane performs during the opening of the MAKS-2009 international air show in Zhukovsky outside Moscow. (File photo: Reuters)
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By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Monday, 5 May 2014
Syria is expected to receive its first batch of Yak-130 aircraft from its ally Russia by the end of 2014, according to media reports on Monday.
Russia is planning to send a total of 36 of these jets by 2016, the Kommersant newspaper reported.
“We will fulfill obligations under a previously signed contract for the supply of 36 Yak-130 jets,” the Russian newspaper quoted a source close to the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport as saying.
The daily reported in June that Syria made an advance payment of $100 million to Russia for the first six Yak-130 jets under a contract signed in December 2011.
Meanwhile, Russia newspaper Pravada, which is associated with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, reported a source close to the country’s aviation business circles as saying that Moscow is planning to deliver nine aircraft to Syria before the end of this year and twelve aircrafts next year.
The English-language newspaper The Moscow Times said Rosoboronexport together with United Aircraft-Building Corporation, which has a majority stake belonging to Moscow, have scheduled the transfer of the first batch.
According to RIA Novosti, Russia has repeatedly stated that it only supplied Syria with defensive weapons without violating international law.
Yak-130 is able to imitate characteristics of several of 4+ generation fighters, which have designs dating from the 1980s to the present day. It can also perform light-attack missions and reconnaissance duties, and can carry a combat load of 3,000 kg.
Russia and China have worked to veto any U.N. Security Council resolutions deemed to be against the Syrian government.
Syria is also backed by fighters hailing from the Lebanese Shiite movement of Hezbollah and Iraqi Shiite militants in its ground battles against rebels.
The Syrian opposition say Assad’s regime is also assisted by Iranian finances, manpower and military advisors from the Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Last Update: Monday, 5 May 2014 KSA 21:21 - GMT 18:21
Tarkoitettu kevyeksi rynnäkkökoneeksi? Onkohan noissa häirintälaitteet ohjuksilta suojaamassa? fighters are believed to have detonated a bomb placed in a tunnel beneath the Carlton Citadel Hotel, near the city's medieval citadel and souk.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government troops had been based there and at least 14 died.
Both sides have been trying to end a long-standing stalemate in the city.
In recent weeks, rebels have been trying to advance on areas where government forces are entrenched, while rebel-held areas of Aleppo have come under fierce aerial bombardment since mid-December.
Lainaus ei liity tuohon postaukseen mutta kysymys Teräsmiehelle kun tunnut olevan hyvin kärryillä Syyrian tilanteesta: Mitenkäs sielä tällä hetkellä menee ja mitkä ovat voimasuhteet? Virtaako kapinallisille apua tasaiseen tahtiin?Syria conflict: Huge blast 'destroys Aleppo hotel'
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Lets Have a Tour Inside the Captured Military Base in Qalamoun Desert Near Dumayr Military Airport
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Lainaus ei liity tuohon postaukseen mutta kysymys Teräsmiehelle kun tunnut olevan hyvin kärryillä Syyrian tilanteesta: Mitenkäs sielä tällä hetkellä menee ja mitkä ovat voimasuhteet? Virtaako kapinallisille apua tasaiseen tahtiin?
Wikipediakin kertoo eri kapinallisryhmistä, mutta haluaisitko antaa tiivistetysti oman näkemyksesi suurimmista/vaikuttavimmista ryhmistä?
Kukas tukee Islamilaista Rintamaa? Paljonko hezbollah pystyy tuola väkeensä menettään? Mitä mieltä olet Assadin armeijan kyvyistä ja lojaalisuudesta? Ja nyt ihan saat arvata jos haluat; Miltä Syyria näyttää 5v päästä?Tällä hetkellä hallitus on hezbollahin avulla onnistunut valtaamaan osia Alepposta ja nyt sai tuhotun Homsin haltuun kapinallisten lähdettyä pois, mutta maaseudulla ja varsinkin aavikolla kapinalliset ovat niskan päällä. Tälläkin hetkellä kapinalliset piirittävät useita isohkoja tukikohtia Syyrian aavikoilla.
Voimakkain kapinallisliittouma on tällä hetkellä "Islamilainen Rintama" jonka riveissä taistelee joidenkin väitteiden mukaan jopa 60.000 kapinallisten eri ryhmistä! Tuon liittouman rinnalla kaikki muut (lännenkin tukemat) ovat melko mitättömiä.
Kukas tukee Islamilaista Rintamaa? Paljonko hezbollah pystyy tuola väkeensä menettään? Mitä mieltä olet Assadin armeijan kyvyistä ja lojaalisuudesta? Ja nyt ihan saat arvata jos haluat; Miltä Syyria näyttää 5v päästä? would not take much for the United States to make a difference. A man whose neighborhood has endured numerous bombings reports that, after one regime helicopter was shot down by opposition forces, all attacks from the air ceased for 15 days. So a slight increase in the opposition’s capacity to target helicopters could have an enormous payoff in lives saved.
For this reason, Syrian opposition representatives have repeatedly requested the transfer of anti-aircraft weapons to moderate rebel groups. Syrian Opposition Coalition head Ahmad al-Jarba is making his first visit to Washington this week specifically to make this appeal to President Obama and the American public. Numerous reports have indicated that theWhite House is reconsidering its previous refusal to furnish Syria’s opposition with man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS.
As few as 20 MANPADS distributed to moderate Syrian rebel groups would make Assad regime pilots think twice before agreeing to decimate civilian areas through barrel bombings. And the added risk to civilian airliners would be extremely small, especially if the MANPADS were outfitted with the technological fixes under discussion.
For the sake of the thousands of Syrians killed or injured by barrel bombings — including schoolchildren in Aleppo who believed in the United States — the American people should support the provision of MANPADS to carefully vetted elements of the Syrian opposition.
Islamilaista Rintamaa tukevat Saudit ja muut arabivaltiot jota hyötyisivät Assadin kaatumisesta ja Sunnien hallitsemsta Syyriasta. Hezbollah on varmaankin valmis uhraamaan puolet voimistaan (varmaan enemmänkin jos on pakko) koska jos Syyrian hallitus kaatuaa, niin menettävät suuren osan aseistaa koska ne tulevat paljolti Syyrian kautta.
Armeija ei ole selvästikään paljoa sen parempi kuin kapinallisetkaan ja lojaalisuudesta tuskin voidaan puhua kun eivät uskalla lähettää isoja määriä ukkoja hyökkäyksiin.
Ei mitään tietoa miltä Syyria näyttää 5 vuoden päästä... tuskinpa on kuitenkaan mikään hauska paikka asustaa.
Kapinalliset valtaavat hiljalleen Idlebin maakuntaa ja muitakin paikkoja isojen kaupunkien ulkopuolella.
Onko Islamilainen rintama samaa porukkaa joka lähti Irakia valtaa taannoin. Kuulemma kymmeniä tuhansia taistelijoita siirtyi Syyriasta Irakin operaatioon mutta ei tietoa kuka käskyn antoi?
Homsin luovutukseen liittyy myös paljon hämärää. Se oli neuvottelu ratkaisu. Olot olivat Stalingradiin verrattavissa paitsi jatkuvat kovat pakkaset puuttui.
Luovutettiinko Homs minkä takia? Eikö Allah taannutkaan taistelua loppuun asti vai onko huhuissa perää että Assad tosiaan neuvottelee tiettyjen kapinallisryhmien kanssa ja liittyykö tämä siihen?
Islamic Front firing at SAA troops and vehicles.
Mount Chalma, Kesab district 11/05
Syrian Rebels from the islamic front in heavy combat fighting firefight during heavy clashes with the syrian army on the frontline on the battlefield in Maliha Damascuc Syria. Heavy gunfights can be heard and the syrian army held out several air strikes on rebel forces. Fighting for control of Maliha is still ongoing at this time and heavy fighting is reported. Subscribe to WarLeaks for more heavy fighting firefight war clashes syria combat videos from the syrian civil war 2014.
Syrian Rebels filmed how they came under an direct airstrike held out by the syrian air force. The bomb can be seen clearly as it falls onto the rebel position. This video shows pretty well whats it looks like to be on the resiving end of an airstrike.
Kyllä sitä näköjään hiukka vanhahkollakin Migillä vaan kummasti jotain tekee kun kahina on tälläinen että vastustajalla ei ole oikeastaan mitään ilmatorjuntaa..TOW
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