Syyrian konflikti/sota

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Kapinalliset tuhoavat hallituksen bemarin kornetilla.
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Islamic Front - Right Brigade hits SAA T72 tank with Konkurs ATGM
Algesbah, Homs 24/05
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al-Sham Legion rebels hit SAA tank 25/05
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TOW ATGM attack
Sheikh Najjar, Aleppo 25/05
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Jabhat al-Nusra captured this base near Khan al-Shaykhun in Idlib by using two suicide-carbombs for entering the base. May-25-2014
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Se on ihan uudehko ohjusmalli. Eli -2A malli. Tandem taistelukärki, joskaan ei se top attack malli.
Golanilla bileet paranee. Hizbollah ei ole laittanu merkittäviä joukkoja sinne,mutta tiedusteluryhmiä on. Olisiko alkua. Hizbollahin johtaja syyttää nyt Israelia paljon muustakin kuin vain kapinallisten haavoittuneiden auttamisesta Golanin alueella. Tulituesta ja ties mistä. Johtaja piti puheen viikonloppuna ja uho oli taas tavan mukaan kova.
No voihan sitä bemaria noinkin käyttää.

Al Qaeda suicide bomber drove a BMP filled with explosives against Syrian Army base in Idlib Syria.
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Obama Close to Authorizing Military Training of Syrian Rebels
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama is close to authorizing a mission led by the U.S. military to train moderate Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups, a move that would expand Washington's role in the conflict, U.S. officials said.

A new military training program, if implemented, would supplement a small train-and-equip program led by the Central Intelligence Agency which Mr. Obama authorized a year ago.

U.S. officials said the new military program would represent a significant expansion of Washington's public efforts. U.S. officials don't discuss the CIA's limited training program because it is covert.

In a commencement address at the United States Military Academy at West Point on Wednesday, Mr. Obama will signal backing for the new training effort by saying he intends to increase support to the armed Syrian opposition, including by providing them with training. Mr. Obama isn't expected to provide details about how, or where, that training would be accomplished.

"The president will make clear his intention to expand our support to the moderate Syrian operation and increase our support to Syria's neighbors, who are dealing with the terrorist threats emanating from the situation Assad has created in Syria," a senior administration official said.
Army base further south in Idlib province, just east of the M5 highway running from Hama to Aleppo. This is a key base in the province for refueling the tanks and armoured vehicles at barriers, checkpoints and other military installations around Khan Sheikhoun.

al-Nusrah snackbarians attack SAA position with suicide VBIED
"Hill 40", Idlib 25/05
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Rebel Convoy Inside Khan Shaykhun, Idlib After its Liberation

More armour spoils in Al-Salaam checkpoint in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib.
Mielenkiintoinen takin kääntö Obamalta jos pitää paikkansa. Putinille ei vittuilla. Eikä nyt sitten Obamallekkaan jos totta. Kansa kärsii.

Obama’s address at the US Military Academy at West Point Wednesday, May 28, as forecasts abound that he will unveil a major policy U-turn on the Syrian conflict. debkafile’s military sources report that the new policy is in fact in motion ahead of the presidential disclosure. It is a program to expand US involvement in the war against the Assad regime and al Qaeda elements by providing moderate rebels with military training and a regular supply of sophisticated weapons, instead of the widely-spaced dribs and drabs hitherto. It may even include anti-air systems which Washington has withheld so far.
The Arab world sees Obama as moving to counteract Russian, Iranian and Hizballah intervention in the Syrian conflict. It is seen in some quarters as also payback for Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
At all events, a Saudi source commented in Riyadh: “For the first time in years, president Obama is ready to take direct action against Iran’s strategic interests in the Middle East.”
Mielenkiintoinen takin kääntö Obamalta jos pitää paikkansa. Putinille ei vittuilla. Eikä nyt sitten Obamallekkaan jos totta. Kansa kärsii.

Obama’s address at the US Military Academy at West Point Wednesday, May 28, as forecasts abound that he will unveil a major policy U-turn on the Syrian conflict. debkafile’s military sources report that the new policy is in fact in motion ahead of the presidential disclosure. It is a program to expand US involvement in the war against the Assad regime and al Qaeda elements by providing moderate rebels with military training and a regular supply of sophisticated weapons, instead of the widely-spaced dribs and drabs hitherto. It may even include anti-air systems which Washington has withheld so far.
The Arab world sees Obama as moving to counteract Russian, Iranian and Hizballah intervention in the Syrian conflict. It is seen in some quarters as also payback for Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
At all events, a Saudi source commented in Riyadh: “For the first time in years, president Obama is ready to take direct action against Iran’s strategic interests in the Middle East.”

Putinilla ja Obamalla olisi useampikin paikka missä nokitella aseavulla. Voi tulla mielenkiintoista. Miettikääs millaiseksi Afganistanin keikka muuttuu, jos talebaneille alkaa virtaamaan pst- ja it-ohjuksia.
Syrian opposition offers receive French made anti-aircraft missiles
Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
Thursday, 29 May 2014 11:29

Syrian opposition brigades have received French made anti-aircraft missiles, this is considered to be a major step towards a change in the balance of power on the ground, media reports said yesterday.

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jareeda quoted informed sources as saying that the important tour that was made two years ago by the head of the opposition's coalition Ahmed Jarba during which he met US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande has borne fruit, resulting in an armament deal for the Free Syrian Army in the context of an escalation against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

The sources said that the Syrian opposition's brigades in Idlib have already received French made anti-aircraft missiles that were paid for by an Arab state with the objective of changing the balance of power on the ground and pressuring the Syrian regime and its allies to accept negotiations that would lead to a political solution.

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ISIS on Syyrian tiedustelupalvelun soluttama, on mahdollista että koko ISIS on täysin Syyrian tiedustelupalvelun luomus jonka tarkoitus alunperin oli sitoa USA:n maavoimat taisteluun Irakissa, jotta ne eivät hyökkäisi Syyriaan tai Iraniin. Nythän ISIS:stä on käytetty ovelasti siihen, että:

1)pilataan kapinallisten mainetta maassa ja maan ulkopuolella
2)ohjataan ulkomaiset sunni-Jihadistit tappamaan kapinallisia

Sota voi kiihtyä nykyisestä koska proxy-sodan osapuolilla on vielä paljon paukkuja jäljellä. Mikäli Assad uhkaisi kaatua, Iran voisi lähettää maavoimat Irakin läpi suoraan taisteluun. Venäjä voisi lähettää maajoukkoja mikäli heidän satamansa olisi uhattuna jne.. Toistaiseksi USA on halunnut pitää Assadin hallinnon pystyssä ja Israel ei ole nähnyt tarpeelliseksi kaataa Assadia(mikä onnistuisi yhdessä yössä Israelin ilmavoimilta).

Selkeä trendi on kuitenkin se, että massiivinen panssarintorjuntaohjusten käyttö on tekemässä selvää jälkeä Assadin panssarikalustosta, samalla kapinallisilla tuntuu olevan videoista päätellen yhä enemmän tukikohdista vallattuja panssareita. Tämä kehityskulku johtaa siihen, että Assadin on käytettävä jatkossa entistä enemmän kemiallisia aseita, jos Assad siis ei saa uusia panssareita maan ulkopuolelta. Samalla Assadin offensiivinen kyky heikkenee koko ajan.

Sekin on syytä huomioida, että anti-kapinalliset voimat ovat yhä heikommin Assadin komentoketjussa, Assad on kuitenkin tärkeä symboli diktaattori-maassa. Hänen kuvansa tuntuu olevan joka vartiotuvan seinällä.
ISIS on Syyrian tiedustelupalvelun soluttama, on mahdollista että koko ISIS on täysin Syyrian tiedustelupalvelun luomus jonka tarkoitus alunperin oli sitoa USA:n maavoimat taisteluun Irakissa, jotta ne eivät hyökkäisi Syyriaan tai Iraniin. Nythän ISIS:stä on käytetty ovelasti siihen, että:

1)pilataan kapinallisten mainetta maassa ja maan ulkopuolella
2)ohjataan ulkomaiset sunni-Jihadistit tappamaan kapinallisia

Sota voi kiihtyä nykyisestä koska proxy-sodan osapuolilla on vielä paljon paukkuja jäljellä. Mikäli Assad uhkaisi kaatua, Iran voisi lähettää maavoimat Irakin läpi suoraan taisteluun. Venäjä voisi lähettää maajoukkoja mikäli heidän satamansa olisi uhattuna jne.. Toistaiseksi USA on halunnut pitää Assadin hallinnon pystyssä ja Israel ei ole nähnyt tarpeelliseksi kaataa Assadia(mikä onnistuisi yhdessä yössä Israelin ilmavoimilta).

Selkeä trendi on kuitenkin se, että massiivinen panssarintorjuntaohjusten käyttö on tekemässä selvää jälkeä Assadin panssarikalustosta, samalla kapinallisilla tuntuu olevan videoista päätellen yhä enemmän tukikohdista vallattuja panssareita. Tämä kehityskulku johtaa siihen, että Assadin on käytettävä jatkossa entistä enemmän kemiallisia aseita, jos Assad siis ei saa uusia panssareita maan ulkopuolelta. Samalla Assadin offensiivinen kyky heikkenee koko ajan.

Sekin on syytä huomioida, että anti-kapinalliset voimat ovat yhä heikommin Assadin komentoketjussa, Assad on kuitenkin tärkeä symboli diktaattori-maassa. Hänen kuvansa tuntuu olevan joka vartiotuvan seinällä.

Minä näen tämän niin, että Usa on vihdoin saanut selvät sävelet Al-qaeda kapinallisten ja Usalle mieluisten kapinallisten erottamiseksi. Tämä projekti taisi alkaa jo vuosi sitten ainakin,kun homma meni siihen että kaikki kunnolla osaa ottavat kapinalliset olivat al-qaedaan kytköksissä ja Fsa:sta ei ollut enään mihinkään. Jonkinlaista uutta Fsa:ta ollaan rakennettu tässä vuoden päivät ainakin. En tiedä. Näin käsittänyt että Golanin alueella höökivät olisi näitä. Huonolla menestyksellä tosin. Isisistäkin on nähty jo sielläpäin,että hämmentäjiä on.
Ainakin minun lukeman perusteella Yhdysvallat keskittyy enemmänkin SRF ryhmittymän avustamiseen joka tosin kuuluu löyhästi Vapaan syyrian armeijaan. SRF heput olivat ensimmäisiä jotka nähtiin esimerkiksi TOW pst-ohjusten kanssa.

Idlib New TOW missile attack on SAA
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Huge convoi of Jabhat al-Nusra enters Khan Shaykhun after its liberation
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Haeskelin tuosta Isisksestä tietoa. Osa oli vihjailuja Assadin kätyrinä. Suurin osa Isisksen vastustuksesta taitaa kuitenkin kummuta heidän omasta toiminnastaan :

In fact, while ISIS and Nusra share many aims, and both are well funded and trained, there are significant differences between the two groups. Jabhat al-Nusra stresses the fight against Assad, while ISIS tends to be more focused on establishing its own rule on conquered territory. Nusra has pursued a strategy of slowly building support for an Islamic state, while ISIS is far more ruthless, carrying out sectarian attacks and imposing sharia law immediately. And while Nusra, despite its large contingent of foreign fighters, is seen as a home-grown problem, Syrians at the border frequently described Da’ash as foreign “occupiers” in their country.
In its active online media presence ISIS, like some other groups, portrays itself as a social movement with an armed wing rather than a mere rebel group. “They are there for a political reason: to lay the groundwork for a caliphate,” Charles Lister, an analyst of Syria’s rebels, told me. In recent weeks ISIS’s attacks in Iraq have increased, making it the bloodiest period since 2008. Much of its activity has focused on the western provinces adjacent to eastern Syria, a stronghold for the group.
ISIS’s vision is phenomenally popular with hardline jihadists and their supporters—more so than Jabhat al-Nusra’s—which helps explain why the conflict has managed to attract so many foreign fighters. Fundraising campaigns on Twitter by such figures as the Kuwaiti Sheikh Hajjaj al-Ajmi indicate that significant money is coming to ISIS from private donors in the Gulf. And on every trip I have made to the Turkish towns along the border with Syria in the last two years, I have come across foreign fighters heading to fight. Many of them in recent months are coming to join ISIS.
Some analysts have argued that ISIS has learned from its experience in Iraq where Sunni tribes, communities, and fellow insurgents turned against al-Qaeda, leading to the Awakenings, when tribes, funded by the US, began fighting the group. In areas of Syria where it has gained control, ISIS has begun increasing outreach to the local communities. It has just launched a newspaper in northern Syria. Videos the have posted on Twitter show tug-of-war events or festivals in village squares after Friday prayers, often packed with enthusiastic-seeming young men. In Raqqa, the group has been handing out stickers for buses telling women how to dress. Children have been a special focus. Purple gift bags have gone to girls in some rebel-held areas near Damascus, an area where the group is gradually expanding. It has ensured a food supply in towns it controls, often pushing out any other providers so as to make the population dependent on it alone.
But ISIS’s real power comes from the fear it seeks and manages to inspire. The group has shown zero tolerance for political dissent. Many Syrians I met along the border mentioned with horror ISIS’s execution of two young boys in Aleppo due to alleged heresy. The kidnappings of local activists and journalists has deterred dissent while also whipping up anti-ISIS sentiment. The group has blown up Shiite shrines, but has also shown few qualms about Sunni civilians getting killed in the process. Beheadings have become common. Father Paolo dall’Oglio, an Italian Jesuit priest who has lived in Syria for thirty years, and who campaigns for inter-religious tolerance, is missing, abducted by ISIS during a visit to the city of Raqqa in late July. As with dozens of others who remain in captivity, ISIS has not demanded ransom or announced his execution; rather it appears to be holding hostages as an insurance against attacks.
This has caused many Syrians to despise ISIS. Since June, there have been anti-ISIS protests in Raqqa—something which requires courage given ISIS’s ruthlessness. More recently, even Islamist activists such as Hadi al-Abdullah, a prominent Syrian from Homs, have criticized the group, describing them as “Dawlet al-Baghdadi,” or Baghdadi’s state, echoing “Suria al-Assad”, Assad’s Syria, the way regime supporters refer to the country. And yet ISIS continues to recruit Syrian fighters. Some say that Syrians joined because the group offers better money and protection than other rebel outfits. In an interview posted to YouTube, Saddam al-Jamal, a former leader of Ahfad al-Rasoul, explains that he defected to ISIS, because moderate fighters are subject to too much foreign interference and are pressured to fight Islamists as well as the regime.
His view is symptomatic of how hostile many Syrians have become to outside powers, which, according to many opposition supporters, have done more harm than good by supporting the opposition just enough to continue the war, but not enough to ensure a decisive victory.
ISIS on se sama sakki joka mellasti ympäri Irakia AQ:n nimissä ja sielläkin oli hyvin huonossa maineessa naapureiden keskuudessa. Sakki oli yksi syy miksi osa noista vastarintaryhmistä lopulta päätyi hallituksen puolelle ja pitkälti pisti lopun konfliktille, ainakin siinä mielessä, että jenkit päättivät vetää joukot pois sieltä. Yksi näkyvä suuttumuksen aihe heissä oli se, että kun joku ryhmä latasi videonsa nettiin, niin seuraavana päivänä se sama video oli levityksessä ISI:n nimissä ja vanha logo oli peitetty sillä mustalla lipulla mitä porukka käyttää logonaan.