Syyrian konflikti/sota

Assad hyökkää idlibiin kuten on hyökännyt kaikkiin kaupunkeihin mihin vain on pystynyt ja katsonut menestyvänsä. Assadin joukot yrittivät taannoin jatkuvasti jenkkien suoja-alueellekin kun oli draivi päällä. Se on Assadin maa eikä se mitään suoja-alueita kapinallisille hyväksy ellei pakoteta. Naapurin propaganda rummuttaa kuinka pakolaisia pyydetään palaamaan ja rajan on jo ylittänyt sadat pakolaiset.
Tätä rummuttaa Putin uskovaiset myös Suomessa juuri nyt. Jättävät vain taktisesti kertomatta,että monet eivät uskalla palata jos maa on Assadin hallussa. Netissä on ikäviä videoita perheiden kiduttamisista ja raiskaamisista ”vaputetuissa” kaupungeissa heidän kotonaan. Assadin kosto on jo alkanut ja siitä tulee hirveä.
Assad hyökkää idlibiin kuten on hyökännyt kaikkiin kaupunkeihin mihin vain on pystynyt ja katsonut menestyvänsä. Assadin joukot yrittivät taannoin jatkuvasti jenkkien suoja-alueellekin kun oli draivi päällä. Se on Assadin maa eikä se mitään suoja-alueita kapinallisille hyväksy ellei pakoteta. Naapurin propaganda rummuttaa kuinka pakolaisia pyydetään palaamaan ja rajan on jo ylittänyt sadat pakolaiset.
Tätä rummuttaa Putin uskovaiset myös Suomessa juuri nyt. Jättävät vain taktisesti kertomatta,että monet eivät uskalla palata jos maa on Assadin hallussa. Netissä on ikäviä videoita perheiden kiduttamisista ja raiskaamisista ”vaputetuissa” kaupungeissa heidän kotonaan. Assadin kosto on jo alkanut ja siitä tulee hirveä.
Veikkaisin vastaanoton olevan huomattavasti inhimillisempää kuin druusien siirtyminen ”kapinallisten” saati Isis alueille. Nuo väitteessi eivät perustu faktaan. Olen nähnyt haastatteluja jossa kotiinsa palanneet ovat saaneet olla rauhassa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Israel on huolissaan siviileistä, kun Assadin joukot valtasivat Golanin alueensa takaisin kapinallisilta.

Report: Israel Trying to Prevent a Massacre of Syrians on Golan Heights Border
Israeli officials said to ask Russia to ensure Assad forces don't harm civilians as they complete takeover of area from rebel groups
Jul 31, 2018, 4:33PM Lior Sharon


Syrians, displaced by fighting in the country's southwest, approach the border fence between Syria and Israel the Syrian village of Bariqu in the southern province of Quneitra, on July 17, 2018. Photo: AFP /JALAA MAREY

Israel has reportedly asked Russia to ensure that Syrian government forces do not harm or massacre civilians in the south of the war-torn country as they complete their takeover of the area bordering Israel’s Golan Heights from rebel groups.

Israeli officials passed on the message to the Kremlin via diplomatic channels, Hadashot TV news reported Monday night, as the Syrian government regained control of the frontier for the first time in seven years, after Islamic State-linked militants gave up their last pocket of territory in the area.

Israel has been carrying out operations to that effect, the report said, without giving any specifics.

In recent years Israel has been engaged in a massive multi-faceted humanitarian relief operation to keep thousands of Syrians along the border from starving or falling ill due to the lack of food and basic medical care.

idf syrians.jpg
This image made from video released by the Israeli Defense Forces on July 22, 2018 shows a member of the White Helmets waving to Israeli soldiers as he and his family board a bus to Jordan. Photo: Israeli Defense Forces via AP

The Jewish state has treated thousands of people in field hospitals on the border and in public hospitals, mostly in northern Israel, since 2013. Since 2016, as part of Operation Good Neighbor, more than 600 Syrian children, accompanied by their mothers, have come to Israel for treatment. Hundreds of tons of food, medical equipment and clothing have also been sent across the border to Syria.

Earlier this month, the Israeli military evacuated hundreds of Syrian “White Helmets” rescue workers and their families through Israel to Jordan at the request of Western countries.

The Israel Defense Forces said it engaged in the “out of the ordinary” gesture due to the “immediate risk” to the lives of the civilians, as Russian-backed regime forces closed in on the area. It stressed that it was not intervening in the ongoing fighting in Syria.

Monday’s Syrian government breakthrough against Islamic State militants, reported by state media and an opposition-linked war monitoring group, capped a six-week-long bloody campaign to retake the southwest corner of the country.

Rebels captured the area along the Golan Heights after a popular uprising broke out against Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2011. An IS-linked outfit known as the Khaled bin Al-Waleed Army later seized the area from the opposition fighters.

Israel took control of 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of the Golan from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed it in a move never recognized internationally.

The region is strategically important for Syria because it also controls a key highway from the Jordanian border to the capital, Damascus.

UN peacekeeping forces first deployed along the frontier in 1974 to separate Syrian and Israeli forces.

While largely keeping to the sidelines of the Syrian civil war, Israel has said it will not allow Iran or the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah to establish a permanent military presence near the frontier. Both are allied with Assad and have provided crucial military support to his forces.

Earlier Monday, Russia’s ambassador to Israel said in an interview that his country cannot force Iranian forces to withdraw from Syria, despite Israeli calls for Iran to leave the country altogether.

Speaking with Channel 10 news, Anatoly Viktorov said the Iranians are “playing a very, very important role in our common and joint efforts to eliminate terrorists in Syria.

“The Iranian presence in Syria… is fully legitimate according to the UN principles and the UN charter,” he added.

Viktorov said Russia can talk to its “Iranian friends” about a full withdrawal from Syria, as Israel demands, but “we cannot force them.”
Veikkaisin vastaanoton olevan huomattavasti inhimillisempää kuin druusien siirtyminen ”kapinallisten” saati Isis alueille. Nuo väitteessi eivät perustu faktaan. Olen nähnyt haastatteluja jossa kotiinsa palanneet ovat saaneet olla rauhassa.

Ne kotiin palanneet ovat Assadisteja. Juuri niitä käytetään propagandassa nyt. Eron huomaa määrissä. Heitä on satoja. Syyriasta on paossa miljoonia. Assadin joukot tappavat ja raiskaavat kaiken eteensä tulevan. Ainoa kysymys on että ovatko sotarikosten tekijät Syyrian armeijaa,Hizbollahia vai joku muu proxy. Toisaalta onko sillä väljä.
Ainoa kysymys on että ovatko sotarikosten tekijät Syyrian armeijaa,Hizbollahia vai joku muu proxy. Toisaalta onko sillä väljä.

On sillä kokonaiskuvan perusteella aika paljonkin merkitystä, jos esim Iranin tukemat ja käskyjä noudattavat Hizbollah tai shiiamilitia suorittavat etnistä puhdistusta.

Hiukan nurinkurista seurata keskustelua, jossa monestakin syystä puolustellaan Irania. Iranin käskyvallassa oleva shiiamilitia suoritti ennen ISIS järjestöä ja pakolaisaaltoa etnistä puhdistusta Irakissa. Sunniväestöä terrorisoitiin huolella.

Siitä oli aika maltillisesti lehdistössä aikoinaan juttua, koska 'ei saa sanoa' ja Obamakin sai hienon sopimuksen aikaan.

Edit: wanha NYT uutinen, jossa paljon hyviä yksityiskohtia.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Iranin joukot siirtyneet 53 mailin päähän Israelin rajasta Venäjän lähettilään mukaan.

Russian Envoy: Iranians Moved 53 Miles Away from Israeli Border
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s demand for all Iranian forces to be withdrawn from all of Syria was unrealistic.
Aug 1, 2018, 11:23AM Aaron Sull

Syrian fighters and civilians hold the national flag as they celebrate the return of government authority to the southern town of Quneitra adjacent to Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, Syria, Friday, July 27, 2018. (AP Photo)

The Iranian forces in Syria have retreated to a distance of 53 miles from the border with Israel, Russian special envoy to the region Alexander Lavrentyev told TASS on Wednesday. “The Iranians have moved away, and the Shiite militias are no longer there,” the Russian diplomat said.

“There may be some advisers to the Syrian army, but the heavy equipment and weapons that could threaten Israel have moved away from the border,” he insisted.

On Monday, Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov told Channel 10 News that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s demand for all Iranian forces to be withdrawn from all of Syria was unrealistic. “They (the Iranians) are playing an important role in our common efforts towards the extermination of terrorists in Syria,” the ambassador said. “That is why at this point we consider unrealistic any requests concerning withdrawal of any foreign forces from Syria.”

On Tuesday, Lavrentyev announced that Syrian government troops completely control the territories adjacent to the Golan Heights, and the operation to re-take southern Syria is over.

“Now, Syrian posts have been deployed in the entire territory adjacent to the disengagement line between Israel and Syria in the Golan Heights and at the Jordanian border,” he said, adding, “I would like to stress that the operation against the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra militants in southern and southwestern Syria is over. The territory around al-Quneitra, Daraa and along the Syria-Israeli-Jordanian border has been cleared of terrorists completely.”

Lavrentyev told TASS that Iran was in Syria legitimately, having been invited by the desperate president who was under siege at the time. Still, according to Lavrentyev, it was decided that there was no need for them to be close to the border with Israel. “They (the Iranians) honestly said they should not be there,” he explained.

And everybody knows when the Iranians are being honest about something, you can take it to the bank where their assets are frozen.

“We are not doing anything behind anyone’s back,” Lavrentyev promised. And that’s a promise from Russia.

Lavrentyev announced on Tuesday that the next summit of the three countries who have divided Syria among themselves, Russia, Turkey and Iran, will be held in Teheran in September-October.

“The presidents of Iran, Turkey and Russia are expected to gather for an Astana-format summit in September-October,” he said, adding that no concrete date has been agreed to yet.
Damaskoksessa räjähtelee taivaalla twiitit kertovat. Iskeekö Israel?
According to Syrian activist Wael al-Russi, three missiles and one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or drone, were downed by Syria's air defenses. Two of the missiles were apparently thwarted in the south of the city and another in the northwest. The drone was shot down in west of the city, according to the activist. Syrian Journalist Kevork Almassian says his military sources are confirming an "enemy target" was intercepted to the west.
Journalist Ilanit Chernick with the Israeli Jerusalem Post said that it appears as though Israel is targetting allegedly Iranian bases near Damascus.
Lähde: Sputnik
Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäjä ryhmittää sotilaspoliiseja Bravo-linjalle Golanilla. Hyvä tilapäisratkaisu YK:n kannalta.

Russia to Deploy Military Police on Golan Heights
The deployment of the Russian military police highlights the degree to which the Kremlin has become an influential actor in Middle East
Aug 3, 2018, 3:05PM JOL Staff

Syrian rebel fighters and their families continued to leave the Syrian town of Douma on April 12 through the Al-Wafideen crossing point, as Russian military police units prepared to enter the town. (Reuters

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will deploy its military police on the Golan Heights frontier between Syria and Israel, its defence ministry said on Thursday, after weeks of mounting volatility in the area.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s sweeping away of rebels in southwestern Syria has worried Israel, which believes it could allow his Iranian backers to entrench their troops close to the frontier.

Underlining the tensions, Israel killed seven militants in an overnight air strike on the Syrian-held part of the Golan Heights, Israeli radio said on Thursday.

Sergei Rudskoi, a senior Russian defence ministry official, said that Russian military police had on Thursday begun patrolling in the Golan Heights and planned to set up eight observation posts in the area.

He said the Russian presence there was in support of United Nations peacekeepers on the Golan Heights who, he said, had suspended their activities in the area in 2012 because their safety was endangered.

“Today, UN peacekeepers accompanied by Russian military police conducted their first patrols in six years in the separation zone,” Rudskoi told a briefing for journalists in Moscow.

“With the aim of preventing possible provocations against UN posts along the ‘Bravo’ line, the deployment is planned of eight observation posts of Russia’s armed forces’ military police,” Rudskoi said.

He said the Russian presence there was temporary, and that the observation posts would be handed over to Syrian government forces once the situation stabilised.

The deployment of the Russian military police highlights the degree to which the Kremlin has become an influential actor in Middle East conflicts since its military intervention in Syria which turned the tide of the war in Assad’s favour.

Israel has been lobbying the Kremlin to use its influence with Assad, and with Tehran, to try to get the Iranian military presence in Syria scaled back.

Israel sees Iran, and Iran’s allies in the Hezbollah Shi’ite military, as a direct threat to its national security.
Venäjä ryhmittää sotilaspoliiseja Bravo-linjalle Golanilla. Hyvä tilapäisratkaisu YK:n kannalta.

Käyttääkö venäjä vetoa omia joukkojaan vastaan, kun YK:ssa asiaa puidaan?
Mietinkin miten Venäjä aikoo selvitä Syyriassa aiheuttamastaan tuhosta rauhan tultua. Että millä se rahoittaa ilmapommitettujen kaupunkien jälleen rakennuksen.. Pyytämällä Usalta apua. ..

Hankala nähdä miksi Trump laittaisi Syyriaan rahaa kun Saudeiltakin kiristettiin miljardeja. Ehkä jos Assad lähtee eläkkeelle tai haagiin.