Syyrian konflikti/sota

Mä näin eilen tv ohjelman Alepposta ja mitä pommeja tää on ?, ne oli kun isot lamput ja sitten ne räjätti maalla

Valkoista fosforia rypälepommista. Eivät taida varsinaisesti räjähtää osuessaan maahan, vaan leviävät polttaen ja sytyttäen tulipaloja, eli toimivat myös palopommeina. Aika ilkeä ase siis jos sattuu kohalle.
Valkoista fosforia rypälepommista. Eivät taida varsinaisesti räjähtää osuessaan maahan, vaan leviävät polttaen ja sytyttäen tulipaloja, eli toimivat myös palopommeina. Aika ilkeä ase siis jos sattuu kohalle.
Ne oli vissiin väärät pommit, googlasin ja ne voisi olla Parachute bombs tai Flare bombs koska ne räjätti kun ne koskesi maata. Ja siinä ohjelmassa ne oli vain 5-6 kpl kuvassa joka hidaasti meni maahan ja valoisia.
Valkoista fosforia rypälepommista. Eivät taida varsinaisesti räjähtää osuessaan maahan, vaan leviävät polttaen ja sytyttäen tulipaloja, eli toimivat myös palopommeina. Aika ilkeä ase siis jos sattuu kohalle.
Tuollaista jos olis tiedossa, niin mielummin istuisin Finnairin 350 bussissa ja ihailisin Grönlannin lumisia huippuja kalja kädessä määränpäänä iso omena. Heikentää maanpuolustus tahtoa kummasti moinen kuumottava valoshow.
Jos sellainen kuuma fosforimöykky valuisi persvakoa pitkin kassien päälle sihisemään. :eek: Täytyy myöntää että siinä vaiheessa minäkin haluaisin jäätä ja kylmää juomaa mutta ulkoisesti nautittuna kiitos.
Jahhhah... Ha'arezin juttuja taas. Eipä noita kannata ottaa mitenkään kirjaimellisesti, päinvastoin vältä tuon agendan levittämistä ilman lähdekritiikkiä, jos sopii. Mizrahi-puolueella on omat sisäiset matsinsa, jos kuka tahansa baathisti haluttaisiin hengiltä se olis happea vailla jo.
Jos/ kun Suomen naapurissa raikaa minareereista joku Uppsala vs. Tukholma matsi, onko Suomen puolustusvoimilla intressiä ruveta heittelemään vähiä JSOW:eja sinne sekaan. Eipä taida olla :(.
Sama juttu tuolla. Syyrian hommat on Israelin kannalta lähinnä jäsentenvälisiä, paitsi ne 2700 potilasta jotka on raahattu haavoittuneina rajalle ja ovat saaneet länsimaista hoitoa israelilaisissa sairaaloissa... ml. jotkut epäillyt ISIS-terroristit.
Siinäpä ei niin pieni siivu humanismia josta Ha'aretz ei hirveästi kirjoittele, kun ei sovi agendaan.

Soros, Clinton Foundation et. al. ... mutinaa...
lisää vihaista mutinaa..
Jostain suomalaisesta mediasta lueskelin, miten suomalainen tutkija vertasi Saddamia, Gaddafia, Assadia yms. "vahvoja miehiä" ja heidän motiivejaan länsimaiden Kustaa Vaasaan, Henrik VIII:een yms. keskusvaltaa luoneisiin ja lujittaneisiin hallitsijoihin. Siis ei heidän yksittäisiä hirmutekojaan puolustellen, vaan kokonaiskuvaa verraten. Eli herrojen "pitkän aikavälin tavoitteena" olisi (voisi olla) länsimaiden tyyppisen valtion luominen, mutta nyt mennään samassa tilanteessa kuin länsimaissa 1500-1600-luvuilla. Ero on vain siinä, että nyt ulkopuoliset tahot eivät siedä vastaavaa toimintaa kuin aikoinaan. Selityksen oikeellisuudesta voi tietenkin olla montaa mieltä, mutta jos ajatellaan islamilaisen maailman tulevan henkisellä puolella suunnilleen saman verran perässä (Eurooppa ennen uskonpuhdistusta), on se looginen.
Tämä on 25.5 julkaistu venäjänkielinen artikkeli, jossa siteerataan Girkinin omalle verkkosivulleen (mahdollisesti VKontakte jota en nykyisin seuraa) kirjoittamaa arviointia. Käännös googlen kääntäjällä.

The military contingent of the Russian army, fighting in Syria, is in a difficult situation because of the large losses of personnel, as well as the meager, often simply humiliating, logistical support of the Russian military. This was reported on his own page in the social network by the former ringleader of militants DNR Igor Strelkov-Girkin, telling the latest information from a man who recently returned from Syria to Russia. In seven published articles, Girkin revealed the humiliating conditions in which the Russian army in the Middle East is compelled to stay, including rusty ammunition, disgusting feeding and an old, lepid form. Girkin reported a large number of losses, which forces the Russian command to recruit "all in a row" instead of elite fighters. He also noted the massive desertion of the Russian military, who are tearing up contracts in the very first days of getting on the Syrian front. At the same time, Girkin said that almost no one believes in the success of the Syrian campaign among Russian officers, without realizing the true goals of Russia. Earlier, the first details of the impact of the coalition in Syria and the loss of the Asadov troops became known. Reuters notes that the new US strike in Syria can be seen as another attempt to force Damascus to peace.
Jos sellainen kuuma fosforimöykky valuisi persvakoa pitkin kassien päälle sihisemään. :eek: Täytyy myöntää että siinä vaiheessa minäkin haluaisin jäätä ja kylmää juomaa mutta ulkoisesti nautittuna kiitos.

Jos se yhtään lohduttaa, niin jos tuollainen pääsisi osumaan omaan persaukseen, niin vaihtoehtona olisi useampi sirpale ilmassa räjähtävästä kranaatista. Tämä siis olettaen, että tuo FOSA on tykistön ammuksesta, jenkkien vastaavassa on n. 100 noita fosforiin uitettuja kankaanpalasia. Tykistön kranaatin sirpalemäärän luultavasti tiedät itsekin (joskin sen määrän voi varmaankin jakaa neljällä, koska ylös ja sivulle lentävät sirpaleet tuskin tekevät mitään tässä tapauksessa).
Tämä on 25.5 julkaistu venäjänkielinen artikkeli, jossa siteerataan Girkinin omalle verkkosivulleen (mahdollisesti VKontakte jota en nykyisin seuraa) kirjoittamaa arviointia. Käännös googlen kääntäjällä.

The military contingent of the Russian army, fighting in Syria, is in a difficult situation because of the large losses of personnel, as well as the meager, often simply humiliating, logistical support of the Russian military. This was reported on his own page in the social network by the former ringleader of militants DNR Igor Strelkov-Girkin, telling the latest information from a man who recently returned from Syria to Russia. In seven published articles, Girkin revealed the humiliating conditions in which the Russian army in the Middle East is compelled to stay, including rusty ammunition, disgusting feeding and an old, lepid form. Girkin reported a large number of losses, which forces the Russian command to recruit "all in a row" instead of elite fighters. He also noted the massive desertion of the Russian military, who are tearing up contracts in the very first days of getting on the Syrian front. At the same time, Girkin said that almost no one believes in the success of the Syrian campaign among Russian officers, without realizing the true goals of Russia. Earlier, the first details of the impact of the coalition in Syria and the loss of the Asadov troops became known. Reuters notes that the new US strike in Syria can be seen as another attempt to force Damascus to peace.

Oltaisiinkohan tuossa valmistelemassa kansaa Syyriasta vetäytymistä varten?
Mielenkiintoista juttua Iranin läsnäolosta Syyrian ja Irakin etelärajalla.
Myös norjalaisia erikoisjoukkoja mukana.

Iran tests the US in southeastern Syria
By Amir Toumaj & Caleb Weiss | June 3, 2017 | |

Photo 1: Iraqi Harakat al Abdal on the way toward Tanf, posted May 20.

Major powers involved in the Syrian war are racing to maximize gains from the crumbling Islamic State in southern and eastern Syria. The continued advancement of pro-Syrian regime forces and Iranian-backed militias toward the US-held Tanf base – as well as the potential advance of both sides toward the Iraqi border area – raise the risk of further clashes that may draw in the US and Russia, though the latter has been unwilling to challenge US strikes against a pro-regime convoy and Syrian warplanes this year.

After failing to respond to US warning shots and Russian dissuasion, a pro-regime convoy last month was struck by US airstrikes as it was approaching within 25 kilometers of a US “de-confliction zone” northwest of a base at Tanf, which is near a major border crossing with Iraq, according to the US-led coalition formed to fight the Islamic State. The Tehran-controlled Sayyid al Shuhada Brigades acknowledged one death and six wounded as a result of the strike and a posted a video online, marking the first time the US has targeted such forces during the six-year war.

The militia listed its affiliation in the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) as its 14th Brigade.

American, British and Norwegian special forces have been operating in that area with Free Syrian Army (FSA)-branded groups for months.

The forces backed by Iran and the US have clashed by the Zaza junction, which is near Tanf, according to the Iranian-backed Imam Ali Brigade and US-backed groups. Last month, pro-regime forces had wrestled that junction from US-backed forces several days prior to the US airstrike.

The FSA-branded groups accuse Russia of striking their forces during an offense on Zaza. One told Reuters that Russian jets hit them as they were storming defenses of Iranian-backed militias. US officials have yet to publicly comment on the claim. If true, the strike indicates Russia is will to take action to protect pro-regime forces against US-backed forces, but how far it is willing to go is unclear.


Map 1: Pro-regime positions in southern Syria and near Tanf. Credit: Mashregh News

Initially withdrawing following the US strike, the Iranian-directed militias have continued to hold positions near Tanf. Unnamed sources reportedly told Iraqi Al Alam al Jadid that the Iran-led Imam Ali Brigades, the Abu Fadl al Abbas Brigades and Iraqi Hezbollah seek to take the Tanf crossing and expect clashes with US-backed forces. Guard-affiliated Masregh News touted this week that “resistance front forces are preparing themselves to reach this Al Tanf crossing despite the repeated warnings of the Western-Arab front.”

The US has issued warnings to enforce its red line of passing its declared protection zone. Reuters reported on May 30 that US jets in the past several days had dropped leaflets on pro-regime forces patrolling in the vicinity of the de-confliction zone instructing them to pull out of the Tanf area to the Zaza junction further from the border. A US defense spokesman on June 1 said the US has bolstered its “combat power,” adding that a small number of fighters had stayed inside the de-confliction zone while a large number were massing outside.

“There’s no way we can let them open the Baghdad-Damascus highway,” said the head of a US-backed insurgent group to Reuters.

There is a risk of US-backed and pro-regime forces clashing at Albukamal crossing in Deir Ezzor. FSA-branded groups have been pushing toward the area, and the US-led coalition in recent weeks has bombed targets in the vicinity of the town that is closest to the crossing, according to several reports. A Guard-affiliated Iranian media outlet last week suggested that pro-regime forces could outmaneuver the US and reach the crossing from their positions in the Zaza juncture, though there is no evidence of this happening yet. The report stated that connecting forces to the Iraqi border would “facilitate the transfer of forces and equipment.” Tehran-backed Iraqi groups this week reached the border town of Um Jaris in the northwest, and say they plan to exert full control over the border area and link with pro-Syrian-regime forces. The US and its backed forces, however, could potentially foil the attempt of the pro-regime forces to control a major border crossing between Iraq and Syria.


Map 2: Syria military control, posted June 1. Credit: FSA.


Map 3: Pro-regime force’s movements. Credit: Mashregh News


Map 4: pro-regime forces’ potential movements in southern and eastern Syria, May 2017. Credit: Omran Center for Strategic Studies.

While a viable Iraq-Syria land crossing would permit Iran to transfer material, its air bridge to Syria would still continue to serve as a primary supply route to the Levant. The air bridge, however, remains vulnerable to US military action. While Iran seeks to re-open a viable land route that has been unavailable since Syrian opposition forces shut it down by late 2012, it faces the significant obstacles of the US, as well as holding a route in areas laden with hostile insurgents.

Several Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian militias controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard have been spotted with Syrian regime forces on the Tanf front. At least 3,000 “Hezbollah forces” were reportedly sent toward the Tanf front last month, according to Fars News, a media outlet affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard. That figure may include Lebanese Hezbollah as well as other Shiite militias. The five known Guard-controlled Iraqi militias active in the front including Harakat al Abdal are operating in both Iraq and Syria. A Guard-backed Syrian militia, the Sayyida al Raqqia Brigade, has also been spotted on that front.

Following last month’s agreement to freeze fighting in “de-escalation zones,” the pro-regime alliance has launched fresh offensives in northern, central and southern Syria. Pro-regime forces are attempting to conquer territory, reach the besieged Deir Ezzor, check the expansion of US-backed forces in southern and eastern Syria and connect a land supply route to Iraq. These movements raise the risk of further clashes with the US.


Photo 2: Sayyida Roqaya Brigade forces and allies near Zaza juncture, posted May 26.


Photo 3: Imam Ali Brigades moving toward At Tanf, posted May 17.

Lopullinen hyökkäys Raqqaan alkaa vihdoin.

US-backed forces launch operation to liberate Raqqa
Arab and Kurdish forces backed by the U.S.-led coalition began their battle for the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of ISIS, on Tuesday morning. The forces have been advancing toward the city for months and now have it surrounded in three directions.
Jun 6, 2017, 1:00PM Becca Noy

Archive Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News
While the battle against the murderous terrorist organization in Mosul continues, the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS announced on Tuesday that the operation to liberate the city of Raqqa in Syria has begun. Last night, at least 12 people were killed by heavy shelling and air strikes in the area.

The spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told reporters that the offensive operation was launched this morning in coordination with the coalition. The members of the militia started to approach Raqqa in November, expelling ISIS terrorists from many villages and towns in the area. Last week, it was reported that the U.S.-backed forces have reached the northern and eastern gates of the city. Raqqa is currently surrounded by Arab and Kurdish militias from the north, east and west.

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The battle for Raqqa is expected to last for a long period of time as the ISIS terrorists will most likely put up a fight. According to Lt. Gen Steve Townsend, the coalition commanding general, the forces have a tough and long road ahead of them. Townsend also said that the success of the offensive operation will deliver a “decisive blow to the idea of ISIS as a physical caliphate.”
Iranin ja Assadin yhdistelmäjoukot saivat nyt jenkkien ilmaiskusta. Oli odotettavissa, mutta meni kauemmin kuin luultiin. Iranin porukka alkaa olemaan liian lähellä jenkkejä ja jenkkien koulutuspaikkoja. Ne on linjattu suojavyöhykkeeksi.

Tuo jenkkien alue kokee mukavaa painetta Iranilta. Niin kauan kuin asetelma on näin, että Iranille annetaan aloite ja siihen vain reagoidaan. Nyt tuli 60 ukkoa yli, parit panssarit, sergei ja jotain muuta.
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