Laitetaan nyt se mallikin tähän vielä helpottamaan laitteeseen tutustumista.;baeSessionId=c7svSOEHXmAF6ljTFOt_jO_5klFc8hVMhUO3cvRZENG4ZU1vtlnY!1493982024?_adf.ctrl-state=di5pokplw_4&_afrLoop=1109964816554000&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#!@@?_afrWindowId=null&_afrLoop=1109964816554000&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=8h4rz73n2_4BAE Systems’ ENVG III/FWS-I integrated night vision targeting solution provides dismounted soldiers with a dependable and highly effective rapid target acquisition capability.
Alkuperäistä lehdistötiedotteesta. Pahoittelen alkuperäistä lainausta.
Weapon sight imagery is viewed by the soldier in his goggle which shortens the engagement timeline.
- Wireless interface between the weapon sight and goggle maximizes the soldier's maneuverability.
- Advanced high resolution thermal imagers extend the goggle and weapon sight target acquisition ranges.
- Light weight and small size reduces soldier fatigue.
- Low power reduces battery usage and operating cost