Tuo Kamran Hussain voisi itse matkustaa Kalifaattiin. Sille voisi kerätä kolehdin matkalippuun.http://www.fiia.fi/fi/blog/462/satu_terroristeista/
2 Years after ...
... ja "satu" jatkuu edelleen:
An extremist imam told a group of children aged between five and 15 that waging jihad would bring them an 'everlasting life of pleasure', a court heard on Tuesday.
Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, told the impressionable youngsters that martyrdom in the name of Allah was the ‘supreme success’ during a sermon at a charity-funded mosque in Stoke-on-Trent.
Hussain said in the recording: ‘What’s the nature of life? That you are killed, that you kill and that you are killed. This is your part of the contract... to fight in the way of Allay, to kill and be killed.
‘In return for this Allah will give you an everlasting life of pleasure.’
Hussain also referred to an ‘eternal life of enjoyment’ before claiming that martyrdom was ‘the supreme success.’
Children’s voices were also heard as Hussain referred to going before Allah on Judgement Day ‘with the bullet wounds and the sword wounds and you are raised in that situation with the blood still coming from your body.’
Hussain said martyrs were ‘standing on the front line defending Islam and the Muslims... they answered the call of Allah and the messenger.’
Three children aged around five years old were also part of the congregation on 5 August 2016 when Hussain allegedly referred to the Islamic State.
Hussain told the crowd: ‘They stand a black flag and establish the law of Allah over the necks of the people whether they like it or don’t like it.
‘The King, the Queen, the Prime Minister, whoever it is, they are not in a position to say you are not allowed to establish the law of Allah.’
A child’s voice can be heard in the background as Hussain said: ‘I am saying stand up and be ready to sacrifice, be ready to spill blood and have your blood spilt in the way of Allah.’