Eli tuo Washington Postin artikkeli oli mielestäsi Trumpia siteeraten "FAKE NEWS"? Mielipiteesi takana lienee jotain perusteluitakin?
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Eli tuo Washington Postin artikkeli oli mielestäsi Trumpia siteeraten "FAKE NEWS"? Mielipiteesi takana lienee jotain perusteluitakin?
Olikos se juuri tuo Spermapankki, johon ex-pääministerimme Aho meni näkemättä asiassa mitään ongelmaa?
Ei kun kaikki jotka Trumpia puolustavat ovat Putinisteja...eli kaikki Trumpia äänestäneetkin Usa:n kansalaisetkin ovat.....tämä on nyt vaan tämä linja koska Trump on paha setä koska voitti vaalit...
Nyt menit alemmaksi kuin ikänä. Mortti on putinistinen vaikuttaja-agentti.
http://www.vox.com/conversations/20...mp-michael-flynn-russia-putin-cia-white-houseWe are facing the gravest threat to our institutions and our government since 1861, since the country broke in half. This is a graver crisis than Watergate, which was about corruption, not the usurpation of our laws and our checks and balances. It's graver than World War II, when Hitler never actually threatened our institutions or occupation of Washington.
So this goes back to 1861. It's a huge societal and institutional crisis. We're dealing with a man in Trump who doesn't accept a fact-based reality, who only acts for his own self-aggrandizement, and who views any action that does not serve him as a threat that must be destroyed. And, on top of that, his team appears to have been colluding with Russian intelligence services.
This is a massive crisis for our norms and our Constitution, and we have to say so.
Tiedustelupalvelu kävi läpi Venäjän suurlähettilään nauhoitukset, kun oli "aihetta epäillä". Flynn jäi sitten rysän päältä kiinni.
Mikä tuossa oli ihmeellistä?
Olen samaa mieltä, että tuo on aika "värittynyt näkökulma".
If we are to believe the Trump White House, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn just resigned because he lied about his conversations with Russia's ambassador to the vice president. As White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway told NBC's "Today Show" on Tuesday: "Misleading the vice president really was the key here."
That sounds about as credible as when the president told CIA employees that the media had invented the story about his enmity toward the spy agency, not even two weeks after he had taken to Twitter to compare the CIA to Nazis. It's about as credible as President Donald Trump's insistence that it didn't rain during his inauguration. Or that millions of people had voted illegally in the election he just won.
The point here is that for a White House that has such a casual and opportunistic relationship with the truth, it's strange that Flynn's "lie" to Pence would get him fired. It doesn't add up.
It's not even clear that Flynn lied. He says in his resignation letter that he did not deliberately leave out elements of his conversations with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak when he recounted them to Vice President Mike Pence. The New York Times and Washington Post reported that the transcript of the phone call reviewed over the weekend by the White House could be read different ways. One White House official with knowledge of the conversations told me that the Russian ambassador raised the sanctions to Flynn and that Flynn responded that the Trump team would be taking office in a few weeks and would review Russia policy and sanctions. That's neither illegal nor improper.
What's more, the Washington Post reported Monday night that last month Sally Yates, then the acting attorney general, had informed the White House that Flynn discussed sanctions with Kislyak and that he could be susceptible to blackmail because he misled Pence about it. If it was the lie to Pence that sunk Flynn, why was he not fired at the end of January?
A better explanation here is that Flynn was just thrown under the bus. His tenure as national security adviser, the briefest in U.S. history, was rocky from the start. When Flynn was attacked in the media for his ties to Russia, he was not allowed by the White House to defend himself. Over the weekend, he was instructed not to speak to the press when he was in the fight for his political life. His staff was not even allowed to review the transcripts of his call to the Russian ambassador.
There is another component to this story as well -- as Trump himself just tweeted. It's very rare that reporters are ever told about government-monitored communications of U.S. citizens, let alone senior U.S. officials. The last story like this to hit Washington was in 2009 when Jeff Stein, then of CQ, reported on intercepted phone calls between a senior Aipac lobbyist and Jane Harman, who at the time was a Democratic member of Congress.
Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.
In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports). John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term. The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.
Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern. "There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said. "From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."
Nunes said he was going to bring this up with the FBI, and ask the agency to investigate the leak and find out whether Flynn himself is a target of a law enforcement investigation. The Washington Post reported last month that Flynn was not the target of an FBI probe.
The background here is important. Three people once affiliated with Trump's presidential campaign -- Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone -- are being investigated by the FBI and the intelligence community for their contacts with the Russian government. This is part of a wider inquiry into Russia's role in hacking and distributing emails of leading Democrats before the election.
Flynn himself traveled in 2015 to Russia to attend a conference put on by the country's propaganda network, RT. He has acknowledged he was paid through his speaker's bureau for his appearance. That doesn't look good, but it's also not illegal in and of itself. All of this is to say there are many unanswered questions about Trump's and his administration's ties to Russia.
But that's all these allegations are at this point: unanswered questions. It's possible that Flynn has more ties to Russia that he had kept from the public and his colleagues. It's also possible that a group of national security bureaucrats and former Obama officials are selectively leaking highly sensitive law enforcement information to undermine the elected government.
Flynn was a fat target for the national security state. He has cultivated a reputation as a reformer and a fierce critic of the intelligence community leaders he once served with when he was the director the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama. Flynn was working to reform the intelligence-industrial complex, something that threatened the bureaucratic prerogatives of his rivals.
He was also a fat target for Democrats. Remember Flynn's breakout national moment last summer was when he joined the crowd at the Republican National Convention from the dais calling for Hillary Clinton to be jailed.
In normal times, the idea that U.S. officials entrusted with our most sensitive secrets would selectively disclose them to undermine the White House would alarm those worried about creeping authoritarianism. Imagine if intercepts of a call between Obama's incoming national security adviser and Iran's foreign minister leaked to the press before the nuclear negotiations began? The howls of indignation would be deafening.
In the end, it was Trump's decision to cut Flynn loose. In doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic opposition. Nunes told me Monday night that this will not end well. "First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus," he said. Put another way, Flynn is only the appetizer. Trump is the entree.
Ne venäjälle tärkeät jutut päätetään kyllä ihan eri paikassa kuin muodollisessa pankin hallituksessa..Aho istuu sellaisella paikalla, josta näkee kauas. Tällä on turvallisuuspoliittinenkin saundinsa. Suomella on nyt edes joku, joka on -syvällä- Venäjän ytimessä. Miettikääs hetki.
Piti oikein tykätä tästä kommentistasi. Oli malliesimerkki "älyllisestä" keskustelusta.Kun Mortti esittää TÄYSIN valheellista tietoa.
Suksi jätkä takaisin Pietariin.
ei tämä paskamyrsky vielä ole ohi..Igor Jakovenko
Eron syy - puhelinkeskustelut venäläisen suurlähettilän Sergeyn Kisljakovin kanssa mahdollisista sanktioiden poistamisesta. Näin väittää media ja kieltää itse Flynn. Muodollisesti kenraali Flynn erotettu virkamiesetiikan rikkomisesta. Kuten hän itse kertonut jo eron jälkeen , hän ei täyttänyt johtajien luottamusta, kun ei raportoinut omista neuvottelusta venäläisen suurlähettilän kanssa.
Kuitenkin, koska nämä neuvottelut oli käytty ennen Trumpin inaguratiota ja silloin kun Flynn oli vielä yksityishenkilö, neuvotteluja voidaan luokitella ns Loganin lain rikkomiseksi, joka kieltää yksityishenkilöltä solmia diplomaattiset suhteet ulkomaalaisten suurvaltojen kanssa, jonka kanssa on olemassa erimielisyydet.
Tämä laki on vanha ja "nukkuva". Sen allekirjoitti presidentti John Adams 30.01.1799 sen jälkeen kun pasifisti George Logan rupesi yksityishenkilönä käydää neuvotteluja Ranskan diplomaattien kanssa, mm Taleiranin kanssa, sodan aikana. Sitä huolimatta että Loganin missio oli menestyksellinen, koska neuvottelujen tuloksena amerikkalaiset merimiehet pääsivät pois ranskalaisista vankiloista, kongressin miehet olivat niin touhtuneita tästä yksityishenkilön "röyhkeydestä" että tekivät lain, joka kielsi vastavan toimintan.
Muodollisesti kenraali Flynnia ei ole julistettu rikolliseksi ja hän erosi itse, vapaaehtoisesti, mutta USA:ssa ja maailmalla tätä vastaanotettu Trumpin hallinnon vakavana takaiskuna, jota tekivät hänelle yhdistyneet omia voimia media ja tiedustelupalvelut. Tässä on olemassa analogia Watergateen, koska nimenomaan Washington Post ja CNN todenneet ja todistaneet näiden neuvottelujen olemassaolon. Skandaalin mittasuhteet ovat paljon pienemmät ja ongelmat, jotka koituvat Trumpille ei vielä voi rinnastaa niihin jotka aiheuttaneet Niksonin lähtöä, mutta itse tapahtunut todistaa että 45:n USA:n presidentti mielivalta ja hänen poliittinen voimakas käsien heiluttelu tulee aina törmäyskursille USA:ssa toimivien instituutioiden asettamiin rajoituksiin.
Juuri näiden demokraatisten ja hallinollisten instituutioiden toimintaa raivostuttaa venäläisiä poliitikoita, jotka juhlineet Trumpin voittoa kuin toista 9.5 Voiton päivä.
The Carolina Conspiracy
Or, How Vladimir Putin Catfished A US Election With the Collusion of Team Trump
Did Russia invent a criminal case against Anthony Weiner – so their hacker Nikulin could plant Hillary’s emails on his computer?
It was the Comey letter that handed the election to Trump. Even if corrupt elements in the FBI Field Office in New York, penetrated by Russia, forced Comey’s hand – even if Russian hacker Nikulin did plant emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer – there had to be a “separate criminal case” in the first place for the NYPD and FBI to go looking, right?
But what if there wasn’t?
What if Vladimir Putin directed the entire attack – not via a “15 year old girl” from Gaston, North Carolina, but by a hardened group of adult hackers from that state who had penetrated the emails of Director Brennan of the CIA, and doxed and attacked hundreds of FBI and law enforcement personnel?
And what if, after making Carter Page’s recruiter Jeff Sessions Attorney General, Donald Trump repeated the trick by making the ‘prosecutor’ of those Carolina hackers Acting AG – then changing the order of succession at Justice to cement him as number two?
In this story I exclusively report the connections between the USSR-CWA hacker group of North Carolina ‘Crackas With Attitude’ and the “sexts with a 15 year old girl” from Gaston, North Carolina, that started the chain of events that led to James Comey’s forced letter to Congress, including the fact that the “15 year old girl”’s “email to Weiner” is in fact a series of plagiarized texts it is unlikely any 15 year old girl has read, including works by J.D. Salinger, David Foster Wallace, Charles Bukowski, and – yes – “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk.
There is also direct evidence that members of the Trump campaign were involved in this conspiracy and knew in advance what was coming – including Lara Trump, who visited Gaston, North Carolina, some days before she promised an ‘October surprise’ and ’tricks up our sleeve.’
Russia’s Hacker Nikulin, Formspring, and Anthony Weiner
Russia, I believe, created, from scratch, the chain of events that forced James Comey’s letter to Congress. All available data shows that it was the timing of this letter that handed the election to Donald Trump. On November 3rd, just before the election, the Russian plane MKATE and Putin’s bagman Rybolovev met Donald Trump’s campaign plane on the tarmac at Charlotte, North Carolina. By that time, events in North Carolina had swung the election to Mr. Trump.
In my first piece of work at Patribotics I laid out a unified theory on Russian active measures against the United States, including as part of it that Russia has a team of influencers inside the FBI Field Office in New York (the criminal division) and I regret to say, the NYPD, who work directly with Rudy Giuliani and General Flynn.
I drew readers’ attention to the arrest in Prague of the Russian hacker, Yvgeny Nikulin. He was indicted on charges of hacking Dropbox, Linked in and Formspring in 2012-2013.
Formspring is the little-known sexting app that Anthony Weiner used for his sexting the first time around.
My theory was that Nikulin, on instructions from the Russian state, “woke” or “planted” a laptop of Anthony Weiner’s via a virus which he placed on it through his prior hack of Formspring, and alerted Russia’s moles and agents of influence in the FBI field office in New York, who subsequently “leaked” to all and sundry that the emails had been found, and, by Rudy Giuliani’s own testimony, pressured James Comey into sending the letter he did.
However, the emails were – nonetheless- found as part of an “unrelated criminal investigation” into Weiner’s sexting with a “15 year old girl”. The story of these “sexts” broke Sep 21st in the Daily Mail with a byline from Alana Goodman.
Who Was Weiner Actually Talking To?
I can exclusively report that there is ample evidence that suggests that Weiner was sexting not with a 15 year old girl but with a hacker, working for Russia, part of the North Carolina hacking group ‘Crackas With Attitude’, who hacked the head of the CIA, and a great many FBI agents, police officers, and other law enforcement officials.
There is evidence linking Russia’s propaganda outlet Sputnik to both acts of hacking; and there is, therefore, grave reason to be concerned about Trump’s choice of Dana Boente as Jeff Sessions’ second-in-command at the Justice Department. Which he now is. For in a little-noticed Executive Order released this weekend, Trump altered the order of succession at the Justice Department in order to make Boente second to Sessions.
Two of the Americans involved in Crackas With Attitude were arrested and took a guilty plea in December.
And one of the prosecuting AGs on that case? Dana Boente.
As I have previously reported, Jeff Sessions was placed by Trump as Attorney General, I believe, for the sole reason of protecting Trump from impeachment and prosecution in the matter of Russia’s hack on America. The placement of Boente as Sessions’ number two ought to raise yet another red flag. For Dana Boente is listed as AG on the North Carolina Crackas With Attitude case.
If I am right on the theory which I report here – that Crackas With Attitude conspired with Russian moles within the FBI and NY in New York, with the encouragement of Sputnik, to invent a criminal case against Anthony Weiner in order that Russia’s Nikulin could plant Hillary Clinton’s emails on Weiner’s now “discoverable” laptop – then Messrs Trump and Bannon, above all other things, need the CWA case to go away really fast – and now its prosecutor Dana Boente finds himself number two to Jeff Sessions in Trump’s Justice Department.
Thus far, the term ‘Russian hacking’ as it relates to the US elections has been understood by the mainstream media to mean two things: the hack of the DNC and Republican politicians’ emails, and the phishing attack on John Podesta, plus the subsequent release of emails obtained by those attacks through Russia’s puppet organization, Wikileaks. (To a lesser extent, the mainstream media also acknowledges that Russia backed and created a fleet of Twitter bots. They have not yet shown much sign of understanding that what is sloppily termed ‘fake news’ is in fact a coordinated Russian propaganda effort.)
But the Russian hack on the United States was, it seems far more direct than that.
It forced the Comey letter out of thin air. Using Weiner’s sleazebag tendencies, Russia invented an underage “victim of sexts” actually written by an adult hacker, and thus created a crime. Then, with pliant moles in the NY FBI Field Office and NYPD, they seized the laptop. Nikulin planted Hillary’s emails upon it. Russian moles in the FBI Field Office leaked, tweeted and threatened – and even Lara Trump (from North Carolina) boasted in advance that the ‘October surprise’ was coming.
From start to finish, Russia manipulated the Director of the FBI into sending his letter – which Jason Chaffetz leaked, by arrangement with the Trump camp, I believe, in order directly to swing the election to Donald Trump, Putin’s puppet.
Who Are Crackas With Attitude and How Do They Connect Weiner and Russia?
The hacker group’s name, sources say, is a pun. The letters USSR in Cyrillic look like the American letters “CWA”. Be that as it may, CWA involved an underage English hacker who was arrested, and subsequent to his arrest, two of his co-conspirators in North Carolina were also arrested. Their attack on the United States was exceptionally serious. It involved obtaining emails from the then Director of the CIA and doxing hundreds of United States law enforcement and intelligence personnel.
The “15 year old girl” is also apparently from North Carolina, according to reports, and her father is an attorney.
However, I can exclusively report that there is extensive evidence online that the “sexts” were not written by the 15 year old girl, but by members of the hacking gang.
“You Got Catfished by a Dude” – Or, The Infinite Jest of a Plagiarized Email
It was no use Yvgeny Nikulin planting Hillary Clinton’s emails on Weiner’s computer, or even waking Weiner’s computer, on behalf of Russian assets in the FBI New York, unless they had a right to look at Weiner’s computer. For that to happen, Anthony Weiner had to have committed a criminal offense that would enable NYPD to have probable cause to go through his computers in the first place.
And for that, Nikulin needed an “underage victim”.
All of Anthony Weiner’s sleazy sexting prior to this had been done with girls and women over the age of sexual consent. The youngest among them was 17 years old. In order for a case to be created, there needed to be an “underage victim”. It seems evident that just such an operation was planned by Russia; to create a “victim”, to create a “criminal case”, to allow Weiner’s computers to be seized and for Nikulin to plant his emails via Formspring.
According to the “breaking story” of September 21st, by Alana Goodman in the Daily Mail, this girl had begun to sext with Weiner in January 2016. Her original story is odd and convoluted in a number of respects.
Firstly, the story is dated September 21st, but publishing dates on videos contained within the story appear to indicate that they were uploaded some six days earlier.
Secondly, the story contains a report that Weiner “provided emails that he says proved he was the subject of a hoax” but the journalist does not tell us why Mr. Weiner said these emails proved this.
Of course, there is the one sentence: “You got catfished by a dude.”
But, I can reveal, the “15 year old girl”’s letter was not written by her.
It is full of plagiarized quotes from novels. A second letter, ostensibly written by her to James Comey, appears to contain an odd phrase used by Julia Hahn, a former Breitbart writer whom Steve Bannon brought into the White House, and Michelle Bachman.
The “15 year old girl” not only claims to be a “dude” ‘catfishing’, that is to say, a hacker pretending to be a woman or girl in order to entrap, but “her” email contains the following passages:
1. “My posture was consciously congruent to the back of my chair” – from the opening of Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
2. “We’re the middle children of history….” To the words “But we won’t.” – From Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk
3. “Guilt is guilt. It doesn’t go away…” to the words “paralyzing you.” – From Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction, both by J.D. Salinger
4. “I was losing my soul….” To “…you still have a soul to lose.” – From Tales of Ordinary Madness, “A Dollar and Twenty Cents” by Charles Bukowski.
In the letter “she” signs off “Girl that lost her faith in America”. “Lost her faith in America” turns up both in a quote from Michelle Bachmann and a Breitbart article by Julia Hahn.
The above is the classic signature of a cat-fishing attempt. But there is plenty more online to connect this North Carolina teen with the Crackas With Attitude hack.
Just as Nikulin planted a virus using Weiner’s little known sexting app Formspring, in this case, Weiner had been using the little-known app Confide. Online, arch references were made in advance about the publication of Goodman’s article as to what was going on, using the word “Confide”. Other accounts with ostensibly no knowledge of the case stated plainly that Weiner was actually sexting with a 28 year old hacker.
One of the North Carolina Crackas With Attitude is Justin Liverman, who is around 28. His co-conspirator is one Andrew Otto Boggs. The two were arrested and pled guilty in January. As recently as two weeks ago, the FBI had confiscated their laptops and thumb drives.
CWA or USSR – The Hacking Group
Hackers need not be Russian to work on behalf of Russia. In this case, CWA’s UK and US branches had close links to Sputnik, the Russian state owned propaganda channel. A ‘journalist’ called Cassandra Fairbanks, @CassandraRules, on Twitter, who was and probably is ‘active in the hacker community’, posted photographs of herself with Liverman and said she was raising money for his defense. And why not? Weren’t CWA just some young punks that got in over their heads?
The answer to that is no. The CWA hack managed to get into the emails of the director of the CIA. Executives at Sputnik pressured non-Russian staff to obtain these CIA emails and threatened them if they refused. However, it is almost certain that Sputnik already had the emails; as soon as American staff refused to release them, Wikileaks was handed them and put them out on the internet. The young boy, 15, in the UK, who had been tricked into doing a hack by and for adults, was conveniently too young to punish properly. But his fully adult co-conspirators were not. CWA’s North Carolina contingent used the same hack to dox FBI and law enforcement, mercilessly harassing American intelligence and police personnel, writing phone scripts that would ring officers on the hour through the hour through the night. Sputnik adopted Bernie Sanders and pro-Palestine colors when it wanted to defend the hackers.
Meanwhile, Ms. Fairbanks was promoting every anti-American hacker, defined by the IC as Russian state hackers, known to mankind. She “loved” Guccifer 2. She fangirled over Wikileaks and the Russian asset Julian Assange. Fairbanks also pushed out co-ordinated Russian propaganda from Infowars and others during the election, including pizzagate and other Russian-organized propaganda spread by Mike Flynn and other Russian agents of influence. But with CWA she held personal meetings, photographing herself with Liverman and helping fund his defense in court.
The Daily Mail, Sputnik, and Trump
There seems to be a strong friendship between the Daily Mail’s journalist Alana Goodman, who wrote the “15 year old girl” story on which the “criminal case” was based, and Ms. Fairbanks of Sputnik. They photographed themselves on multiple occasions together in social settings, such as sabering bottles of champagne at Trump Tower. They defended each other on Twitter. Ms. Goodman appears in many tweeted photographs by Miss Fairbanks. At one debate, Miss Goodman stars in a photograph of herself wearing a ‘Make America Great’ cap pulled down over her head. Sputnik’s Miss Fairbanks points everybody to Goodman’s story on Weiner of the 21st. Goodman is also apparently close to the Trump campaign’s Moishe Lee.
Sputnik’s Cassandra Fairbanks was also invited to the Inaugural Freedom Ball, which is quite an honor for a mouthpiece of the Russian state, and tweeted her pictures close to Trump and the First Lady. She followed this ostensibly unlikely triumph by spending New Year’s eve, too, with Miss Goodman (shortly after her photograph with Justin Liverman of CWA).
Yet while Ms. Fairbanks promoted Ms. Goodman’s exclusive on the “15 year old girl”, on Twitter, her own organ, Sputnik, and RT.com, seemed awfully reticent to promote it – or even to touch it. Although both Russian channels covered the preceding Weiner scandal, involving the married Weiner, his young son in a photograph, and an adult woman, there was no mention whatsoever online on both Russian media channels of this story. Even though, ostensibly, it was the far more important one. Previously, all Anthony Weiner’s sexting had been done with overage women or girls over the age of consent. It was sleazy, and pathetic, certainly, and his wife, Huma Abedin, separated from him. But it was not criminal.
Russia and its spies within the FBI needed it to be criminal.
And yet RT and Sputnik showed an admirable, one might say inexplicable, level of restraint when confronted with the story of what appeared to be an actual crime by Weiner.
There are other disturbing notes to be made about the manner of the publication of the story. While it was reported as ‘breaking news’ on September 21st by Miss Goodman, online dates on the videos embedded within the story appear to show they were shot six days earlier. Why was the story held, if indeed it was? On September 21st, Eric Lichtblau, who would later publish a substantially false story at the New York Times saying that the FBI investigating Trump’s server ‘found no clear links to Trump’, alerted Alfa Bank with a question about their involvement with the server. At that point, Trump’s server went dark. It was certainly a most opportune time to publish a major distraction that could have major consequences.
Sputnik’s Miss Fairbanks also seemed to know that publication was imminent; she decided to pose in an arch t-shirt for Wikileaks that said ‘Publish or Perish’ which she said she was ‘wearing for traveling’.
Foreknowledge from the FBI NY, the NYPD, Lara Trump, Giuliani and Flynn
It is by now well-known that now disgraced General Mike Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani, once a Secretary of State contender, boasted in advance of the ‘October surprise’ that was coming based on “emails discovered” on Weiner’s laptop as part of the “separate criminal case”. The FBI Field Office in New York, indeed, have hung themselves up nicely by leaking on Russia’s behalf to these people but also by tweeting from an account. Giuliani’s partner boasted that the NYPD was also corrupt; that if Director Comey did not write to Congress, the letter that handed the election to Trump, they, the NYPD, would call a press conference announcing all the ‘arrests’ they had made in the “Weiner sexting” case.
But, partly perhaps from sexism, partly from fear of attacking the first family, not enough attention has been paid to the Trump family’s own Carolina connection, and part in the conspiracy. Lara Yunaska, NC, now Lara Trump, NY, boasted on the radio, in advance, that an October surprise was coming – something she had no legal way of knowing. The FBI and NYPD are not supposed to leak information on criminal cases, particularly those ostensibly involving sexual abuse of a minor, to politicians for political purposes. Yet Mrs. Eric Trump was on the radio, bold as brass, saying on October 24 that ‘there are still a few days in October’ and ‘we’ve got a couple of things up our sleeve.’
On 29th October, when the Comey letter had been leaked by Jason Chaffetz, North Carolina native Lara Trump went further, saying on the radio to ABC’s Rita Cosby that Trump had “forced” Comey’s hand with the letter.
“I think my father-in-law forced their hand in this. You know, he has been the one since the beginning saying that she shouldn’t be able to run for president, and I commend him on that”
Lara Trump said.
These interviews followed her trip, with her husband Eric, to Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina. According to the Gaston County Gazette, Lara and Eric Trump visited the GOP headquarters there on October 21st.
The ’15 year old teen’ and her ‘attorney father’ are ostensibly from… Gaston, North Carolina.
I tried to discover the identity of the real teenage girl and her father for this story (since both Ms. Goodman and Buzzfeed News claimed to have spoken to them). But I could not do so. I am glad now that I could not find out their identities. Thus, there is nobody to libel. The father may have been sincerely deceived. The girl may have thought it was a joke. But it is odd that in Miss Goodman’s first report, the father, an attorney, says he did not make a police report. Presumably because if he knew that in fact adult male hackers had done the sexting, he would be committing a criminal offense.
This story will be updated as I receive more evidence.
Igor Jakovenko
Eron syy - puhelinkeskustelut venäläisen suurlähettilän Sergeyn Kisljakovin kanssa mahdollisista sanktioiden poistamisesta. Näin väittää media ja kieltää itse Flynn. Muodollisesti kenraali Flynn erotettu virkamiesetiikan rikkomisesta. Kuten hän itse kertonut jo eron jälkeen , hän ei täyttänyt johtajien luottamusta, kun ei raportoinut omista neuvottelusta venäläisen suurlähettilän kanssa.
Kuitenkin, koska nämä neuvottelut oli käytty ennen Trumpin inaguratiota ja silloin kun Flynn oli vielä yksityishenkilö, neuvotteluja voidaan luokitella ns Loganin lain rikkomiseksi, joka kieltää yksityishenkilöltä solmia diplomaattiset suhteet ulkomaalaisten suurvaltojen kanssa, jonka kanssa on olemassa erimielisyydet.
Tämä laki on vanha ja "nukkuva". Sen allekirjoitti presidentti John Adams 30.01.1799 sen jälkeen kun pasifisti George Logan rupesi yksityishenkilönä käydää neuvotteluja Ranskan diplomaattien kanssa, mm Taleiranin kanssa, sodan aikana. Sitä huolimatta että Loganin missio oli menestyksellinen, koska neuvottelujen tuloksena amerikkalaiset merimiehet pääsivät pois ranskalaisista vankiloista, kongressin miehet olivat niin touhtuneita tästä yksityishenkilön "röyhkeydestä" että tekivät lain, joka kielsi vastavan toimintan.
Muodollisesti kenraali Flynnia ei ole julistettu rikolliseksi ja hän erosi itse, vapaaehtoisesti, mutta USA:ssa ja maailmalla tätä vastaanotettu Trumpin hallinnon vakavana takaiskuna, jota tekivät hänelle yhdistyneet omia voimia media ja tiedustelupalvelut. Tässä on olemassa analogia Watergateen, koska nimenomaan Washington Post ja CNN todenneet ja todistaneet näiden neuvottelujen olemassaolon. Skandaalin mittasuhteet ovat paljon pienemmät ja ongelmat, jotka koituvat Trumpille ei vielä voi rinnastaa niihin jotka aiheuttaneet Niksonin lähtöä, mutta itse tapahtunut todistaa että 45:n USA:n presidentti mielivalta ja hänen poliittinen voimakas käsien heiluttelu tulee aina törmäyskursille USA:ssa toimivien instituutioiden asettamiin rajoituksiin.
Juuri näiden demokraatisten ja hallinollisten instituutioiden toimintaa raivostuttaa venäläisiä poliitikoita, jotka juhlineet Trumpin voittoa kuin toista 9.5 Voiton päivä.
Tuo Logan Act on kyllä mielenkiintoinen.
Tuon näkökulman voisi ymmärtää, jos tiedustelupalvelu olisi havainnut Flynnin tekevän jotain vakavaa, vaikkapa maanpetoksen asteelle menevää. Ei kai tässä nyt ole päässyt unohtumaan, että tiedustelupalvelun mukaan Flynnin puhelujen sisällöissä ei ollut mitään hälyttävää. Julkisuuteen tulleiden tietojen pohjalta flynnin virhe oli pääasiassa se, että hän antoi esimerkiksi varapresidentti Pencelle väärää tietoa (ja nyt tuon skuupin myötä Pence joutui hankalaan "sijaisvalehtelijan" asemaan). Onkin sanottu, että varsinkin Pence (ja ohessa Priebus) painosti Trumpia erottamaan Flynnin.
Bloombergin juttu, johon Trumpkin jossain twiitissään viittasi, on kohtalaisen asiallinen kirjoitus jupakasta: The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn
Asiasta kiinnostuneille linkkivinkkinä ABC Newsin juttu Explaining the Logan Act that Dems say Mike Flynn may have violated. Logan Actia luonnehditaan lainoppineiden mielestä mahdottomaksi soveltaa käytännössä, koska se voidaan katsoa monestakin näkökulmasta perustuslain vastaiseksi.
Flynnin kohdalla Logan Act on siten lähinnä kuriositeetti. Potentiaalisesti raskauttavampi kysymys koskee toista asiaa: kertoiko Flynn totuudenmukaista tietoa puheluistaan, kun FBI kuulusteli häntä venäjänyhteyksistään tammikuussa. Jos ei, voidaan Flynn asettaa syytteeseen valtionhallinnon viranomaisille valehtelemisesta, joka on USA:ssa rikos ja josta voidaan ihan konkreettisesti tuomitakin.
President Trump has offered the job of National Security Adviser to Vice Admiral Robert Harward, sources close to the situation told CBS News’ Major Garrett.
Harward, a 60-year-old former Navy SEAL, served as deputy commander of U.S. Central Command under now-Defense Secretary James Mattis. He previously served as deputy commanding general for operations of Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
Harward has also commanded troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan for six years after the 9/11 attacks. Under President George W. Bush, he served on the National Security Council as director of strategy and policy for the office of combating terrorism.
He has not yet accepted Mr. Trump’s offer, and negotiations continue over the National Security Council staff Harward would be empowered to build.
According to sources, Trump told current Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland she could retain that post. Harward was apparently not consulted about that decision. McFarland was chosen by ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. McFarland sat next to acting National Security Adviser Keith Kellogg at today’s East Room press conference between Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
No, jos Trump on oikeasti Moskovan ohjailema, nyt on aika hieman murista ja "näyttää" ettei näin ole..Tässä jatkoa suosikkikirjoittajan tekstista:
Konstantin Kosatsev suree Flynnin eroa näin: "Flynn oli avoin dialogille, kävi Moskovassa...keskusteli meidän Washingtonin suurlähettilän kanssa". Trumpin Kosatchev suhtautuu aika skeptisesti, arvostelee häntä: "Joko Trump ei ole vielä saanut laillista itseyttä ja häntä systemaartisesti (tuloksella) ajetaan nurkaan, tai rusofobia valtasi nyt jo uutta hallitusta alhaalta ylös".
Kansanedustaja Aleksey Pushkov, tuoreteroitetulla "Venäjän kultaisella suihkalla" näkee tulevaisuuteen ja paljastaa twitterissa: "Flynnin karkoitus oli näytis yksi. Nyt tähdätään itse Trumpiin..paranoja ja noitavaino".
Muuten, itse Trump osittaa äärimmäistä vastuuttomuutta näitä,poliitikkoja kohtaan, jotka juoneet shampalja hänen voiton kunniaksi. Sean Spiser ilmoitti Trumpin odottavan Venäjältä Krimin palautusta väkivaltan deeskalointia Itä Ukrainassa. Tämä hiukan tärkentää Trumpin aikomukset millä tavalla hän aikoo "tulla toimeen Venäjän kanssa".
Toistaiseksi tapahtumien kulku kehittyy siihen suuntaan, että Putin ja hänen joukko tulevat kaatumaan sitä että 45:ksi USA:n presidenttiksi ei tullut koko maailmalle niin selvä ja predictability Hillary Clinton.