Trump -psykoosi

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Trump Jr valaehtoisesti kertoi taannoin kongressille Moskova -hankkeen päättyneen 2014, tai ehdottomasti 2015 aikana. Hupsista.

Oli valeuutinen.

Varmasti sanovat, että oli ihan vahinko... mutta aika sopivasti ovat lainanneet tekstiä, joten todennäköisesti tarkoituksellinen.

Tuo ylempi twitter viesti ei ainakaan ole vahinko, vaan tarkoituksellinen, koska aikanaan tuo valeuutinen korjattiin suht näyttävästi.
Rannikkovartioston kutteri lähti useamman kuukauden keikalle, miehistö ei saa palkkaa, ja perheet jäivät maihin ilman rahaa.

Jos täällä kotimaassa aina välillä tuntuu, että "politiikka on rikki", niin ollaan kyllä onneksi silti aika kaukana tästä suuren maailman menosta.

Eipä tapahtunu mitään tässä suuressa tiedoksiannossa. Nojaa, en yllättyny. Tässä on trumpilta odotettu paljon ja poikkeuksellisia vetoja, mutta kulisseissa nuo reipastelut taidetaan tehdä.

Muuri 5mrd, demokraateille ei käy. Ulkomaanapuun 14mrd, käy demokraateille:ROFLMAO:

Nancy pelosi lähti sitten reisuun, omalla rahalla. Vitut neuvotteluista, menoks vaan. Lapset ja lapsenlapset mukana. Karkuun maasta vai käskikö joku isompi tyyppi?
Trump on jatkuvasti kiihdyttänyt valehtelutahtiaan ja kahden presidenttivuoden saldoksi saatiin 8158 valheellista tai harhaanjohtavaa väitettä. Ensimmäisenä vuotena tahti 5,9 valetta/päivä mutta toisena vuotena tahti lähes triplaantui ja päivävauhti oli 16,5. Maahanmuutto oli suurin valehtelun aihe ja kattoi n. 1/6:n koko potista lukemalla 1433 kappaletta.
Two years after taking the oath of office, President Trump has made 8,158 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

That includes an astonishing 6,000-plus such claims in the president’s second year.

Put another way: The president averaged nearly 5.9 false or misleading claims a day in his first year in office. But he hit nearly 16.5 a day in his second year, almost triple the pace.

We started this project as part of our coverage of the president’s first 100 days, largely because we could not possibly keep up with the pace and volume of the president’s misstatements. Readers demanded we keep it going for the rest of Trump’s presidency. Our interactive graphic, managed with the help of Leslie Shapiro of The Washington Post graphics department, displays a running list of every false or misleading statement made by Trump. You can also search for specific claims or obtain monthly or daily totals.

In the first 100 days, the president made 492 unsupported claims. He managed to top that number just in the first three weeks of 2019. In October, as he was barnstorming the country in advance of the midterm elections, he made more than 1,200 false or misleading claims.

Not surprisingly, the biggest source of misleading claims is immigration, with a tally that has grown with the addition of 300 immigration claims in the past three weeks, for a total of 1,433.
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Kaikkihan ei ole valehtelua vaan mukana on myös tietämättömyyttä, vääristelyä tai sumutusta. Mutta sana "valehtelu" myy paremmin.

Valehteliko Päivi Nerg? Valehteliko Petteri Orpo? Entä Merkel?

Jos tuolle tielle mennään. Vai olivatko vain tyhmiä tai vääristelivätkö faktoja.
Kaikkihan ei ole valehtelua vaan mukana on myös tietämättömyyttä, vääristelyä tai sumutusta. Mutta sana "valehtelu" myy paremmin.

Valehteliko Päivi Nerg? Valehteliko Petteri Orpo? Entä Merkel?

Jos tuolle tielle mennään. Vai olivatko vain tyhmiä tai vääristelivätkö faktoja.
Mutta kun Trump nimenomaan valehtelee, ja usein vielä asioissa jotka on tosi helppo tarkistaa. Tai sitten hänellä on kaikkien dementioiden äiti. Mitä en usko. Harkittua touhua.
Viime viikolla kerrottiin Michael Cohenin yrityksistä manipuloida erilaisia nettiäänestyksiä Trumpin hyväksi. WSJ:n mukaan Cohen uhkaili CNBC:tä oikeuteen haastamisella kun Trump jäi sijan 100 huonommalle puolelle USA:n parhaiden liikemiesten listauksessa johon kuului myös nettiäänestys. Cohenin uhkailun lisäksi Trump itse soitteli yhtiön pomoille valitellen kohteluaan.
Donald Trump and his then-attorney Michael Cohen pressured CNBC in 2014 to place the real-estate tycoon higher in its list of the country’s top business leaders after Mr. Cohen failed to manipulate the rankings in Mr. Trump’s favor, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Cohen called CNBC and threatened that Mr. Trump would sue over his poor standing in the ranking, arguing that the news channel was “ignoring the will of the people,” the people familiar with the matter said. CNBC didn’t respond to the threat, and Mr. Trump didn’t sue. Mr. Cohen didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Mr. Trump also called network executives to complain, the people familiar with the matter said, in addition to griping publicly on Twitter about it.
Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, said, “The president stands by his tweets.”

Mr. Cohen was sentenced last month to three years in prison, after pleading guilty to campaign-finance violations, tax evasion, lying to Congress and other charges. None of the charges were connected to his work to try to rig the online ranking.

Mr. Trump didn’t crack the top 100 in the CNBC rankings, which were decided by a panel of experts appointed by the business channel to curate the list. As part of the process, CNBC held an online poll meant to guide the expert panel as it pared a list of 200 contenders down to 25.

Mr. Trump had canvassed for votes on Twitter while Mr. Cohen, then his special counsel at the Trump Organization, enlisted a small technology company to use computer code to cheat the polls by repeatedly voting for Mr. Trump.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that Mr. Cohen asked RedFinch Solutions LLC owner John Gauger to better Mr. Trump’s odds in the CNBC poll, as well as a 2015 Drudge Report poll that asked who should be the Republican presidential nominee. Both efforts failed.

Mr. Cohen said in a tweet Thursday that he attempted to have the polls rigged at Mr. Trump’s direction, a claim Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, described as “bullshit.” At the time, Mr. Cohen never told Mr. Gauger that Mr. Trump had ordered the surveys manipulated but indicated that “the boss” was aware of the efforts once they were already under way, a person familiar with the conversation said.

Mr. Cohen, reached Friday, asked for more time to comment but didn’t respond to requests over the following two days.

Mr. Trump showed an interest on social media in the CNBC poll when the voting was open in early 2014. When CNBC announced the 200 contenders that month, Mr. Trump twice encouraged his Twitter followers to vote.

“Honored to be named as one of business’s ‘Top Leaders, Icons and Rebels’ by @CNBC,” Mr. Trump wrote in a Jan. 24, 2014, tweet. “Vote Trump!” Five days later, he again solicited votes: “Thanks to everyone for your support on @CNBC’s ‘Top Leaders, Icons and Rebels.’ Thanks for voting Trump!”

When he failed to make the cut, Mr. Trump lashed out at CNBC in two tweets. “Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility.” Mr. Trump said in one of the March 10, 2014, tweets.

In announcing the contest, CNBC said those selected were business leaders who were responsible for “ushering in meaningful change” and whose impact was felt most in the past 25 years.

Mr. Trump didn’t make the top-100 cut on the CNBC poll because the judges viewed his business acumen and impact falling far short of top business leaders, with some noting that his companies had filed for bankruptcy protection more than once, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump also encouraged oil executive T. Boone Pickens to complain, according to a spokesman for Mr. Pickens. The spokesman said both the oil executive and Mr. Trump ranked in the top 100 on the online poll but “were removed when CNBC changed the guidelines.”

Representatives for CNBC and the Trump Organization declined to comment.

Mr. Gauger, who also is chief information officer for Liberty University, asked for $50,000 for his work on the polls, he told the Journal.

At Mr. Cohen’s request to Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr., the university used its Twitter account to promote Mr. Trump in the CNBC rankings when the list of 200 contenders was announced, incorrectly stating that he’d been named among the top 25, according to a person familiar with the university’s decision. Mr. Falwell is an avid supporter of Mr. Trump.

Mr. Gauger told the Journal that Mr. Cohen never paid him what he said he was owed for the work on the polls. Instead, during a visit by Mr. Gauger to Mr. Cohen’s office, Mr. Cohen gave him a Walmart bag containing between $12,000 and $13,000 in cash and a boxing glove, telling him it had been worn by a Brazilian mixed-martial arts fighter, Mr. Gauger said.

Though Mr. Gauger said he never got the balance of the payment, Mr. Cohen in early 2017 still asked for—and received—a $50,000 reimbursement from Mr. Trump and his company for the work by RedFinch, according to a government document and a person familiar with the reimbursement.

Mr. Cohen, who is scheduled to testify before Congress next month, previously told the Journal that he never paid Mr. Gauger in cash. “All monies paid to Mr. Gauger were by check,” he said Thursday.
Viime viikolla kerrottiin Michael Cohenin yrityksistä manipuloida erilaisia nettiäänestyksiä Trumpin hyväksi. WSJ:n mukaan Cohen uhkaili CNBC:tä oikeuteen haastamisella kun Trump jäi sijan 100 huonommalle puolelle USA:n parhaiden liikemiesten listauksessa johon kuului myös nettiäänestys. Cohenin uhkailun lisäksi Trump itse soitteli yhtiön pomoille valitellen kohteluaan.
Pitääkö kokoajan kaivaa uutisvirrasta näitä Trump neg ”uutisia”?
Giulianin muutti taas Moskovan Trump Tower-projektiin liittyviä lausuntoja. Hänen mkertomuksensa projektin jatkumisesta presidentinavaaleihin saakka oli hypoteettinen eikä perustunut keskusteluihin presidentin kanssa. Erikoinen muutos lausuntoihin sillä Giuliani nimenomaan sanoi Trumpin kertoneen hänelle projektin jatkuneen läpi koko vuoden 2016.
Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, attempted Monday to clean up comments he made over the weekend asserting that discussions about a potential Trump Tower in Moscow stretched as late as November 2016.

In a statement Monday, Giuliani said his comments were purely hypothetical and not based on any conversations with the president. His statement Sunday, made on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” that Trump associates had continued negotiations about the real estate project deep into the 2016 campaign had again raised scrutiny into then-candidate Trump’s posture toward Moscow, including his call in July of that year for Russia to hack into Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails.

“My recent statements about discussions during the 2016 campaign between Michael Cohen and then-candidate Donald Trump about a potential Trump Moscow ‘project’ were hypothetical and not based on conversations I had with the President,” Giuliani said Monday. “My comments did not represent the actual timing or circumstances of any such discussions.

He added: “The point is that the proposal was in the earliest stage and did not advance beyond a free non-binding letter of intent.”

The timeline of the discussions of the potential Trump Tower project in Moscow is a central component of the ongoing legal case that has ensnared Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty last November to lying to Congress about the matter.

On “Meet the Press,” Giuliani said the duration of the talks was one of the questions Trump’s legal team answered in written questions to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and then elaborated on the timing.

“Well, it’s our understanding that it — that they went on throughout 2016. Weren’t a lot of them, but there were conversations,” Giuliani said during the Sunday interview. “Can’t be sure of the exact date. But the president can remember having conversations . . . about it.”

Giuliani then continued: “The president also remembers — yeah, probably up — could be up to as far as October, November. Our answers cover until the election. So anytime during that period, they could’ve talked about it.”

In his plea deal, Cohen admitted to lying to Congress when he said the Moscow project discussions ended in January 2016, when the negotiations continued through June of that year — a period during which Trump was campaigning vigorously and on his way to securing the GOP nomination.

During the campaign, Trump asserted multiple times that he had no business interests in Russia. Cohen had made his false statements to Congress, according to prosecutors, to minimize ties between Trump and the real estate project.

After Giuliani made his comments Sunday, Sen. Mark R. Warner (Va.), the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, reacted to the shifting timeline, saying it was “news to me” and adding: “That is big news.”

“I would think most voters, Democrat, Republican, independent, you name it, that knowing that the Republican nominee was actively trying to do business in Moscow, that the Republican nominee, at least at one point, had offered, if he built this building, Vladimir Putin, a three-penthouse apartment, and if those negotiations were ongoing while — up ’til the election, I think that’s a relevant fact for voters to know,” Warner said. “And I think it’s remarkable that we’re two years after the fact and just discovering it today.”
@veitera Jan 20
Mielenkiintoinen ja tärkeä ketju MAGA-lippispäisistä kiusaajista.
#eivihapuheelle View details ·

Hey Twitter, we need to have a talk. Last night I learned & confirmed
the name of the "main student" from the #CovingtonCatholic incident.
The kid grinning in front of the Native elder. Hop in this thread because
I'm going to walk you through some deep but important stuff.
Mimma Lehtovaara
@mimmal Jan 20
Replying to @veitera
Olennaista olisi keskustella myös, millaista arvomaailmaa nämä kalliit,
yksityiset ja uskonnolliset poikakoulut välittävät oppilailleen. Miten
koulussa käsitellään tasa-arvoa, etnisiä ja seksuaalivähemmistöjä,
naisten lisääntymisterveyttä...ja millaisin asentein sieltä jatketaan.

Niinpä niin - ja "rakenteellinen" rasismi mainittu :D

Uutisen liekitti tällä kertaa vasemmistolainen trollitili jonka Twitter sulki. Tosiaankin sanoi #eivihapuheelle mutta ei nyt mennyt kuten jotkut ajattelivat? Suljettiinkin se "#eivihapuheelle" öyhöttäjä :D
Mistä maasta se tili oli. Eivät kerro?

The account, with the username @2020fight, was set up in December 2016 and appeared to be the
tweets of a woman named Talia living in California. "Teacher & Advocate. Fighting for 2020,"
its Twitter bio read. Since the beginning of this year, the account had
tweeted on average 130 times a day and had more than 40,000 followers.

130 kertaa päivässä?? Eihän ei voi olla trollitili koska ei ollut trumpisti???

McDonagh said he found the account suspicious due to its "high follower count, highly polarized and yet inconsistent political messaging, the unusually high rate of tweets, and the use of someone else's image in the profile photo."
Molly McKew, an information warfare researcher who saw the tweet and shared it herself on Saturday, said she later realized that a network of anonymous accounts were working to amplify the video.

Miksi tuon tyyppistä paskaa, olipa tapauksesta liittyen laita kumpi tahansa, levitellään kilpaa bottien kanssa Suomessa asti?

Voisivatko toimittajat, turpot ja mitä näitä onkin "tavallista kansaa" neuvomassa niin itse käyttää tarkempaa harkintaa mihin somessa osallistuvat ja millaista öyhöttämistä alkavat levittää. Poliitikoiltahan se on mahdotonta.

Mielenkiintoinen ja tärkeä tapaus tosiaankin. Ei ole Yhdysvalloissa yhtä laitaa joiden kautta sotketaan - kuten ei Euroopassakaan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Muellerin ja ulkomaisen valtion omistaman yhtiön välisestä salatusta väännöstä saatiin taas tiedonmurusia uuden oikeusdokumentin muodossa. Homma koskee Muellerin vaatimiusta dokumenteista ulkomaiselta yritykseltä. Aiemmin ei ollut tarkkaa tietoa oliko yritys kokonaan vai osittain valtio-omisteinen ja nyt selvisi sen olevan 100% valtion omistama. Syyttäjät vaativat firmalle 10000 $/päivä uhkasakkoa mutta tuomari päätti viisinkertaistaa summan eli vitkuttelu maksaa 50000 $/päivä.

Yhtiön kotimaata ei tunneta mutta mahdollisena vihjeenä on sen käyttämä asianajotoimisto joka on edustanut mm. venäläistä oligarkkia ja Venäjän valtiolle työskennellyttä urakoitsijaa.
An attempt before the Supreme Court for a company to dodge a grand jury subpoena related to the Mueller investigation revealed a new twist Tuesday: that the company is wholly owned by a foreign government.

In essence, the foreign nation is fighting off the US Justice Department's attempt to collect information as it builds a criminal case.

The development comes in a redacted petition the country filed with the Supreme Court that was made public Tuesday.

The case concerns an unnamed corporation that is fighting a subpoena request from a DC-based grand jury. Lower courts have ruled that the company must turn over the information and imposed a $50,000 fine for every day it failed to do so following the appeal.

CNN previously reported that prosecutors from the special counsel's office were involved in the case at its early stages, suggesting that special counsel Robert Mueller sought the information from the company for grand jury proceedings related to his criminal investigations. The case then continued through the court system with an unusual amount of secrecy around it, so that even the lawyers involved could not be seen at a later hearing.

In ruling against the company, the appeals court said the request fell within an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act that limits foreign governments from being sued in US courts. The court also held that the company had not shown that its own country's law bar compliance.

Overall, the country argues to the Supreme Court that a ruling forcing it to turn over information to the US in a criminal investigation will upset international diplomacy.

"The D.C. circuit's parade of horribles finds no support in U.S. history. Since America's founding, foreign states have been immune from American criminal jurisdiction, and yet the United States is not overrun with criminal syndicates backed by foreign states," the attorneys for the foreign country wrote.

Regarding hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines it will have to pay for noncompliance, "The conflict is real and, like the other questions presented, has ramifications for America's relationships with other countries," the filing adds.

One of the firms involved in the challenge is Alston & Bird, CNN has reported, a firm that has previously represented Russian interests, including working for a Russian oligarch and a contractor of the Russian government.

After receiving the grand jury subpoena around summer 2018 and refusing to turn over the information, a trial-level federal judge held the company -- meaning the country, too -- in contempt of court. The company then lost several attempts it made to appeal the decision, until it finally reached the Supreme Court.

At one point during the earlier court proceedings, as the company tried to fight the subpoena, the country that owned it argued it should "not have to suffer the indignity of a contempt order," according to its Supreme Court brief.

Still, it lost before the appellate court for the DC Circuit and was fined $50,000 for each day it didn't comply with the subpoena. Last week, the Supreme Court denied an emergency request from the company to freeze the financial penalty, pending appeal.

Steve Vladeck, a CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor of law at the University of Texas School of Law, said the ruling could mean the court will eventually rule against the company.

"All the court is doing is allowing the corporation to file their full appeal under seal, with a redacted version for the public, without any suggestion of how the Justices are likely to rule on that appeal," Vladeck said. "Indeed, the fact that the justices already refused to put the lower-court rulings on hold strongly implies that the court will turn the corporation's case away once it is fully briefed."

Itse dokumentti:
Mielenkiintoinen ja tärkeä tapaus tosiaankin. Ei ole Yhdysvalloissa yhtä laitaa joiden kautta sotketaan - kuten ei Euroopassakaan.

Näin juurikin. Harvoin trollit muutenkaan mitään uutta keksivät, iskevät ja liioittelevat jo olemassa oleviin kipulinjoihin. Jenkeissä erityisesti missä tunnelma on hyvin mustavalkoista, tämä on erityisen helppoa.
Fox kanavan Tucke Carlson vetää näiden koululaisten haukkujat kölin ali.

Tucker ei ole kuitenkaan valikoinut pahimpia twitter mielenilmaisuja.

Alkuperäinen CNN uutisointi:

Asia on nyt korjattu ja selitetty uudestaan, mutta ongelmana taitaa ameriikan suunnalla olla se, etteivät ne ole pystyneet sammuttamaan asiasta syntynyttä tulipaloa. Some käy kuumana koululaisten lynkkaamisesta.


Jos joku on kiinnostunut historiasta, niin tällainen oli se mekanismi rattaineen, mikä pyöri Weimarin Saksassa ja myöhemmin Natsi-Saksassa. Tuijottaa ns suoraan silmiin.
Asia on nyt korjattu ja selitetty uudestaan, mutta ongelmana taitaa ameriikan suunnalla olla se, etteivät ne ole pystyneet sammuttamaan asiasta syntynyttä tulipaloa. Some käy kuumana koululaisten lynkkaamisesta.



Kommentteja kun uutisiin lukee esim:wapo, niin käsittämätöntä on vihan määrä edelleen, vaikka mitä uutta videota näytettäis.

Pelkästään tuo poikien kristillinen tausta tuntuu ottavan kovasti kupoliin. Eliitin valkoisia poika kakaroita. Helppo maali.

Näiden lasten vika on ilmeisesti se että 200v sitten lähetyssaarnaajat pakkokäännytti intiaaneja.

Ja se että kantaa maga lippistä oikeuttaa kaikkiin tekoihin, koska poikien olisi pitänyt tietää että se provosoi ihmisiä.
Michael Cohenin asianajaja ilmoitti että Cohen ei tule kongressin kuultavaksi kahden viikon kuluttua. Syyksi hän kertoi jatkuvat Trumpin ja Giulianin uhkaukset Cohenia sekä hänen perhettään kohtaan.
Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, will not testify before Congress next month, one of his attorneys said Wednesday — quashing at least temporarily the hopes of liberals for a public hearing in which Trump’s ex-fixer aired the president’s dirty laundry.

Lanny J. Davis, an attorney for Cohen said in a statement, “Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. [Rudolph] Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohen’s continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date.” Cohen had been scheduled to appear before the House Oversight Committee on February 7.

“This is a time where Mr. Cohen had to put his family and their safety first,” Davis said.

It is not clear to which “threats” Davis was referring, and Davis declined to provide more details. A person familiar with Cohen’s account said the threats have not been reported to law enforcement.

The president has been publicly critical of Cohen for his cooperation with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, and Giuliani, the president’s current lawyer, has highlighted problems with Cohen’s credibility.

Giuliani was particularly skeptical of Cohen after BuzzFeed News reported last week that Cohen told Mueller’s office that Trump had directed him to lie to Congress — an account the special counsel disputed in an unprecedented public statement.

“If you believe Cohen, I can get you a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge,” Giuliani said.

Cohen had announced to some fanfare earlier this month that he had accepted an invitation to testify from Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) “in furtherance of my commitment to cooperate and provide the American people with answers.” The hearing seemed as if it could be eventful.

Cohen pleaded guilty last year to multiple crimes, including lying to Congress about a possible Trump Tower project in Moscow and arranging hush money payments to women who had alleged having had affairs with Trump. He was sentenced to three years in prison and is expected to report to prison on March 6, about a month after the scheduled testimony date.

Trump’s critics had hoped that Cohen might, at the very least, offer unflattering revelations about the president. He had claimed in court to have helped cover up Trump’s “dirty deeds.”

Almost immediately, though, lawmakers raised questions about how much Cohen could say about the topic of most interest to the public — the information Cohen was said to provide to Mueller — because Mueller’s investigation is ongoing, and Cohen was likely to be restricted in what he could say.

When Cohen announced he was testifying, Cummings said, “I want to make clear that we have no interest in inappropriately interfering with any ongoing criminal investigations, and to that end, we are in the process of consulting with special counsel Mueller’s office.”

Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that he hoped to schedule a private hearing so Cohen could talk with lawmakers about Russia-related topics.

It was not clear if Cohen would still be able to testify before he reports to prison, or whether he could in some way offer testimony after that.