Trump -psykoosi

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Helppo sääntö erottaa sää ja ilmasto; sään näkee katsomalla ulos ikkunasta. Ilmaston näkee vain lukemalla tilastoja.

Niinpä. Tuon voisi kertoa myös median edustajille. Ettei enää selitetä teiden huonoa kuntoa ja liukkautta "ilmastomuutoksella", uusia "hulevesimaksuja" ilmastomuutoksella" ja sitä että jonain vuonna on Helsingissä sulat maat tammikuussa ja joinakin vuosina kakskyt senttiä lunta. Ei pitäisi laittaa normaalien asioiden syyksi sitä mitä ilmastossa tapahtuu.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Trumpin mukaan mediat esittivät väärin tiedustelupomojen mielipiteitä jotka olivat vastoin Trumpin omia näkemyksiä. Ongelmana on että kyseessä oli julkinen kuuleminen josta on saatavilla sekä video että puhtaaksi kirjoitettu teksti joista selviää median ymmärtäneen oikein tiedustelupomojen puheet.
They said, “Sir, our testimony was totally mischaracterized.” I said, “What are you talking about?” And when you read their testimony and you read their statements, it was mischaracterized by the media.

HABERMAN: The media mischaracterized it?

TRUMP: You know what I mean. Because when you read their statement, it’s not like it was portrayed in the media. Because I came in —

HABERMAN: What did they think they were saying? What did they tell you that they were —

TRUMP: When you see what they said, and they’re, they’re — let’s put it this way. It was really very different when I read it. Because I came in here saying what is this? You mean you’re — because one of the things they said very strongly, according to, was that Iran is, essentially, a wonderful place. And I said, “It’s not a wonderful place, it’s a bad place, and they’re doing bad things.”

And they said, “We agree.” I said, “What do you mean you agree. You can’t agree —” And they said the testimony was totally mischaracterized.
"And they said, “We agree.” I said, “What do you mean you agree. You can’t agree —” And they said the testimony was totally mischaracterized."

By Trump?
Naisten marssi on peruttu, koska osanottajat olisivat olleet liian valkoisia.

The Women’s March, which was hailed as an international rebuke of President Trump in 2017 when throngs of activists took the streets the day after his inauguration, is steadily losing supporters amid an anti-Semitism scandal that won't go away.

At the center of the controversy are leaders' ties to and statements about radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Both Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian activist who has embraced the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and co-President Tamika Mallory have ties to Farrakhan. The controversy picked up after Mallory attended a Farrakhan speech last February.

White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through,” Farrakhan said in that sermon.

Tarina jatkuu. Washingtonin naisten marssin johtohahmo Farrakhan on matkustanut Iraniin.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan led chants of “death to America” on Sunday and derided American conceptions of democracy and freedom during a visit to Iran, planned as a show of support for the regime ahead of the re-implementation of U.S. sanctions.

During a subsequent speaking appearance at the University of Tehran law school, Farrakhan mocked America’s founding ideals while praising the Islamic conception of women’s rights and Iran’s strict enforcement of female modesty.

“America has never been a democracy and has always leaned towards the wealthy and powerful class,” he said before leading the law students in chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”

Demarit ovat olleet tässä hyödyllisiä hölmöjä.
Liittovaltion syyttäjät vaativat Trumpin virkaanastujaiskomitealta dokumentteja lahjoituksista ja rahankäytöstä. Epäiltyinä rikoksina on ainakin salaliitto USA:ta vastaan, postipetos, valehtelu tutkijoille ja rahanpesu.
Federal prosecutors in New York on Monday delivered a sweeping request for documents related to donations and spending by President Trump’s inaugural committee, a sign of a deepening criminal investigation into activities related to the nonprofit organization.

A wide-ranging subpoena served on the inaugural committee Monday seeks an array of documents, including all information related to inaugural donors, vendors, contractors, bank accounts of the inaugural committee and any information related to foreign contributors to the committee, according to a copy reviewed by The Washington Post.

Only U.S. citizens and legal residents can legally donate to a committee established to finance presidential inaugural festivities.

“We have just received a subpoena for documents. While we are still reviewing the subpoena, it is our intention to cooperate with the inquiry,” a spokesman for the committee said in a statement.

The subpoena — issued by the U.S. attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York — indicates that prosecutors are investigating crimes related to conspiracy to defraud the United States, mail fraud, false statements, wire fraud and money laundering.

The subpoena also specifically seeks all communications with one donor, Los Angeles venture capitalist Imaad Zuberi, as well as the firm with which he is affiliated, Avenue Ventures. The company donated $900,000 to the inaugural committee, records show.

Steve Rabinowitz, a spokesman for Zuberi, said in a telephone interview that Zuberi knew nothing about the subpoena until contacted by a reporter.

“It is well known that after supporting President Obama and Hillary Clinton that Imaad gave generously and directly to the Trump inaugural,” Rabinowitz said. “But many others gave substantially more. If in fact he is named in this subpoena, never mind somehow named alone, he is bewildered why.”

Asked whether there was any foreign connection to Zuberi’s donation, Rabinowitz said: “There is no connection of any other individual or entity, and for sure not a foreign one. He gave his own money.”

Trump’s inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to fund events and parties surrounding his assumption of office in January 2017, more than twice the amount raised to fund President Barack Obama’s 2009 inaugural.

Contributions were made by a wide array of corporate interests and wealthy Trump supporters, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.

The committee was chaired by real estate developer Tom Barrack Jr., a longtime friend of Trump’s. Barrack, who is not mentioned by name in the subpoena, declined to comment.

The request for documents, first reported by ABC News, is a sign of another widening legal headache for Trump, whose business, personal charitable foundation and campaign are all under investigation by state and federal authorities.

The latest subpoena seeks information related to broad topics, including information about benefits provided to top donors, training documents for fundraisers and information related to any payments made directly by donors to vendors.

Much of the committee’s fundraising and operation was headed by Rick Gates, a former senior Trump campaign official who served as a deputy chairman of the inaugural committee and is cooperating with prosecutors as part of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation.

Gates, a longtime associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, pleaded guilty last February to various charges related to his work with Manafort as a political consultant in Ukraine.

At Manafort’s trial in Virginia in August, Gates testified that it was “possible” that he stole money from the inaugural committee by submitting false expense reports for his work.

After Trump’s election, Zuberi, a longtime Democratic donor, swiftly emerged as a major contributor to the new president and Republicans. Along with the $900,000 his firm Avenue Ventures gave to the inaugural committee on Dec. 28, 2016, it donated an additional $100,000 to the host committee for the 2016 Republican National Convention on Jan. 13, 2017, campaign finance records show.

The donation came months after the Cleveland convention and just days before Trump took office.

In the first two years of the Trump administration, Zuberi gave more than $467,000 to the president’s reelection committee and the Republican National Committee, records show.

Zuberi’s support for Trump marked a swift reversal for a financier who had previously been a major Democratic giver.

In the 2016 election, he gave more than $615,000 to a joint fundraising committee between Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic Party, records show. Four years earlier, he had contributed more than $77,000 to a committee raising funds for Obama’s reelection and the party.

Internal Democratic emails released by WikiLeaks in October 2016 show that Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta met with Zuberi in September 2015 to thank him for his support of Clinton.

The internal Podesta memo is part of a cache of hacked emails that prosecutors have said were stolen by Russian operatives and provided to WikiLeaks in an effort to help elect Trump.

On his Facebook page, Zuberi indicated that he visited Trump Tower in New York in December 2016 as the president-elect prepared to take office, writing that he was with incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn.

That was the same day that a delegation from Qatar, including the county’s foreign minister, visited Trump Tower and met with Flynn and campaign chief executive Stephen K. Bannon.

Rabinowitz said Zuberi met with the Qataris that day, walked with them to Trump Tower and rode up the elevator with them, but did not participate in their meetings with Trump officials.

Zuberi indicated on his Facebook page that he met with the Qatari foreign minister at the Plaza Hotel in New York the following day. Days later, he visited Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, his Facebook posts show.

The inaugural committee has also been scrutinized by the special counsel, whose prosecutors have explored the possibility that foreign money helped fund Trump’s inaugural festivities, according to people familiar with the inquiry.

It is not clear whether Mueller is still investigating the committee or referred the case to other prosecutors to pursue.

One such case has been prosecuted by the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, which in August secured a guilty plea from lobbyist W. Samuel Patten, who admitted to acting as an unregistered federal agent for a Ukrainian political party. As part of a plea deal, Patten acknowledged that he steered an illegal foreign donation to Trump’s inaugural committee, using an American straw donor.
^Taas uusi tutkimuslinja. Aikaisemmista ei ole mikään vielä osunut. Mutta eiköhän joku vielä osu, kun syyllinen on jo nimetty, tai ainakin on pakko löytyä koska orange man bad.
^Taas uusi tutkimuslinja. Aikaisemmista ei ole mikään vielä osunut. Mutta eiköhän joku vielä osu, kun syyllinen on jo nimetty, tai ainakin on pakko löytyä koska orange man bad.
Aiemmista tutkimuksista on toki löytynyt jo ties mitä. Yksi erikoistutkija Muellerin tutkimus muistaakseni lukemani artikkelin mukaan on johtanut jo 199 syytteeseen. Julkiseksi tullutta sellaista, siis.

Trumpin virkaanastujaisista viserrys, liekö sekin taas "nothingburger"?

Esim mitä? Nimenomaan tähän Venäjään liittyvää?

Ruvetaan tutkimaan normisuomalaista, aina löytyy senverran ylinopeutta ja ehkä mummoa auttaessaan saanut pimeää palkkaa, että siitä saadaan komeat otsikot.

Hilarylla oli mm. se sähköposticase, siitä ei ole mitään seuraamuksia ole ollut. Odotan samanlaista anteeksiantavaa käsittelyä Trumpille, laki on sama kaikille vaikka olisi oranssi mies sekä omaisi pienet kädet ja osa laittomuuksista saattaa olla jo "saavutettuja etuja".
^Taas uusi tutkimuslinja. Aikaisemmista ei ole mikään vielä osunut. Mutta eiköhän joku vielä osu, kun syyllinen on jo nimetty, tai ainakin on pakko löytyä koska orange man bad.
4 saanut vankeustuomion (Cohen, Papadopoulos, van Zwaan, Pinedo), 1 odottaa tuomiotaan (Manafort), 7 myöntänyt syyllistyneensä rikokseen (edellä mainitut + Flynn, Gates), 37 saanut syytteet.
Esim. Benghazia tutki FBI, ulkoministeriö, 2 senaatin komiteaa ja 6 kongressin komiteaa, mikään näistä 10 tutkimuksesta ei löytänyt mitään todisteita väärikäytöksista.
Esim mitä? Nimenomaan tähän Venäjään liittyvää?

Ruvetaan tutkimaan normisuomalaista, aina löytyy senverran ylinopeutta ja ehkä mummoa auttaessaan saanut pimeää palkkaa, että siitä saadaan komeat otsikot.

Hilarylla oli mm. se sähköposticase, siitä ei ole mitään seuraamuksia ole ollut. Odotan samanlaista anteeksiantavaa käsittelyä Trumpille, laki on sama kaikille vaikka olisi oranssi mies sekä omaisi pienet kädet ja osa laittomuuksista saattaa olla jo "saavutettuja etuja".
Kyllä myös Crooked Hillaryn sähköpostisotkut tutkittiin huolellisesti FBI:n toimesta. Mitään syytteen nostamisen arvoista ei löytynyt.
4 saanut vankeustuomion (Cohen, Papadopoulos, van Zwaan, Pinedo), 1 odottaa tuomiotaan (Manafort), 7 myöntänyt syyllistyneensä rikokseen (edellä mainitut + Flynn, Gates), 37 saanut syytteet.
En ole kuullutkaan tuosta van Zwaamista. Googlasin ja hänen tuomiostaan sanotaan "The criminal case against Van der Zwaan is not directly related to Russian election interference. "

Tsekkasin Cohenin:

"for crimes including lying to Congress and facilitating illegal payments to silence two women who alleged affairs with Trump. "

Papadopoulos sai massiivisen 2-viikon rangaistuksen ja taitaa olla eniten venäläisiä kohdannut syytetty?

Pinedo: Pinedo had a shady online website that sold stolen US bank account numbers to help people circumvent PayPal’s identity verification features. And some of his customers just so happened to be Russians involved in the so-called “troll farm,” a social media propaganda effort to influence the 2016 campaign.

Mutta mikä parasta, niin historia tulee kertomaan mikä on hommassa takana. Pari vuotta jo juttua tutkittu edestä ja takaa ja on löytynyt vain pieniä rötöksiä, koko luvattu venäjähomma on aina vaan tulevaisuudessa kuten fuusioreaktorikin.

Uskoisin hommassa olevan pelon siitä, että maailmanhalaajat ovat nyt 50+-vuotta kertoneet kuinka pitää rajat avata ja kaikkea pitää halata, kumbayaa nuotiolla kaikki yhdessä. Elintaso on laskenut teollisuuden ulosliputtamisen vuoksi, velkaa kertyy kaikille jne. Nyt tulee joku ja sanoo että tuo kaikki on ollut fuulaa. Mitä jos hän tekeekin amerikasta jälleen suuren?

Ei kai Trumpin henkilöstä tarvitse pitää, jos tunnustaa että taloudessa on ollut aika hurja vaihe päällä viimeaikoina. Extrabonuksena Kiinan koville laittaminen eikä vain paheksuminen kuten edeltäjät tekivät kiinan rahapolitiikalle.

Maanpuolustusfoorumilla pitäisi olla iloinen Trumpista, onhan hän pakottanut naton loisivat eurooppalaismaat panostamaan armeijoihinsa vaatimalla niitä täyttämään sovitut prosentit. Kyllä eurooppalaisilla mailla pitää olla kunnon armeijat venäjän uhkaa vastaan.
En ole kuullutkaan tuosta van Zwaamista. Googlasin ja hänen tuomiostaan sanotaan "The criminal case against Van der Zwaan is not directly related to Russian election interference. "

Tsekkasin Cohenin:

"for crimes including lying to Congress and facilitating illegal payments to silence two women who alleged affairs with Trump. "

Papadopoulos sai massiivisen 2-viikon rangaistuksen ja taitaa olla eniten venäläisiä kohdannut syytetty?

Pinedo: Pinedo had a shady online website that sold stolen US bank account numbers to help people circumvent PayPal’s identity verification features. And some of his customers just so happened to be Russians involved in the so-called “troll farm,” a social media propaganda effort to influence the 2016 campaign.

Mutta mikä parasta, niin historia tulee kertomaan mikä on hommassa takana. Pari vuotta jo juttua tutkittu edestä ja takaa ja on löytynyt vain pieniä rötöksiä, koko luvattu venäjähomma on aina vaan tulevaisuudessa kuten fuusioreaktorikin.

Uskoisin hommassa olevan pelon siitä, että maailmanhalaajat ovat nyt 50+-vuotta kertoneet kuinka pitää rajat avata ja kaikkea pitää halata, kumbayaa nuotiolla kaikki yhdessä. Elintaso on laskenut teollisuuden ulosliputtamisen vuoksi, velkaa kertyy kaikille jne. Nyt tulee joku ja sanoo että tuo kaikki on ollut fuulaa. Mitä jos hän tekeekin amerikasta jälleen suuren?

Ei kai Trumpin henkilöstä tarvitse pitää, jos tunnustaa että taloudessa on ollut aika hurja vaihe päällä viimeaikoina. Extrabonuksena Kiinan koville laittaminen eikä vain paheksuminen kuten edeltäjät tekivät kiinan rahapolitiikalle.

Maanpuolustusfoorumilla pitäisi olla iloinen Trumpista, onhan hän pakottanut naton loisivat eurooppalaismaat panostamaan armeijoihinsa vaatimalla niitä täyttämään sovitut prosentit. Kyllä eurooppalaisilla mailla pitää olla kunnon armeijat venäjän uhkaa vastaan.
Eikö +20 venäläistä joille on luettu syytteet liity lainkaan Venäjän toimiin vaaleissa? Tai Flynnin tuomio hänen lupailtua sanktioiden poistoa venäläisille ennen Trumpin presidenttikauden alkua?
En ole kuullutkaan tuosta van Zwaamista. Googlasin ja hänen tuomiostaan sanotaan "The criminal case against Van der Zwaan is not directly related to Russian election interference. "

Tsekkasin Cohenin:

"for crimes including lying to Congress and facilitating illegal payments to silence two women who alleged affairs with Trump. "

Papadopoulos sai massiivisen 2-viikon rangaistuksen ja taitaa olla eniten venäläisiä kohdannut syytetty?

Pinedo: Pinedo had a shady online website that sold stolen US bank account numbers to help people circumvent PayPal’s identity verification features. And some of his customers just so happened to be Russians involved in the so-called “troll farm,” a social media propaganda effort to influence the 2016 campaign.

Mutta mikä parasta, niin historia tulee kertomaan mikä on hommassa takana. Pari vuotta jo juttua tutkittu edestä ja takaa ja on löytynyt vain pieniä rötöksiä, koko luvattu venäjähomma on aina vaan tulevaisuudessa kuten fuusioreaktorikin.

Uskoisin hommassa olevan pelon siitä, että maailmanhalaajat ovat nyt 50+-vuotta kertoneet kuinka pitää rajat avata ja kaikkea pitää halata, kumbayaa nuotiolla kaikki yhdessä. Elintaso on laskenut teollisuuden ulosliputtamisen vuoksi, velkaa kertyy kaikille jne. Nyt tulee joku ja sanoo että tuo kaikki on ollut fuulaa. Mitä jos hän tekeekin amerikasta jälleen suuren?

Ei kai Trumpin henkilöstä tarvitse pitää, jos tunnustaa että taloudessa on ollut aika hurja vaihe päällä viimeaikoina. Extrabonuksena Kiinan koville laittaminen eikä vain paheksuminen kuten edeltäjät tekivät kiinan rahapolitiikalle.

Maanpuolustusfoorumilla pitäisi olla iloinen Trumpista, onhan hän pakottanut naton loisivat eurooppalaismaat panostamaan armeijoihinsa vaatimalla niitä täyttämään sovitut prosentit. Kyllä eurooppalaisilla mailla pitää olla kunnon armeijat venäjän uhkaa vastaan.
Erittäin asiallisia huomioita kaikki, kannatan! Laitan tähän Trumpin eilisen puheen kokonaisuudessaan, koska se oli mielestäni niin hyvä - inspiroiva, isänmaallinen ja mielialoja kohottava! Erityisesti loppupään muutamasta sound bitesta tuli kaltaisellani kyynikollakin tippa kyynelkanavan kuivuneesta ja karstoittuneesta kulmasta:

(Remarks as prepared for delivery)

Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans: We meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential.

As we begin a new Congress, I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans.

Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties but as one Nation.

The agenda I will lay out this evening is not a Republican agenda or a Democrat agenda. It is the agenda of the American people.

Many of us campaigned on the same core promises: to defend American jobs and demand fair trade for American workers; to rebuild and revitalize our Nation's infrastructure; to reduce the price of healthcare and prescription drugs; to create an immigration system that is safe, lawful, modern and secure; and to pursue a foreign policy that puts America's interests first.

There is a new opportunity in American politics, if only we have the courage to seize it. Victory is not winning for our party. Victory is winning for our country.

This year, America will recognize two important anniversaries that show us the majesty of America's mission, and the power of American pride.

In June, we mark 75 years since the start of what General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the Great Crusade - the Allied liberation of Europe in World War II.

On D-Day, June 6, 1944, 15,000 young American men jumped from the sky, and 60,000 more stormed in from the sea, to save our civilization from tyranny.

Here with us tonight are three of those heroes: Private First Class Joseph Reilly, Staff Sergeant Irving Locker, and Sergeant Herman Zeitchik. Gentlemen, we salute you.

In 2019, we also celebrate 50 years since brave young pilots flew a quarter of a million miles through space to plant the American flag on the face of the moon.

Half a century later, we are joined by one of the Apollo 11 astronauts who planted that flag: Buzz Aldrin. This year, American astronauts will go back to space on American rockets.

In the 20th century, America saved freedom, transformed science, and redefined the middle class standard of living for the entire world to see.

Now, we must step boldly and bravely into the next chapter of this great American adventure, and we must create a new standard of living for the 21st century.

An amazing quality of life for all of our citizens is within our reach. We can make our communities safer, our families stronger, our culture richer, our faith deeper, and our middle class bigger and more prosperous than ever before.

But we must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution - and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good.

Together, we can break decades of political stalemate. We can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions, and unlock the extraordinary promise of America's future.

The decision is ours to make. We must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction.

Tonight, I ask you to choose greatness.

Over the last 2 years, my Administration has moved with urgency and historic speed to confront problems neglected by leaders of both parties over many decades.

In just over 2 years since the election, we have launched an unprecedented economic boom - a boom that has rarely been seen before.

We have created 5.3 million new jobs and importantly added 600,000 new manufacturing jobs - something which almost everyone said was impossible to do, but the fact is, we are just getting started.

Wages are rising at the fastest pace in decades, and growing for blue collar workers, who I promised to fight for, faster than anyone else.

Nearly 5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps. The United States economy is growing almost twice as fast today as when I took office, and we are considered far and away the hottest economy anywhere in the world. Unemployment has reached the lowest rate in half a century.

African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American unemployment have all reached their lowest levels ever recorded. Unemployment for Americans with disabilities has also reached an all-time low. More people are working now than at any time in our history - 157 million.

We passed a massive tax cut for working families and doubled the child tax credit. We virtually ended the estate, or death, tax on small businesses, ranches, and family farms.

We eliminated the very unpopular Obamacare individual mandate penalty - and to give critically ill patients access to life-saving cures, we passed right to try.

My Administration has cut more regulations in a short time than any other administration during its entire tenure. Companies are coming back to our country in large numbers thanks to historic reductions in taxes and regulations. We have unleashed a revolution in American energy - the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.

And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy.

After 24 months of rapid progress, our economy is the envy of the world, our military is the most powerful on earth, and America is winning each and every day.

Members of Congress: the State of our Union is strong. Our country is vibrant and our economy is thriving like never before.

On Friday, it was announced that we added another 304,000 jobs last month alone - almost double what was expected.

An economic miracle is taking place in the United States - and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.

If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. It just doesn't work that way!

We must be united at home to defeat our adversaries abroad.

This new era of cooperation can start with finally confirming the more than 300 highly qualified nominees who are still stuck in the Senate – some after years of waiting.

The Senate has failed to act on these nominations, which is unfair to the nominees and to our country. Now is the time for bipartisan action.

Believe it or not, we have already proven that it is possible. In the last Congress, both parties came together to pass unprecedented legislation to confront the opioid crisis, a sweeping new Farm Bill, historic VA reforms, and after four decades of rejection, we passed VA Accountability so we can finally terminate those who mistreat our wonderful veterans.

And just weeks ago, both parties united for groundbreaking criminal justice reform. Last year, I heard through friends the story of Alice Johnson. I was deeply moved.

In 1997, Alice was sentenced to life in prison as a first-time non-violent drug offender. Over the next two decades, she became a prison minister, inspiring others to choose a better path.

She had a big impact on that prison population - and far beyond. Alice's story underscores the disparities and unfairness that can exist in criminal sentencing and the need to remedy this injustice.

She served almost 22 years and had expected to be in prison for the rest of her life. In June, I commuted Alice's sentence - and she is here with us tonight.

Alice, thank you for reminding us that we always have the power to shape our own destiny. When I saw Alice's beautiful family greet her at the prison gates, hugging and kissing and crying and laughing, I knew I did the right thing.

Inspired by stories like Alice's, my Administration worked closely with members of both parties to sign the First Step Act into law.

This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community.

The First Step Act gives non-violent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens.

Now, States across the country are following our lead. America is a Nation that believes in redemption.

We are also joined tonight by Matthew Charles from Tennessee. In 1996, at age 30, Matthew was sentenced to 35 years for selling drugs and related offenses.

Over the next two decades, he completed more than 30 Bible studies, became a law clerk, and mentored fellow inmates. Now, Matthew is the very first person to be released from prison under the First Step Act. Matthew, on behalf of all Americans: welcome home.

As we have seen, when we are united, we can make astonishing strides for our country. Now, Republicans and Democrats must join forces again to confront an urgent national crisis.

The Congress has 10 days left to pass a bill that will fund our Government, protect our homeland, and secure our southern border.

Now is the time for the Congress to show the world that America is committed to ending illegal immigration and putting the ruthless coyotes, cartels, drug dealers, and human traffickers out of business.

As we speak, large, organized caravans are on the march to the United States. We have just heard that Mexican cities, in order to remove the illegal immigrants from their communities, are getting trucks and buses to bring them up to our country in areas where there is little border protection.

I have ordered another 3,750 troops to our southern border to prepare for the tremendous onslaught.

This is a moral issue. The lawless state of our southern border is a threat to the safety, security, and financial well‑being of all Americans.

We have a moral duty to create an immigration system that protects the lives and jobs of our citizens. This includes our obligation to the millions of immigrants living here today, who followed the rules and respected our laws.

Legal immigrants enrich our Nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally.

Tonight, I am asking you to defend our very dangerous southern border out of love and devotion to our fellow citizens and to our country.

No issue better illustrates the divide between America's working class and America's political class than illegal immigration.

Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls and gates and guards.

Meanwhile, working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal migration - reduced jobs, lower wages, overburdened schools and hospitals, increased crime, and a depleted social safety net. Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate - it is cruel.

One in three women is sexually assaulted on the long journey north. Smugglers use migrant children as human pawns to exploit our laws and gain access to our country.

Human traffickers and sex traffickers take advantage of the wide open areas between our ports of entry to smuggle thousands of young girls and women into the United States and to sell them into prostitution and modern-day slavery.

Tens of thousands of innocent Americans are killed by lethal drugs that cross our border and flood into our cities - including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl.

The savage gang, MS-13, now operates in 20 different American states, and they almost all come through our southern border.

Just yesterday, an MS-13 gang member was taken into custody for a fatal shooting on a subway platform in New York City.

We are removing these gang members by the thousands, but until we secure our border they're going to keep streaming back in.

Year after year, countless Americans are murdered by criminal illegal aliens. I've gotten to know many wonderful Angel Moms, Dads, and families – no one should ever have to suffer the horrible heartache they have endured.

Here tonight is Debra Bissell. Just three weeks ago, Debra's parents, Gerald and Sharon, were burglarized and shot to death in their Reno, Nevada, home by an illegal alien.

They were in their eighties and are survived by four children, 11 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. Also here tonight are Gerald and Sharon's granddaughter, Heather, and great‑granddaughter, Madison.

To Debra, Heather, Madison, please stand: few can understand your pain. But I will never forget, and I will fight for the memory of Gerald and Sharon, that it should never happen again.

Not one more American life should be lost because our Nation failed to control its very dangerous border. In the last 2 years, our brave ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens, including those charged or convicted of nearly 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 killings.

We are joined tonight by one of those law enforcement heroes: ICE Special Agent Elvin Hernandez. When Elvin was a boy, he and his family legally immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic. At the age of eight, Elvin told his dad he wanted to become a Special Agent.

Today, he leads investigations into the scourge of international sex trafficking. Elvin says: 'If I can make sure these young girls get their justice, I've done my job.'

Thanks to his work and that of his colleagues, more than 300 women and girls have been rescued from horror and more than 1,500 sadistic traffickers have been put behind bars in the last year.

Special Agent Hernandez, please stand: We will always support the brave men and women of Law Enforcement - and I pledge to you tonight that we will never abolish our heroes from ICE.

My Administration has sent to the Congress a commonsense proposal to end the crisis on our southern border.

It includes humanitarian assistance, more law enforcement, drug detection at our ports, closing loopholes that enable child smuggling, and plans for a new physical barrier, or wall, to secure the vast areas between our ports of entry.

In the past, most of the people in this room voted for a wall - but the proper wall never got built. I'll get it built.

This is a smart, strategic, see-through steel barrier - not just a simple concrete wall. It will be deployed in the areas identified by border agents as having the greatest need, and as these agents will tell you, where walls go up, illegal crossings go way down.

San Diego used to have the most illegal border crossings in the country. In response, and at the request of San Diego residents and political leaders, a strong security wall was put in place. This powerful barrier almost completely ended illegal crossings.

The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime - one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our Nation's most dangerous cities.

Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities. Simply put, walls work and walls save lives.

So let's work together, compromise, and reach a deal that will truly make America safe. As we work to defend our people's safety, we must also ensure our economic resurgence continues at a rapid pace.

No one has benefited more from our thriving economy than women, who have filled 58 percent of the new jobs created in the last year.

All Americans can be proud that we have more women in the workforce than ever before - and exactly one century after the Congress passed the Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in the Congress than ever before.

As part of our commitment to improving opportunity for women everywhere, this Thursday we are launching the first ever Government-wide initiative focused on economic empowerment for women in developing countries.

To build on our incredible economic success, one priority is paramount - reversing decades of calamitous trade policies.


We are now making it clear to China that after years of targeting our industries, and stealing our intellectual property, the theft of American jobs and wealth has come to an end.

Therefore, we recently imposed tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods - and now our Treasury is receiving billions of dollars a month from a country that never gave us a dime.

But I don't blame China for taking advantage of us - I blame our leaders and representatives for allowing this travesty to happen. I have great respect for President Xi, and we are now working on a new trade deal with China.

But it must include real, structural change to end unfair trade practices, reduce our chronic trade deficit, and protect American jobs.

Another historic trade blunder was the catastrophe known as NAFTA. I have met the men and women of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Hampshire, and many other States whose dreams were shattered by NAFTA.

For years, politicians promised them they would negotiate for a better deal. But no one ever tried - until now.

Our new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement - or USMCA - will replace NAFTA and deliver for American workers: bringing back our manufacturing jobs, expanding American agriculture, protecting intellectual property, and ensuring that more cars are proudly stamped with four beautiful words: made in the USA.

Tonight, I am also asking you to pass the United States Reciprocal Trade Act, so that if another country places an unfair tariff on an American product, we can charge them the exact same tariff on the same product that they sell to us.

Both parties should be able to unite for a great rebuilding of America's crumbling infrastructure. I know that the Congress is eager to pass an infrastructure bill - and I am eager to work with you on legislation to deliver new and important infrastructure investment, including investments in the cutting edge industries of the future.

This is not an option. This is a necessity.

The next major priority for me, and for all of us, should be to lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs - and to protect patients with pre-existing conditions.

Already, as a result of my Administration's efforts, in 2018 drug prices experienced their single largest decline in 46 years. But we must do more.

It is unacceptable that Americans pay vastly more than people in other countries for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same place.

This is wrong, unfair, and together we can stop it. I am asking the Congress to pass legislation that finally takes on the problem of global freeloading and delivers fairness and price transparency for American patients.

We should also require drug companies, insurance companies, and hospitals to disclose real prices to foster competition and bring costs down.

No force in history has done more to advance the human condition than American freedom. In recent years we have made remarkable progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Scientific breakthroughs have brought a once-distant dream within reach.

My budget will ask Democrats and Republicans to make the needed commitment to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years. Together, we will defeat AIDS in America.

Tonight, I am also asking you to join me in another fight that all Americans can get behind: the fight against childhood cancer.

Joining Melania in the gallery this evening is a very brave 10-year-old girl, Grace Eline. Every birthday since she was 4, Grace asked her friends to donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

She did not know that one day she might be a patient herself. Last year, Grace was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Immediately, she began radiation treatment. At the same time, she rallied her community and raised more than $40,000 for the fight against cancer.

When Grace completed treatment last fall, her doctors and nurses cheered with tears in their eyes as she hung up a poster that read: 'Last Day of Chemo.'

Grace - you are an inspiration to us all.

Many childhood cancers have not seen new therapies in decades. My budget will ask the Congress for $500 million over the next 10 years to fund this critical life-saving research.

To help support working parents, the time has come to pass school choice for America's children. I am also proud to be the first President to include in my budget a plan for nationwide paid family leave - so that every new parent has the chance to bond with their newborn child.

There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our Nation saw in recent days.

Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother's womb moments before birth.

These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world.

And then, we had the case of the Governor of Virginia where he basically stated he would execute a baby after birth. To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother's womb.

Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children - born and unborn - are made in the holy image of God.

The final part of my agenda is to protect America's National Security. Over the last 2 years, we have begun to fully rebuild the United States Military - with $700 billion last year and $716 billion this year. We are also getting other nations to pay their fair share.

For years, the United States was being treated very unfairly by NATO - but now we have secured a $100 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies. As part of our military build-up, the United States is developing a state-of-the-art Missile Defense System.

Under my Administration, we will never apologize for advancing America's interests. For example, decades ago the United States entered into a treaty with Russia in which we agreed to limit and reduce our missile capabilities.

While we followed the agreement to the letter, Russia repeatedly violated its terms. That is why I announced that the United States is officially withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF Treaty.

Perhaps we can negotiate a different agreement, adding China and others, or perhaps we can't - in which case, we will outspend and out-innovate all others by far.

As part of a bold new diplomacy, we continue our historic push for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Our hostages have come home, nuclear testing has stopped, and there has not been a missile launch in 15 months. If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea with potentially millions of people killed.

Much work remains to be done, but my relationship with Kim Jong Un is a good one. And Chairman Kim and I will meet again on February 27 and 28 in Vietnam.

Two weeks ago, the United States officially recognized the legitimate government of Venezuela, and its new interim President, Juan Guaido.

We stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom - and we condemn the brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair.

Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence - not government coercion, domination, and control.

We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.

One of the most complex set of challenges we face is in the Middle East. Our approach is based on principled realism - not discredited theories that have failed for decades to yield progress.

For this reason, my Administration recognized the true capital of Israel - and proudly opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem.

Our brave troops have now been fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years. In Afghanistan and Iraq, nearly 7,000 American heroes have given their lives. More than 52,000 Americans have been badly wounded. We have spent more than $7 trillion in the Middle East.

As a candidate for President, I pledged a new approach. Great nations do not fight endless wars. When I took office, ISIS controlled more than 20,000 square miles in Iraq and Syria. Today, we have liberated virtually all of that territory from the grip of these bloodthirsty killers.

Now, as we work with our allies to destroy the remnants of ISIS, it is time to give our brave warriors in Syria a warm welcome home.

I have also accelerated our negotiations to reach a political settlement in Afghanistan. Our troops have fought with unmatched valor - and thanks to their bravery, we are now able to pursue a political solution to this long and bloody conflict.

In Afghanistan, my administration is holding constructive talks with a number of Afghan groups, including the Taliban.

As we make progress in these negotiations, we will be able to reduce our troop presence and focus on counter-terrorism. We do not know whether we will achieve an agreement - but we do know that after two decades of war, the hour has come to at least try for peace.

Above all, friend and foe alike must never doubt this Nation's power and will to defend our people. Eighteen years ago, terrorists attacked the USS Cole - and last month American forces killed one of the leaders of the attack.

We are honored to be joined tonight by Tom Wibberley, whose son, Navy Seaman Craig Wibberley, was one of the 17 sailors we tragically lost.

Tom: we vow to always remember the heroes of the USS Cole. My Administration has acted decisively to confront the world's leading state sponsor of terror: the radical regime in Iran.

To ensure this corrupt dictatorship never acquires nuclear weapons, I withdrew the United States from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.

And last fall, we put in place the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country. We will not avert our eyes from a regime that chants death to America and threatens genocide against the Jewish people.

We must never ignore the vile poison of anti-Semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice, we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs.

Just months ago, 11 Jewish-Americans were viciously murdered in an anti-semitic attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

SWAT Officer Timothy Matson raced into the gunfire and was shot seven times chasing down the killer. Timothy has just had his 12th surgery - but he made the trip to be here with us tonight. Officer Matson: we are forever grateful for your courage in the face of evil.

Tonight, we are also joined by Pittsburgh survivor Judah Samet. He arrived at the synagogue as the massacre began. But not only did Judah narrowly escape death last fall - more than seven decades ago, he narrowly survived the Nazi concentration camps.

Today is Judah's 81st birthday. Judah says he can still remember the exact moment, nearly 75 years ago, after 10 months in a concentration camp, when he and his family were put on a train, and told they were going to another camp.

Suddenly the train screeched to a halt. A soldier appeared. Judah's family braced for the worst. Then, his father cried out with joy: 'It's the Americans.'

A second Holocaust survivor who is here tonight, Joshua Kaufman, was a prisoner at Dachau Concentration Camp. He remembers watching through a hole in the wall of a cattle car as American soldiers rolled in with tanks.

'To me,' Joshua recalls, 'the American soldiers were proof that God exists, and they came down from the sky.'

I began this evening by honoring three soldiers who fought on D-Day in the Second World War. One of them was Herman Zeitchik. But there is more to Herman's story. A year after he stormed the beaches of Normandy, Herman was one of those American soldiers who helped liberate Dachau.

He was one of the Americans who helped rescue Joshua from that hell on earth. Almost 75 years later, Herman and Joshua are both together in the gallery tonight - seated side-by-side, here in the home of American freedom.

Herman and Joshua: your presence this evening honors and uplifts our entire Nation.

When American soldiers set out beneath the dark skies over the English Channel in the early hours of D-Day, 1944, they were just young men of 18 and 19, hurtling on fragile landing craft toward the most momentous battle in the history of war.

They did not know if they would survive the hour. They did not know if they would grow old. But they knew that America had to prevail. Their cause was this Nation, and generations yet unborn. Why did they do it? They did it for America - they did it for us.

Everything that has come since - our triumph over communism, our giant leaps of science and discovery, our unrivaled progress toward equality and justice - all of it is possible thanks to the blood and tears and courage and vision of the Americans who came before.

Think of this Capitol - think of this very chamber, where lawmakers before you voted to end slavery, to build the railroads and the highways, to defeat fascism, to secure civil rights, to face down an evil empire.

Here tonight, we have legislators from across this magnificent republic. You have come from the rocky shores of Maine and the volcanic peaks of Hawaii; from the snowy woods of Wisconsin and the red deserts of Arizona; from the green farms of Kentucky and the golden beaches of California.

Together, we represent the most extraordinary Nation in all of history. What will we do with this moment? How will we be remembered?

I ask the men and women of this Congress: Look at the opportunities before us! Our most thrilling achievements are still ahead. Our most exciting journeys still await. Our biggest victories are still to come. We have not yet begun to dream.

We must choose whether we are defined by our differences - or whether we dare to transcend them.

We must choose whether we will squander our inheritance - or whether we will proudly declare that we are Americans. We do the incredible. We defy the impossible. We conquer the unknown.

This is the time to re-ignite the American imagination. This is the time to search for the tallest summit, and set our sights on the brightest star.

This is the time to rekindle the bonds of love and loyalty and memory that link us together as citizens, as neighbors, as patriots. This is our future - our fate - and our choice to make.

I am asking you to choose greatness. No matter the trials we face, no matter the challenges to come, we must go forward together.

We must keep America first in our hearts. We must keep freedom alive in our souls.

And we must always keep faith in America's destiny - that one Nation, under God, must be the hope and the promise and the light and the glory among all the nations of the world!

Thank you. God Bless You, God Bless America, and good night!
On ilmeisesti tarpeen selventää, että Trumpin tutkinnoissa on kaksi eri osa-aluetta.

1. Liittovaltion nimittämä erikoistutkija Mueller, jonka tehtävänä on selvittää Venäjän vaikuttaminen vuoden 2016 USA:n presidentinvaaleihin, sekä siihen liittyvät asiat
2. Normaali oikeusvaltion toiminta. Jota toteuttaa esim.

Kohdassa kaksi virkavastuulla olevat oikeuslaitoksen virkamiehet ihan yleisesti tekevät koko ajan eri suuntiin tutkimuksia ja selvittävät, onko syytä epäillä rikoksia tapahtuneen ja onko tarvetta nostaa syytettä.

Trumpin tutkinnassa sinänsä ei ole mitään uutta. Miehellä on vuosikymmenien kokemus oikeusprosesseista.

Eikä myöskään poliitikkojen oikeusprosesseissa ole mitään erikoista. Esim. Suomesta.

Se ei ole "poliittista ajojahtia".

Vaikka vahvoja periaatteita tietysti onkin, että kukaan ei saa olla lain yläpuolella, ja voidaan myös argumentoida sen puolesta, että korkeimman julkisen vallan päätöksentekijöitä olisi syytä tutkia erityisen perusteellisesti.

Merkittävää on nyt kuitenkin se, että Mullerin tutkimuksen myötä Trump on joutunut suuremman suurennuslasin alle kuin koskaan. Muller on syystäkin legendaarinen. Hän esim. tuhosi Enronin rikollisen organisaation (

Jo tähän mennessä on selvää, että Trump on joutunut sellaisten tutkintalinjojen kohteeksi, jotka eivät olisi käynnistyneet, jollei Muller olisi saanut vihiä epäilyttävistä asioista tutkintansa yhteydessä.

Lisäksi kannattaa opetella tässä vaiheessa tuntemaan yleistasolla USA:n Rico, eli "mafialaki".
- An Act relating to the control of organized crime in the United States

Se saattaa tarjota viitekehyksen noiden muiden tutkintalinjojen ymmärtämiseen.

(Trump on tuossa Ricossa muuten jo mainittuna Trump Universityn osalta)

Mutta joka tapauksessa, oleellista on, että tutkinta saadaan hyvin tehtyä. Trumpin organisaation päälle on jo heitetty epäilyksen varjo. Kunnollinen tutkinta auttaa myös tyhjentävästi selvittämään, jos mitään rikollista ei ole tapahtunut. Se on Trumpillekin hyvä asia.
Laitan tähän Trumpin eilisen puheen kokonaisuudessaan, koska se oli mielestäni niin hyvä - inspiroiva, isänmaallinen ja mielialoja kohottava! Erityisesti loppupään muutamasta sound bitesta tuli kaltaisellani kyynikollakin tippa kyynelkanavan kuivuneesta ja karstoittuneesta kulmasta:

Seurasin noin vajaan tunnin puhetta...Vakaa Nero oli yllättävän rauhallinen ja puhe oli sujuvaa. Kokonaisuutena tilaisuus oli koomista katseltavaa toisten taputtaessa seisaaltaan ja toisten ollessa naamat norsun vitulla...:cool: