Trump -psykoosi

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Eilen Valkoisen talon virkamies kertoi ettei suunnitelmaa kiinniotettujen siirtolaisten kuljettamista poliittisten vastustajien vaalipiireihin ole koskaan harkittu vakavasti ja se hylättiin nopeasti. Tänään Trump ilmoitti hallinnon harkitsevan vakavasti suunnitelman toteuttamista.
President Trump said Friday that his administration is giving “strong considerations” to a plan to release immigrant detainees exclusively into “sanctuary cities,” blaming Democrats for what he characterized as an unwillingness to change immigration laws.

His comments on Twitter followed a Washington Post report that the administration had been eyeing districts of political adversaries, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), to release detainees.

“The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!” Trump wrote.

His tweets suggested that the plan, which immigration officials had rejected in November and February, was again viable and that the administration is now considering sending all detainees to sanctuary cities to the exclusion of other communities.

A White House official and a spokesman for Department of Homeland Security sent nearly identical statements to The Post on Thursday, indicating that the proposal was no longer under consideration.

“This was just a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion,” the White House statement said.

In a separate statement late Thursday night, a White House official characterized the idea of steering migrants to sanctuary cities as being “informally asked.”

“The idea was briefly and informally raised and quickly rejected,” the official said.

Shortly before Trump tweeted, Pelosi told reporters at a House Democratic retreat here that the idea was “just another notion” showing Trump is “unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disrespectful of the challenges we face.”

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said the proposal is “very unfortunate and to be condemned — that you would use [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to penalize or to [enact] retribution for political reasons.”

“That’s not an act of democratic government,” he said.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that White House officials have twice tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release undocumented migrants into “sanctuary cities” to retaliate against Trump’s political foes, including Pelosi.

The White House raised the idea in November just after the midterm elections as a migrant caravan was approaching the southern border, then again in February when Democrats were demanding a reduction in detention beds in a budget standoff over the government shutdown.

Pelosi’s San Francisco district was among the cities mentioned as a possible target, according to multiple DHS officials. Two took their case to Congress to blow the whistle on the proposal.

The idea never came to fruition and in fact alarmed ICE officials asked to carry it out. ICE leadership protested that busing migrants from the border to different cities in the U.S. would create an undue time and financial burden on an agency already struggling with challenges amid a border crisis, according to emails reviewed by The Post.

Lawyers at ICE rejected the idea for legal reasons as well; others noted it would cause “PR risks” to target Trump’s adversaries.

But the White House believed it could punish Democrats — including Pelosi — by releasing ICE detainees into their districts to try to create an unstable environment and chaos, according to two DHS whistleblowers who independently reported the busing plan to Congress.

The White House focus on San Francisco is noteworthy given Trump’s and GOP lawmakers’ repeated references to the murder of a young woman there at the hands of an undocumented immigrant. In 2015, 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed by an undocumented immigrant, a tragedy Republicans frequently discuss when calling for stricter immigration laws.

Pelosi said her members would look into the news reports of the busing plan.

In a Friday morning statement, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) said the fact that the idea was considered twice “serves as a reminder that the Trump administration’s reckless immigration agenda is not about keeping the country safe, but about partisan politics and wantonly inflicting cruelty.”

“If the administration wants to send a message to Democrats, let us send this message to the president: if your immigration policies are not fixing the problem but only cause chaos and focus on keeping people out, they will always fail,” Thompson said. “Playing politics with the country’s homeland security has been a mainstay of the Trump administration since day one. The American people want it to end.”
Trump -rintamalta ei mitään uutta. Pieni tilastouutinen silti: Trump ainoa presidentti, jonka Gallup-kannatus ei missään vaiheessa uraa ole ylittänyt 50%. Saakohan pidettyä tason kauden loppuun saakka? Vai aloittaako sodan Irania vastaan sitä ennen? Sillähän Trump saisi epäilemättä käppyrät kuntoon, kysyisi vaikka kaveriltaan Putinilta.

Trumpin järkytykseksi Fox Newsillä haastateltiin tunnin verran Bernie Sandersia ja haastattelija oli vieläpä mukava Sandersia kohtaan.
President Trump, ever the media critic, remarked on Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Fox News town hall, calling it “so weird” and noting that anchor Bret Baier, who has been critical of Trump in the past, was “so smiley and nice” to Sanders.

Sanders (I-Vt.), a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, participated in a wide-ranging hour-long town hall Monday night hosted by Fox News and moderated by Baier and Martha MacCallum. The president apparently tuned in for it.

“So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @FoxNews. Not surprisingly, @BretBaier and the ‘audience’ was so smiley and nice. Very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?” Trump tweeted midmorning Tuesday.

Trump’s use of “we” got people thinking. Was it simply the royal “we”? Or was he counting himself among Fox News viewers, or referring to himself as part of Fox?

Baier, who sees himself as a straight news reporter in a network known for its right-leaning commentators, responded to Trump’s remarks.

“Thanks for watching Mr. President — we’d love to have you on a town hall soon — or even an interview on @SpecialReport — it’s been awhile. We cover all sides,” Baier tweeted.

Later Tuesday, Trump followed up with more tweets taking aim at Sanders and Fox News. In one, he accused the cable network of shutting out Trump supporters during the town hall.

Trump offered no evidence to back up the claim.

“Many Trump Fans & Signs were outside of the @FoxNews Studio last night in the now thriving (Thank you President Trump) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the interview with Crazy Bernie Sanders. Big complaints about not being let in-stuffed with Bernie supporters. What’s with @FoxNews?” he said in the tweet.

A Fox News Channel spokeswoman on Wednesday did not comment on Trump’s claim. She pointed to a report by the Allentown Morning Call stating that the cable network had “reached out to various political and local groups in the area and mined requests to attend after it publicly announced the event.”

Trump also mused Tuesday night that Sanders and his wife “should pay the Pre-Trump Taxes on their almost $600,000 in income.”

“He is always complaining about these big TAX CUTS, except when it benefits him. They made a fortune off of Trump, but so did everyone else — and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing!” Trump tweeted.

Sanders and his wife earned about $566,000 in 2018 and $1.15 million in 2017, according to tax returns released by the senator on Monday. Much of the couple’s income came from books that Sanders wrote in 2016 and 2018.

Trump has not released his own tax returns. He has repeatedly said he would release them after an audit is completed, although acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said recently that Trump would “never” turn them over.

Sanders has called for wealthier Americans to pay more in taxes, and in a statement Monday, he said he considers “paying more in taxes as my income rose to be both an obligation and an investment in our country.”

The president was not the only one voicing displeasure at Sanders’s town hall appearance. The criticism began with Fox News host Sean Hannity, who, borrowing Trump’s moniker for Sanders, said at the start of his show: “We saw Crazy Bernie on the air tonight. Whew. That was hard to watch. Bernie Sanders for two hours! Wow. Gee, let’s hear every communist idea we possibly can.”

Then on “Fox & Friends,” Trump’s favorite show, host Brian Kilmeade said Sanders’s town hall “got a little tiresome after an hour.”

One key moment during the town hall that may have irked conservatives, and may explain why Trump put “audience” in quotes, was when Baier asked attendees whether they would be willing to give up their private health insurance from work to transition to a government-run health system that resembled Sanders’s Medicare-for-all proposal.

Many in the audience cheered.

Trump predicted in another tweet Tuesday night that the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination would come down to Sanders and former vice president Joe Biden.

“I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)!” he said. “I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!”
Harvoin voi sanoa todistavansa historiallista käännekohtaa, mutta minulla on ollut onni matkassa että olen saanut sen tehdä kaksi kertaa ensin 1989 kun jokainen tajusi että tapahtumat Unkarin ja Itävallan rajalla olivat lopun alkua kommunismille.

Toisen kerra tuo historiallinen käännekohta tuli eteen kun Erikoissyyttäjä Mueller sai raportin vamiiksi joka vapautti Presidenti Trumpin täysin kaikista syytöksistä, kuten olette huomanneet että kansalaiset kaikkialla Euroopassa ovat sen jälkeen hylänneet nuo valehtelevat liberaalivihervasemmisto ja kulttuurimarxistit. viimeisin irtiotto tapahtui Suomessa, kansa katkoo kahleitansa ja uusi isku on odotettavissa Eurovaaleissa.

Liberaalivihervasemmisto ja kulttuurimarxistit ovat julistaneet että Yhdysvaltain talous romahtaa presidentti Trumpin toimesta, mutta uudet tilastot todistavat että meillä menee hyvin mutta Saksa ajautuu lamaan ja koko Euroopan talous sakkaa.

Liberaalivihervasemmiston ja kulttuurimarxistien elliitti on lehdistön avulla julistanut aatetta ja lehtihenkilöt ovat yhdessä asiantuntioiden ja politiikkojen kanssa tehneet bisnestä kutsumalla toisiaan eri tilaisuuksiin joista on voinut laskuttaa omien yhtiöidensä kautta, sori @.......... paljastinko jotain mitä ei olisi saanut julkisuudessa sanoa?

Suomalaisten lehtihenkilöt jos ammattitaito olisi ollut vahvempi kuin aate, olisi kannattanut silloin kun Edustaja/Puheenjohtaja Rinne möläytti Suomen mahdollisuksista NATO jäsenyyteen seurata liikennettä Helsingissä Tehtaankadulle ja Kaivopuistoon ja Washingtonissa osoitteessa 3301 Massachusetts Ave tapahtuvaa nopeaa akvitoitumista ja mustien autojen liikkeitä ja miettiä mikä rooli tällä 1992 solmitulla sopimuksella on Suomen NATO jäsenyyteen ja antaako se Venäjälle oikeuden toimia Suomen maaperällä jos Venäläinen väestö on uhattuna.

Muistakaa Venäläiset ei tuota sopmusta ei edes halunneet tehdä vaan vaatimus sen solmisesta on tullut Suomesta ja lännessä juoruillaan saiko sen solmimista kiivammin vaatinut paikan pankinjohtajana ikäänkuin palkkiona, Varsovanlaulun suomentaja sai palkkion varmasti ennen pankinjohtajaa, nämä arvelut ovat tietysti vain lännen asukkaiden juoruja eihän Venäläiset näin tomineet edes Georgiassa eikä varsinkaan Krimillä eikä missään tapauksessa Ukrainassa.

Hieman ihmetyttää kun SUPO vakuuttaa että Suomessa vakoilu on yhtä aktiivista kuin kylmänsodanaikana miksi noita Venäjän vakoilijoita saadaan kiinni Suomen naapurimaissa muttei Suomessa?
Trump oli tuon raportin mukaan päästänyt suustaan mielenkiintoisia kuullessaan, että tämmöinen tutkimus aloitetaan. Tiivistetään ja poistetaan kirosanat:
- Voi xxxx, tämä on presidenttiyteni loppu.

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''Mueller has to go''

No, presidentti jenkeissä saa nykyää tehä mitä haluaa. EIkö iso osa amerikkalaisuutta ole lainkuuliaisuus ja oikeuden tapahtuminen..
Muellerin raportin mukaan Trump ei onnistunut kampittamaan tutkimusta lähinnä siitä syystä etteivät hänen alaisensa toteuttaneet hänen käskyjään.
The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests. Corney did not end the investigation of Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn's prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI. McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President's order. Lewandowski and Dearborn did not deliver the President's message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only. And McGahn refused to recede from his recollections about events surrounding the President's direction to have the Special Counsel removed, despite the President's multiple demands that he do so. Consistent with that pattern, the evidence we obtained would not support potential obstruction charges against the President's aides and associates beyond those already filed

Ei kannata jaella tuollaisia dropbox juttuja, koska niihin voi kuka tahansa tallentaa materiaalia. Todella epäilyttävää siinäkin mielessä, että rapsa on pdf muodossa oikeusministeriön sivulla. Eu tarvita montaakaan putinin infosoturia, että sopivia lauseita muokataan haluttuun muotoon.

Tässä on Foxin uutisesta otettu linkki:

Muellerin raportin mukaan Trump ei onnistunut kampittamaan tutkimusta lähinnä siitä syystä etteivät hänen alaisensa toteuttaneet hänen käskyjään.

Täytyy lukea raportti.

Mutta ilmeisesti sieltä täytyy löytyä kovaa aineistoa jos kerran Trump yritti salata kaiken ja alaisensa kieltäytyivät maanpetturuudesta.

Odotan todella mielenkiintoista pääsiäislukuhetkeä(y).
Ei kannata jaella tuollaisia dropbox juttuja, koska niihin voi kuka tahansa tallentaa materiaalia. Todella epäilyttävää siinäkin mielessä, että rapsa on pdf muodossa oikeusministeriön sivulla. Eu tarvita montaakaan putinin infosoturia, että sopivia lauseita muokataan haluttuun muotoon.

Tässä on Foxin uutisesta otettu linkki:

Suoraan Lawfaresta otettu linkki heti julkistuksen jälkeen jolloin sitä ei monestakaan paikasta vielä saanut.
Täytyy lukea raportti.

Mutta ilmeisesti sieltä täytyy löytyä kovaa aineistoa jos kerran Trump yritti salata kaiken ja alaisensa kieltäytyivät maanpetturuudesta.

Odotan todella mielenkiintoista pääsiäislukuhetkeä(y).

Nopeasti silmäilemällä vaikuttaa että usea syyte jätetty nostamatta, koska tarkoituksellisuuden näyttäminen vaikeaa ja lisäksi problematiikka virassa olevan presidentin haastamisesta. No ehkäpä Trumpin deam team olikin täynnä tumpeloita ;) Paljon vielä näkyy olevan sensuroituakin.
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