Turkissa vallankaappaus

Ylen Ulkolinjassa Pako Turkista ollut pariskunta jäi kiinni. Koska olivat Ylen Ulkolinjassa Pako Turkista ohjelmassa.
Turkin Gestapo selvitti ylen ohjelmasta opettajapariskunnan henkilöllisyyden vaikka oli naamat sutattu. Se ei voi olla vaikeaa,koska olivat opettajapariskunta ja asuinaluetta näkyi taustalla,.

Ylen Ulkolinjassa Pako Turkista ollut pariskunta jäi kiinni. Koska olivat Ylen Ulkolinjassa Pako Turkista ohjelmassa.
Turkin Gestapo selvitti ylen ohjelmasta opettajapariskunnan henkilöllisyyden vaikka oli naamat sutattu. Se ei voi olla vaikeaa,koska olivat opettajapariskunta ja asuinaluetta näkyi taustalla,.


Mitä helvettiä toimittelija on oikein ajatellut, jos/kun ei ole ajatellut tuota mahdollisuutta.
No sehän meni putkeen. Voi yle ja toimittelija olla taas ylpeitä iteatään. Matkakohteena turkki on kyllä jo epämiellyttävä ajatuksenakin. Tuttavalla omistuskämppä siellä, sääliks käy. Voi olla hankala myydä...
Ylen toimittelijan lähdesuoja petti ja toimittaja sanoo vaan voi voi.....valitettavasti. Hinta vaan on kovin kallis haastatelluille.
Minäkin heikkona hetkenä kuvittelin hommaavani loma-asunnon sieltä, onneksi ajatus hiipui ko. maan tapojen johdosta.
Niin ja onko Turkki EU-kelpoinen?.
Samaa menoa kuin hiljattain tuli ohjelma Iranin nuorisosta joka aika lailla haistatti paskat mullaheille. Aika tunnistettavissa oli henkilöt ja paikat. Ettei vaan tulisi raippaa.
Ketjun otsikkoa lainatakseni...kyllä Turkissa tapahtui vallankaappaus...mutta ihan eri porukan toimesta kuin mitä syytetään.. :P
TURKEY’S leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has threatened to invade “18 Greek islands in the Aegean Sea” if he comes to power that could trigger World War 3 as president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continued his aggressive rhetoric after imposing his forces in Syria, it has emerged.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu declared that if he wins the country’s election when Turks go the polls next year he will wage war against Greece to take over the islands after declaring Athens has “no document” to ownership over them.

He stated he would “invade and take over 18 Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, just as former Turkish PM Bulent Ecevit invaded Cyprus in 1974”.

Meanwhile, the inflammatory comments were supported by the head of the newly formed “Good Party”, Meral Akşener, who will also make a bid to run Turkey and hinted that they could wage war against Greece.

She remarked that “what is required must be done” in a post on Twitter.
Turrkilaiset ansaitsisivat kunnolla turpiinsa, että suurvalta haaveet haihtuisivat.
Turkki tarvitsee sodan jossa tapattaa kasvava liikaväestö: 'Vuonna 2014 Turkin väkiluku oli noin 81,6 miljoonaa ja 25,5 prosenttia kuuluu 0–14-vuotiaiden ikäryhmään' :devilish:

Muuten kohta tulee uusia kapinoita.
Tuossa kohtaa tulisi melkoinen NATOn sisäinen kurinpalautus kebabeille.
Pahoin pelkään, että kurinpalautus olisi samaa luokkaa kuin 1974 Kyproksen valtauksen jälkeen eli ei juuri mitään. Toisaalta USA ei tarvitse Turkkia niin palavasti kuin Neuvostoliiton aikoina ja uhattu toimenpide olisi härskimpi NATOn kannalta.

Kreikkaa on moitittu aseisiin panostamisesta taloussotkunsa keskellä. Tuollaisen naapurin kanssa on kyllä syytä pitää asevoimat kunnossa.
Ihan vain vahvistukseksi mikä sulttaani on miehiään: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-43196397

Turkey's Erdogan in row over 'girl martyr' comment on TV

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been criticised after telling a girl in military uniform that she would be honoured if killed while fighting.

"If she's martyred, they'll lay a flag on her," he told the sobbing girl at a televised congress of his AK party.

His supporters cheered "Chief! Take us to Afrin!", in reference to Turkey's operations against Kurdish fighters in Syria's northern Afrin region.

The speech has been described as "child abuse" and a glorification of death.

In the event, broadcast live on state television, the young girl dressed as a soldier seems to catch the attention of Mr Erdogan, who then invites her to the stage.

"Look what you see here! Girl, what are you doing here? We have our maroon berets here, but maroon berets never cry," he told her, referring to the beret worn by the Turkish Special Operations Forces.

"She has a Turkish flag in her pocket too... If she's martyred, they'll lay a flag on her, God willing," he said during the congress in the southern town of Kahramanmaras on Saturday.

"She is ready for everything, isn't she?" The girl replied: "Yes."

Mr Erdogan then kissed her face and let her go. The girl has not been identified and was not immediately clear why she was wearing a military uniform.

Users on Twitter have condemned Mr Erdogan's speech, with one comparing it to "child abuse".

Another comment read: "It's a shame, it's very bad. She's just a child, you don't wish her dead and you don't say 'God willing' for that!"

He has not yet responded to the criticism.

It is not the first time that Mr Erdogan's comments on martyrdom have caused controversy in Turkey, where every soldier or police officer killed on duty is considered a "martyr", says BBC Turkish's Onur Erem.

Mr Erdogan's opponents criticise him for using the funerals of dead soldiers and children for highly politicised speeches. They also say his own sons evaded military service, but his supporters do not seem to be influenced, our correspondent adds.

Turkey began an offensive in Afrin - which it has dubbed operation Olive Tree - in January, against the People's Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

The Kurds have administered semi-autonomous enclaves south of the Turkish border since Syrian forces pulled out in 2012, and the YPG has taken control of other territory after driving out Islamic State (IS) fighters.

Turkey sees the YPG as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has fought for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey for three decades. The YPG denies any direct military or political links with the PKK.
