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Those officers who planned EB-66 jamming missions had to take into account the fact that electronic noise did not radiate from the fixed antennas in a uniform, concentric pattern.. Indeed, antenna location caused the jamming coverage to resemble a sort of Rorschach butterfly, the plane at its center and the strongest signals radiating perpendicular to the flight path. For this reason, planners tried to assign the planes in pairs, arranging the orbit so that one of them was always * broadside to the hostile radar. [8]
antennilla. Ei tarvinne kovin suurta mielikuvistusta nähdäkseen että tuolla onnistuu suuntaus myös sivulle.
Kaikki antennit vuotavat sivulle ja taakse. Ymmärrettävistä syistä he eivät kerro paljon asiasta mutta jo tuosta räjäytyskuvasta voi ymmärtää että suurin teho on eteenpäin.
TicTacin kuvannut varmasti ymmärsi tämän asian, ei kuvannut sitä kun ei ollut tarvetta. Mutta ymmärsin hänen puheesta että oli yllättynyt kyvystä. Ehkä tuntematon pystyy tekemään 360 asteen kentän aluksen ympärille ja lentäjä näki sen sivulta kun joutui kentään sisälle. Ehkä tuntematon pystyy muodostamaan keilan sivulle ja pitämään kohteen taikka kohteita seurannassa.
Ei ole dataa, taikka todisteita tuosta asiasta. Ei ole mittauksia. Ei ainakaan julkisia sellaisia, mutta uskoisi että tukialus osastolla tuo magneettinen spektri otettu talteen ja siitä ei puhuta. Se että tuntematon vastasi EW metodein ei ole uusi ja tarinat siitä menevät vuosikymmeniä takaisin, mukaanlukien mitä ne on tehnyt siiloissa olevien aseiden kanssa.
Ehkä tämä planeetta on heille tärkeä taikka sitten räjäytykset tekevät jotakin mitä he eivät halua. Mikä se asia on, julkisuudessa siitä ei ole puhuttu sanaakaan mutta todisteet viittaavat että heikäläisillä on teknologiaa joka saa meidän parhaan teknologian kalpenemaan rinnalla.
Emme pysty vastaamaan yksi yhteen teknologian kanssa. Tuo viittaa suoraan että tuntemattot ovat paljon kehittyneempää teknologiaa kuin mitä meillä on julkisesti hallussa.
Jos kyse oli salaisesta teknologiasta, niin silti se on niin paljon kehittyneempää että kysymys tulee esille että miksi emme käytä sitä julkisesti? Esimerkiksi B-21 Raider ei näytä konseptikuvissa hirveän paljon kehittyneemmältä kuin edeltäjänsä.
Tiedustelukoneet? Julkisuudessa hirvästi spekuloitu teknologia, minkä en usko olevan olemassa enään ja mitä niistä on sanottu, vastaa suunnilleen mihin me pystymme.
Tic Tac on aivan eri luokkaa, kuvatun perusteella. Suttusessa videossa ainoa vaikuttava asia mielestäni on lukituksen poistaminen. Siinä vaiheessa kun kapteeni kuvauksen perusteella saanut käännettyä hävittäjän nokan vastaamaan suuntaa, kohde oli kadonnut.
Wing Commanderin ja tutkaoperaattorin mukaan kohde teki temppuja mihin normikalustolla ei pystytä, kuten esim vertikaalinen liike ilmakehässä ja täysi pysähdys sen päälle. Tuntemattomien kuvauksissa on vastaava on tapahtunut toisinpäin, eli alhaalta ylös vauhdilla mitä emme pysty vastaamaan. Yhdeksänkymmennen asteen käännökseen meillä ei ole mitään teknologiaa, joka pystyy siihen. Paras mihin pystymme on kaari, ei tiukat käännökset, vauhtia menettämättä.
Pelkästään tuo puhuu ylivertaisesta teknologia, mutta niistä antenneista. Jos asiat on tosi tuntemattomattoman pinnasta löytyneestä teknologiasta mitä esim L Howe pitää hallussaan, niin on ehkä mahdollista että koko aluksen pinta toimii antennina.
Mitään ei pysty vahvistamaan koska ei ole mittauksia taikka ko alusta. Tic Tacilla ei ole siipiä, ripustimia, taikka ulkosia podeja. Wing Commanderin mukaan sillä oli yksi häkkyrä selässä. En usko että se oli EW vehje.
Patentteja saanee ilman empiirisiä todisteita toimivuudestaEi näihin fysiikan lakeja uhmaaviin liikkeisiin ulkoplaneettoja tai nelipäisiä alieeneja tarvita. Ainoastaan tekosyyksi sille, ettei teknologiaa anneta junttien eli plebeijien käyttöön.
Kun U.S. Navyn oma patentti kertoo, miten massan inertiaa saadaan vähennettyä sähkömagneettisilla kentillä pelleilemällä. Tästähän vaahtosin jo aiemmin, William Lynen "Pentagon Aliens" -kirjan pohjalta. Patentin sivulta löytyy linkkejä myös toisiin patentteihin, jotka liittyvät tähän tai joissa tässä kuvattua teknologiaa on käytetty.
"Inventor Salvatore Cezar Pais Current Assignee US Department of Navy
Craft using an inertial mass reduction device
A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.
Images (2)
B64G1/409 Unconventional spacecraft propulsion systems"
"It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state), equivalent to an accelerated excursion far from thermodynamic equilibrium (analogous with symmetry-breaking induced by abrupt changes of state/phase transitions). The physical mechanism which drives this diminution in inertial mass is based on the negative pressure (hence repulsive gravity) exhibited by the polarized local vacuum energy state (local vacuum polarization being achieved by a coupling of accelerated high frequency vibration with accelerated high frequency axial rotation of an electrically charged system/object) in the close proximity of the system/object in question. In other words, inertial mass reduction can be achieved via manipulation of quantum field fluctuations in the local vacuum energy state, in the immediate proximity of the object/system. Therefore it is possible to reduce a craft's inertia, that is, its resistance to motion/acceleration by polarizing the vacuum in the close proximity of the moving craft.
Polarization of the local vacuum is analogous to manipulation/modification of the local space tie topological lattice energy density. As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved.
If we can engineer the structure of the local quantum vacuum state, we can engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level (thus affecting a physical system's inertial and gravitational properties). This realization would greatly advance the fields of aerospace propulsion and power generation.
The physical equation which describes the maximum intensity achieved by the high energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG) system is described by the magnitude of the Poynting vector, which in non-relativistic for (accounting for all three modes of motion) can be written as:
S max =f G(σ2/ε0) [R r ω+R v v+v R] (Equation 1),
where fG is the HEEMFG system geometric shape factor (equal to 1 for a disc configuration), σ is the surface charge density (total electric charge divided by surface area of the HEEMFG system), ε0 is the electrical permittivity of free space, Rr is the radius of rotation (disc radius), ω is the angular frequency of rotation in rad/s, Rv is the vibration (harmonic oscillation) amplitude, v is the angular frequency of vibration in Hertz, and the term vR is the curvilinear translation speed (acquired via a propulsive unit of either chemical, nuclear or magneto-plasma-dynamic (VASIMR) type attached to the HEEMFG system—the integrated unit being the craft).
Therefore, if we consider only rotation, given a disc configuration, with σ=50,000 Coulombs/m2,a disc (spinning/axially rotating) radius of 2 m and an angular speed of 30,000 RPM, an generate an electromagnetic (EM) field intensity (Smax is the rate of energy flow per unit area, or energy flux) value on the order of 1024 Watts/m2 (this value does not account for any QVP interactions)."
"Claims (4)
What is claimed is:
1. A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprising:
an inner resonant cavity wall;
an outer resonant cavity wall, the inner resonant cavity wall and the outer resonant cavity wall forming a resonant cavity; and,
microwave emitters such that the microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the outer resonant cavity wall to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.
2. The craft of claim 1, wherein the resonant cavity is filled with a noble gas.
3. The craft of claim 1, wherein the outer resonant cavity wall is electrically charged.
4. The craft of claim 1, wherein the resonant cavity is axially rotated in an accelerated mode."
editIn his invention disclosure form for the inertial mass reduction device patent, Pais signed and dated a form reading “As the invention described herein was made as a direct result of the performance of my assigned duties, I hereby agree to assign the entire right, title and interest in the invention to the government and I understand that I will retain no rights in the invention.”
However, underneath Pais wrote that “There is no relationship whatsoever between my assigned duties and the invention. The invention was made independently of any job performance or assigned tasks by the Branch or Section.” He later wrote in the same disclosure form that “The entire Inventive Concept (Invention) and anything that pertains to it, was the inventor’s own work, with no government contribution whatsoever.”
Timothy Boulay, Communications Director at NAWCAD, confirmed several points to The War Zone by email:
- The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator testing occurred from October 2016 through September 2019;
- The cost was $508,000 over the course of three years. Around ninety percent of the total - $462,000 - was for salaries, while the rest was used for equipment, test preparation, testing and assessment.
- When NAWCAD concluded testing in September 2019, the “Pais Effect” could not be proven.
- No further research has been conducted, and the project has not transitioned to any other government or civilian organization.
Patentteja saanee ilman empiirisiä todisteita toimivuudestaToisaalta olikos nyt varsinaisesti kyse "armeijan" patentista vai siitä että Pais oli US Navy leivissä, kun jätti patenttihakemuksen
Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo
The more we learn about the bizarre inventions Dr. Salvatore Pais patented on behalf of the Navy, the more questions we
The Navy Finally Speaks Up About Its Bizarre "UFO Patent" Experiments
The Naval Air Warfare Center has finally given a statement to The War Zone about the patents and experiments of Dr. Salvatore
The latest on Dr. Pais: you might remember that he left NAWCAD in June 2019 and moved to the Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs organization. I found that he transferred to the U.S. Air Force this month.
Piti juuri linkata. Taas on päässyt Pohjanmaalta Pöntikäisen Raunon mailta suosilmästä suokaasua.
In air traffic audio obtained by The War Zone, the drone’s capabilities were described as “incredible” and “pretty freakin’ sophisticated” by the helicopter crews that pursued it. To date, the craft remains unidentified, but it has been described as a large quadcopter-like platform featuring a single, dimly lit green position light. The two aircrews that pursued the unmanned aircraft also said it was incredibly agile, with a long endurance and a high flight ceiling. All this, combined with what appeared to be an uncanny level of situational awareness, enabled it to essentially fly circles around both of the experienced helicopter crews.
LFLN1 reported a UAV “ahead and to the left about 100 feet below” as it was flying around 1,000 feet above ground level (AGL). The ATC towers at DMAFB and Tucson International Airport were notified, and a nearby TPD helicopter was called in to pursue the unknown drone, which is described in the report as a “rotor variety” UAV. The report shows the LFLN1 crew was operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) at the time of the incident, which took place at 05:58 UTC, or just before 11:00 PM local time.
The full description of the encounter as written in the FAA report reads as follows:
The Pentagon is creating a new office to investigate unidentified flying objects amid concerns that after broad probes it cannot explain mysterious sightings near highly sensitive military areas.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, working with the US director of national intelligence, ordered the new investigatory body to be established in the US Defense Department's intelligence and security office, the Pentagon said late Tuesday.
The order came five months after a classified US intelligence report on possible alien UFOs came up inconclusive: it could explain some reported incidents but was unable to account for other phenomena, some filmed by pilots near military testing areas.
The new office will focus on incidents in, or near, designated "special use airspace" (SUA) areas strictly controlled and blocked from general aviation due to security sensitivities.
The US military is worried some of the unidentified aerial phenomena spotted by military pilots in the past may represent technologies of strategic rivals unknown to US scientists.
"Incursions by any airborne object into our SUA pose safety of flight and operations security concerns, and may pose national security challenges," the Pentagon said in a statement.
The Defense Department "takes reports of incursions -- by any airborne object, identified or unidentified -- very seriously, and investigates each one," it added.
The new office was dubbed the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), the successor to the US Navy's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.
It will be overseen by a panel of experts from the military and intelligence community.
A mostly classified official review of UFO reports released in June determined that most of around 120 incidents over the past 20 years could be explained and had nothing to do with unknown or secret US or foreign technology.
But it could not explain some beguiling reports and videos made by military personnel.
Last year, the Pentagon released a still inexplicable video taken by navy pilots of objects moving at incredible speeds, spinning and mysteriously disappearing.
China's July test of a globe-circling hypersonic vehicle that was able to launch a separate missile while traveling at more than five times the speed of sound alerted Washington that Beijing might have technologies the United States has yet to develop.
Voisiko näistä saada mielenkiintoisimmat seikat muutamalla lauseella. Ei ehdi katsomaan videoita mutta eittämättä täyttä asiaa ovat.
Dolan lataa täyslaidallisen pentagonin toimiin.