Ukrainan konflikti/sota

"Ukrainan Tavria-joukkojen operatiivisen ja strategisen ryhmän komentajan, kenraali Oleksandr Tarnavskyin mukaan hyökkääjän kokonaistappiot kaatuneina, loukkaantuneina ja kadonneina oli 47 186. Tämän lisäksi hyökkääjän kerrotaan menettäneen 364 panssarivaunua, 248 tykistöjärjestelmää, 748 panssaroitua taisteluajoneuvoa ja viisi lentokonetta.

Ukrainalaiset puolustajat aiheuttivat valtavia tappioita Venäjän armeijalle ja tuhosivat merkittävän Venäjän miehitysjoukkojen reservin, jota he olivat suunnitelleet käyttävänsä rintaman muilla alueilla hyökkäystoimiin, Tarnavskyi sanoi.

Puna-armeijan Viipurin valtaukseen päättyneen operaation (9. - 20.6.1944) tappiot olivat objektiivisesti tutkittuina 52 000 miestä ja täydennysten kanssa yli 60 000 miestä. Siis 12 päivässä. Sen jälkeen olivat edessä vielä jäykemmän puolustuksen taistelut Tali-Ihantalassa, Viipurinlahdella ja Vuosalmella. Hyökkääjän voimat ehtyivät.

Tappelu kannattaa aina. Kunpa ukrainalaisetkin voisivat luoda aina paikallisen voiman myös kulloiseenkin pääsuuntaan. Siellä on vain niin monta suuntaa. Toki tuo Donetsk on paha. Siellä on ollut venäläisillä jatkuva ylivoima massan vuoksi myös taisteluarvolla mitattuna.
Puna-armeijan Viipurin valtaukseen päättyneen operaation (9. - 20.6.1944) tappiot olivat objektiivisesti tutkittuina 52 000 miestä ja täydennysten kanssa yli 60 000 miestä. Siis 12 päivässä. Sen jälkeen olivat edessä vielä jäykemmän puolustuksen taistelut Tali-Ihantalassa, Viipurinlahdella ja Vuosalmella. Hyökkääjän voimat ehtyivät.

Tappelu kannattaa aina. Kunpa ukrainalaisetkin voisivat luoda aina paikallisen voiman myös kulloiseenkin pääsuuntaan. Siellä on vain niin monta suuntaa. Toki tuo Donetsk on paha. Siellä on ollut venäläisillä jatkuva ylivoima massan vuoksi myös taisteluarvolla mitattuna.
Ehdottomasti kannattaa pistää ryssä maksamaan jokaisesta kyläpahasesta. Jos isoa kuvaa katsoo, niin ero vuoteen 1944 on kuitenkin siinä, että Stalinin katse oli jo Berliinin-kilpajuoksussa, joten kun pistin ei mennyt enää sisään tietyllä voimalla Suomessa, niin sekin voima siirrettiin etelämmäksi. Nyt Putinilla ei ole muita rintamia ja pelissä on koko hänen arvovaltansa ja henkensäkin. Tähän silppuriin laitetaan niin paljon musikkaa kuin vaaditaan. Taitaa olla niin, ettei valtamafia katso Siperian takamaiden kouluttamattoman orjaluokan hengellä olevan muuta kuin miinanpolkijan arvo. Siksi 400 000 tai miljoona harvahammasta peltojen lannoitteena lienee pelkkä kuriositeetti. Tällaisen kulutussodan Ukraina tulee häviämään, vaikka vaihtosuhde kuolleiden määrässä onkin iso Ukrainan hyväksi. Ainoa pelastus on ison vaihteen päällelaittaminen Lännen sotateollisuudessa (ei ole todellakaan tapahtunut vielä) SEKÄ Ukrainan mobilisaatio.
Ruotsin uusimman kohtuullisen kokoisen apupaketin sisältö. Voidaan vaan arvailla toimitettujen kranaattien määrää. Mutta kokonaissumma mukava.

Sweden announced the largest military aid package for Ukraine, worth 7,1 billion SEK (~$683 mln).
The 15th package includes:
◾️Artillery ammunition
◾️10 CB 90 combat boats
◾️RBS70 air defense systems
◾️Anti-tank missiles (TOW)
◾️20 group boats
◾️Underwater weapons
◾️Hand grenades
◾️Carl Gustaf grenade launchers
Tässä on yksi tämän sodan mysteereistä: T-80BV on selvästi merkittävin todennettujen vaunutappioiden vaunutyyppi. Kuitenkin kyseinen vaunutyyppi ja T-80 perheen vaunut yleisemmin edustivat pientä osaa Venäjän aktiivijoukkojen panssarivaunukalustosta ennen Ukrainaan hyökkäämistä.

Russian visually confirmed losses of T-80BVs have reached 500

This tank model is leading the loss numbers by a wide margin - with the total losses of the 3 most commonly lost tank variants standing at 1177.

T-80BV: 500
T-72B3: 348
T-72B: 329


Pari mahdollista selitystä:

1) syystä tai toisesta näiden vaunujen aktivointi varastoista on onnistunut nopeammin kuin muut vaunutyypit. Tämä voi johtua siitä että näitä ei ole käytetty merkittävästi viimeisen 30 vuoden aikana eikä ole myyty ulkomaille merkittävissä määrin, joten varaosien markkinoita ei ole ja siten varastovaunujen kannibalisointi pienempi riski

2) muistan lukeneeni Steven J. Zalogan kirjasta että T-80BV varastovaunujen peruskorjausten tekeminen olisi aloitettu vuoden 2007 tienoilla. Määristä per vuosi ei ole varmaa tietoa, mutta sinänsä pienikin määrä riittää jos valtaosa näistä vaunuista palasi varastoihin peruskorjauksen jälkeen. Jaroslaw Wolski arvioi pian hyökkäyksen alkamisen jälkeen että näitä vaunuja pitäisi olla useampi sata "nopeahkosti aktivoitavissa", mikä näyttää pitäneen paikkansa kun katsotaan näitä tappioita. Tämä ei selitä, miksi tai kuka ryssän maalla koki tarpeelliseksi T-80 perheen vaunujen peruskorjaamisen samaan aikaan kun T-72 ja pienemmässä määrin T-90 muodostivat heidän panssarijoukkojensa selkärangan ja virallisesti T-80 perheen vaunuista oli tarkoitus luopua.
Nyt alkaa äimät hatussa olemaan siinä asennossa, että alkakaa jantterit varautumaan ryssän kurmotukseen. Minä oon jo yli-ikänen mut tuun messiin vaikka erityisluvalla...Ryssät olis helpompi pysäyttää Ukrainassa, mutta jos ei se kelpaa, ni pysäytetään sitte aikanaan omalla verellä täällä....
Et sinä mitään lupia tarvitse, päinvastoin valtio ei voi estää suorittamasta maanpuolustusvelvollisuutta
Ryssä yrittää myös Vuhledarin suunnalla. Kaikesta näkee että nyt on all-in meininki päällä, lännen perseilyn ja vetelehtimisen myötävaikuttamana. Saman näkee myös kunniataulun lukemista, kiloörkkipäivää toisensa perään.

En kuitenkaan usko erityiseen menestykseen ryssälle millään uudemmilla rintamilla. Siellä on vähän levänneempää Ukrainan väkeä (vs. Avdiivka), hyllyt täynnä dronesalkkuja ja varmaan kranaattejakin pystytty säästämään.

Hyvä laittaa papparaiselle painetta julkisuudessa, vaikkei se johtaisikaan toimenpiteisiin - tässä Yulia Navalnaya lausunto:

I don’t care how the murderer’s press secretary [Putin] comments on my words.

Return Alexey’s body and let him be buried with dignity; do not prevent people from saying goodbye to him.

And I very much ask all journalists who can still ask questions: do not ask about me, ask about Alexey.


Navalny's mother:

‘For the 5th day, I'm unable to see him. They're not giving me his body or even saying where it is. I appeal to you, Vladimir Putin. This depends on you alone. Let me at last see my son. I demand the immediate release of Alexei’s body, so that I can bury him’

Tästä oli kirjoituksia twitterissä jo eilen mutta en muista nähneeni täällä: Rosneftin pääjohtajan, entisen KGB-upseerin, Putinin hyvän ystävän (sanottu läheiseksi jo 1990-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien) ja yhtenä Venäjän vaikutusvaltaisimmista ihmisistä pidetyn Igor Sechinin 35-vuotias poika Ivan kuoli yllättäen.

Väitetysti kuoli 5.2.2024 mutta asiasta on vaiettu jo kahden viikon ajan. Hyvin vähän infoa liikkeellä, kun huomioidaan miten merkittävästä ihmisestä on kyse.

This is a potentially major development giving a glimpse into the internal power struggles in Russia. Sechin, nicknamed Darth Vader for his intimidating persona, is one of the closest allies of Putin and an ex-KGB officer.

If my guesses are correct, the timing of Navalny's murder fits the scenario of Putin and his loyalists attempting to prevent a coup. Prigozhin was a trial run. Most logical chains from this thread still apply:

Madi Kapparov julkaisi tämän hyvin pitkän ketjun 11.6.2023 - tosin hän julkaisi sisällöltään valtaosaksi saman ketjun 2.10.2022 eli ensimmäisen mobilisaation julistamisen jälkeen: LÄHDE

There will be no "popular uprising" in russia

Hundreds of thousands of ru have perished, their economy continues to degrade, and there are hints of succession planning (e.g. statements by Nadezhdin and Zatulin).

Protests become more likely but there will be no revolution aimed at democratic reforms.

There will be, however, a coup toppling the current regime.

It is impossible to predict who exactly it would be, but it will be someone from the existing power structure and in all likelihood a group of siloviks (intelligence services or law enforcement, not the military).

The coup will be done under the smoke screen of a "revolution" following a "popular uprising," aka mass protests. The show would be put on for both domestic and foreign audiences to create a false sense of change in russia. A "new" russia would be open to negotiations.

Those behind the coup are also likely to use a figurehead leading the "revolution." It could be anyone popular enough domestically and abroad: @navalny, @Kasparov63, @iponomarev, or someone else. More on them later.

A figurehead would be critical to lead the masses to create enough chaos. The chaos would pull away the attention of outside observers and the resources of those who would still remain loyal to the kremlin. Once the coup is complete the loyalists are unlikely to survive.

That's why mobilization is being implemented - as long as the war continues, those who are in power and those who remain loyal continue to live.

That's why medvedchuk was exchanged - those who remain loyal enjoy protection.

Before I discuss why the russians are incapable of a truly democratic revolution it is worth pointing out that the russian military is useless by design. @kamilkazani has multiple excellent threads explaining why so I won't delve into it.

The russians are incapable of mass protests that could lead to tangible democratic reforms or any leaderless antigovernmental protests. There are no sociological surveys on the ru protest culture, but I suspect it stems from their culture shaped by history.

Reason 1: lack of individualism.

An average russian will only try to comply with the existing order of things. If the current topic of the day is the war against "Ukrainian Nazis" all would comply, some apathetically, some wholeheartedly.

This applies even to those who flee russia. A Harvard study of soviet defector interviews confirms that the russians provided responses that they thought were expected from them. But most of them still sympathized with the soviet regime.

The russians never developed a strong sense of self. Though serfdom was abolished in 1861, it was substituted by a system marginally better, the obshchina.

Hailed as a risk-sharing system by some, the reality was that the peasant class (up to 80% of russia) was never endowed with private property rights. Stolypin's 1906 reforms did not change much. Then came collectivization. Kolkhozes, or collective farms, changed nothing.

Peasants were still tied to their collective farms with little to no incentive to invest in "their" land. Worse yet, the relatively well-off kulaks were stripped of their property by the soviet authorities, signaling to the masses that hard work does not pay off.

What about the other 20% of the old empire? Those social strata did enjoy private property rights and participated in the free-ish market economy. However, most fled with the White émigré wave after 1917, the rest were finished off by the Red Terror and the 1930s repressions.

Then came 1991. True emancipation? No. Protection rackets became common. Anyone attempting entrepreneurship had to deal with it. In the early 2000s, such protection became institutionalized by the government. Think of it as a protection tax levied by the local government.

Large successful businesses became targets for "raiding" - the federal government would fabricate a legal reason and redistribute the wealth to those who are loyal to the kremlin.

TLDR of reason 1: lack of private property rights created a culture void of individualism.

Reason 2: There is no separation between the tsar and the nation. The tsar is the nation.

It stems from an old russian imperial mantra that survived the revolutions of 1917 and lives on to this day.

"The tsar is good, the boyars are bad" is a common saying in russia when the current state of affairs is tolerable. Most existing problems are blamed on the local regional governments.

When the state of affairs is intolerable the tsar becomes bad and a new tsar is appointed and good by default. This happened during the Yeltsin-Putin switch. This faulty way of thinking about russia I observe not only in russia but also among western "experts."

This faulty way of thinking was exploited by Khrushchev in his destalinization. It existed in Brezhnev's time - despite the zastoy, era of stagnation, the soviet people lovingly joked about the premier: "He had another breast expansion surgery to make room for more medals."

Why so much love for the russian leader? I think a quote from my relative living in russia sums it up beautifully: "protesting against the authorities is to protest against the nation."

The tsar is the nation.


If the tsar pleases the masses, he is good; if not, the new one will be good.

putin is russia.

Don't believe me? Well, then, look at putin's approval ratings:
Jump 1: annexation of Crimea
Jump 2: full-scale invasion of Ukraine

Note the dip at the end (hint: mobilization)

Reason 3: A culture of low trust paralyzes the russian society.

Multiple academic studies show that generalized trust and social trust in russia are some of the lowest in the world, e.g.

Low trust has serious implications for the country's economic development; for instance, lower trust generally translates into higher transaction costs. However, more importantly, it makes all decisive collective action in russia extremely unlikely.

First, low generalized trust creates disbelief in the good intentions of a fellow protestor: "they are out there to provoke me into an illegal action for the authorities to later use against me." I heard numerous anecdotes from russians believing protests achieve nothing.

Second, low institutional trust shapes a conviction that the government would not listen to the protesting masses, prosecute and disproportionately punish those engaged in the protests. The reality is that the protesting russians got away with a fine (not incarceration).

That was the case pre-general mobilization. The repressive apparatus is now working overtime. It is too late to be "good." It was late after Feb 23.

Unless a few hundred thousand muscovites find it in them (they won't) nothing is going to change until the political climate within russia becomes unstable enough for political opportunists to take action.

Finally, low trust translates into disbelief in the good intentions of any potential leaders of the protests. This disbelief is mediated/negated by the hypothetical leader's reputation. A political figure with little political capital is unlikely to rally large numbers.

Reason 4: ethnic russian exceptionalism blinds the russian society to the nation's faults.

It is natural for all humans to believe in something. We have a built-in need to belong.

However, with a low-trust society and an oppressive government, the russian population is left with few options for belonging. The russian empire and the soviet union implemented policies of russification throughout the empire.

Russification was impossible to implement without idealization of the oppressive colonial regime through historic revisionism and romanticization of the russian culture. After the fall of the original empire, the USSR picked up the torch and industrialized russification.

Collapse of the USSR led to no educational reforms that acknowledged past transgressions of the russian nation. Quite the opposite happened: the russians did their best to preserve imperial continuity with the russian federation becoming the only successor state to the USSR.

The belief that ethnic russians were a "force for good spreading a civilized way of life to their colonial subjects" and always on the defense in all wars lived on through the ages. The russians resort to believing in ethnic russian exceptionalism. They need to belong.

That's why contemporary russian propaganda appeals to the russian masses: messages elevating russia's greatness resonate with their deeply engrained cultural beliefs of their exceptionalism.

The belief in russian exceptionalism allows for conflicting ideas to co-exist in russia: corruption is pervasive, especially in the military, everyone knows it, and yet, everyone believes (or at least used to) that russia has the second-best army in the world.

The belief in russian exceptionalism allows for conflicting ideas to co-exist in russia: corruption is pervasive, especially in the military, everyone knows it, and yet, everyone believes (or at least used to) that russia has the second-best army in the world.

Moreover, to protest now against the war would be to acknowledge that russia as a nation is at fault. That's why russia's "liberal" opposition incessantly labels the war against Ukraine as "putin's war" and the russian army as "putin's army."

The russians are culturally incapable of acknowledging that the war is russia's national transgression and that the russian army is committing war crimes. Ethnic russian exceptionalism coded in their culture simply does not allow them to do so. So, there will be no protests.

Of course, there are exceptions to the generalizations that I am making but they are too few to matter.

To sum up: the lack of individualism, absence of dichotomy between the authorities and the nation, low trust in the russian society, and the belief in russian ethnic exceptionalism all factor into either apathy or, worse, zealous ethnofascism in the russian population.

As the russian economy continues to degrade and russian casualties keep mounting, civil discontent will escalate. Those who are loyal to the kremlin now may not remain loyal forever. The desire to take the throne and open the country to negotiations is too much to resist.

Thus, a sufficient level of civil discontent is likely to be exploited by opportunists in a coup attempt. To rally the masses for a protest smokescreen a figurehead is required. Who could it be?

Navalny? Probably the most likely candidate as of now. He is in-country, has enough clout. The West adores him, for reasons mysterious to me. Let me be clear here, navalny is a typical russian ethnofascist. I wrote a massive thread about him:

Kasparov? He has enough clout among the intelligentsia but not among the masses. The West likes him. He's been an outspoken critic of putin for years. However, he is a populist and offers no real solutions. Moreover, he was a member of the Central Committee of Komsomol.

Ponomarev? He is currently in Ukraine. He fled there after he allegedly refused to vote in favor of Crimea's annexation as a member of the State Duma. He was part of the current russian regime for at least 9 years. russian ethnofascists likely view him as a traitor.


In April 2014, Ponomarev stated that the war in the Donbas was provoked by the new authorities in Kyiv. We know that's not true. Did he know it then?

The rest (e.g. Khodorkovsky, Yashin, etc.) do not have sufficient clout to move the russian masses. Kara-Murza is also an unlikely candidate: russian exceptionalism would not be receptive to a leader with an obviously non-russian last name.

To conclude, it is important to understand that after the coup is done, russia would not become "new" or "better." They would take a break, recover economically, and restart their colonial war cycle.

Is there a way to stop it? Yes, there is and it will be discussed in the next thread.

This a shorter version of an old thread from October 2022 and is still relevant:


Twiitissä viitatun Olga Lautman twitter-ketjun teksti:

According to reports, Rosneft head Igor Sechin's son, Ivan, has died at the age of 35. No further details and only 2 sources reporting

This story is so strange. Very slowly a few more outlets are reporting but not in official Russian state media. Also, Ivan Sechin allegedly died on February 5th according to a Russian registry and the address provided in the registry was for Putin's associates.

There are still no details and if true the death of the son of one of the most powerful people in Russia has been hidden for 2 weeks. Very strange

I checked a telegram channel that has excellent sources and things get more interesting."At approximately 04.30 on the night of February 5, 35-year-old Ivan complained that he felt bad and was suffocating. The man fell on the bed and lost consciousness." continued on next tweet

"Those around him carried Ivan to the floor and tried to provide primary resuscitation measures." According to the VChK channel, an ambulance was called and a wrong address was given with the ambulance being lost for 2 hours. By the time they got there, he was dead.

Meanwhile, there was mention of Ivan Sechin in Russian media just a few days ago over an award Putin awarded him and other Rosneft managers. This is so interesting that Russia is keeping his death hidden with his father being one of the closest associates of Putin. Very strange

The reason I'm so fixated on this is because his father, Igor Sechin is one of the most powerful people in the country, one of the closest longtime trusted associates of Putin, and of course KGB.

Latest update but waiting for other sources to verify cause of death. Would be interesting if a “detached blood clot” ends up being the cause. Apparently lots of that going around in the terrorist state



Ihmisiä toki kuolee syystä ja toisesta, joskus nuorina.

Toisaalta wikipedian mukaan Ivan oli hänen ainoa poikansa: LÄHDE

His son from his marriage to Marina, Ivan (b. 1989), graduated from the Lomonosov business school at Moscow State University and works closely with Igor, as of 2018, as First Deputy Director of the Department of Joint Offshore Projects at Rosneft.[68] Ivan was sanctioned by the U.S. in February 2022.[69]

Näinköhän joku raivaa yhden pikku prinssin pois kilpailusta, kun "seuraavan tsaarin" ehdokkaita mietitään? Ei toki ole varmaa että tämä Ivan olisi ollut moisesta roolista kiinnostunut, mutta hän oli vielä nuori ja isäpappa on tosiaan hyvin vaikutusvaltainen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Näinköhän joku raivaa yhden pikku prinssin pois kilpailusta, kun "seuraavan tsaarin" ehdokkaita mietitään? Ei toki ole varmaa että tämä Ivan olisi ollut moisesta roolista kiinnostunut, mutta hän oli vielä nuori ja isäpappa on tosiaan hyvin vaikutusvaltainen.
Ei olisi ihme, että tuo olisi syynä. Silloin tekijä voisi olla pappa-Patrushev, joka petaa pojalleen valta-asemaa.
Ei olisi ihme, että tuo olisi syynä. Silloin tekijä voisi olla pappa-Patrushev, joka petaa pojalleen valta-asemaa.

Yleisemmin vastaavia merkkejä ns. asemien hakemisesta on nähty koko sodan ajan.

Aina kun joku kompastunut portaissa tai pudonnut ikkunasta, usea on kiirehtinyt sanomaan että "Putinin kopla asialla" mutta näin ei välttämättä ole.

Kyse voi yhtä hyvin olla alemman tason välien selvittelystä ja "uusien mahdollisuuksien" avaamisesta itselle tai lähipiirille - eli suomeksi sanottuna hankkiuduttiin kilpailijasta tai sellaiseksi koetusta eroon.

Kannattaa huomata tästä tuoreesta tapauksesta että wikipedian mukaan Ivan olisi työskennellyt isänsä kanssa ja ainakin vuodesta 2018 lähtien titteli oli First Deputy Director of the Department of Joint Offshore Projects at Rosneft. Tämä haiskahtaa minusta rahavirtojen hallinnalta erilaisten veroparatiisien kautta. Kenties myös erilaisten "ulkomaisten toimijoiden tukien" kanavoinnilta, nekin järjestellään erilaisia kanavia pitkin mutta pohjimmiltaan taustalla on jokin venäläinen pankki. Koska eihän FSB tai SVR tai GRU voi maksaa palkkaa suoraan omalta tililtään, ne rahat pitää kanavoida monen eri portaan kautta jotta alkuperä hämärtyy.

Mies joka on tällaisessa kriittisessä asemassa, on hyvin perillä eri toimijoiden rahoista ja vaikutusvallasta. Hyvin tärkeä ihminen.


Mediazonan lyhyt artikkeli (julkaistu 20.2.2024):

The son of Rosneft head Igor Sechin, Ivan, has died

February 20, 2024, 1:36 am

The son of Rosneft head Igor Sechin, Ivan, died on February 5 at the age of 35. The first to write about this was the former manager of YUKOS Leonid Nevzlin, who referred to an entry in the register of inheritance cases.

The death of Ivan Sechin and its causes have not previously been publicly reported.

“Mediazona” checked the entry in the RND and made sure that it was registered in the name of Ivan Igorevich Sechin, born in 1989, who lived in Moscow at Swedish Deadlock, building 3. This building was previously mentioned in RBC as a “house for Putin’s associates”; the publication wrote that Igor Sechin also lived there.

According to leaks from Russian databases, Ivan Sechin worked for Rosneft and declared income of 61.8 million rubles in 2021. It is known that he held a leadership position in the company since 2014, when he was 25 years old.

In January 2015, 26-year-old Sechin was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, “for his great contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex and many years of conscientious work.”


Venäläisiä kiinnostaa Ivanin kuolema:

The sudden death of the 35-year-old son of Rosneft head Igor Sechin topped the search results of Russians on Google.


Viimeksi muokattu:
Kolmas vai peräti neljäs kerta viikon sisällä kun ryssä teloittaa antautuneita..

Katsaps shot Ukrainian fighters again, this time near Robotyny

📆 According to the data of neighboring units, on February 18, Katsapas attacked the village from the south and captured part of a large stronghold, where three fighters of the 3rd BrOP "Spartan" remained. The enemy, once again disregarding the rules and customs of war, captured and shot our soldiers. The footage has already appeared online.
Kolmas vai peräti neljäs kerta viikon sisällä kun ryssä teloittaa antautuneita..

Katsaps shot Ukrainian fighters again, this time near Robotyny

📆 According to the data of neighboring units, on February 18, Katsapas attacked the village from the south and captured part of a large stronghold, where three fighters of the 3rd BrOP "Spartan" remained. The enemy, once again disregarding the rules and customs of war, captured and shot our soldiers. The footage has already appeared online.
Kuten miljoona kertaa todettu, ryssälle ei kannata vangiksi jäädä. Olisiko ammukset loppu Ukrainalaisilta.

Samaa paskaa ne ryssät harrastaa mitä vuosisadat tehneet, raiskaa, teloittaa, tuhoaa.
Kolmas vai peräti neljäs kerta viikon sisällä kun ryssä teloittaa antautuneita..

Katsaps shot Ukrainian fighters again, this time near Robotyny

📆 According to the data of neighboring units, on February 18, Katsapas attacked the village from the south and captured part of a large stronghold, where three fighters of the 3rd BrOP "Spartan" remained. The enemy, once again disregarding the rules and customs of war, captured and shot our soldiers. The footage has already appeared online.
voi olla ettei ukrainalaiset ota enää myöskään vankeja kun näkevät nämä videot.
Ruotsin uusimman kohtuullisen kokoisen apupaketin sisältö. Voidaan vaan arvailla toimitettujen kranaattien määrää. Mutta kokonaissumma mukava.

Sweden announced the largest military aid package for Ukraine, worth 7,1 billion SEK (~$683 mln).
The 15th package includes:
◾️Artillery ammunition
◾️10 CB 90 combat boats
◾️RBS70 air defense systems
◾️Anti-tank missiles (TOW)
◾️20 group boats
◾️Underwater weapons
◾️Hand grenades
◾️Carl Gustaf grenade launchers
Listalla on rivi vettenalahisistapommeista ja tuskimpa Ruåttista merimiinoja rahdataan. Joten päivän kysymys on että minkäkokoinen drone tarvitaan 21 tuumaisen torpodoputken asentamiseen?

Jo toisen maailmanpalon aikaan minisukellusveneillä saatiin tuhoa mutta ongelma oli että ne yleensä saatiin kiinni iskun jälkeen. Torpedoveneet oli paremmin menestyneitä mutta ei mikään wunderwaffe sekään. Drone ratkaisee tämä ongelman, eli drone nyt voi jäädäkkin kiinni kunhan kohteet uppoaa. Nykyaikainen torpedo uppoaa varmemmin kohteen kyljestä sisään kuin toisen maailmanpalon aikaiset joten kauko-ohjattu droneparvi Torpedo-62:silla alkaa näyttää aika pelottavalle kokonaisuudelle. Tälläistä asetta et sitten pysäytäkkän käsinkohdistetulla konetykillä tai helikopterin konetykillä. Etkä saa droneakaan noilla jyvälle kun ampumaetäisyys on kymmeniäkilometrejä.

Veikkaan ryssän kiulujen uppoman pikaiseen kasvuun tässä lähiaikoina.