Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tätä saamaa olen pohtinut ja myös kovasti toivonut että tosiaan olisi näin. En ainakaan itse ole Abramseja tositoimissa nähnyt pl. ne in service "mainoshenkisiä" videoita mitkä nyt ei todista mitään ja ehkä ovatkin enemmän niitä hengen nostatuksia / fidduilua bunkkerirotat & CO. suuntaan.

Ehkä tuo taistelumaasto ei ole kovinkaan edukas taisteluvaunuille juuri missään tuolla huomioiden dronet etc. monta pikku ja isoakin muuttujaa jonka kehitys on tuonut tullessaan

Kuukauden verran olleet käytössä Avdiivkan seudulla tämän twiitin mukaan. 47:lla ainakin ja vieläpä menestyksekkäästikin.

Ihmetten, kun eikö rauhallisuus, harkinta ja positiivisuus noissa tehtävissä pitäisi olla, ei vaan suotavaa, vaan itseasiassa vaatimus.
Jep, on aikamoinen ero Pekka Toverin esiintymisiin.

@Antares Tästä oli puhe päivällä, tosta saat jotain dataa taas.

Juu, tuossa on lähteenä GUR:n Skibitskyn tuore haastattelu (julkaistu 23.2.2024).

Lainasin sen tekstin, mukaanlukien tuon kohdan tässä viestissä: LINKKI


Hän kommentoi niitä sanatarkasti näin:

But this once again confirms that the Russian Federation does not have enough production capacity for a rapid and powerful increase in the production of missile weapons. If that were the case, they wouldn't be reaching out to North Korea.

This can be seen from the ammunition. Our assessment is as follows: the Russians produced last year - they simply fulfilled the state defense order - this is about two million ammunition of caliber 122 mm, 152 mm. But to date, if we take the available statistical data, the Russians have already imported one and a half million ammunitions from the DPRK. But these ammunition are from the 70s and 80s. Half of them do not work there, and the rest need to be restored or checked before they can be used.


Tuossa voi olla toki käännöskukkanen, mutta sanavalinnat if we take the available statistical data voivat kertoa että kyse on laskennallisesta arviosta eikä välttämättä varmasta tiedosta.

Toisaalta minulla ei ole tätä "parempaa" tai tuoreempaa lähdettä joten paras ottaa numero todesta.


HUOM: hyvä myös muistaa että Etelä-Korean puolustusministeri Shin Won-sik kommentoi tätä vientiä 11.1.2024 näin (lainasin koko artikkelin tekstin tässä viestissä: LINKKI):

North Korea is estimated to have provided around 5,000 containers of weapons to Russia as of the end of December, which can accommodate some 2.3 million rounds of 152 millimeter shells or some 400,000 rounds of 122 mm artillery shells, according to the minister.

HUOM: tämän mukaan toimitusmäärä olisi ollut "noin 5 000 kontillista" mutta määrien osalta todetaan "jotka voivat kuljettaa..." (which can accommodate)

Tuon tulkinta jättää hieman epäselväksi, ovatko nämä numerot heidän arvionsa vai ainoastaan esimerkki siitä, millaisista määristä voi olla kyse kun huomioidaan konttien määrä ja koko.

Lisäksi he ovat toimittaneet Yhdysvaltain mukaan "useita tusinoita" ballistisia ohjuksia, joista on Ukrainan mukaan käytetty ainakin 24 kpl.

ELI miten tätä tulisi tulkita? Onko sovittu kokonaistoimitusmäärä tuo 5 000 kontillista vai oliko se määrä toimitettu jo 11.1.2024? Onko Ukrainaan toimitettu 1,5 miljoonaa laukausta, mutta kokonaismäärän ollessa kenties noin 2,3 miljoonaa eli 0,8 miljoonaa vielä matkalla / toimittamatta? Vai joku laski ministerille että määrä voisi olla jopa 2,3 miljoonaa joten kerrotaan se, koska ei ainakaan sorruta uhan vähättelyyn?

Lisäksi voi kysyä: oliko tuossa kaikki vai ovatko toimitukset jatkuneet? Ainakaan en muista kuulleeni niistä hetkeen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
"Vahva Putin" pelkää kuollutta miestä ja hänen hautajaisiaan:

An investigator called Alexey’s mother an hour ago and gave her an ultimatum. Either she agrees to a secret funeral without a public farewell within 3 hours, or Alexey will be buried in the colony. She refused to negotiate with the IC, as they are not authorised to decide how and where her son should be buried. She is demanding compliance with the law, according to which investigators are obliged to hand over the body within two days of establishing the cause of death. According to the medical documents she signed, these two days expire tomorrow. She insists that the authorities allow the funeral and memorial service to take place in accordance with normal practice.


Kira Yarmysh = Press Secretary of Alexey Navalny // Alexey Navalny's spokesperson (twitter-tilin kuvaus)


Murhatun muistaminen on myös pikkumiestä pelottava asia, sitä ei voida sietää:

All memorials to Navalny or Boris Nemtsov are destroyed by Russian secret police in plain clothes.

Anyone seen laying flowers by the police are being arrested and given jail time.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Yuri Ignat kertonut taas numeroita, mikä on aina mukava kuulla:

Ukraine's Air Force spokesman said Russia has launched over 8,000 missiles & 4,637 Shahed UAVs at Ukraine.

He said the "lion's share" of missiles are anti-aircraft missiles launched by S-300 in surface-to-surface mode.

Since the beginning of the invasion, the Russian Federation has fired more than 8,000 missiles and 4,637 suicide bombers into Ukraine - Ignat​

22 February 2024, 13:14 • 18877 views
Read in English

Since the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has fired more than 8,000 missiles and 4,637 suicide bomber drones into Ukraine, according to a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian Federation has fired more than 8,000 missiles of various types into Ukraine, as well as 4,637 attack drones of the Shahed type, a representative of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Yuri Ignat, said on Thursday during a telethon, writes UNN .

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have already used absolutely all types of missiles in Ukraine, somewhere more than 8 thousand
- said Ignat.

According to him, “the lion’s share of missiles, of course, are S-300.” "Daggers" 78 - 25 destroyed. Half of the "Kalibrs" have been destroyed - 406 out of 843 "Kalibrs" have been destroyed by the Defense Forces, this is since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. These are very powerful indicators (...) Also, the Air Force, together with the Defense Forces, have destroyed 1,176 out of 1,513 missiles so far, Kh-101/Kh-555,” he said.

Since the full-scale invasion, there are already 4,637 Shahed-type drones to date, and 3,605 have destroyed our Defense Forces
- Ignat noted.


Ihnat said Ukraine has downed:

- 3,605 of 4,637 Shaheds
- 406 of 843 Kalibr SLCMs
- 1,176 of 1,513 Kh-101/55/555 ALCMs
- 25 of 78 Kinzhal ALBMs
- "not many" of the ~1,000 Iskander SRBMs
- "some" of the ~150 Iskander GLCMs

Ihnat said that during 2022-2023 heating season, Russia used 1,100+ cruise missiles, focused on Ukraine's electric grid.

Currently, he said, Russia is attacking power infrastructure but also port infrastructure, oil & gas sector, and defense enterprises.

Half of the Caliber missiles were destroyed: the Russian Federation fired more than 8 thousand missiles at Ukraine, - Ignat (video)​

Olga Khimyak February 22, 2024 at 16:10


rocket launch, Caliber

Defense forces destroyed 406 Kalibr missiles

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine's air defense has destroyed 25 of 78 Kinzhal missiles, 406 of 843 Kalibr missiles, and 1,176 of 1,513 Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles.

Since February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation has fired more than 8,000 missiles of various types and 4,637 suicide bombers into Ukraine. This statistics was announced by the representative of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat during the telethon.

“The lion’s share of the missiles, of course, are S-300s, with which they hit ground targets. “Daggers” - 78, of which 25 were destroyed. Also, half of the “Kalibrs” - 406 out of 843 were destroyed by the Defense Forces. These are very powerful indicators that "Our Defense Forces show. They also destroyed the Kh-101/Kh-555 missiles used to attack strategic aviation - 1,176 out of 1,513 at the moment," Ignat said.

According to the Air Force speaker, during the 2022-2023 heating season, the occupiers used more than 1,100 cruise missiles.

“They had a goal to drive Ukraine into a blackout. This time there is a slightly different vector for striking. You see what objects are being attacked - starting from the port infrastructure of the agricultural sector, then the oil and gas industry and defense enterprises. But still the attacks are coming and on critical infrastructure, including energy,” Ignat noted.

He also commented on the information about the deployment of Iskander launchers on the Ukrainian borders. Ignat noted that there can be many installations. but we need to look at the ability to manufacture missiles for them.

“During the full-scale invasion, almost 1,000 ballistic Iskanders (and this is Iskander M) were launched across Ukraine. Unfortunately, not many were shot down, like cruise missiles, because these are ballistics. Iskander K was launched about 150, some of them were also destroyed, but these are already cruise missiles. Here are the Iskander M we are talking about (immediately you need to look not at the launchers, but at the ballistic missiles that they have for the Iskanders. Main Directorate intelligence, it seems, spoke of a figure of either 200 or more,” the speaker said.

As for Iranian attack drones, as of February 22, the Defense Forces have destroyed 3,605 out of 4,637 suicide bombers.

Let us remind you that on February 22, the press service of the SBU reported that the Russian army fired more than 20 North Korean missiles at Ukraine . At least 24 Ukrainian civilians became victims of enemy “arrivals,” and more than a hundred civilians were seriously injured.

Russian occupiers began to use new Kh-69 cruise missiles . They are designed to hit protected targets with known coordinates and have a range of almost 300 km. One or more targets can be programmed into the missile before flight, and the coordinates can be loaded into the missile's guidance system once the carrier aircraft is airborne.


Muistutuksena: Yuri Ignat kertoi näistä numeroista edellisen kerran 31.12.2023.

En ala toistamaan kaikkea, mutta lainasin Shahed-136/131 / Geran-2 / Герань-2 dronejen kommentit tässä viestissä: LINKKI

3,800 Shaheds have been launched by Russia since September 2022, - Ignat

"About 3,000 of these drones have been destroyed by the defense forces. There is something to think about. We still need more systems that will work against attack UAVs"

Tuumailin näiden dronejen määristä tai oikeammin eri lähteiden numeroista lisää tässä viestissä: LINKKI


Hän kertoi tuolloin ohjusten määristä vain yleisluontoisesti: LINKKI

We have more than 7,500 missiles of all types (launched — ed.) in Ukraine for a full-scale invasion. These are of all types — aviation missiles, S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles — such a number have been launched, Ignat said.

Makustelin tuossa viestissä että määrä ei täsmää Ukrainan ilmoitusten kanssa, tosin yksi selittävä tekijä oli juurikin S-300 / S-400 ohjusten runsas käyttö maasta maahan.


Tarkempi tarkastelu vaatii paremman ajan, mutta näiden kahden yleisen numeron vertailu onnistuu.

Ignatin kertoman mukaan siis ryssä olisi käyttänyt aikavälillä 31.12.2023 - 23.2.2024 seuraavat määrät droneja ja ohjuksia:

Shahed-136/131 / Geran-2 / Герань-2 - 4 637 - 3 800 = 837, joista Ukraina olisi torjunut: 3 605 - "about 3 000" = "about 605"

Ohjuksia yleisesti - "more than 8 000" - "more than 7 500" = 500, tosin epämääräinen muotoilu jättää tähän pelivaraa


Torjuntaprosentit koko sodan ajalta:

Shahed - 3 605 / 4 637 = 0,777442 eli noin 77,7%
Kalibr - 406 / 843 = 0,481613 eli noin 48,2%
Kh-101/55/555 - 1 176 / 1 513 = 0,777264 eli noin 77,7%
Kinzhal - 25 / 78 = 0,320513 eli noin 32,1%


MUOKKAUS: otetaanpa myös tuosta ketjusta tämä vanhempi lähde talteen: LINKKI

Ukraine’s Air Force spokesman said Russia has launched 7,400 missiles and 3,700 Shaheds. He said 900 were Iskander SRBMs, while a 1/3 were S-300/400 anti-aircraft missiles used in ground-attack mode. He said UKR downed ~1,600 missiles and 2,900 Shaheds.

The Air Force told how many missiles and drones the Russian Federation has launched into Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion​

The Russian Federation also regularly attacks Ukraine with drones.​

21 December 2023, 13:23


Air Force Command spokesman Yuriy Ignat noted that Russian troops have fired 7,400 missiles of various types across Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Hromadske Radio reports .

“Out of this amount, approximately 1,600 were destroyed. But the figure of 7,400 includes all missiles - S-300 and S-400 (about a third of the total), Kh-22, ballistic missiles (only about 900 Iskander-M ballistic missiles flew across Ukraine ),” Ignat emphasized.

According to him, the occupiers have attacked Ukraine with 3,700 attack drones since September last year, of which the air defense forces destroyed 2,900.

On the night of December 21, 2023, Russian troops attacked Ukraine with Shahed-type attack UAVs. Units of the Air Force and Defense Forces of Ukraine in different directions managed to shoot down 34 out of 35 enemy attack UAVs launched.


ELI Ignat kertoi 21.12.2023 että ryssä olisi laukaissut Ukrainaa vastaan 7 400 kpl "ohjuksia", josta määrästä "noin kolmasosa" on ollut S-300 / S-400 eli:

7 400 / 3 = 2 466,6667

Miten tuon sitten haluaakaan pyöristää, kenties "noin 2 400 kpl"?

Lisäksi hän kertoi tuolloin että "noin 900 kpl" kokonaismäärästä olisi ollut ballistisia Iskander-M ohjuksia.

ELI jos vähennetään arvioitu S-300 / S-400 sekä Iskander-M ohjusten määrä, niin "kaikkien muiden" määrä olisi ollut (karkeasti ottaen):

7 400 - "noin 2 400" - "noin 900" = "noin 4 100 kpl"


Ukrainan silloinen puolustusministeri Reznikov kertoi että 3.1.2023 mennessä ryssä olisi laukaissut 1 328 kpl S-300 / S-400 ohjuksia ja varastossa olisi ollut vielä 6 672 kpl (sotaa edeltävän määrän ollessa tasan 8 000 kpl) - LÄHDE

Täten voidaan laskea karkeasti että ryssä olisi käyttänyt aikavälillä 3.1.2023 - 21.12.2023:

"noin 2 400" - 1 328 = "noin 1 072 kpl" S-300 / S-400 ohjuksia, tosin tässä on pelivaraa koska tuo "noin 2 400 kpl" on karkea pyöristys

Silti voidaan laskea karkeasti jäljellä oleva määrä:

6 672 - "noin 1 072" = "noin 5 600 kpl"

HUOM: ei ole tietoa, miten hyvä tai tarkka tuo Reznikovin kertoma "8 000 kpl ennen sodan alkua" on, mutta tämä on ainoa numeroarvio jonka muista nähneeni S-300 / S-400 ohjusten määrästä. Toki kaikkia ei voida käyttää Ukrainassa, millä sen jälkeen puolustetaan ryssän rajoja? Lisäksi ohjuksia on vanhempia ja uudempia eikä osa varastoiduista ole välttämättä käyttökelpoisessa kunnossa jne jne.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäläisillä on taas normaali meno, Moskovan alueella koulussa 1-9. luokkalaiset harjoittelivat Leopard 2:n tuhoamista.

Russian schoolchildren began to be taught how to destroy German tanks​

Schoolchildren in the Moscow region began to be taught how to destroy German tanks during army competitions. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Caution, Moscow ”.

Schools in Yegoryevsk and Pochinok held “Army Quest” competitions for students from first to ninth grades. The leadership of the local military unit helped in organizing the events. It is assumed that such games should instill patriotic feelings in children.

As part of the competition, students overcame an obstacle course, ate soldier's porridge, shot with pneumatic weapons and transported the wounded. The children were also offered to destroy an allegedly German Leopard-2 tank with a fake anti-personnel grenade. According to the director of one of the schools, the tank was made from plywood by an art teacher.

Earlier, the children of the special operation participants (SVO) visited the stables of Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of an excursion . The mother of one of them compared the event to a “fairy tale” and noted the care that surrounded the relatives of the military.