Illan tiedotteita. Yhden BTG:n taistelevan osan verran tullut romua pelkästään näiden kahden yhtymän taholta. Päivä on ollut kiireinen vaikka UA:n tiedote ei hyökkäyksistä puhunut.
Operational and Tactical group "east" (Izyumin suunta käsittääkseni)
Оперативно-тактичне угруповання "Схід". 11 140 tykkäystä. Кацап сам не здохне. Вчись вбивати!
During the day, April 29, in the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group "East" Russian fascist troops carried out 4 attacks. Ukrainian defenders destroyed:
Personal warehouse - 173
tanks - 4
BMP - 6
BTR - 2
ATT - 13
artillery systems - 5
mortgage calculations - 2
UAV - 5
JFO / Donbass
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During the current day, April 29, soldiers of the United Forces successfully fired 14 enemy attacks. Thanks to their skillful actions and skills, our soldiers caused losses to Russian occupiers.
In particular, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 11 tanks, 7 artillery systems, 27 units of armored equipment, one armored combat vehicle and 14 enemy vehicles.
Anti-air defense units in the sky of Ukrainian Donbass shot down one plane and 7 unmanned aircraft.