Tästä oli arvailua eilen, nyt ainakin saatu yhdenlainen vahvistus: lastaavat parhaillaan junakuormittain ammuksia ja muuta materiaalia Valko-Venäjältä Venäjälle kuljetettavaksi. Lainaan koko ketjun tähän:
Ammunition is being taken out of Belarus to Russia. The Community of Railway workers of Belarus reports that loading of ammunition into 100 boxcars for the transportation of explosive materials (Class 1) began in Belarus.
The boxcars were rented from the Belarusian Railways by the Department of Military Communications of Belarus and the Central Department of Military Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
According to the Community of Railway workers of Belarus, these boxcars will be used for the transportation of ammunition from Belarus to Russia. It is reported that at the moment the loading is being held at many large artillery bases of weapons and ammunition.
For example, loading operations are held at the military base 67878 (the 46th arsenal of missiles and ammunition) in the village of Bronnaya Hara.
“The amount of ammunition is so large that they can’t organize loading by themselves and send servicemen from other units to help,” the Community says.
After the loading, groups of boxcars (6-10 cars each) are sent to stations of the Minsk railway junction, and there they are “hitched” to usual freight trains. Then they’re sent to destination stations in Russia along the route Minsk - Orsha - junction Krasnoye - Smolensk.
Ei tietoa, minne jatkavat Smolenskista (joka on kaupunki heti Valko-Venäjän itäpuolella), tosin voinee arvata että eteläiseen Ukrainaan. Mahtaako jäädä pelkkään ammus- ja räjähdekuormiin vai nähdäänkö niiden jälkeen muuta kalustoa raiteilla matkalla Venäjälle? Aika näyttää, liian aikaista sanoa.
Lukashenkon vierailusta Venäjälle ei ole toistaiseksi näkynyt uutisointia, tosin oletan että uutisoidaan vasta vierailun jälkeen. Samalla kuullaan (ehkä) mitä siellä on keskusteltu ja sovittu. Tämä seuraava ei tietysti kerro juuri mitään, mutta viimeinen "Lukashenko" tagin käyttö TASS:in uutisessa on 20.6. eli muutama päivä sitten. Lainaan tekstin alle, vaikkei siinä ole juuri mitään kerrottavaa, ainoastaan epämääräistä höpinää "uusista sopimuksista":
New contacts between Putin and Lukashenko are being prepared — Kremlin
Dmitry Peskov did not specify whether these would be face-to-face talks or whether they are to be held in videoconference format
MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed that new contacts between Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko are being arranged.
"Indeed, contacts between the two presidents are being prepared," the Kremlin spokesman told reporters Monday, commenting on Lukashenko's words about his intention to discuss the situation in Ukraine with Putin.
Peskov did not specify whether these would be face-to-face talks or whether they are to be held in videoconference format. "We will inform you," he said.
Lukashenko said on June 17 that he planned to discuss the situation in Ukraine with the Russian president in the near future. He noted that leading European leaders had visited Kiev, "that is, there is something suspicious going on there.".