Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Tässä oli, mutta ei syrjinnästä, jota junaili opistossa työskentelevä Olli Pietilän avulla - ilmiselvän juonnitelemalla ja mustamaalamalla.
Puistattava tapaus, että kunnon venäläinen Suomessa, joka ilmaisee sodanvastaisuutta, jää putinisti konnien uhriksi, menettäen opiskelupaikkansa.
En kyllä osaa yhdistää tätä tähän ryhmään. Kunnon venäläinen Suomessa? No koko totuutta ei tiedä ehkä kukaan. En oikein osaa sympatiaa venäläisille antaa, vaikka olisi ns. ”Kunnon”. Täällä syrjintään muitakin kuin venäläisiä. En ole ”rasisti”, enkä ”fasisti”. ”Ryssä on ryssä vaikka voissa paistais” -vanha kansan sanonta.
Tästä olisi mielenkiintoista lukea lisää, mutta valitettavasti La Repubblican artikkeli on maksumuurin takana: LÄHDE

Confront between Italian and Russian Navy in the Adriatic Sea​


In an interview with the Italian newspaper ‘La Repubblica‘, the Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Cavo Dragone, explained what has happened in the Adriatic Sea in recent weeks.

Three different Russian units have entered the Adriatic Sea, where the aircraft carrier USS Truman (CVN-75) and its Combat Strike Group are located:

– destroyer Admiral Tributs (783), which operated in the central Adriatic;

– the intelligence ship Vasiliy Nikitich Tatishchev (SSV231);

– the cruiser Varyag (011), which operated in the southern Adriatic;

Meanwhile the frigate Admiral Grigorovich (745) has operated in the Ionian Sea.

The Italian Navy has deployed different units in the Adriatic that closely followed the Russian ships:

– the frigate Bergamini (F590) in the central Adriatic

– the submarine Longobardo (S524);

– the frigate Marceglia (F597) in the southern Adriatic

– the frigate Libeccio (F572);

In addition, Italian Air Force ATR P-72As and USNavy Boeing P-8As from Sigonella took part in the control operations of the Russian units.

Currently, the Russian units have left the Adriatic and are sailing in the Ionian Sea.


Ei ole ilmeisesti ihan tuore tapaus, mutta "viime viikkojen" aikana tapahtunut. Haiskahtaa provokaatiolle, mutta ne yksityiskohdat ovat tosiaan maksumuurin takana (oletan). Toki kansainvälinen merialue, vapaus purjehtia yms yms. Ryssä on arvatenkin venyttänyt tavoilleen uskollisesti hyväksyttävän käytöksen rajoja.

Jos joku sattuu näkemään vapaista lähteistä lisätietoa tästä Adrianmeren tilanteesta niin laita jakoon.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Pari linkkiä koskien Albanian "tapausta":

Ketjun kommenteissa oli pari mielenkiintoista (mahdollista) yksityiskohtaa: LINKKI

I have a hunch it's Lana Sator, a urbex woman from Russia. She is in Albania now, and was showing old bullets in wooden boxes on Instagram today


They had double pasports - most agents do (tämä siis kommentti siitä, että kaksi olisi ollut venäläisiä ja yksi ukrainalainen - passi ei sinänsä vahvista kansalaisuutta)


Käännös linkittämistäni uutisista, huomaa että aikaisemmin yksi lähde puhui kahdesta hyökkääjästä, sen jälkeen kolmesta ja tämä puhuu neljästä: LÄHDE

Heavy! Four Russian citizens attack the soldiers at the Gramsci Plant with chemical weapons, one of them is in critical condition​

A serious incident took place at the Gramsh Hammer Plant (former Weapons Mechanical Plant), where four Russian citizens attacked the soldiers who were there with chemical weapons.

Three soldiers were injured, while one of them is in a serious state of health.

Two of the injured have been identified as Aldo Bici and Ardian Caka.

Unfortunately, the thrown solution caught their eyes, as a result they are at risk of going blind. They are headed to the Tirana hospital.

From the information so far provided by "Top Channel", it is known that three of the Russians have been caught by the police.

They are currently looking for the other person, while FNSH has gone to the scene.


New details/ Attack on Russians in Gramsh by two men and a girl LÄHDE

Top Channel learns that three people, all three Russians, have been detained for the incident at the Gramsci Plant. Two boys and a girl. They are located in Elbasan commissariat. The investigation has started under the direction of the district prosecutor Kreshnik Ajazi.

Included in the investigations are Antiterror, SHIS and the Army's Secret Service.

Waiver of visas during the summer months for Russian citizens makes it easier for agents of the Russian secret service to enter our country.

A year ago in the summer, two Russian citizens were caught in the outer perimeter of the Kucova air base.

They had entered as tourists from Montenegro and a drone was also found on them.

The Albanian authorities were satisfied with their punishment.

Notification to the police:

Grams/Preliminary information

From the services of the Çekin Military Plant in Gramsh, it has been announced that an unidentified citizen with a camera in his hand was found near the perimeter of the plant, who tried to take pictures of the premises of the military area.

At the moment when the 2 soldiers guarding the facility spotted him and approached him to stop and arrest him, the foreign citizen responded with neuroparalyzing spray, but the 2 soldiers guarding the plant made it possible to neutralize him.

Upon receiving the notification, the Police Services immediately went to the scene and escorted the Russian citizen, MZ, 24 years old, to the premises of the Gramsh Police Commissionerate, for further action.

Also, the Police services received information from preliminary investigative actions that this citizen was accompanied by two other citizens and immediately set up checkpoints and checked the area.

The Police Services made it possible to find and block the "Chevrolet" type vehicle in the vicinity of this area, with which the Russian citizen ST, 33 years old, and the Ukrainian citizen FA, 25 years old, were traveling, who have been escorted for further actions.

The investigative group, under the direction of the Prosecutor's Office of the Elbasan Judicial District, is at the scene and continues the work to clarify the circumstances of the event and its legal documentation.

For this event, the Department of Criminal Police and the Directorate of Anti-Terror in the State Police have been engaged and actions are being coordinated with the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

The two soldiers injured after first medical aid were transported to Tirana for more specialized medical aid and are under the care of doctors out of danger to their lives.


Visegrad kirjoittaa että yhtä ryssää olisi ammuttu, mutta siitä ei ole mainintaa muiden kirjoituksissa. En silti olisi yllättynyt, varsinkin jos on tämä joka käytti kaasua vartijoita vastaan.

Viimeksi muokattu:

Confront between Italian and Russian Navy in the Adriatic Sea​

Katso liite: 65546

Adrian meren lahden umpisuolessa on siis ollut USS Truman CSG, jonne on varta vasten purjetinut kolme ryssän sotalaivaa. Provosoivaa. Siinä on varmastikin CSG:n valmiustasoa nostettu ja seurattu ryssän liikkeitä.

Ryssä on ennenkin vienyt merellä provonsa vaarallisen pitkälle, mm lennättämällä hävittäjänsä hyökkäystä simuloiden ja jenkkilaivan läheltä. Tällaisessa saattaa vielä joku päivä sattua eskalaatio. Jenkillä ei huumori riitä loputtomiin, sillä Carrier on koskematon.
Tuommoinen Ukrainan pikku päristin hiljaa körötellen läpäisee ryssän tutkavalvonnan ja state of the art - ohjus it torjunnan kuin tyhjää vaan?

Jospa ryssän softaa ei ole yksinkertaisesti suunniteltu tuommoisia pikkuisia, hitaasti lentäviä vehkeitä vastaan vaan odotusarvona on F-15 Strike Eagle tai B-1 laivueen hyökkäys?

Tämä vanha juttuhan näistä tulee mieleen…
Katso liite: 65541Katso liite: 65542

Käynyt mielessä että ovatko tulleet mereltäpäin ja vaikuttaako parinviikon takainen venäjän laivaston alusten peruuttelu pois alueelta tähän. Iskut alkoi sen jälkeen.

Mutta Pantsir vetelee järjestelmänä sellaista trackrecordia ettei heti tule toista mieleen. Ihan Syyriasta lähtien. Isot dronet tuhoavat niitä jopa keskellä kirkasta päivää. Vehkeessä on tykit ja kaikki jotka ei koskaan ammu.
Ollaan perimmäisen r****n äärellä.
Luolien perillä ei varmaan hirveästi mitään ole. Romutus on ollut ahkeraa. Olisko 152 TELAK 91:stä vielä jäljellä. 122mm kalusto olisi ehkä sellainen mitä voisi lähettää ja keskittyä jatkossa nato-putkiin. Siinäkin Ukrainalla taitaa olla pulaa enemmän panoksista kuin putkista. Parolassa ja Tuusulassa olisi museoituna monta venäläistä suristinta, vieläköhän lähtisivät käyntiin? Paras veto olisi 10-kertaistaa tykinammustuotanto.

Kuin Irakissa 2003...
En kyllä osaa yhdistää tätä tähän ryhmään. Kunnon venäläinen Suomessa? No koko totuutta ei tiedä ehkä kukaan. En oikein osaa sympatiaa venäläisille antaa, vaikka olisi ns. ”Kunnon”. Täällä syrjintään muitakin kuin venäläisiä. En ole ”rasisti”, enkä ”fasisti”. ”Ryssä on ryssä vaikka voissa paistais” -vanha kansan sanonta.

Jos Putinin Venäjä syyttää etänä mielipiteen takia, niin voiko tässä olla jotain ongelmaa - mielestäsi?
Tuli itselläkin tippa silmään, kun Oleksander Usyk säilytti maailmanmestaruusvyönsä Anthony Joshuaa vastaan ja Ukrainan lippuun kääriytynyt Mestari itkee kotimaansa puolesta. On ne melkoinen kansa, noista kotipuolen ongelmista nousi unified Maailmanmestari, Slava Ukraini.

Onnistui vaa AJ pilaamaan Usykin juhlinan ku sekosi ja piti mikkiin päästä ennen mestaria. Ei noin pitäisi prkl toimia. Mut oikea mies vei jälleen komeasti.
Duginin tytär ilmeisesti kuollut autopommi iskussa, olivat palaamassa jostain tilaisuudesta ja mahdollisesti herran itse olisi pitänyt olla kyseisen auton kyydissä.

Katso liite: 65549

Kyseessä on siis propaganda-kirjan (The Foundations of Geopolitics) Venäjällä kirjoittaneen kirjailijan tytär. Ei tätä kukaan täysjärkinen jää kaipaamaan.
Suomeksi teesejä kirjasta:

Viimeksi muokattu:
Ryssän hiljaisesta mobilisaatiosta

Russia is forming over 50 named battalions – local authorities are responsible for their own money to form volunteer battalions that will be sent to Ukraine. 34 regions of Russia take part in the program. Each battalion has its own name, hence “named”.
...Russia is not stopping, Russia is escalating and drawing the whole country into the war.

Taitavat pataljoonat jäädä ryssätyyliin komppanioiksi, ei tullut 40000 miesta vaan tuli 5000...
Tästä olisi mielenkiintoista lukea lisää, mutta valitettavasti La Repubblican artikkeli on maksumuurin takana: LÄHDE
Tässäkin toimi sama kikka kuin monessa muussakin maksumuurissa. Artikkelin otsikko google-hakuun ja hakutuloksista artikkeli auki.
Interview with Admiral Cavo Dragone: "So the navy rejected Russian ships in the Adriatic"
by Gianluca Di Feo

The defense chief of staff has spent the last few weeks overseeing interventions to deal with Russian maneuvers in our seas

19 AUGUST 2022

Our Navy has monitored the Russian ships that have pushed into the Adriatic. What Repubblica told is all true but it is necessary that the Italians know that they have not been lost from sight for a single moment. At the same time, however, we must be aware that Moscow's military presence in the Mediterranean will increase in the coming years. "Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone has spent the last few weeks supervising interventions to deal with Russian maneuvers in our seas, always keeping the Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini. Today he is the commander of the armed forces but he has not forgotten when he was watching Soviet submarines in the Gulf of Taranto with his helicopter. It was the time of the Cold War and now the situation is even more tense: "In the Mediterranean c is a constant competition. The old idea of peace no longer exists: we pass directly from competition to crisis, which risks turning into conflict ".

What exactly did Russian ships do in the Adriatic?

"They certainly did not block the Otranto Canal: naval traffic continued quietly. It was a patrol operation, immediately opposed by the action of our Navy. It was not a confrontation between NATO and the Russians or between the Americans and the Russians: in those waters there was the "Truman" aircraft carrier, which however operates under US command. It was the Italian forces that took the countermeasures ".

How did you react?

"As soon as the command of the naval team became aware of the Russian movements, Admiral Aurelio De Carolis mobilized the closest units, which at that time were engaged in Irini's European device, in the NATO patrol mission and in normal vigilance. A fluid, textbook reaction, ordering what is called a "search operation". Two Fremm frigates, the most modern of our fleet, moved. The "Bergamini" on the Russian fighter "Admiral Tributs"; Marceglia "on the cruiser" Varyag ". The P72 planes of the Air Force flew over them relentlessly. Then the" Libeccio "frigate also arrived. In short, we didn't give up for a moment".

Were you worried about this maneuver so close to our coasts?

"It is a fairly routine activity, aimed at the position of the NATO forces in relation to the Ukrainian crisis. The Russians patrolled, they somehow" solicited "the device of the US fleet and evaluated how it reacted. There was the spy ship" Vasily Tatishchev "who is in charge of analyzing the radar frequencies. We have followed them and studied their moves. These are situations in which it is not clear who is stalking whom or, as we say in jargon, who" shades "who: exactly specular maneuvers".

How far away are the ships of the two sides left?

"We stay at greater distances to examine the radar emissions, but often we have reached a few hundred meters. We also sent the" Longobardo "submarine, which garrisoned the whole area: when it knew it was not framed by the sonar, it went much closer. The photos taken from the periscope show how close it was to the Russian units. "

Have the Russian ships gone now?

"They are no longer in the Adriatic. They have moved further south, in the Ionian. And" Admiral Grigorovich "has arrived, one of the most modern frigates in their fleet: it is equipped with Kalibr long-range missiles, protagonists of the conflict in Ukraine. A type of weapon to which we must also pay attention in the Mediterranean ".

Wasn't this the only confrontation with the Moscow navy?

"After the invasion of Ukraine they have increased: they also happen in front of Libya and in the vicinity of the Bosphorus. Until 2015 there was only one Russian ship in the Mediterranean. Then with substantial investments they renovated the Syrian port of Tartous, which since 2017 they obtained a concession for half a century, turning it into a major base, last year there were a dozen of ones[/QUOTE]